Why should he answer? If he says no, you’ll say he’s lying. If he says yes, you’ll cry about court packing. It serves him no purpose, but you know that.
Moot point since Dems are only slightly favored to win Senate. Also would depend on how irrational the Court is. For example, if the ACA is struck down with this ludicrous SC case, then court packing may be the necessary response.
A packed court becomes the equivalent of a kangaroo court.
His non-answer is just typical politics - it's not what you say or don't say but how you say it.
Biden is old-school and I doubt he'll approve of packing - most people including many Dems don't agree with it - Biden may be pushed to do it by the radicals in the party but I don't think it'd happen - the old-school Dems are still the ones with most of the power in the party.
‘with this ludicrous SC case’ - As usual squirrel brain RumDumb has no cognitive thinking. If the roles were reversed would the Dems be appointing someone and the Reps objecting? You betcha so stop whining bitch.
All y’all sound like a bunch of conspiracy nut jobs. Sheesh.
Do you know *anything* about the SC suit challenging the ACA? Be honest, can you explain the main features without Googling?
You don't need to be a lawyer to understand that the suit is profoundly stupid. As recently as last week the WSJ said as much in an editorial. Should I dig out the link for you? Or Google one of the many articles by Nicholas Bagley (law professor at U of Michigan). I wouldn't be surprised if the ACA lawsuit is struck down unanimously with or without Barrett.
In the unlikely event that the ACA is struck down by the SC, 20M people would lose their healthcare and the rest of us would lose protection for pre-existing. It would be absolute chaos and life/death for many people. In the unlikely case that the ACA is struck down, Biden wins, and the Dems control the Senate, I think the Dems should go nuclear and do whatever it takes to restore healthcare coverage.
Open your fucking ears Pistola and you might learn something.
^As usual your cognitive skills are poss poor and missed the point. No, I don’t spend my days like you reading from ‘scholars’ that don’t know shit from shinola about the real world. Most ‘professors’ don’t know jack shit about how the real world works. What I do know is Barrett is getting on the SCOTUS, nobody is packing the court so quickly, Roe v Wade isn’t getting overturned, and it would be political suicide to overturn the ACA without a backup plan. But the ACA is a mess and needs restructuring, It’s all politics. Go take your vitamins, the blood ain’t flowing to in your dusty attic.
Have you people actually seen the crazy shit this president has done? This country is fucked better get your passport ready because Canada is calling. You get the leaders you fucking deserve.
Biden should wait for Barrett's confirmation hearings and to see whether she's confirmed before making a decision about increasing the size of the court. Pretty batshit if you're bothered the Democrats might do something that's allowed by The Constitution, but fine with a President who won't commit to leaving office if he loses the election, and won't distance himself from violent white supremacists.
^wah, I am a democrat and making up excuses why cheating is fine is what I do...... Al Gore. Expanding the Court ends its' legitimacy for ever so have at it.
“Have you people actually seen the crazy shit this president has done? “
Well, I’ve heard the stories that lefties have made up about Trump. Injecting bleach. Fine Neo nazis. CoVid is Fake. Russian collusion. All lies.
Here in reality-ville, we have treatments and vaccines for CoVid developed in record time. Peace developing in the Middle East. Manufacturing jobs returning from China. An economic rebound within months of the China virus pandemic.
And, speaking of crazy shit, Hillary led a coup on the duly elected President. Obama and Biden were told about this but, for 4 years said nothing. How crazy is that ?
Nah for all the talk and bluster from these guys, the loser will be ejected and power will transfer peacefully. No elite is going to throw it all away for This crop of candidates. They might whip some poors into a frenzy but those will be arrested tried and imprisoned like the fringe they are
I like to think that Biteme would not agree to packing the court. I have no doubt that Kommiela would. As always, I remind you that electing Joe Biteme guarantees a President Kommiela.
I don't recall Trump saying he wouldn't leave (perhaps he did at some point) - AFAIK it's the Dems constantly pushing that narrative like many narratives they have been pushing in their Trump obsession - to me the Dems have been shown willing to do just about anything to get Trump out including cheating on the election - to me it looks the Dems are setting up the narrative for Trump not to challenge anything nefarious w.r.t. the election and if he challenges fraud then they are going to immediately go to their narrative that Trump is challenging b/c he doesn't wanna leave.
