From a a recent review of Diamond Dolls: "They always ask early because it’s going to affect your dance so my answer from [now] on is 'yes I want VIP but I like to warm up first.'"
If you don't know Diamond Dolls, it is a lap dance factory with UHM and all girls are extras girls. Lap dances and table dances are all previews. If you're not buying, then you will have a very lonely evening.
There have been a few discussions in the past about how to keep the company coming, without getting boxed into something you're not up for (or down with).
I love mileage, but I'm not much for extras; unless the girl is all-natural and 9+. When asked, my usual answer is "It's early, maybe later." Which is partially true, I don't want to finish with the club before I finish my beer. I think the poster I quoted made one small change, which can keep up the enthusiasm of the company. "Yes." You can still put it off to later and until you've seen other options.
What is your favorite way to keep things going, without committing too early in your visit? When you were a rookie, did you make the mistake of saying you were tapped (money-wise) and then wonder why you were being ignored?
I always tip a $10 to $20 up front in the front room as she sits down. I then engage in VIP. Conversation. If I like her, she will get the first level VIP $. I tell her that any more after that will depend on her “performance”. I came to have fun. I came to spend money. It is up to her to provide half of that fun. It is up to me to provide all the money for my fun.
I with Nidan; if a girl I find attractive says hello and I have just walked in I usually offer a drink / to sit and talk for a minute and tip her up front to keep the ball(s) rolling. IF things are clicking and the chemicals between us are kicking, off to the VIP we go.
At DD, trying to fool those girls into giving you good regular dances by stringing them along with $25 dances isn't really a good plan. You might get one or two, but they're not dumb. And they all talk. If you do fool one, expect her to go back to that table full of dancers and call you out, so you won't fool two. You're much better off just being straight up with them out front and telling them you don't want to do a room.
Some will bail on you before you finish the sentence. Some will politely say goodbye. But, some are fine with dances. A few actually prefer not to suck and fuck and would rather do dances. Hell, some dig just doing the $10 dances when they're available again.
Well where I was coming from with that is, we all don’t have the same styles. I like to sample a dance here, get a dance there. I’m not exactly doing 10 dances with the same girl and tu en another 10 with a different girl. If I think she’s hot Ill do a dance or two with her. See how it goes. If it’s awesome then I might consider VIP. But I don’t like doing VIP right from the jump with somebody I just met. I got to do a test run first.
Specifically at that place there was too much fakeness with those bodies, it was a little over the top I gotta admit. They were pretty but at that time I wasn’t feeling the whole rock hard tits ass thing. Too much of that going on there, even if VIP is gonna be a free for all, you know what sometimes I don’t feel like spending for it.
Most clubs I'll say either "no thanks" (if I'm not at all interested) or "I'm interested but want to chill a bit" (if I'll revisit). No need to lie, I'm sure guys turn them down all the time. I also won't pay for conversation.
I've been to some extras factories with no single dance options. But these aren't "chill out" places. Find your girl and head to the back, or you might not get another chance.
Diamond Dolls is a different animal - for one, it's almost all non-English-speaking Cubans so hard to "have a conversation" - it's also very extras-heavy where almost every dancer is seeking extras so many will move on quickly if the PL is not interested in extras to go find someone who is b/f that someone blows his load w/ another dancer - so the "sit and talk to get to know her" style that can work in the avg club does not work that well here b/c this is not the avg club - as w/ most clubs, if it's on the slow-side, then better chance the dancer will sit and chat - but on a busy night, or even a busy dayshift, they will often blow you off (in the not good way) even if you want dances but don't want extras - as as in many clubs, if you are a dancer's regular then likely she'll spend time at your side.
I'm not a regular at this club by any means but have visited maybe a dozen times (perhaps more) over the last few years - I can't recall the last time I felt a $25 lap-dance was worth it to *me* - this being a heavy-extras club that is the only interest of many of the dancers and they use the dance just to try to up-sell you to extras and if you are not interested in extras they are often not interested in you nor giving you dances - it's not universal b/c nothing is; just that pretty-much every time I've gotten $25 LDs at this place I felt I wasted my $$$.
I'm not a heavy-extras PL in the sense that is not my primary mission when I hit a club (although it is sometimes but not most times) - I go w/ the flow and if things align (i.e. really turned-on by a particular dancer and I click w/ her) then decent chance I pull the trigger - but when it comes to this club I go in w/ the mindset of extras b/c o/w it hasn't been worth it for me in the past - this club is known for extras and that's the reason to visit - going to this club for lap-dances is like going to a seafood restaurant for spaghetti.
I think the $10 floor-dances @ Diamond Dolls are a better value - the girls seem to put extra effort to get you revved up for extras but will usually move if they can't convince you on extras in short order (why they don't put the same effort into the $25 LDs IDK).
And I agree w/ @Dolfan that there's not much one can do w.r.t. getting a decent LD @ Diamond Dolls - it's just not the M.O. of the club - best one can do is be aware of that and just stick to the $10 floor-dances (when available) or go for a LD with the mindset there's a good chance it will just be a one-and-done.
@Random - DD is in the Miami area, rather than Tampa. It's my understanding that clubs in Miami are back open. If you're looking for extras, DD is the place.
last commentSome will bail on you before you finish the sentence. Some will politely say goodbye. But, some are fine with dances. A few actually prefer not to suck and fuck and would rather do dances. Hell, some dig just doing the $10 dances when they're available again.
Specifically at that place there was too much fakeness with those bodies, it was a little over the top I gotta admit. They were pretty but at that time I wasn’t feeling the whole rock hard tits ass thing. Too much of that going on there, even if VIP is gonna be a free for all, you know what sometimes I don’t feel like spending for it.
Most clubs I'll say either "no thanks" (if I'm not at all interested) or "I'm interested but want to chill a bit" (if I'll revisit). No need to lie, I'm sure guys turn them down all the time. I also won't pay for conversation.
I've been to some extras factories with no single dance options. But these aren't "chill out" places. Find your girl and head to the back, or you might not get another chance.
I'm not a heavy-extras PL in the sense that is not my primary mission when I hit a club (although it is sometimes but not most times) - I go w/ the flow and if things align (i.e. really turned-on by a particular dancer and I click w/ her) then decent chance I pull the trigger - but when it comes to this club I go in w/ the mindset of extras b/c o/w it hasn't been worth it for me in the past - this club is known for extras and that's the reason to visit - going to this club for lap-dances is like going to a seafood restaurant for spaghetti.
I think the $10 floor-dances @ Diamond Dolls are a better value - the girls seem to put extra effort to get you revved up for extras but will usually move if they can't convince you on extras in short order (why they don't put the same effort into the $25 LDs IDK).