How important is it to make the client feel like they're the best?

avatar for nightrid3
OTC I get annoyed when someone goes back on making me seem like I'm really important but ITC I carry healthy skepticism when anyone tries this. Do most clients have it the other way around?


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avatar for nightrid3
4 years ago
desertscrub it stuck to me when I couldn't get "customer" to fit the character limit of the title.
avatar for Warrior15
4 years ago
I think that you are asking if I think differently about how a girl treats me inside the club or OTZ. Correct ? I'll bite.
When a dancer comes up to me ITC and starts to flatter me with compliments, yes, that is met with a LOT of skepticism . She's playing me to get some money out of me. I know that. It still works, but deep down I know it. I'm so handsome, I work out, I"m so funny. All are things dancers do to get me to spend more money on them. I'm a sucker for it, but I am aware of it happening.
OTC is different. We've already agreed on the terms if we are on an OTC date. Probably have already negotiated exactly what is going to happen on that date. So I have kind of paid her to treat me like royalty. I expect her to make me feel special. Deep down, I still know it's stripper shit. But she better be doing it or we aren't going to have a 2nd date.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
I hate the over-the-top stuff, whether ITC or OTC. I just want her to be fun to be with and reasonably respectful. Even then she's allowed to have human moments so long as she doesn't become a complete drag.
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
Calling a dude handsome who knows he’s definitely not is probably a bit silly. Or at least I think so. Have seen other dancers say that so I could be wrong 🤷🏻‍♀️

I think everyone likes being complimented for *something*. Talk long enough and one can find something genuinely good to say about someone. I wouldn’t say that is anything specific to strip clubs, more a life thing in general.

avatar for Cristobal
4 years ago
"How important is it to make the client feel like they're the best?"

It is absolutely unimportant for a dancer to make me feel like I'm the best, my ego needs no stroking from a dancer.

All I wanted from her is show me she is the best at whatever I rented her time for (dances, company, BJ, FS).
avatar for NAAAASTY
4 years ago
Not at all. 2nd to looks it's how fun and positive she is. She's golden if she enjoys my humor and even better if she dishes it out just as well. All this while being sweet would get the All That Money treatment or ATM for short :)

avatar for rl27
4 years ago
I don't go to clubs to hoping to get compliments from strippers. I have rolled my eyes when I have gotten some really fake ones. The best are ones that at least seem genuine, such as commenting how she likes my aftershave, and then telling me what it is. Again compliments are very low in importance. What is important are looks, attitude and how good her dances are.
avatar for Cashman1234
4 years ago
I am not looking for compliments from dancers. I know that I’m a mess, and complimenting my looks is simply brushed off as stripper shit.

If a dancer tells me I’m a kinky old pervert after an Itc or otc session - I’m a happy old kinky pervert!
avatar for Longball300
4 years ago
A nice simple compliment thrown in after a few minutes of interaction is always a good thing. We all like our egos stroked now and then...... right, egos....
avatar for jackslash
4 years ago
I like anyone who makes me feel I'm the best--any time, any place. Good salesmen (and women) know how to use this.
avatar for Longball300
4 years ago
Jack is correct; after all dancers are sales professionals are they not?
avatar for Studme53
4 years ago
I’ll admit it - I like it from a hot woman anytime. It’s all part of the fun. I know I’m average so I know it’s an act.
I talk to a dancer after she did the whole act on me and she laughed and said, “OK - you’re not Brad Pitt, but you’re better than 90% of the slobs that come in here”
avatar for SaltyNuts
4 years ago
If an entertainer shows with behavior that I'm important than it's good, I hate the SS. I realize that if I was ever Brad Pitt, it has no relevance to the present. Seems like $$ plays a bigger role in her making me feel important. Example, when I asked her why she responds to my text quickly when I see her ignoring others that she receives, she said "because you're important" translated in my mind as "you're spending more $$" Another one that made me laugh is she said that she liked me because "I know you're not a freak", is that a compliment?
avatar for Eve
4 years ago
I have yet to have a customer roll his eyes or give me a funny look when I say 'you smell nice/delightful/fantastic'. That's really the only compliment I give. They may think I'm talking about a cologne, but 99% of the time, I mean that they don't smell like they came to the club straight from an 8-hour shift digging in the Sahara. I think it's just as common as the problem of 'crotch rot' that's brought up by custies on occasion, so sometimes I can't help but verbally appreciate that they prioritize hygiene.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Most people accept fake compliments because they want to believe theyre true. This opens the door to being manipulated honestly
avatar for Nidan111
4 years ago
I love having my ego stroked. I make certain that all dancers know exactly where my ego resides. If they are good at what they do, then my ego rides an inch above my belly button. If they need to get to work on improving the current status of my ego, they will have to begin somewhere on my thigh. In any case, words are cheap; they should put there mouth where the money is!
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