How important is it to make the client feel like they're the best?
OTC I get annoyed when someone goes back on making me seem like I'm really important but ITC I carry healthy skepticism when anyone tries this. Do most clients have it the other way around?
When a dancer comes up to me ITC and starts to flatter me with compliments, yes, that is met with a LOT of skepticism . She's playing me to get some money out of me. I know that. It still works, but deep down I know it. I'm so handsome, I work out, I"m so funny. All are things dancers do to get me to spend more money on them. I'm a sucker for it, but I am aware of it happening.
OTC is different. We've already agreed on the terms if we are on an OTC date. Probably have already negotiated exactly what is going to happen on that date. So I have kind of paid her to treat me like royalty. I expect her to make me feel special. Deep down, I still know it's stripper shit. But she better be doing it or we aren't going to have a 2nd date.
I think everyone likes being complimented for *something*. Talk long enough and one can find something genuinely good to say about someone. I wouldn’t say that is anything specific to strip clubs, more a life thing in general.
It is absolutely unimportant for a dancer to make me feel like I'm the best, my ego needs no stroking from a dancer.
All I wanted from her is show me she is the best at whatever I rented her time for (dances, company, BJ, FS).
If a dancer tells me I’m a kinky old pervert after an Itc or otc session - I’m a happy old kinky pervert!
I talk to a dancer after she did the whole act on me and she laughed and said, “OK - you’re not Brad Pitt, but you’re better than 90% of the slobs that come in here”