
Tjuana has its brothel clubs. Germany has the FKKs. Amsterdam has the original Red Light District. Thailand has its, well, everything everywhere. Brothels and escorts aside, which country has the best adult entertainment scene for an American living abroad? When I was in college, it was always made out to be that Canada had the craziest, wildest strip clubs imaginable. Since joining TUSCL, they actually seem comparatively lame. The first world Asian countries put a major stigma on sex work, and tentacle porn is definitely not my thing. Australia and the UK don't seem to have many well-reviewed clubs. Does any place have a strip club scene comparable to south Florida, Detroit, or CoI?


last comment
Avatar for WavvyCain

Kittens in Australia is amazing. Idk how they don’t have many more great reviews. Private dances there were 50 bucks! The girls are amazing I made some friends there I still talk to the girls are nice.

Avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)

I believe Madrid, Barcelona and Ibiza in Spain.

Google says there are also nice clubs in Mexico, besides TJ; Cancun, Guadalajara, Monterrey and of course Mexico City.

Brazil, Venezuela and Colombia too.

Avatar for nicespice

Idk, Asia may have stigma but from what I’ve gathered it’s everywhere regardless. My ex-boyfriend spent time over in Singapore and just hanging out at the hotel smoking, there were working girls ready to hustle and constantly pitching for sex. And outside the hotel there were places like several story “shopping malls” which was all sex workers. There was even an entire floor devoted to lady boys.

I’ve heard in China the concept of a “legit” massage isn’t really understood. Oh and the hustle-from-the-hotel-lobby seemed to be a thing there two.

Everything I’ve heard is all secondhand though. I’m sure somebody like BabyDoc could give way better input.

Avatar for blahblahblah23

So people doing that in those countries, are they doing it of their free will or is somebody making them? I honestly dk much about this.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

One aspect of Tijuana is that one is steps away from the U.S. and can go back-and-forth as they please.

Colombia and Costa Rica seem like good P4P places also - I believe P4P is legal in those two countries (at least to a certain extent)

Avatar for Playademan

While I’d say Canada is tame compared to Mexico I don’t think it’s tame compared to the US and could be compared to Detroit and south Florida.

Avatar for Hollywood

P4P is legal in Costa Rica, Most the action is in San Jose or Jaco

Avatar for Piggie

@nicespice. What you said about asia especially Singapore is dead on.

Avatar for SaltyNuts

@nicespice in Singapore that "shopping mall" was most likely Orchid Towers aka Four Floors of Whores. The first time in Singapore, we got the local inbriefng about being out in town, we were told that in the clubs to not leave with the best looking girls, the ones with the best clothes, hair and makeup because we might end up being very surprised back in a hotel room, instead pick a plain girl in t-shirt and jeans. Singapore has a great idea, there are legal areas to find entertainment, Geylang on the numbered streets were the fishbowl shops - pick by number, another area mostly for locals, and one area of ladyboys.

Avatar for BabyDoc

WARNING: Long assed rambling post follows. Sorry about that. And remember, it’s the internet so believe what you want but do view the video at the end if nothing else.

@nicespice “I’m sure somebody like BabyDoc could give way better input.”

What kind of a guy do you think I am? … Scratch that… (btw sorry but they cancelled the Tigtigan Terakan Keng Dalan (TTKD) festival for this year. If you’d like me to pencil you in as my first alternate arm candy date for next year just whistle).

@blahblahblah23 “So people doing that in those countries, are they doing it of their free will or is somebody making them?”

I’d seriously like to address this at sometime in the future but not right now. I believe I can speak with at least a modicum authority on the subject without the usual all or nothing perspective so I’ll get back to you.

Now to the OP’s query, I don’t mean this facetiously but right now with Covid-19 the future is seriously unknown. What “was” probably will be at the very least “different” if it survives at all. I’m watching real time as clubs in other countries are folding for good while some try to hang on with no customers and still others are desperately trying to sell in a non-existent market. So the answer to your question is murky at best IMO.

The next point which is often glossed over is the interpretation of what defines a good club scene. Some people are looking for the walk-in, guaranteed wham bam thank you ma’am experience (for less than a dollar or so it sometimes seems), while others want an extended GFE or to take their “date” home or even just to watch the truly gorgeous naked women putting on a real stage show. Sex exists everywhere in the world but just like in the States the business of sex can be very, very different from place to place.

