
OT: What's on the menu? (literally, not take-out)

My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
Wednesday, November 25, 2020 3:53 AM
What do you plan on serving or eating for the Thanksgiving feast this year? For me, the holidays have always begun with a big and special breakfast. This year, it looks like blueberry muffins with a homemade breakfast sausage hash. Lunch will be a lean salad. I have two fat turkey legs brining since Sunday, which is going to be smoked with applewood on Thursday. The sides will be cornbread stuffing (Stovetop, I know), and brussel sprouts hash with crispy sage (out of the home garden). I found a recipe for Emeril's New Orleans bread pudding that I will make for dessert. I'm probably going to fuck it up, but I will try. At some point during the day, I will make homemade apple fritters to munch on throughout the long weekend.


  • Warrior15
    4 years ago
    We are going to a restaurant. Already have reservations although on this one, I dont' think the reservation is going to be necessary. I'll be eating Turkey, dressing, green bean casserole, sweet potatoes, cranberry on some bread, and pecan pie. Yum Yum !!! Can't wait. Happy Thanksgiving everyone !
  • doctorevil
    4 years ago
    I have gone to a nice restaurant for Thanksgiving for the last ten years. It’s the best way to enjoy the holiday. Great food and no cleanup. This year my family is afraid to go anywhere with coronavirus spiking. We will order pick up.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Never had Thanksgiving alone with my wife and we haven't even been together for it in 27 years. We'll stay up late Wednesday, sleep late Thursday; while the roads are empty we'll smoke some weed and drive around. Football and traditional dinner: Turkey, stuffing, mashed taters, sweet tater casserole and brocc with cheese sauce. Amaretto all day and red wine with dinner. Have a 2008 Zinfandel I have been saving,
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    Prime rib roast and ham Scalloped potatoes (which is a shit ton of work but worth it) Fresh veggies Homemade apple and pumpkin pies (also a lot of work to get the crust right) Some type of homemade cake Apple cider to wash it all down I just can't imagine going to a restaurant on Thanksgiving, especially since the food at my house will be better than anything we could get out. Something gets lost when you have to cook in mass quantity, keep the food stove stable for hours and avoid proper salting and seasoning because some people could react adversely to it. But of course my views may change as I get older and less tolerant of all the work involved. We'll be eating off of the leftovers all weekend, including some other homemade dishes cooked with the leftover meat and the very useful ham bone. Life is good in the Dugan household. 😉
  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    I don't even know. I bought a turkey breast and my daughter is cooking it along with the traditional sides at her house. Only 4 of us for dinner.
  • jackslash
    4 years ago
    Roast turkey Stuffing Scalloped potatoes and ham Deviled eggs Peas Cherry pie
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    The above fantasy was brought to you by the makers of tinypenis condoms.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    Spending it with my girl her sister and her parents. Turkey tamales Deep fried pork leg. Marinated in beer lime juice garlic salt pepper Rice Charro beans Antepasto salad Banana cream pie and strawberry ice cream
  • Eve
    4 years ago
    I make some bomb ass sweet potato casserole and red skin potato salad. Anything that involves potatoes is usually left to me.
  • ATACdawg
    4 years ago
    My wife and I will be going to my daughter's house, twenty minutes/7.5 miles away. My daughter will be doing mashed potatoes, oven charred Brussels sprouts, corn and dressing. Her husband will be smoking a turkey and (I hope) brewing the beer. My wife is doing the cranberry/raspberry combo and a cheesecake with pecan pie or strawberry topping. I will be making a gluten-free stuffing. We are also bringing an olive & pickle tray. I am already drooling.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    Don't forget your pets! I bought a pound of mixed chicken hearts, livers, and gizzards to saute up for my dogs. They love that shit.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ That’ should be quite a dinner your fixing did the invite say, white robe, pointy hat optional, or will this be a formal klan dinner and include a burning cross and an effigy hanging from a tree?
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    I'll point out that you are only the 2nd crude asshole to use a post written to unite TUSCLers to attack fellow posters and ruin everyone's good time. That's who you are, but we are not going to let you ruin our fun and our holiday. This is why you are top 40 Ignored.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    Only you are allowed to incite negative attacks across the board, fuck you, we all know you are attacking me on every thread, you want to ruin threads, I have as much right to ruin yours, you homophobic bigoted POS
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    Both of you do it.....
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    But I also don't believe in feigning to ignore bigotry
  • georgmicrodong
    4 years ago
    Turkey/am Mashed Potatoes Gravy Sweet Potatoes Dressing Biscuits Green Bean Casserole Butternut Squash Corn Pumpkin Pie
  • TheeOSU
    4 years ago
    "The above fantasy was brought to you by the makers of tinypenis condoms." Even though I personally don't have an issue with Scrub that is truly one of the funniest comments I have ever read here, I honestly laughed out loud for a several minutes after reading it and am still laughing as I post this!
  • SerenitySinn
    4 years ago
    I normally cook every year for club on Thanksgiving (BUT WE ARE CLOSING FOR🦃DAY IN TAMPA THIS YEAR🤷🏻‍♀️) I made some roast beef & chicken and bunch of sides for them tonight. Ain’t working so takin my 2 nephews out to eat up past Pasco(hour or so north of Tampa) Then maybe hit few Pasco Stripclubs on way back? Then go home & hopefully get my hole basted and stuffed!!!! 🤪
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