Hillary was the one that said Biden shouldn't conceded under any circumstances - and AFAIK it's the Dems that has been reported to have already hired 600 lawyers to challenge anything w.r.t. the election.
So the Dems are saying Biden shouldn't concede under any circumstance; are the ones with an army of lawyers to fight any results that don't go their way; and were the ones that fought the results tooth-and-nail back in 2000.
In the last 4 years, the only thing Democrats have accomplished, or cared about, is a failed coup attempt on the President. Their supporters burned cities and looted.
Here’s a partial list of what Trump has accomplished, while fending off the coup -Trump moved the embassy to Israel, a move both parties had as a goal. -Trump oversaw the first Arab/Israeli peace accord in 40 years -Trump built 450 miles of a wall both parties once agreed to build. -Trump got Mexico to turn back the caravans and protect our border. -Trump dropped unemployment to 3.5%. -Trump reduced the income gap between blacks and whites. -Trump replaced NAFTA. -Trump cut corporate taxes, which ended the exodus of corporate HQs from the USA. -Trump reduced regulations. -Trump appointed almost as many appellate judges in one term that Obama appointed in two. -Trump is the first president in 40 years not to start a war. -Trump implemented Operation Warp Speed to develop CoVid treatments and vaccines in record time -Trump confronted a Chinese spy network that had been built up over decades -Trump built a Quad alliance of India, Japan, Australia, and the US to push back against Chinese aggression and militarism -Trump implemented Chinese tariffs, beginning the biggest shift in the world’s supply chain in history -Trump forced our NATO allies to increase their contribution by $500 Billion -Trump led criminal justice reform, restoring hope to over a million non-violent offenders
What’s the big deal about packing the courts ? Here’s the game plan if Joe wins and Democrats regain the Senate: 1. End the Senate filibuster rules, allowing a simple majority to pass anything it wants. 2. Pack the court, turning it into a rubber stamp for anything the Democrats want 3. Make Puerto Rico and DC states, expanding the Democrat Senate majority 4. Pass the entire Socialist agenda with no fear a court will interfere. Ban cars and planes. Implement reparations. Confiscate guns. Expand government surveillance. Limit free speech to politically correct speech. Give job and school preferences to groups that support Democrats. Expand government spending and bureaucracies at all levels.
Zigby calls bullshit on those “ Biden is ahead by 15%” polls. They oversample Dems like crazy. The true number is closer to 2% if they are adjusted for the actual number of Dems and Repubs.
One of the skills those on the left claim is the ability to read Trump’s mind, especially when all the facts go against their claims.
He’s racist ( in spite of what he did for African American employment and criminal justice reform ). He hates Jews ( in spite of his support for Israel and his Jewish daughter and grandchildren ). He hates gays ( in spite of having the first openly gay, high level agency Director in Grenell ).
"Ballistics Report Confirms: Officer Shot In Breonna Taylor Raid Was Hit By Boyfriend, Not Friendly Fire"
"... A newly-released ballistics report states that Sergeant Jonathan Mattingly, the police officer whose leg was hit by a bullet as he joined two other officers to serve a “no-knock” search warrant at Breonna Taylor’s apartment was shot by Taylor’s boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, not friendly fire, as had been alleged in some quarters.
The Louisville Metro Police Department released a Kentucky Police ballistics report that confirmed Mattingly was hit by a 9 mm round fired from Walker’s Glock Luger semiautomatic pistol, the Daily Mail noted. The officers were carrying .40-caliber guns .... Despite claims that Mattingly had been hit by friendly fire, Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron had asserted there was “no evidence to support that Sergeant Mattingly was hit by friendly fire from other officers.” ..."
"Breonna Taylor Boyfriend ‘Had Numerous Conversations About Drug Trafficking,’ Investigators Said"
"... Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend Kenneth Walker “had numerous conversations about drug trafficking” in his phone, investigators said, according to a document dump from the Louisville Metro Police Department.