I’m sure you already know all that but it really is necessary for people to define what they mean when they say things like a “good club” in order to have a meaningful discussion.

All that said I’d be open to offering whatever my limited experience in the subject that I can if anyone is interested. And limited it is. I’ve only been doing this for a little over forty years. I spent most of my adult working life in nasty places and dangerous situations doing crisis management, disaster response and humanitarian type shit on every continent save Antarctica. In the down time I made a habit of finding respite in the arms of some charming women. As such, I was looking for a ready-made party to blow off steam while not wasting any valuable time. Much like a sailor putting into port I usually had limited time so clubs offered an easy solution (btw I was never a sailor not liking boats and the whole mariners ethos of “It ain’t gay if you’re underway” just doesn’t work for me).

I think I can honestly say that I have never gone in search of sex though at times I have accepted some free samples both inside and outside of the clubs. I’ve also been an impulse buyer on occasion (OK, often) but primarily my clubbing is about convenient PTSD type stress relief that continues to this day. I won’t try to write a book here (which has been suggested to me in the past) but I’ll try to answer the OP’s question first and then since I’m anxiously waiting on a phone call maybe just a short world tour of observations and comments (***with the understanding that this will be buried in the non-searchable VIP section).

My recommendation: I have wondered why more people here don’t seem to be aware of what’s available off shore in Central and South America. The flight time to Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia from the Eastern US is often shorter than to San Diego and the fares are/were often less expensive. Mexico isn’t my cup of tea especially when there are really attractive Colombian women so close to the States but that’s purely a personal thing. There are lots of whores from around the region available in Costa Rica but it’s mostly “Hey Joe you wanna fuck?”, and though I’m partial to Panama for my own reasons (I call it home or at least I did but that may be changing), it’s kind of the same there but you can easily find truly beautiful women to go all in on the GFE if that’s what you want. Colombia has more clubs (from straight out whore houses to show clubs) and any of the three places would be my recommendation to your query. Clearing immigration is a breeze (in normal times) in all three countries and as long as you have/get Global Entry you can sail back through US Immigration and almost be back in your bed before your fellow monger can find his way back to San Diego from TJ.

Now just some random comments. As far as Australia, anyone familiar with US clubs wouldn’t feel out of place in Australia IME but it’s a long way to go for what you can find in the States. Each State/Territory has their own laws/rules and the culture is a bit different (lol) but I like Ozzies and their dancers are more uniformly attractive than in the States IMO. Not as many fat and unattractive women in the clubs. There also seem to be a significant number of women (not on a work visas - lol) mostly from the UK/EU who dance in the clubs (or so I’ve heard - lol).

Asia, Asia, Asia. Asia is a big fucking place and yes the business of sex is “mostly” ubiquitous but it is not the same from place to place. Malaysia is a Moslem country so don’t expect to find any place like Sukhumvit in Bangkok. Hotel bars on the down low if you’re interested in companionship is the place to start there. I know that people don’t want to hear this and if they don’t have the historic background they probably won’t believe it but Thailand (original home of the fishbowls) has been going to shit for a long, long time. (*a fishbowl BTW is a display of bikini clad girls behind glass with numbers, sometimes up to 100 girls, that you go in and make your selection – not my thing. Its cultural, not just for tourists, and almost every city/town/village of any size has one (their version of the local whorehouse). It is also probable that there is a karaoke beer garden somewhere in town which is often a target rich environment – more my thing).

Cambodia of today is the Thailand of twenty years ago which for me is still too modern and civilized but I can’t turn back the hands of time so it’s a good alternative. Vietnam is also a very modern, clean and safe new comer with a nice experience on offer (***see the video below at the end). Hong Kong is currently shit thanks to the ChiComs. Personally I’m not much into nor have a great deal of experience in Indonesia (another Moslem country) but perhaps @reverendhornibastard can answer questions if someone has any. Don't bother with Laos as they haven't quite figured it out yet. Korea is juicy bars massage parlors and back alley whore houses. Japan is too fucking weird for me.

