
What role should the gov play in you getting laid?

Icee Loco (asshole)
I'm a fucking loser
Our resident incel has used several of his accounts to bring up the position that the government should enact legislation to to help men get laid. Ie gov money to pay for hookers. Legislation to make women have sex with incels etc. What's your take on this?

I think its a sick fantasy. Thinking one is entitled to sex or attention from women is what rapists think.


  • shailynn
    4 years ago


    You make San Jose Guy look cool and that takes some fucking effort.
  • codemonkey
    4 years ago
    WTF I'll play along. Best thing the government can do is stay out of the way with exceptions to minors and people being made to have sex against their will.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    I think the OP admitted to being a rapist.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    The government should stay out of my bedroom. The government should never play a role in my getting laid.

    I agree, there are age limits the government must set regarding consent, and the government must work to prevent human sex trafficking.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    No need to troll and attack me. I made this thread to see what people think because its a ridiculous sentiment.
  • blahblahblah23
    4 years ago
    I think da gov owes me lots of pussy 🐈😺😻🐱😼😸
  • blahblahblah23
    4 years ago
  • JamesSD
    4 years ago
    I honestly think if prostitution was legal we would have less murder.
  • gobstopper007
    4 years ago
    We are entitled to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness- it’s up to the individual as to whether or not you actually get it
  • blahblahblah23
    4 years ago
    Jeez well if dudes are murdering cuz they cant get laid maybe we need to murder these guys preemptively.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    Its an interesting concept.

    On one hand incels tend to support the far and alt right. Blaming women's rights for their lack of sex.

    On the other hand they idolize and idealize the lack of womens rights as a.Rockwellian paradise. So they view the government curbing womens rights and legislating that women must sleep with them as a necessity.

    Theyre basically asking for institutions like japanese brokered sex slavery during ww2.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    Whats most troubling is the mindset that women owe them sex. Like with rape their disposition is about power and their own perceived lack of it rather than actually about sex
  • blahblahblah23
    4 years ago
    Hmm overall I dont have an issue with the idea of legal hooking. But same time I think it would make stripping difficult. Why the fuck would someone wanna hand me $150 for a 15 minute dance when he can just find a girl to do literally everything for the low rate of $300 for 1 hour...

    So in the interest of things being easy I would vote against legalizing prostitution.

    Also where they got legal prostitution like in Nevada, I heard the brothel owners take literally half the girls' money. Like wtf
  • blahblahblah23
    4 years ago
    I also think keeping prostitution illegal that it keeps prices higher. Have you all seen what happened to weed prices once it got legalized out west and like fucking Colorado? I could be wrong though, clearly I am no economics pro 🤷🏼‍♀️
  • Dave_Anderson
    4 years ago
    I'm not a "resident" here, rarely even visit, I only have one account, and I'm not involuntarily celibate. I stand by my positions. They're morally right, socially right, and right in terms of compassion, fairness and justice. They are in fact indisputably right.

    That aside, this Icey poster must have serious issues to be dwelling on a post I made several days ago that I have forgotten about. Particularly when he's promoted gang bangs, "running trains " and frequently referred to women as "bitches."

  • Dave_Anderson
    4 years ago
    If you wanted to honestly discuss the issue you would 1.paste my actual post in full, 2 you would not phrase the issue in terms that the only people concerned about the growing lack of sex in society as only being raised by people in that situation themselves which is cm
    ompletely untrue, and you wouldn't use using bias terms like "incel" and trying to leverage inaccurate stereotypes to prevent any actual fair discussion.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    CD it's funny how you knew I was referring to what you stated with several of your troll profiles.

  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    As far as legal prostitution goes. If its legal it will be taxed there will be license fees and requirements. And yeah NV brothels rip girls off. They take a high percentage plus charge them for room and board
  • Dave_Anderson
    4 years ago
    Most people don't know that recent studies have shown rates of sex in the US (and many other developed countries) have been declining in recent years both among single and married people. This has been true for both sexes, but particularly so among young men. A January 2019 study, as reported in mainstream media, showed that 28% of young men age 18 to 30 haven't had sex in over a year.

    Its got NOTHING to do with this pop culture stereotype about so-called "incels" that have been fuelled by two or three incidents by disturbed individuals over many years. That has nothing to do with the actual issue of lack of sex increasing in society. Thd issue has nothing to do with a handful of mentally ill murderers. Its so statistically rare its not worth mentioning.

    The main point is that sex is healthy, its a factor in reducing high blood pressure, heart disease, and some forms of cancer, as well as improving mental and emotional health. Lack of sex among the people should be a concern for society in some way.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    CD quoting statistics doesn't make you smart.

    You call the pandemic a hoax and any mitigation policies repressive but think the gov should help you get laid. Thats fucked up.
  • OrangeClown
    4 years ago
    Only government employees should be allowed to grab 'em by the pussy.
    3 years ago
  • san_jose_guy
    3 years ago
    No we should not have any such legislation and the gov't should not play any such role in helping me get laid.

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