Walker, who fired at plainclothes officers during a raid on Taylor’s home on March 13 that tragically left her dead and one officer shot, allegedly had more than two dozen customers he dealt to, according to chats spanning from the fall of 2019 to March of this year, the Daily Mail reported Wednesday.
Released photos also show Taylor and Walker brandishing weapons, one of which is captioned “partners in crime.”
“In police interviews, Walker said that he was not involved in serious criminal activity, but did say that he sometimes personally used marijuana,” the Daily Mail report said. “However, a search of his phone ‘found numerous conversations about drug trafficking,’ investigators said in the newly released documents.”
“In several ‘chats’ described in the documents, Walker discusses selling ‘pills’ to Hooters waitresses,” the report noted. “In another conversation, he sent an image of a bag of marijuana, advertising it as ‘Cali High Grade Premium Cannabis 1LB,’ according to the documents.”
Walker apparently “offered to sell half ounces for $25, or two ‘zips’, slang for ounces, for $260,” according to other detailed “chats.”
Taylor’s boyfriend also allegedly discussed robbing someone, per documents: “Walker asked how much ‘bread’ the target had, and another person replied that it was at least $25,000,” the Daily Mail said. “When someone in the chat asked if it was an easy target or whether they needed to [do] homework, Walker replied that he ‘does his homework on every mission,’ according to the documents.”
Photos of Taylor and Walker posing with guns were also revealed. The Daily Mail reported:
In one photo recovered from Walker’s phone, Taylor poses with him as he holds a silver and black Glock 9mm that strongly resembles the gun Walker used to fire on police during the raid. He also shows off a ‘pistol style’ Springfield Saint AR-15.
‘Partners in crime’ reads the caption at the bottom of the photo, along with a cartoon of handcuffs.
In text messages, Walker said that he purchased the Glock from a ‘white boy’ and that it wasn’t registered to him, but that he had a bill of sale.
In one text message to Walker, Taylor sent an image of herself with the AR-15 pistol.
In another, she asks for a picture of the AR-15 pistol to show to a ‘white boy’ she works with who might be interested in purchasing it, according to the new documents ..."
"University Of Kentucky Segregated Residential Assistance Training By Race, Sent White People To ‘White Accountability Space’"
"... Whites and non-whites training to be Residential Assistants at the University of Kentucky were segregated according to their race and put through different presentations ... White RAs were sent to a “White Accountability Space” where they were given a document that listed 41 “common racist behaviors and attitudes of white people.”
Number one on the list states that white people “believe they have ‘earned’ what they have, rather than acknowledge the extensive white privilege and unearned advantages they receive” and “believe that if people of color just worked harder …” The list also includes claims that white people don’t “notice the daily indignities that people of color experience; deny them and rationalize them away with PLEs (perfectly logical explanations),” “resent taking direction from a person of color,” and tend to ask “people of color to repeat what they have said.”
Brandon Colbert from the university’s Bias Incident Support Services offered a presentation for the training allegedly talking about “microaggressions and microinvalidations in the workplace and the harm that they cause.” ... Colbert’s previous tweets have “denounced the American Flag, National Anthem, and Independence Day all as being the stuff that makes [America] racist.”
The person who alerted YAF to the segregation wished to remain anonymous and said that white students were required to have the document on their computers and then discuss with which behaviors they were familiar.
“We talked about how we could best support our minority colleagues and be more mindful of the microaggressions we commit against them every day by being white,” the student told YAF. “They wanted us to acknowledge our ‘extensive white privilege.’” ..."
The US Constitution allows the party in control of the Senate to confirm (or not confirm) the president’s nominee. Republicans have told us this in 2016 (Garland) and now for Barrett. The US Constitution also allows the party in control of both houses of Congress and the presidency to increase the size of the court and pack it.
Both parties are hypocrites. Now it’s the Republicans’ turn in control and the Democrats’ turn to whine. Should the Democrats control the presidency and congress in January, it will be the Democrat’s’ turn to be hypocrites and for the other side to whine.
That’s one of the arguments against court packing. If Democrats add 4 justices, then Republicans will add 6 the next time they have a chance. Then, Democrats will add 8, and so on.
