
Jackslash - Beef Stroganoff / Dining-In: Michigan Edition

They never tell you what you need to know.
Well, looks like jackslash won’t be taking any stripper to Olive Garden this weekend, what’s the sentiment from our following Michiganders here on the new restrictions? Looks like Ohio is next for the Rustbelt crew.


  • PhredJohnson
    4 years ago
    I can’t believe the total ineptitude of the Michigan Militia!
  • shailynn
    4 years ago
    ^^^ that’s the best post of the day!!!!
  • jackslash
    4 years ago
    It's hard to believe that these specimens of the master race could not defeat the lockdown by kidnapping the Michigan governor and putting her on trial.


    QAnon, however, will uncover the vast conspiracy by the governor and doctors and medical experts that is trying to keep the people of Michigan alive.
  • shailynn
    4 years ago
    Well I guess you could get the tour of Italy and some breadsticks to go.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    It is sad to see so many grown old men so afraid of a virus that they believe that young people should be locked down just so that they can feel safe. Their parents, who were part of the Greatest Generation that weathered countless hardships with fortitude. including two World Wars, must be rolling in their graves at the Greatest Disappointments that they gave birth to.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ Just out of curiosity RickiBoi why do you always look to create some drama ? I mean really you just look to pick an argument over anything
    How do you know if they are scared ?
    Maybe they act out of an abundance of caution because they care about someone besides themselves, in other words not everyone is a narcissist.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Ooohhh yeah wearing a mask is so fucking caring lol. That's the progressives for you wear a fucking mask or you're a terrible person; say that asshole with the beard and dick is a woman or you're a terrible person and in 20 years it will be pity the poor children who were locked down or you're a fucking terrible person. I'm not scared, I'm apprehensive. What's this apprehensive mean? It means you're scared or have an abundance of caution, with a college education. Gavin Newsome cares. Lock down the state; fuck up Thanksgiving; go out to dinner with 14 friends. That is how much fucking progressives care.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    You seem to exhibit a bunch of narcissistic tendencies yourself you have every right to disagree with my ideas but you question my motives then you can go fuck yourselves with a broom handle that has splinters.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    Shaylynn go join a militia and start an uprising instead of whining kn a strip club site
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ===> "Maybe they act out of an abundance of caution because they care about someone besides themselves, in other words not everyone is a narcissist."

    Sure 25. It's the height of narcissism to want children in school and pour folks to be able to keep the roofs over their heads and food in their families' bellies. 😉

    We know that they're scared based upon their melodramatic comments like "they're trying to keep the people of Michigan alive" - as if they'd all be dead if not for a lockdown, lmao. They further feed their fear in a confirmation feedback loop by following constant COVID news, delivered in hyperventilating fashion by their local news stations and certain websites. After a while, they become so convinced that their fear is rational that they feel jusfified in claiming that it's really just prudence.

    But don't worry 25. You were a Great Disappointment to your ancestors long before COVID hit 😃
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    Oops - that would be "poor folks" lol. Typing too fast.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ Yada yada yada, your word salad sounds good to you I’m sure, but all any normal thinking person heard, was yada yada I’m a narcissist
  • etsutwigg222
    4 years ago
    Just wondering......If lockdowns were focused on the media, government workers, and elected officials only, would they still be pushed for ?
  • shailynn
    4 years ago
    Iceyloco I’m not whining at all - just wanted the opinion of those affected by this restriction. I do not live in Michigan but my state may not be far off from similar restrictions.
  • SuperDude
    4 years ago
    Sometimes examining the unthinkable may help us find a workable approach. What if we learned that this virus could be starved out of existence if we shut down the entire country for a period of time, a week, a month, 90 days. That would mean all services, except for health and food, would go dark. No transportation, government services, movies, driving, partying, visiting or travel. TV and radio would be on for two hours a day to give updates. No NYSE. Banks open only one day a week. Would we endure and support that to kill the virus. Probably not, unless there was a massive federal subsidy to keep people going until the crisis passed. The government would have to borrow mega trillions to keep folks from eviction, starvation and depression and face a tax increase to repay the debt once the crisis is past us. Wartime rationing might be necessary. So, instead, we struggle with a patchwork of closures, hoping to stem the spread and force a gradual starvation while waiting for a vaccine. Strip clubs are now closed in Michigan under the new order, effective Nov. 18, 2020. Other businesses and services deemed sources of spreading the virus are closed or under new and tighter restrictions. As soon as the latest order was issued, restaurant owners headed to federal court to ask for an injunction. Back in March, 2020 I opined that this virus crisis would hit Eight Mile Road hard. It has, with no real bright light for the future.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    ===> "^ Yada yada yada, your word salad sounds good to you I’m sure, but all any normal thinking person heard, was yada yada I’m a narcissist"

    25, in what universe do you believe that you speak for the normal people? You're a weird twisted dude who takes pleasure in mistreating strippers and oddly sympathizes with pedophiles. You're also compulsive and will keep posting over and over until someone lets you have the last word, even when the ruckus started because you decided to troll, which is yet another of your personality oddities.

    I know this is going to set you off given your emotional instability, but seriously dude you're just not right in the head. 😉
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    Oh please dumbass you are just looking for an argument and it’s boring as fuck, you didn’t even bother to address my actual point just set up a straw man as usual.
    You want to talk about the greatest generation let’s deal with their responses to problems of their times, they reacted with honor, and embraced a shared response, not like your idiotic selfish behavior where you put other people at risk, than make stupid rambling remarks about fear, as if you ever had any rationale other than selfish narcissism for your pointless diatribes
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    Ive never had good beef stroganoff
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    25, if you don't believe that I addressed your silly points directly then I'll add stupidity to your lengthy list of deep personality flaws. 😉

    As far as the notion of shared responsibility believed in by your much more resilient ancestors, I actually don't disagree. It's their quiet fortitude and practical spirits that are sadly lacking in too many of their children.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ I’ve had enough of you for today
    Byee Felicia
  • joker44
    4 years ago
    Might have known - Lindsey Graham is kickin' up dust in everyone's eyes, so his TUSCL twin, rickdugan, is doing the same.

    The Disingenuous Histrionic

    These individuals combine the histrionic’s more adaptive social skills, charm, and ability to read the motives and desires of others with a rather calculated malevolence. Obviously, this variant is more egocentric, more willingly insincere, and probably more conscious of their manipulations than is the basic histrionic pattern. ***They often seem to enjoy conflict, gaining a degree of gratification or amusement from the excitement and tension thereby produced.***

  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    @Joke: What thread would be complete without a dime-store psychology reference. It's the simple man's way of seeming profound in the absence of a more nuanced intellect. Do I need to point out who started the personal shots? Granted it was in response to a rather inflammatory post of my own, but I'm not the one who took started the direct shots.

    @25: Right. I'll believe that you're departing a thread in which you were trolling when I see it. You can't overcome your compulsions forever. Also, find some new material for your fake departure taglines. 😉

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