
Sleaziest hotel you ever stayed at.

Atlanta suburb
Friday, January 8, 2021 11:40 AM
3 come to my mind. The first was in the early 90's when I was in the process of moving my parents from CA to GA. I was driving my dad's car and towing a trailer. It was 2AM and I had put in 16 hours of driving so I pulled in to Shamrock TX and stopped at the first motel that I saw with a vacancy sign. It was cheap but the room smelled bad. The carpet was all rumpled and the pictures on the wall were in shreds. I had a couple of drinks and passed out. In the morning the sink was clogged up so I said fuck it and checked out. The second one was in Memphis TN in the mid 90's. I was in town to visit the infamous Platinum Plus. So I took a motel room that was close by for $25/night. I think it was the Memphis Inn or something like that. Around 11PM some one was trying to open the door to my room. WTF I asked? Guy said it was his room. So off to the office we go. They had tried to rent my room to some one else. Good thing for safety locks. The 3rd one was in Hermosillo in the early 70's. My best friend and I were on a fishing trip from SO. CAL to a bass lake 100 miles east of Hermosillo. We were in my overhead camper pickup truck but decided to spend the night in a motel room because we were going to be in the camper for the next 3 nights. The room was $2/night. Yes I said $2. For that you got a room with no key. You just went in and bolted the door behind you. 2 single beds with horse blankets. No TV and no hot water. Thank goodness for tequila.


  • mike710
    3 years ago
    My worst was when I got called out to do some emergency work in Vegas during Comdex in the late 90's. The show was a huge thing back then. Of course, at the last minute, there were no rooms available at the hotels. I ended up finding a room for $150 a night at a dive motel across the street from the Luxor. The bed had quarter fed massage and there were mirrors on the ceiling. No real bath towels so I had to dry myself with hand towels the next morning.
  • K
    3 years ago
    mid to late 1990's . one of the motels in asbury park. years before it started to improve. Dancer at the go go that is now porta pizza told me to get a room there. she would come over after her shift. I knew her well and she had just started working at that shit hole. every step of the way i knew i should just walk away. The clerk was behind bullet proof glass. The lobby had a vending machine that included lube and condoms. it got worse. the highlight of the night was when a local street walker followed my friend and knocked on our door. She wanted to know if we would take $20 to my friend and a BJ for me to let her and her customer in and party with us. He had enough for her but not enough for a room. same hotel, dancer from the same bar and i were leaving and her dealer came over and started some crap because she owed him money. a cop pulled up. we made our exit. non hobby related. i was traveling home after an extended work trip, decided to detour through Gettysburg. After a stop at the battlefield I found one room at a motel in the middle of town. There was a police sweep that night. Police arrested someone in seven or eight rooms on outstanding warrants. the guy in the room next to me put up a big fight. he and his GF were arrested. While watching the events a women that must have been well over sixty asked me for a beer. I gave her some and she started following me back to my room. She had thirty years on me then and i told her no. One leg of the bed was broken and replaced by bricks and a book. The cabinet in the bathroom was rusted shut. Everything was stained and had cigarette burns.
  • Jascoi
    3 years ago
    a Howard Johnson’s in Memphis... the last available room... with sopping wet carpet...
  • Huntsman
    3 years ago
    About 1990, Hot Springs , So Dak. I was returning from a trip to Yellowstone with a girlfriend. We were horny as fuck so we stopped and got a room in a dive motel. The place reeked of stale cigarette smoke and booze. I don’t remember much else cause we were there to do the deed. It may have been the dirtiest fuck I ever had, figuratively and literally.
  • whodey
    3 years ago
    Hands down the Louisville Manor. It was about 15 years ago during one of my first trips to a few of the 7th Street are strip clubs in Louisville and I had stayed at the clubs a lot longer than I had planned and suddenly it was 2am and I didn't feel like driving 2 hours to get home. I asked the bartender at Thorobred if she knew of a cheap hotel nearby and this was her suggestion. I guess I should have tipped her better or something because there is no way she would have recommended this place to a customer she liked. The absolutely shitiest hole in the wall motel that charges by 3 hour increments that I have ever seen. Here is how the hotel describes itself on its facebook page - Louisville manor motel adult bookstore/theater xxx dvd,Noveltys,lotions,Male and female enhancements,theater and video peeps. [view link]
  • Warrior15
    3 years ago
    Is there any hotel in North America that is more sleazy than Cascadas in Tijuana ? [view link] Pictures of naked women on the walls. Half the channels on the TVs are porn channels. Oh yeah, and Mexican hookers walking all around. I'll give a 5 star rating though.
