Happy Rent Day Eve

avatar for rickdugan
Verified and Certifiable Super-Reviewer
Just wishing you all a Happy Rent Day Eve. Not that all of these girls are paying rent now with the current federal moratorium on evictions, especially in places where the clubs are shut down, but I'm just keeping up the good holiday cheer. The eviction moratorium will last until December 31, which should make January very interesting in the clubs that are open unless the eviction moratorium is extended.


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avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
So basically you think dancers looming desperation will make it easier for you to successfully solicit prostitution. Coz down and out women thrust into poverty are more likely to sell their bodies.

avatar for Eve
4 years ago
Thanks :)
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
===> "Coz down and out women thrust into poverty are more likely to sell their bodies."

Strictly speaking Icee it's a timing play, not a poverty play. I've scored opportunistic OTC with girls who, if they were not making 6 figures in a year, were coming damned close. Fast money spends quickly and plenty of these girls have poor budgeting skills. It's all about being there when her immediate expenses are greater than her short-term ITC earning opportunities.

Now heaving's pathetically eager to please post leads one me to believe that perhaps Eve doesn't suffer from budgeting issues, but if every dancer had the same discipline many of us would probably lose out on a lot of opportunities.
avatar for gobstopper007
4 years ago
Couldn’t find a Rent Day card. Hope she’ll be satisfied with a heartfelt “atta boy” (or atta “insert identifying term here” to avoid offending
avatar for twentyfive
4 years ago
It’s really not Eve’s rent day it’s actually landlords birthday
avatar for Salty.Nutz
4 years ago
Does ICEE think a stripper is better off working at starbucks then meet a guy like rick who could probably cover her rent in 1 day? Loser think, he wants an equal relationship with a woman so he can go dutch cuz hes broke
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
“Does ICEE think a stripper is better off working at starbucks then meet a guy like rick who could probably cover her rent in 1 day?”

A quick google search told me the average cost of rent in Jacksonville is $1,109/mo. Daaang, BBBC is getting some great p4p rates. 😁
avatar for NAAAASTY
4 years ago
I don't have the energy to play these games. For those that do more power to you. Personally, sex is better when it's ongoing, when she's completely comfortable. Desperation sex does nothing for me. Maybe she has to work that much harder bc she needs it, but effort doesn't equate to enjoyment.

Whatever makes you pop a boner I suppose. To each his own.

avatar for georgmicrodong
4 years ago
It's a simple capitalistic principle. The parties involved either agree to an exchange, or they don't and move on. If one party has an advantage, they'd be stupid not to use that leverage. *Either* party, whether it's the money that is scarce, or the pussy, doesn't matter. If one doesn't like the exchange, move on.

Would you go to a car dealer and pay more than you had to for the car, just because they have a glut of stock and are trying to unload them so they don't have to pay taxes on them for the next period? Of course not.
avatar for blahblahblah23
4 years ago
I've honestly never understood how someone can be working as a stripper at a strip club and not pay rent way early...
avatar for blahblahblah23
4 years ago
I mean like what is the point of doing this shit for a living if ur not even living comfortably??? imo
avatar for wallanon
4 years ago
That's a good point. Kinda like the guys who overspend in the hobby but aren't having fun.
avatar for Salty.Nutz
4 years ago
Its also crazy how some guys think strippers are desperate and are incapable of making adult decisions. whos is a bigger predator a guy that does not want to help with money because he wants a 50/50 relationship or a guy that thats willing to spend? bottom line both guys are looking for the same reward, its pussy.
avatar for Dolfan
4 years ago
I know plenty of strippers who aren't exactly living comfortably. Not really because of lack of earning, but lack of discipline, self control, awareness, or whatever else it is that causes those poor financial decisions. Hell, there's some of my guys making 150k+ who are late for the car payments when the bi-weekly paychecks don't align with their monthly due dates.
avatar for blahblahblah23
4 years ago
I mean that is true that some of these girls with payment issues do make good money. But same time the type of bitches trying to fuck outside the club for a few hundred are not the ones making enough money in the club.
avatar for rickdugan
4 years ago
Blah, I'm not sure I agree with that completely. My best OTC partners were ones who I could never get OTC on a Friday or Saturday night precisely because they were making too much money ITC, but by Tuesday they had spent it all and were busted ass broke again. It's not about what you make, it's about what you keep when you DO make it.

Seasons also factor in since, as you know, most clubs have busy and less busy times of year. I often make some of my newest OTC "friends" around Christmas since there are plenty of girls who just don't plan properly for it and their incomes sag just as the urgency to buy Christmas gifts for their kids sets in.
avatar for nicespice
4 years ago
^ If somebody can’t make money on a Tuesday, then either a change of club or a part-time job is in order. I’ve cleared plenty of $700+ shifts on a Tuesday before and I’m not the best hustler either.

Agreed that Thanksgiving to Christmas is miserable though (for me personally) One of the biggest reasons I’m just chilling out for the holidays and good riddance to the shut-downs.
avatar for Icee Loco (asshole)
Icee Loco (asshole)
4 years ago
Its predatory to seek out the neediest hookers or women to coerce into prostitution. And a hooker going with you is nothing to brag about. She'll go with anyone who has money.

While a guy with money may be a trick for her. She most likely has a man shes with because she wants to.
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