Singapore was mentioned above and yes the Orchid Towers aka Four Floors of Whores that @saltynuts mentioned is the famous spot but it is greatly over rated IMO. It’s a mostly nighttime phenomena to begin with (I’m a 24 hour type guy) and not nearly as impressive as you might imagine. PRO TIP: go there on a Sunday. There are thousands of immigrants working in Singapore mostly as domestics and Sunday is their normal day off. Many will go out to socialize and party with fellow immigrants and bluntly put many are looking to get laid. There is also the bar in I believe it’s the Hyatt (my memory fails me at the moment) where working girls are let in and you can mingle (shop) similar to the ex-pat places in the Mid East for those familiar with that set up.

The Philippines. Yep the Philippines got under my skin decades ago just like a tropical rash that can never be gotten rid of. Almost half of my philanthropic endeavors and interests are in the Philippines and I use them as an excuse to visit 2 – 4 times a year. In 30 to 40 years things have changed significantly. Maybe I’ll write up something separately some day but right now I worry for their future and I’m getting long winded.

I’ll shorten this up a little and talk about Central and South America another time. Europe is a bit of a hodge podge. Spain imports many of their working girls from Latin America and most places are hostess clubs. There are some sex show places but again not really my thing. Italy is mostly street walkers and usually in some industrial area late at night. What is a desolate warehouse district will transform into whore central with the local gentlemen cruising in their cars like it’s 1950 late at night. Mostly IME, sex in Europe is a straight forward sex for money thing. That’s never been what I’ve been interested in though I’ve played the part of the cool uncle to quite a few youngsters showing them where and how to get laid but for me personally the ease of getting some no-cost, no long term expectations and eager tail in Europe keeps me away from the sex industry. That and the wide spread exploitation of women from the East (yes human trafficking is real and yes I know that I can sometimes sound like a hypocrite but I do have my own Red Lines that I won’t cross) and the fact that Germans are some sick fucks when it comes to sex.

Africa. Africa is a big fucking place and yet people in the States talk about it as if it were the size of Brooklyn - smh. I’ve spent a hell of a lot of time in Africa but much of it during the AIDS crisis so my sexual dalliances were limited to one girl in Morocco which I did not follow through on because the hotel wanted a big, big bribe to break the law letting her in and I didn’t want to pay it. The northern half of Africa is more akin linguistically, ethnically, culturally and religiously to the Middle East and that means what sex trade there is must be hidden from view. And just a cultural note if you are ever dating a local girl, a blow job isn’t sex, anal isn’t sex and as long as you don’t want to penetrate the pussy there by taking her virginity then everything is on the table (just thought some people might want to know).

In SubSaharan Africa (black Africa) The sex trade is usually open but it is whores on the streets or trolling the bars trying to make a deal. You won’t have to guess whether they are or aren’t or what they’re up to, it will be obvious. I’ve watched guys do hooker after hooker right off the street during the height of the AIDs crisis. Unbelievable but whatever. I had one whore go nuts when I turned her down in a bar one night. I think she would have fit right in with some of the strippers I’ve encountered in the States. As I understand it there are some high class strip clubs in South Africa but I’ve never been to them.

OK if you’re still reading, one last story about Russia and I’ll wrap it up with some comments. I worked with a bunch of Russians and Ukrainians (in Africa incidentally) and we became fairly good friends. As their adopted American a few of them invited me to join them in drinking Vodka one night. We drank so much that I did puke but only privately after upholding America’s honor and drinking two of the four under the table.

Fast forward to a later visit to Moscow where I was taken out on the town by two of my friends. We ended up in what can only be described as a Hollywood cliché. High class everything especially the women some of whom were in various stages of undress. I don’t have any idea what this cost but I’m fairly sure that the receipt would have said Russian Mafia Social Club. Well anyways my friends started in on trying to out-drink me and threw in the companionship of a fucking hotter than hot Russian beauty to distract me. Then of course I was pressured into taking the girl home. National honor and all, I took her back to my hotel but once in the room I flat out told her I was too drunk to fuck her. She said “I know and so do your friends.” She then crawled into bed with me. The next day I was too hung over to fuck her and simply asked her how much I owed?? Nothing she said and then told me my friends had already paid but wanted a report from her. With a smile she promised she was going to tell them I had a huge dick and we fucked for hours. LOL.

