
Customer involvement with shower shows

Not sure how prevalent shower shows are anymore, but how involved can dancers get customers during a shower? I ask because one time a dancer took me into the club's shower with her. For the record, I'm female too and it was intense. Most of the time I was standing flat against the wall watching her bathe naked; however, halfway through she pulled me under the showerhead with her. I said I wasn't too keen on stripping down, which didn't matter because she just started scrubbing and rubbing me with a sponge with my clothing on. The only time I stripped that night was when they let me wait in the dressing room afterward while my clothes dried in the dancers' washer/dryer. Before long I was fully soaped and being groped by a dancer in front of people (which included my bewildered friends). Needless to say, the dancer got tipped big and I was clean.

Normally a dancer would take a guy or another dancer in the shower with her. Not so sure about my situation. Does this happen often in shower shows? How involved can a dancer get a customer?


  • sinclair
    4 years ago
    I have seen a male customer sent into the shower in swim trunks to wash a stripper down with a loofah. Most of the time shower shows are just a lone dancer or two dancers acting like lesbians. I have never seen a female customer in a shower show.
  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    Los of luck even finding a shower show any more.
  • Eve
    4 years ago
    "I have never seen a female customer in a shower show."

    I'll add it to my monger bucket list just to see what it's like... if I ever find a club that offers it.
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    Next TUSCL meetup wherever anybody finds this, beers on me
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    The lesbian showershow thing that is, not whatever desertscrub is describing
  • Longball300
    4 years ago
    Pre-Covid trips to Cheetah's in Windsor.... that place still had their shower in action. Like Sinclair said I have seen two dancers and dancers with "bachelors" in the shower.... never a female customer. However, I have seen plenty of female customers get their tops pulled up (or down) while tipping Canadian style on stage there (and more so at The Sundowner in Niagara Falls). Once, at Cheetah's a hot Asian customer got stripped down to her panties and the dancer pulled them aside and started to go down and that's when the bouncer stepped in. However, at the Sundowner dancers routinely perform oral sex on each other in the horseshoe tables.
  • Icee Loco (asshole)
    4 years ago
    Talk of the town in Vegas claims to have them but I've never seen them. Maybe they used to. I'm not really a fan of shows like that. I once got a dildo show. It was a ripoff. I had to buy her an overpriced dildo then watched from behind a glass screen. That was years ago
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    Years ago, I heard of a club in northeast NJ - the Navel Base - having a shower on one stage. Sadly, I never made the trip to experience it, so I don’t have any club stories.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    The last shower show I saw was probably 20 years ago. They were once more common, but they went the way of smoke machines, elaborate laser light shows, shaving cream wrestling and other gimmicks that strip clubs used to use before lapdancing became the primary money maker for most girls. Nowadays guys don't tip as lavishly as they used to for stage performances because they are conserving cash for backroom activities, so there's no sense in doing these things anymore.
  • mike710
    4 years ago
    Bourbon Street in Phoenix has a shower now. I saw it used once a few months ago but the girl was solo. In subsequent trips, I didn't see it used.
  • ATACdawg
    4 years ago
    Lust Gentlemen's Club in Martinsburg WV (Endless Summer's home club) has a shower show.
  • blahblahblah23
    4 years ago
    I think lumberyard des Moines has a "shower " show area iirc. But I also believe it was more of a trickle. I was too tired and took hustley w/ customers rather than spectating a whole lot so idr it much. They used it for like 1 of those humiliation shows where they bring a dude on stage cuz bachelor or bday or whatever.

    I've heard that salt lake city clubs have shower shows? Would make sense with all the crazy restrictions they would need some sort of gimmick.
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    does getting pulled into a hot tub with two naked girls in the showroom count?
    happened at hk to me. i got naked too and one of the girls fucked me with a hundred customers walking by... fun!
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