Schumer made that argument when he said if the republicans confirm Barrett, nothing is off the table. The polls say almost 60% of the country disagrees with the Barrett confirmation, yet the republicans proceed. If the voters elect Biden and flip the senate, we’ll have our answer. If they don’t, we’ll also have our answer.
Either way, it’s tough to complain about court packing when we got here through an arms’ race perpetuated by both sides. Senate blocking Obama’s nominations to the DC Circuit. Harry Reid using 51 votes to confirm DC judges. McConnell blocking Garland. McConnell switching to 51 votes for Supreme Court justices to get Gorsuch confirmed. Now Barrett, and potentially the court packing. Both parties are equally responsible, or guilty if you prefer.
Let the Trumpublicans have their judge the fallout from this will take years for the Republican Party to recover from. Not only is the presidency on the line but the senate is in play with a probable flip from McConnell to Schumer as a consequence the idiots always overplay their hand and it’s happening again.
As a moderate, I liked the era of the 4-4-1 Supreme Court and 60 vote filibuster requirement for the world’s greatest deliberative body. Yes, I still disagreed with some Supreme Court decisions and yes, we often got gridlock in the world’s greatest deliberative body, but overall it fostered better bipartisan decisions. Seems like a thousand years ago.
The brilliance of checks and balances is that everything is self correcting. If one side steps over the line, they will pay a price at the ballot box.
In 1936, FDR was unable to raise the number of Justices, despite Democrat control of the House and Senate, because even his own party knew packing the court was unpopular.
Every decision, including Garland and Barrett, is ultimately judged by the people. Personally, I don’t think putting Barrett on the SC will change any voters mind. Trump supporters will still support. Trump haters will still hate.
WASHINGTON, D.C.—According to anonymous sources, local liberal man Penn Millikers proposed to his girlfriend but has refused to reveal his position on adultery until after the wedding is over.
last commentVoters don’t deserve to know his stance on Supreme Court packing
And it’s on video.
Packing the court sets a bad precedent, and it opens the court up for both sides to play this game.
His non-answer is just typical politics - it's not what you say or don't say but how you say it.
Biden is old-school and I doubt he'll approve of packing - most people including many Dems don't agree with it - Biden may be pushed to do it by the radicals in the party but I don't think it'd happen - the old-school Dems are still the ones with most of the power in the party.
As usual squirrel brain RumDumb has no cognitive thinking. If the roles were reversed would the Dems be appointing someone and the Reps objecting? You betcha so stop whining bitch.
All y’all sound like a bunch of conspiracy nut jobs. Sheesh.
Do you know *anything* about the SC suit challenging the ACA? Be honest, can you explain the main features without Googling?
You don't need to be a lawyer to understand that the suit is profoundly stupid. As recently as last week the WSJ said as much in an editorial. Should I dig out the link for you? Or Google one of the many articles by Nicholas Bagley (law professor at U of Michigan). I wouldn't be surprised if the ACA lawsuit is struck down unanimously with or without Barrett.
In the unlikely event that the ACA is struck down by the SC, 20M people would lose their healthcare and the rest of us would lose protection for pre-existing. It would be absolute chaos and life/death for many people. In the unlikely case that the ACA is struck down, Biden wins, and the Dems control the Senate, I think the Dems should go nuclear and do whatever it takes to restore healthcare coverage.
Open your fucking ears Pistola and you might learn something.
"Judge Barrett and the Supreme Court won’t vote to overturn the health law."
Well, I’ve heard the stories that lefties have made up about Trump. Injecting bleach. Fine Neo nazis. CoVid is Fake. Russian collusion. All lies.
Here in reality-ville, we have treatments and vaccines for CoVid developed in record time. Peace developing in the Middle East. Manufacturing jobs returning from China. An economic rebound within months of the China virus pandemic.
And, speaking of crazy shit, Hillary led a coup on the duly elected President. Obama and Biden were told about this but, for 4 years said nothing. How crazy is that ?
Hillary was the one that said Biden shouldn't conceded under any circumstances - and AFAIK it's the Dems that has been reported to have already hired 600 lawyers to challenge anything w.r.t. the election.