Alright I’ll wrap this up. I have wished that TUSCL would be more international but I think the childishness simply turns off people from around the world. I also think that not enough Americans venture out of their comfort zones and miss experiencing some great times. I don’t write many reviews but when I’m inclined I do try to answer all the questions about a place and be informative just in case someone might one day find it useful.

I just went to Cartagena to meet up with a GF but before I went I checked TUSCL for clubs in Cartagena just in case she didn’t make it into the country. There is nothing listed. That’s a crime. There are a bunch of clubs there. That’s where the Secret Service made headlines. Now my GF made it and we hardly left the hotel so I never even asked if the clubs were open with Covid-19 and all. I know that @founder can’t do it all but I do wish more people would make the effort. I think that is especially true with the current Covid-19 effect. What “was” is probably different going forward so some extra detail in reviews would be nice.

BONUS: I’ve actually had a couple of pints with this guy and he is as entertaining in person as he is on his vlog. He and I aren’t looking for the same clubbing experience and he is more concerned with a lower price point than I am but this vlog on Saigon is the type of detailed information that I would love to see on TUSCL. Maybe @founder might look at adding a video library of tutorials. Enjoy: www.youtube.com

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

👆 you should write some TUSCL articles of your international experience

Avatar for BabyDoc

@Papi_Chulo “you should write some TUSCL articles of your international experience”

Appreciate the sentiment but I see that within minutes of posting you received a Down vote.

I continue to ask myself if there is any reason to keep coming back here. Is wading through the posts of humor challenged trolls and the Useful Idiots spewing their uneducated opinions about things they know nothing about worth the trouble to find people who are actually interested in flesh and blood women?

I suspect serious mongers from around the world who might stumble in by accident would wonder the same thing.

Avatar for Eve

Just slap a bandaid on the downvote and write an article, dammit!

Avatar for gammanu95

I am flattered -as I am certain Papi is- that someone is so obsessed with me, that they have followed me just so they can be the first to click a reaction on every little thought I post. Of course, it is also a clear and quite sad indicator of how little they have to fill their wasted and useless life.

Babydoc, you and RevHornBastard should collaborate on articles here. If not here, get a free wordpress domain or hell, start a podcast! I'd never miss an episode.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo


There have always been trolls on TUSCL (one of the side-effects of having an open board which most of us prefer to be that way) – liberal use of the Ignore-function can make it a lot less of a PITA.

I do agree that there are probably many mongers that don’t post on TUSCL b/c of “it’s M.O.”. (including more dancers) – still it’s a good site w/ a good amount of info for mongers and there are many that although don’t choose to participate on the board (or even writing reviews), there are many lurkers that still read the discussion threads/articles and many of the reviews.

As you mentioned, many of us on TUSCL have very little international experience thus you sharing your experience can be valuable info for some/many, or at least make for interesting reading learning about living and mongering abroad – many of us on here learned about FKKs, TJ, Follies, Detroit, Miami, etc; due to the info shared by others.

Avatar for Richard_Head

I get down votes on everything I post no matter how innocuous it may be, trolls gonna troll, write an article BabyDoc.

Avatar for BabyDoc

The Thumbs Down don’t bother me as such, it’s just an indication that many seem to be here for reasons other than the mongering hobby. That makes me question how many people here have any interest in the hobby or related topics.

That said thank you all for the encouragement. I’ll try to spew something out before too long. Hopefully it won't be a let down, lol.

Recalling memories is actually a pleasant experience considering there isn't currently much opportunity to make new ones. I have reviewed all my past comments so that I don’t repeat any stories I may have previously posted. When old guys start telling the same stories over and over again, well it’s time for “the Home”.

I may just post it here in this unsearchable and restricted VIP thread if @gammanu doesn’t mind rather than as a public article. I’ll have to think about that.

Thank again.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

^ if it's a long write-up then it's best as an article - if you make it an article then post a heads-up in the discussion board so we can approve it (I rarely look at the articles section these days so I, and likely others, won't know it's sitting there waiting approval) .

Avatar for BAngus

Yeah, BabyDoc could have scored 30 days of VIP with that one. Totally needs to be an article and I'd love to hear him elaborate on the locations he mentioned.

