First for me

I was about to leave after spending $200 for some clean dances with a 10/10 stripper I'm trying to see OTC and she told me she loved me during the goodbye hug. I think she saw me roll my eyes lol.Before that she was talking about how I can text her just to talk instead of coordinating dates in the club.
I think its about time to drop her, or maybe she's getting comfortable enough with me its my time to jump on OTC, but even though she is insanely hot I can't deal with any drama. I just want to deal with transactional sex, no feelings.
What would you guys do? Really unsure if she's just saying what she thinks I want to hear or if she's legit. This is new ground for me.
last commentTo me it sounds like you are anticipating bad things to come rather than having bad things happen. Some people throw the "love" word around a lot easier than others so it may not be as bad as you expect. If I were you, I would just roll with it until something bad or clingy happens. You might regret never going OTC with her later.
Try giving her da Bitcoinz! Dis is how I get da $5 lapperz all day every day!
Shitcoinz rule!!!!!!
As my ATF told me, "I'm an actress, an entertainer, enjoy yourself". She also shocked me once saying, "Strippers lie". No need for drama, let her know what you are looking for and let her entertain to your desires, don't make more of it than it needs to be, you're paying to have fun.
Saltynuts I agree I want an actress. We're just not on the same page yet.
Mike- true next time I see her I will talk about how i just want emotionless transactional sex. Her feeling comfortable with me is a huge pro.
Mack-Bitcoin is a scam. My names mostly to troll those basement dwellers who are into it. Anyways I don't want to sidetrack this conversation too much.
Scrub- very true she may think that. That would be a good outcome for me. I've found the under the radar girls are best bang for the buck for OTC who only see you if they're very comfortable with you. I've had overnights for $300 with one of them. The girls who offer OTC first time around I've found charge wayyy more.
If she thinks I'm a mark atleast I can continue to go to the club I go to without any drama.
next time you get her into the 200 dollar room pull down the zipper and take it out. what happens after that will let you know how much she really loves you.
Rattdog that's some of the best advice I've ever heard! I'll have to let you know how it turns out.
Pay more attention to her actions than to her words. Is she trying to end the hoe trick relationship and trying to form something else?
You're overthinking it. Either she's entirely acting and blowing smoke up your ass, or she actually likes you. "Love" as most of us, with certain notable exceptions, define it, isn't even in the equation.
She might love your wallet, and if so, she might want to get more of it. Don't give it up too easily.
Call me a "glass half empty guy", which I am - but one should be skeptical w.r.t. what a dancer says after one has given her $200 for LM dances - what is said in a strip-club, where $$$ is being exchanged for attention/companionship, should be taken with the proverbial grain-of-salt - at the end of day, even if it's true, it's not as if you don't have a say in it - like anything else in the club both you as the custy, and her as a dancer, have a say - in the SC it's common for guys to move on from dancers if she does not wanna provide the particular service one is looking for, for w/e reason whether it's the unusual case the dancer wants to date him instead of just being a provider, or the more-common thing that the dancer won't do a particular service like extras or OTC - part of me wonders if the OP is either wishful thinking or more of a humble-brag.
Perhaps she's been having financial difficulties and you mad her day by giving her $200 for LM dances (which perhaps most custies would not do) -and she was so happy that she blurted out "I love you" b/c of your actions, similar to how people say "I love chocolate ice cream" b/c of the pleasure it brings them just like your $200 brought her pleasure.
Continue with the transactional sex if it works for you! Women love things just like men like things. Perhaps your recent infusion of cash made a negative cash flow shift better and your entertainer feeling ok with what transpired because you don't treat her like shit. Even a 10 get treated like shit by some hobbyists.
Voice, inflection, tone, volume, pace etc along w/ body language all tell a different meaning. Imma guessing she was more excited than gazing w/ puppy dog eyes as she said it. If you can't read her, be direct.
Invite her to one of these events coming up:
Her panties will get so wet, she will be performing the entire Kama Sutra on you.
Are da best!!!
Dey male dat pussy wet!!!
I remember asking a hot Latina dancer if she would marry me after she gave me a hand job. To my surprise, she said, “yes!” And then proceeded with more free extras. Scared the shit out of me because her eyes had a very genuine, real look of YES in them. I Never went back.
"Green card".
Papi- You're right about alot of things. This was more of a panic thread because I've been clubbing for a decent amount of time now and think I've gotten a lot of the basics down but this was a situation that caught me by surprise. I'll pop the OTC question next week and make sure she knows its transactional if her pricing is good enough. Either way I'm done with ITC dates and will move onto the next girl, hopefully drama free.
Nicespice-A casino I was staying at was once hosting a comic con so out of morbid curiosity I decided to see what it was all about. That is the last time I want to be in a large room of sweaty basement dwellers.
hahahaa - holy shit!!!! that's a first. being scared of a girl after getting off from a handjob. kinda like being scared when someone is putting a gun right between the eyes.
if all it took was for me to ask a girl to marry and she said yes to get extra mileage i would have kept going back.
I was recently told this by a dancer. Twice. I just ignored it. Not that I wouldn't mind if she loved me, but I'm smart. And I spent waaaaay less than $200
Been told this before, it means absolutely nothing. Other similar lines I have heard are:
"Why don't we go out for dinner sometime?"
"I feel so comfortable with you."
"I get wet every time I think about us going back."
And is no different than.
"I normally don't do this." or "I don't do this for everyone."
"Don't tell anyone else, it's our little secret."
Had one make the heart symbol with her hands as I was leaving once. It didn't mean a damn thing.
shit my old fave would initiate:
"yeah i'm not working at the club so we're hanging out tomorrow."
"tomorrow let's have dinner at applebees or red lobster."
at least 5 times she did this. everytime-she ghosted.
why did i put up with it? she was hot and she always gave me the mileage i wanted. i just ignored her bullshit until she finally quit the club.
Yes, yes, age old story...stripper falls in love with average joe customer and gets her heart broken - in an alternative opposite universe.
Or maybe in some lame Hollywood chick flick written by someone who’s never been to a strip club
Dude just ask her how much for otc? It's either yes or no. But if you ain't getting some seriously nasty dances in the back it ain't looking good.
;) Remember, marriage is a grand and divorce is a hundred grand!! LoL
Sounds like she's fishing for a boyfriend which isn't what you are looking for.
I have an update on this in case anyone was wondering...
I told her I was done spending on her ITC, she then pouted and told me she thought our relationship was truly special and blah blah blah. I told her if she felt that way we could meet OTC and I'd pay her more for it and made my expectations clear what would happen, after a long pause I told her she has my number when she decides, but for now I'd like to talk to other dancers and politely told her to go away. She slunk away but she'd constantly talk to other customers around me and was all over them and would constantly make "woooooo" noises when she asked them for a shot, she normally isn't like that. This was in early/mid November. She hasn't texted me yet and we haven't spoken at all since then so I guess no drama besides that first night came out of it (thank god).
Now I have a low volume (I think) OTC date I can see once every two to four weeks.