  • PutaTester
    3 years ago
    Lexington KY Motel 6. Traveling for work. Events in town made all decent rooms $250+. Company had a $100 cap on rooms. Motel 6 was $98. Smell of dope and dopes everywhere. Needles available on the sidewalk. A number of the rooms had 4-6 people in them, hanging out on the walk, because the stench of the rooms was so bad. Mine smelled of stale cigarettes. Stayed, because I had been on the road 12+ hours and it was too cold to sleep in the truck. Stayed in a few other crap holes. One in the mid-west where the 300 pound, 50+ year old female clerk was angling for some P4P. No thanks.
  • ATACdawg
    3 years ago
    Hands down for me, the Town Motel in Fredonia, NY. My sister-in-law was with us. Our 24-foot sailboat at the time had 4 berths, but with my wife's sister with us, we had 5 people. There was a really nice hotel literally at the foot of our dock. However, there was a big softball tournament in town that weekend, and it was full, as was every other decent place in town. Finally found a two double bed room at this place. Because I was the only male, I was consigned (thank God!) To sleep on the boat. The room smelled funny, the sheets were torn (but an attempt to mend them had been made), the TV was an ancient black and white without even UHF tuning, let alone cable, and the air conditioner cover was askew and couldn't be replaced. I definitely got the best night's sleep!
  • sinclair
    3 years ago
    Econo Lodge in Vincennes, Indiana. I got in late at night and just needed a bed to sleep in. The room was digusting: stained carpet, pubic hairs on the sheets, broken accessories, condom laying between bed and night stand. The place was run by Patels, so it was clean by Ahmedabad standards, but not by American standards. There was a domestic dispute or shooting around 3am, so the blue and red lights of the police cruisers prevented me from getting much sleep.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    I used to bring filthy civilian girls to one of those sleazy hotels near Jersey City - just west of NYC. The girls seemed to enjoy it - as it made them feel more like whores. Those beds had the quarter operated beds.
  • K
    3 years ago
    cashman- the seville?
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    @Cash Was that the Lincoln Motel on Tonnele Ave? I stayed there once. What a shit hole.
  • misterorange
    3 years ago
    The worst place I ever stayed was just outside our nation's capitol, Washington DC. It was in the 80's. My dad owned a custom furniture company and had to install a conference table at a bank in the city. He hired me and my buddy (both teenagers) to drive down from the Bronx and do the job. We went the night before and rented a room at a run down shitty place with two beds. When we got to the room, there was only one bed and it stunk like ass. It didn't matter though, because before we got a chance to complain, the hookers started knocking. It was great because in addition to switching back and forth between fucking the hookers, they used their shoes to smash the cockroaches, like it was part of the job. No extra charge. Now that I think about it, the service was pretty good.
  • shailynn
    3 years ago
    I've got 2. 1. I was flying from Pittsburgh to Kansas City and the airline (Delta) fucked around and finally didn't cancel the flight (that was to leave at 6PM) until about 10PM that night. They put me on a flight that left at 5:50AM the next morning. They put me in some piece of shit micro-hotel that was right next to the airport. I thought "how back can it be?" especially since I was going to be in there for less than 5 hours. Well, it was bad, slept in my clothes. 2. Met a stripper at Sapphires in Vegas, went in the club around 11PM Saturday night, came out and it was daylight. Labor Day Weekend so everything was booked, my friend was too tired to come get me (he lives in Vegas full-time) and said a cab ride to his house would be over $75 and not to pay that. He suggested I just go get a room for $30 at the Palace Station right down the street and he'd pick me up around noon. The stripper came with me (I took my own cab, she had another dancer drop her off) and when we entered the room we were both appalled. To boot, it was $110 since it was Labor Day Weekend. This was Sunday morning at that point. My friend came and picked us up around noon, and we dropped off the stripper at a Wendy's parking lot because we couldn't drop her off at her boyfriends house. Since I checked in technically on Sunday morning, I had the room until Monday night. I texted the stripper later that evening and she wanted me to go back to the hotel and meet me again that night around 1AM after she got off work. Of course I ran down there excited to stay in the same shit hole to hang with her. My friend dropped me off around 10:30PM and I quickly fell asleep. I got stood up, and stayed in the shitty hotel room instead of my friends nice house, again, until he picked me up the next morning at drove me to the airport to catch my flight home. The best part is the stripper really showed up, but when she got there, her phone died and she couldn't go to the front desk and ask for them to call my room because she didn't even know my last name. She said she went to a plug on the casino floor to plug her phone in, and security came and gave her a hard time (lots of hookers stay at this hotel) so she left. This was the start of a 2 year relationship I had with the stripper. Yay lucky me. At least our next rendezvous was at a nice hotel and not Palace Station.