So the Dems are saying Biden shouldn't concede under any circumstance; are the ones with an army of lawyers to fight any results that don't go their way; and were the ones that fought the results tooth-and-nail back in 2000.
Here’s a partial list of what Trump has accomplished, while fending off the coup
-Trump moved the embassy to Israel, a move both parties had as a goal.
-Trump oversaw the first Arab/Israeli peace accord in 40 years
-Trump built 450 miles of a wall both parties once agreed to build.
-Trump got Mexico to turn back the caravans and protect our border.
-Trump dropped unemployment to 3.5%.
-Trump reduced the income gap between blacks and whites.
-Trump replaced NAFTA.
-Trump cut corporate taxes, which ended the exodus of corporate HQs from the USA.
-Trump reduced regulations.
-Trump appointed almost as many appellate judges in one term that Obama appointed in two.
-Trump is the first president in 40 years not to start a war.
-Trump implemented Operation Warp Speed to develop CoVid treatments and vaccines in record time
-Trump confronted a Chinese spy network that had been built up over decades
-Trump built a Quad alliance of India, Japan, Australia, and the US to push back against Chinese aggression and militarism
-Trump implemented Chinese tariffs, beginning the biggest shift in the world’s supply chain in history
-Trump forced our NATO allies to increase their contribution by $500 Billion
-Trump led criminal justice reform, restoring hope to over a million non-violent offenders
1. End the Senate filibuster rules, allowing a simple majority to pass anything it wants.
2. Pack the court, turning it into a rubber stamp for anything the Democrats want
3. Make Puerto Rico and DC states, expanding the Democrat Senate majority
4. Pass the entire Socialist agenda with no fear a court will interfere. Ban cars and planes. Implement reparations. Confiscate guns. Expand government surveillance. Limit free speech to politically correct speech. Give job and school preferences to groups that support Democrats. Expand government spending and bureaucracies at all levels.
As Scott Adams pointed out, the Dem cancel culture has caused many Trump supporters to go silent. You’ll first hear from them on Nov 3.
^^ Trump gaslighting the public with a healthcare plan that doesn't exist and will never exist.
He’s racist ( in spite of what he did for African American employment and criminal justice reform ). He hates Jews ( in spite of his support for Israel and his Jewish daughter and grandchildren ). He hates gays ( in spite of having the first openly gay, high level agency Director in Grenell ).
The rest of your spin would make a good Grimm Brothers Story.
"... A newly-released ballistics report states that Sergeant Jonathan Mattingly, the police officer whose leg was hit by a bullet as he joined two other officers to serve a “no-knock” search warrant at Breonna Taylor’s apartment was shot by Taylor’s boyfriend, Kenneth Walker, not friendly fire, as had been alleged in some quarters.
The Louisville Metro Police Department released a Kentucky Police ballistics report that confirmed Mattingly was hit by a 9 mm round fired from Walker’s Glock Luger semiautomatic pistol, the Daily Mail noted. The officers were carrying .40-caliber guns .... Despite claims that Mattingly had been hit by friendly fire, Kentucky Attorney General Daniel Cameron had asserted there was “no evidence to support that Sergeant Mattingly was hit by friendly fire from other officers.” ..."
"Breonna Taylor Boyfriend ‘Had Numerous Conversations About Drug Trafficking,’ Investigators Said"
"... Breonna Taylor’s boyfriend Kenneth Walker “had numerous conversations about drug trafficking” in his phone, investigators said, according to a document dump from the Louisville Metro Police Department.
Walker, who fired at plainclothes officers during a raid on Taylor’s home on March 13 that tragically left her dead and one officer shot, allegedly had more than two dozen customers he dealt to, according to chats spanning from the fall of 2019 to March of this year, the Daily Mail reported Wednesday.
Released photos also show Taylor and Walker brandishing weapons, one of which is captioned “partners in crime.”
“In police interviews, Walker said that he was not involved in serious criminal activity, but did say that he sometimes personally used marijuana,” the Daily Mail report said. “However, a search of his phone ‘found numerous conversations about drug trafficking,’ investigators said in the newly released documents.”
