Atlanta suburb
Is it a pedophiles dream or just 11 year old's doing what 11 year old's do?
I tried watching it just to see what all the stink was about. First of all I really don't like documentaries and I hate foreign films with sub titles. I turned it off after 30 minutes. Too boring for me but from what I did watch I don't think it resembles kiddy porn. I don't think that it is any worse than the beauty pageants for little girls. I have a 12 yo grand daughter that took dance classes after school in elementary school and they were almost as risque as depicted in the movie.
I think if Netflix was trying to corner the pedophile market they lost.
I tried watching it just to see what all the stink was about. First of all I really don't like documentaries and I hate foreign films with sub titles. I turned it off after 30 minutes. Too boring for me but from what I did watch I don't think it resembles kiddy porn. I don't think that it is any worse than the beauty pageants for little girls. I have a 12 yo grand daughter that took dance classes after school in elementary school and they were almost as risque as depicted in the movie.
I think if Netflix was trying to corner the pedophile market they lost.
Pedophiles will sexualize anything. But crap like youtube censoring videos of kids is going too far for example. There are so few pedophiles out there they shouldn't become bogeymen we are forced to censor everything because of
I think from an artistic pov theyre portraying these girls who just want to dance. To them thats all it is. But it's the dancing itself thats sexualized. The girls want to fit in without being able to understand that.
I think that scene is too much. But then I don't know the context it was presented in.
But I see little girls try to dance like the girls in the show all the time and I don't see it as sexual. I think the problem is the people who are specializing the girls not the show
It's a fan-fic catered to the Hollywood (and global) elite pedophiles.
For me the biggest issue is that of the ole "slippery slope" - that it starts w/ that and in a couple of years it'll be worse even having girls that young doing nude shots and having the liberal-mafia somehow try to justify it as they are trying to justify this - there's a big push by the left to try to make LGBTQ not only accepted but actually making LGBTQ be considered normal and to be taught to children and actually make heterosexual and the nuclear-family abnormal; IMO sexualizing children is part of the left's agenda to delegitimize any and all traditional sexual behavior.
It's not fake and it's not just conservatives. A movie doesn't get a 12% audience score on rotten tomatoes from only conservatives finding it disgusting.
Many on the left have such hatred for conservatives that they have to find a way to defend the film because they can't possibly hold any opinion that a conservative would hold. That's why many in media are now defending it.
If you had kept watching past 30 minutes in you'd probably have a different view. It got increasingly disturbing further in. It is also not something kids just do now, I can assure you as a father to two kids in that age range, including one who dances.