  • 48-Cowboy
    3 years ago
    The Kramalott Inn in Nebraska
  • Muddy
    3 years ago
    I try to avoid the truly shitty shitty ones. And I think hotels overall have gotten so much better over the years especially the chains. Holiday Inn, Best Western, those are usually on point now a days from what I've seen.
  • Cashman1234
    3 years ago
    I tried a few hotels when I was young - one was the Lincoln motel on Tonnele Ave. It was filthy. I think the others were on Rt 3 - one is still there called the Fountain motel. I think the other changed names and it’s now the Royal motel. When I Clubbed in Bloomfield - I would use the Belleville motor inn or lodge. I think there was a shooting there once when I was using the place. I’ve moved upscale - and now I will use the Knights inn to impress the ladies!
  • FishHawk
    3 years ago
    I went to Atlanta to Fly fish the “Hootch”. I picked a time when a hell of a lot was going on in Atlanta and rooms were both scarce and expensive. I ended up staying in a real sleazy place on the North side of Atlanta. Almost all the other patrons were whores and/or drug dealers.
  • georgmicrodong
    3 years ago
    @whodey, I agree about the Manor being the sleaziest that I've been to, but from what I've heard (I've not used it), the Pyramid in Southern Indiana beats it hands down in the "sleaze" department. :D
  • crosscheck
    3 years ago
    A Days Inn up the road from the University of Maryland years ago with my father the night before a Maryland-BC football game. Scuzzy as hell. Hookers, pimps, drug dealers, and cops abounded. Unfortunately my father who made the reservation didn't understand the concept that online reviews are meant to be read or would have realized this was NOT the place to say a night. For the record, Maryland's stadium was almost as scuzzy for a stadium as the motel was for a motel. They still had fucking pee troughs in the mens' room like old Fenway Park when I was growing up! There is no dignity with a pee trough. Great memories...
  • SanchoRG
    3 years ago
    Midland/Odessa, TX "Motel One". Hampton was like $350 thought I'd do the company a favor and save some $$. Never again
  • whodey
    3 years ago
    @georgmicrodong I have heard the same thing about the Pyramid but luckily I heard that before I ever thought about staying there so I have no personal knowledge.
  • Nidan111
    3 years ago
    I have never stated in a sleazy hotel. But, I have definitely done sleazy stuff in hotels. The 26 year old aerobics instructor who could suck my cock up into her wet pussy in a single breath, the pharmacist who posed for playboy twice and stripped her way through college, the numerous massage therapists who performed their trade and some, the manager (boss) with the biggest tits ever, and the fucking hottest ICU nurse EVER to Grace this Earth with her insatiable sex drive just before her wedding! Yeah, my secret life is fucking AWSOME!
  • rickthecoconutcrab
    3 years ago
    This rick would like like to ask two questions: Nidan - how did the 26 yo aerobics instructor suck your cock into her pussy with a single breath? It seems to this rick that you are confusing the mouth and vagina. Sinclair - this rick would like to circle back around to the pubic hairs in the bed. Were they your pubic hairs? Because I don’t think the hotel should be blamed because your pubic har is in the bed you’re sleeping in. Perhaps some clarification is in order. To paraphrase those old ads: enquirering(sIc) ricks wanna know!!! Scuttle! Scuttle!
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