
How popular is "Game/Pick Up"?

I've been living in an echo chamber where all my friends have been into this movement, but one thing I've realized is that many were starting out in their lives( College or Post college). Therefore, it seems that other types of dating(like SD dating) would not be available to them.

I wonder what the average America/Canadian/Brit whose slightly older does? Imagine someone who works at a law firm, says, "Paying for sex or using the money for sex is stigmatized ,therefore, You know what I am making 100k a year. let me spend my money on dating coaches, self-help and going 7 nights at week clubbing."


  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    "Paying for sex or using the money for sex is stigmatized"

    Being stupid and indiscreet is stigmatized. Paying for sex is something that a lot of guys who don't or can't would like to know how to make happen. Problem is, doing it wrong can easily get a guy looking stupid and indiscreet.
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    CC just come out and admit its you. Its not like you are ashamed of anything.
  • docsavage
    4 years ago
    I think most wealthier men who would worry about the stigma attached to paid sex would just get a girlfriend. It would take a lot of time to learn "Game"and it might have limited effectiveness. There has been a decline in the number of pua blogs and books in recent years and I attribute that to a declining interest in it because of many guys trying it out and finding what is promised doesn't match the actual results. I also think women have become more aware of pua tactics and that has made them less effective. I've heard strippers laughing about some guy trying to "neg" them or engage in some other form of pua manipulation. Most men in high income professions probably work long hours so trying to pick up girls is for guys with less money and more time. Also, once you get up to the age of forty or fifty it becomes harder to pick up the 22 year old girl so you would tend to rely more on your money rather than spending time learning pickup lines.
  • Beat100
    4 years ago
    Great response.What I'm trying to get at is that online it seems that most guys are obssesed with looks and game. Almost no one brings up money and status as good for getting laid. So I was wondering how the average or above average person would approach this situation.
  • Beat100
    4 years ago
    It sees that is mostly a young men game and those some of those guys are getting ripped off my dating coaches.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    "Almost no one brings up money and status as good for getting laid."

    How does someone who's had an account on TUSCL for over four years genuinely think that? It's pretty much a daily topic of conversation on the forums.

  • rattdog
    4 years ago
    the average older guy most likely has at least two regular spots to go to at lunch time and after work. like a bar that has a pool table, darts, tv's, etc. things to do at a bar other than just sit and drink. a place to go to that the guy can engage in activities, shoot the shit with other regulars for a couple of hours and then head on home. if there's any women around great. if one of them is interested in that guy that lady will find a way to drop a signal or two.

    nothing groundbreaking and it's a rather old way of meeting women. but it's better than doing online singles e.g. POF, MATCH.COM and the rest of the usual suspects. just have to have the not expecting it to happen mentality and patience.
  • georgmicrodong
    4 years ago
    @desertscrup: "how does $100k per year give you income to fuck?"

    Proper financial management, that's how.
  • Rod8432
    4 years ago
    Regarding "How popular is "Game/Pick Up"?" - Like most things, there's some truth/wisdom to be found with PUA gurus/blogs/forums. Like with Investments and Prostate Health, etc, much of it is hyped in order to sell merchandise.

    I've read "The Game" and its brethren, and have found some of it "works" sometimes, under some circumstances. Mostly around being confident, opening up conversations, escalating with intent, etc. Some of the more negative aspects - e.g., negging, being a jerk/bad boy - aren't what I'm about, so I leave that part alone.

    I agree with earlier posters, that "Game" has decreased some in popularity, but again, as with most fads/systems, some remnants I think, find continued interest.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    People with very little money, but a whole bunch of lies like Dessertscum, always look down on those with money who say nothing. Some people actually need to make well over $100,000 per year to live like they make $40,000, because they're stupid.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    I have wondered if the game or pick up artist shit ever works.

    In my view, a guy either has the confidence and the rap to chat with girls, or he doesn’t.

    I think these “systems” just put more ideas in a gameless guys head - and those gameless guys then have more to think about as they sit and stew over how to talk to the girl they want.

    It’s like those pheromones ads - where you just spritz yourself with the cologne - and girls will be jumping over each other to get near you. They are used by the dude with the members only jacket - the comb over - the acid washed jeans - and the shirt unbuttoned below his balls - and he doesn’t understand why he’s not fighting girls off.

    It’s simple - try to not be a creep - take a shower - brush your teeth and hair - and make nice conversation with the girls. Slipping a few dollars in a g string doesn’t hurt either.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Women are all different and are attracted to different things. In the 70's Jill St. John was considered super hot and her favorite guy was Henry Kissinger. He had some money, but nothing like others in her circle. He had more power than everyone in her circle combined though.
  • K
    4 years ago
    “Power is the ultimate aphrodisiac.” ― Henry Kissinger
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