
Do you think PUA's are the male version of female strippers(SWs)?

Note: I'm talking about my PUA friends, I used to practice PUA but left it. Since the more I got into it the more I found it less appealing. I notice that a lot of people, including Roosh have made this connection. Also, I noticed that they are not only similar to strippers but also SWs like cam girls..etc.

There are way too many similarities but here's a list:
1-PUA's are interested in having sex for free, Strippers want to get money without having sex.
2-PUA's will talk to women they don't like just to have a chance at sex, strippers will talk to men they don't like just to have a chance to get money.
3-PUA's will get unattractive women to have sex with them, strippers will get unattractive me to give them money for dances or maybe OTC.
4-Some PUA's do not like the women they are talking to and some of them are openly misogynists. Some strippers do no like the men they are talking to and will thrash talk them behind their backs.
5-Some PUA's will go with their wingmen and pretend to be gay to get a women's attention, some strippers will kiss female customers to get their attention.
6-Some PUA's are so misogynistic that they'll delve into bisexuality..etc(I didn't know this but I have now realized it). Some strippers/sex workers are also liking to do girl-girl only content for only fans..etc.
7-PUAs see themselves as the product and want to be the desire and wanted, some strippers also see themselves as products to be desired and wanted.
8-Some PUA's see it as their job to interact with women. They'll approach girls even in their off-hours. Some strippers also see it as their job to interact with customers.
9-Many PUA's are cheap and don't want to spend any money, similar to strippers and even sugar babies.
10- PUA's will go to seedy bars to target the less attractive women, strippers will go to clubs to attract the less attractive men.
11-The ratio in the bars PUA's go-to is usually 8 men for 2 women, therefore, the whole practice is very competitive. Some strippers friends told me that they see the other girls are their competition.
12- Strippers go for the men with resources(say 20%) who want to invest in them. Meanwhile, PUA's do not want to share their resources with women and in theory, want only to have sex and leave.
13- Some PUA's want to become gigolos or even male strippers since their goal is make money.
And the list could go on and on.

Overall, I think guys who become John's/Tricks prioritize having sex and like women. Meanwhile, guys who become PUA's want either emotional validation or money. Eventually, a lot of guys who end up doing PUA becoming coaches themselves. As PUA coaches they focus on "gaming" their students to make them spend $1k to $10k on their "self-help" programs.


  • Tetradon
    4 years ago
    I've posted this elsewhere, but a very good friend is a top copywriter who used to run in those circles. He's on a first name basis with a lot of the big names.

    1) Most of them couldn't get laid in Tijuana with a fistful of greenbacks. With exactly 1 (one) exception, they are emotionally needy and seek the validation of attention from beautiful women, or they feel inadequate. A lot of them go years without sex.
    2) They look like freaks, act like freaks, and when they do get laid it's because they found an equally emotionally damaged, desperate woman in the club. They get kicked out of places for dressing like stage magicians.
    3) They hate women, and especially hate themselves. They develop "one-itis" easily for damaged, crazy women. Look up the "meetup of doom" to see how they really behave.
    4) A lot of them rent models, or stage "pickups" to make themselves look skilled. Half the ones I've seen, they brag about kissing a woman in 10 minutes, when it's more of an ambush kiss than an affectionate one.
    5) They can't hold real jobs, so they flit from scheme to scheme. When they fail as PUAs, they go on to concoct "foolproof" stock trading programs or exercise routines or become business "gurus." They go from failure to failure.

    Maybe they are like strippers, the lower end of the bunch.
  • Beat100
    4 years ago
    5-You hit the nail in the head. Why do you think is that? I did see a lot of them doing the whole stock's mentoring..etc.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    Strippers dance and take their clothes off for money. Them being nice to you while doing it is just good customer service. Its not their job to fuck you. If you lack the social skills and common sense to realize that then......
  • docsavage
    4 years ago
    Good comparison. I wrote something like this in one of the PUA blogs one time, Roissy aka Chateau Heartiste, and the proprietor did a whole post where he took my comment and attacked it. When I tried to respond in the comments, I found I had been banned on a permanent basis. For someone who is such an Alpha male, he certainly seemed very thin skinned and touchy. I think the fact that he wouldn't get into an exchange with me is a sign he was in a bit of denial.

    I noticed this similarity between PUA types and strippers when I started reading a site for strippers, stripper web, and noticed the advice given was somewhat like the advice given on the PUA blogs. For example, they both say you should act like a high value person, act like you are the prize and maintain an aloof attitude. Any guy who goes to strip clubs knows that only the really attractive girls could get away with that and if an average or below average girl tried it then it wouldn't work. Pretending to be a hot girl isn't going to make all the customers think you really are one and the same thing would be true about PUA types in their interactions with women.

    There was a period when there were a lot of PUA books and blogs but the numbers have declined in recent years. Partly this is because average guys who tried to follow the advice found it had limited usefulness. Some of it was of value but too many guys expected a magic formula they could use instead of making the effort to improve their appearance, personality or financial situation. Others realized that changes needed to be made at the societal level involving things like excessive welfare or affirmative action for women or unfair divorce laws that benefit women and the focus should be put more on that.
  • SanchoRG
    4 years ago
    PUAs are guys who value money more than their time. I’d rather cut to the chase and pay. Neither of us are building long term relationships. I just don’t really get or respect the PUA scene just like they probably don’t respect johns
  • K
    4 years ago
    strippers have something their targets want and is willing to pay for. PUA's have nothing their targets want.