Avatar for BabyDoc

Shit! I'm living through youtube now.

How many ladyboys can you count?

For those who haven’t ever been to Bangkok a picture is worth a thousand words. This video is from just last month and the lack of tourists make it easier to get a look at some of the tourist red light districts off Sukhumvit (sad for the girls but good for viewing).

Sukhumvit is a main thoroughfare and “Soi” means “street” so Soi 4 is a perpendicular street off of Sukhumvit. Soi Cowboy is a pedestrian street that runs 1 block parallel to Sukhumvit. Everything shown is with walking distance.

It is 35 minutes long but you can get a pretty good look at what people are talking about when they reference Bangkok. If you want to skip ahead a bit he enters the Nana Plaza itself at 11:30 and Soi Cowboy at 16:24 the first time and a better view on the return trip at 32::55.


It’s all too garish for me and makes me miss the way it used to be but nobody consulted me…

Avatar for Mate27

Great insight.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

^^ pretty-good vid - gives someone who's never been there an idea of the surroundings

Avatar for BabyDoc

With storm clouds on the horizon and winter around the corner there is some good news regarding my recommendations above.

As of 1 November Costa Rica has opened their borders and done away with the requirement for a negative PCR test to enter the country.

As of 5 November Colombia has done away with the requirement for a negative PCR test to enter the country.

Both countries still have other requirements but they are easily complied with. Changes can occur without notice so check the US Embassy web page for both countries to see up to date requirements. Each embassy is keeping their information current (with updates made within hours of changes) unlike many other embassies around the world.

What this means is that Colombia and Costa Rica join Mexico in making it easy to enter, almost like normal times. I don’t know the status of clubs or working girls but both counties have plenty of non-mongering attractions and few internal lockdown restrictions. Panama unfortunately is still too restrictive to consider traveling to IMO.

Avatar for Studme53

Wow -great stuff - thanks Babydoc

Avatar for gammanu95

Great update, I think a lot of us need a getaway. A far way away getaway.

Avatar for twentyfive

I am flattered -as I am certain Papi is- that someone is so obsessed with me, that they have followed me just so they can be the first to click a reaction on every little thought I post. Of course, it is also a clear and quite sad indicator of how little they have to fill their wasted and useless life.

Some moron does that to me too I funny how the moron can’t get me out of his head

Avatar for BabyDoc

This will be my last comment on the subject but I thought some people might be interested considering the TUSCL demographics.

Thailand is now allowing Americans to travel to Thailand on a 60 day Tourist Visa. This is a change that has not been widely publicized. There are quite a few hoops to jump through (including 14 days quarantine in a hotel) but Thailand has one of the lowest levels of Covid-13 in the world and once you are in the country the place is largely open. Additionally, for those concerned about catching the Chinese Flu they have first class hospitals (Thailand is a popular destination for Europeans seeking quality medical care).


If you have the time, money and inclination, vacationing in the Land of Smiles may be worth the effort as opposed to being locked up in the Land of the (once upon a time) Free. Things change and the opportunity may not last but YOLO.

Avatar for Beat100

From talking with people: I heard Panama is the "hidden gem" not as hidden. However, each girl I talked to would always tell me to go to Panama.

Eastern Europe, here I heard some many good things about Poland, especially Krakow. Almost every guy is moving to Poland, especially due to the PUA guys who hype it as the place to be.

Avatar for latinalover69

Just to throw my two cents in, Cartagena Colombia is amazing. Tropical. Beaches. Babes. You don't really need clubs. Just chill at the beach bars or check out the more upscale malls. You'll see tons of talent all dolled up at the mall. And tons of bikinis at the beach. Need Spanish though. Went to a brothel once in the old city. Pretty fun. They go back to your hotel room. Crazy but fun.

Avatar for lurkingdog

I really liked Baby Doc’s narrative. I have also found fun in Japan, China, the Dominican Republic, the Czech Republic, Russia and Austria. The world can be your oyster in the P4P model.

Avatar for lurkingdog

I forgot, there’s also fun to be had in Korea, too

Avatar for JamesSD

Baja california is very beautiful and affordable. There are people who retire there regardless of TJ

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