“In several ‘chats’ described in the documents, Walker discusses selling ‘pills’ to Hooters waitresses,” the report noted. “In another conversation, he sent an image of a bag of marijuana, advertising it as ‘Cali High Grade Premium Cannabis 1LB,’ according to the documents.”
Walker apparently “offered to sell half ounces for $25, or two ‘zips’, slang for ounces, for $260,” according to other detailed “chats.”
Taylor’s boyfriend also allegedly discussed robbing someone, per documents: “Walker asked how much ‘bread’ the target had, and another person replied that it was at least $25,000,” the Daily Mail said. “When someone in the chat asked if it was an easy target or whether they needed to [do] homework, Walker replied that he ‘does his homework on every mission,’ according to the documents.”
Photos of Taylor and Walker posing with guns were also revealed. The Daily Mail reported:
In one photo recovered from Walker’s phone, Taylor poses with him as he holds a silver and black Glock 9mm that strongly resembles the gun Walker used to fire on police during the raid. He also shows off a ‘pistol style’ Springfield Saint AR-15.
‘Partners in crime’ reads the caption at the bottom of the photo, along with a cartoon of handcuffs.
In text messages, Walker said that he purchased the Glock from a ‘white boy’ and that it wasn’t registered to him, but that he had a bill of sale.
In one text message to Walker, Taylor sent an image of herself with the AR-15 pistol.
In another, she asks for a picture of the AR-15 pistol to show to a ‘white boy’ she works with who might be interested in purchasing it, according to the new documents ..."
"... Whites and non-whites training to be Residential Assistants at the University of Kentucky were segregated according to their race and put through different presentations ... White RAs were sent to a “White Accountability Space” where they were given a document that listed 41 “common racist behaviors and attitudes of white people.”
Number one on the list states that white people “believe they have ‘earned’ what they have, rather than acknowledge the extensive white privilege and unearned advantages they receive” and “believe that if people of color just worked harder …” The list also includes claims that white people don’t “notice the daily indignities that people of color experience; deny them and rationalize them away with PLEs (perfectly logical explanations),” “resent taking direction from a person of color,” and tend to ask “people of color to repeat what they have said.”
Brandon Colbert from the university’s Bias Incident Support Services offered a presentation for the training allegedly talking about “microaggressions and microinvalidations in the workplace and the harm that they cause.” ... Colbert’s previous tweets have “denounced the American Flag, National Anthem, and Independence Day all as being the stuff that makes [America] racist.”
The person who alerted YAF to the segregation wished to remain anonymous and said that white students were required to have the document on their computers and then discuss with which behaviors they were familiar.
“We talked about how we could best support our minority colleagues and be more mindful of the microaggressions we commit against them every day by being white,” the student told YAF. “They wanted us to acknowledge our ‘extensive white privilege.’” ..."
Both parties are hypocrites. Now it’s the Republicans’ turn in control and the Democrats’ turn to whine. Should the Democrats control the presidency and congress in January, it will be the Democrat’s’ turn to be hypocrites and for the other side to whine.
Once the door is open, there is no limit.
Either way, it’s tough to complain about court packing when we got here through an arms’ race perpetuated by both sides. Senate blocking Obama’s nominations to the DC Circuit. Harry Reid using 51 votes to confirm DC judges. McConnell blocking Garland. McConnell switching to 51 votes for Supreme Court justices to get Gorsuch confirmed. Now Barrett, and potentially the court packing. Both parties are equally responsible, or guilty if you prefer.
Not only is the presidency on the line but the senate is in play with a probable flip from McConnell to Schumer as a consequence the idiots always overplay their hand and it’s happening again.
In 1936, FDR was unable to raise the number of Justices, despite Democrat control of the House and Senate, because even his own party knew packing the court was unpopular.
Every decision, including Garland and Barrett, is ultimately judged by the people. Personally, I don’t think putting Barrett on the SC will change any voters mind. Trump supporters will still support. Trump haters will still hate.
WASHINGTON, D.C.—According to anonymous sources, local liberal man Penn Millikers proposed to his girlfriend but has refused to reveal his position on adultery until after the wedding is over.