    The PUA's i have met are miserable failures wrt women and sex. They go through elaborate rituals and stalking techniques and explain away the failure as their choice. it is sad. they could succeed if they just grew a set of balls and approached a woman without being creepy. Not every time but more often than with the nonsense they do now.

    twenty years ago a friend was attending PUA seminars. He brought me as his wingman in training to a few. I think the idea was to hook me and have me spend for the good stuff and not be a wing man anymore. He tried to convince me I would be getting laid every night, for free. he hadn't been laid in a couple of years. months of following the PUA system had not changed that. he refused to go the pro route.

    His luck turned around when he finally followed my advice. he borrowed a testicle and walked up to a woman he wanted to meet and said 'Hi, my name is C. May I buy you a drink and chat with you for a few minutes?" He had dinner with her the next night at her place. He fucked her a few days later. they dated for almost a year. he tells me all the time i gave him the best advice ever. walk up, introduce yourself, make your offer. keep it simple and don't give a shit about the ninety nine rejections. enjoy the one success.
  • SanchoRG
    4 years ago
    Woman equivalent of a PUA is a gold digger IMO, which certainly has overlap with strippers. A woman “PUA” just wants one thing from a man, and will employ many manipulative tricks to meet her goal. Tricks which will burn bridges long term.
  • Beat100
    4 years ago
    Great comment, why do you think a lot of PUA's have an obsession with becoming an alpha male? It seems like vague concept. Even if alpha male where real it seems like it would be very narrow where very few guys if at all would fit the definition.
  • SanchoRG
    4 years ago
    Everyone want to be alpha until the gun comes out.
  • Tetradon
    4 years ago
    @Beat, most of these guys never fit in, never developed their personality to make themselves attractive to women, so they developed this snobbish narrative where they're superior to this society that never "got" them. Part of that inability to function, is that they can't hold honest work. So, they scheme "easy" ways to get money just like they scheme "easy" ways to get into a woman's pants. That's also why they're drawn to alt-right theories and juvenile interpretations of Nietzsche, or blame "society" for their lot in life, because they're failures.

    I know one who is doing just that, creating a stock trading course when he's never made a nickel in the market. I've invested/traded for 15 years, worked for investment banks and hedge funds, and don't consider myself qualified to.

    @Docsavage, Roissy is central casting for what I just said to Beat. A little incel bitch underneath it all. Also, I just like women. I like dating and SC-ing for different things.

    @Beat, part 2, the wannabe "alpha males" are validation-seeking losers. Anyone who unironically calls themselves an "alpha male" and is not a wolf, should legally prohibited to reproduce.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    Youre out of touch with reality. Stripping is a job. There are set prices per dance rules schedules etc. Its not girls going to a club to pick up men
  • Beat100
    4 years ago
    Great response. Honestly, the more I got involved in that world the more I started to dislike it. I also did know some of these guys were closed homosexuals as well, if you watch "black pill" videos they start to talk about this topic. Moreover, the alt-right is another ugly overlap. It seems to me Roosh was surrounded by all sorts of "misfits" with different agendas and he just rolled with them for his aim to get attention and press.

    My main disagreement with them is that similar to you, I'm attracted to women, therefore, i don't feel the need to bash them. Although, it is becoming less popular why do you think if one googles "dating advice" it inevitable leads you to PUA sites? Why is the "manosphere" such a loud group?
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    Black pill? You mean incel.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    The whole pua thing doesn't work. Its socially awkward men trying to convince women to fuck them. You don't convince women you get them to have feelings. Its about emotions.
  • Tetradon
    4 years ago
    @Beat, I don't watch "black pill"/MGTOW content. It has nothing to offer me. There are non-PUAs in the dating community, but a lot of them refer their lists to PUAs just for the referral cash. Which is dishonest. It's the Yuppie Nuremberg defense. As far as I'm concerned, that makes them all guilty.

    Who was it that said those who speak the loudest are those with nothing to say? They want validation from men (money, esteem, attention) just like they want it from women. Filling that emotional black hole. I dabbled in that shit for a while, then I worked on my confidence, style, fitness, sociability, all that stuff for which "game" is a shortcut.

    I don't pretend to be some god with women, but I'm happy with where dates and pros are in my life. I love women, and love a variety of interactions with them.

    PS - Roosh went hardcore Catholic, sex-only-for-procreation-in-the-missionary-position-without-pleasure-to-the-woman medieval kind. From one extreme to the other, symptom of an unhealthy mind.
  • 8TM
    4 years ago
    The male version of a female stripper is a male stripper.

    The PUA gurus (the guys who made actual money off it) just followed the same self help guru playbook that’s been around for decades. They were also a lot better at using the internet early on, so they were some of the first “influencers” (before that became a well known term). I don’t see a connection to strippers there.
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