
Robin Williams and Joe Biden

Saturday, September 12, 2020 2:40 PM


  • winex
    4 years ago
  • winex
    4 years ago
    The second link to Youtube does not include Robin Williams - just Joe Biden in all of his glory.
  • winex
    4 years ago
  • Richard_Head
    4 years ago
    Here’s another one. [view link]
  • winex
    4 years ago
    Given the choice of being called a fuck-up and an idiot (Joe Biden) versus being criticized for having a lot of money, getting hot women, and having fucked up hair (Trump), I think I would rather be criticized for the things that Trump was criticized for.
  • winex
    4 years ago
    @Richard_Head - any comments on the second or third video that I linked to? They don't include Robin Williams, but they are telling.
  • Richard_Head
    4 years ago
    ^^^ 2 can play that game. [view link]
  • Richard_Head
    4 years ago
    How about this one? [view link]
  • winex
    4 years ago
    On the first video - the frame of reference in the conversation with Tim Cook was moving some manufacturing from China to the US. I am not sure the frame of reference with the oranges. Did you watch the second or third video that I linked to? Do you think that the Trump videos are comparable? Who cares that Joe Biden can ride a bike - that just proves that he can do physically what most 4 year olds can do. Biden's mind is obviously mush.
  • Richard_Head
    4 years ago
    He called him Tim Apple (not Tim Cook), used “oranges” instead of “origins” and struggled to get down a ramp and you’re worried about Biden’s mental capacity? C’mon man.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ You are leaving out the best part, the other day Trump was comparing himself to Franklin D. Roosevelt, I laughed so hard when I saw that tape, the only thing Donald Trump ever had in common with Franklin Roosevelt was that it's a struggle to walk for either of them
  • winex
    4 years ago
    ok, fair enough - the Tim Apple part slipped by me. I thought the frame of reference was him talking and moving his hands about where referring to moving some production back to the US from China. Tim Apple is probably about equal as blunders go to Barrack America. It is a mistake, but I think it pales in comparison to "Come on, you know the thing" in reference to God. As for Trump walking down the ramp, it's kind of obvious that he has some kind of injury. Maybe a pulled muscle in his lower back? Maybe a foot injury? It's hard to say. But it beats a mind made of mush.
  • winex
    4 years ago
    @TwentyFive - I don't know if you have heard, but FDR and Trump also held the same job.
  • Richard_Head
    4 years ago
    ^^^ I couldn’t agree any more. [view link]
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    @winex I heard and that's got to be a fluke probably just an anomaly of the Electoral College which I heard Donald Trump got in under a quota system or maybe it was some weird twist on affirmative action< i don't really understand it myself.I know his sister said he didn't really have the grades to get into Wharton and he paid some Jewish kid to take the admissions test LOL
  • winex
    4 years ago
    @TwentyFive - and just think, every February, you get to celebrate Donald Trump on Presidents Day.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    Winex "c'mon man" you can do better than that, that was the weakest comeback you've ever put up here LOL
  • TrollBot-3345
    4 years ago
    Hello, TUSCL people. TB3345 here with automated forum messaging to identify general douchebaggery to those (and especially newcomers or lurkers) that may be reading these forums. #SYSTEM WARNING# Yabba-Jabba Yabba-Jabba is a troll that has had numerous accounts over the years including Trucidos & VH_Kicks, both of which were removed and banned from this anything-goes forum due to an inordinate abundance of name calling and harassment. As this is an uncensored, free-speech forum, banning only occurs in the most extreme of cases and has only occured to less than 1% of members. It takes a ‘special’ kind of stupid to get banned from an anything-goes site. He (or she) appears mentally unstable and posts mainly political diatribe with a twinge of homosexuality; these posts are not rational, coherent viewpoints, but merely inflammatory posts attempting to trigger others for his own self-amusement. This person is also notorious for upvoting his own posts through his aliases. TB3345 suggests not responding to this individual and using the IGNORE feature. This individual may be currently using the dems_rule alias. Fun fact: Yabba’s favorite thing in life is 15 minutes alone with a young billy goat and non-scented, oil-based lube (he claims water-based lube washes away the smell too easily.) Unfortunately, while TUSCL is all out of goats, what we do have is an IGNORE button. For those unaware of this IGNORE feature, to IGNORE all one has to do is click (a) the little circle with the slash through it and/or (b) the volume icon with the slash. The former IGNORES the post, the latter IGNORES and mutes the ALL nonsensical ramblings of the entire user. Feed the trolls at your own risk. An IGNORE a day keeps the douchebags away. Thank you in advance for using TUSCL. #END SYSTEM WARNING# TB3345 Out
  • TrollBot-3345
    4 years ago
    Hello, TUSCL people. TB3345 here with automated forum messaging to identify general douchebaggery to those (and especially newcomers or lurkers) that may be reading these forums. #SYSTEM WARNING# Yabba-Jabba Yabba-Jabba is a troll that has had numerous accounts over the years including Trucidos & VH_Kicks, both of which were removed and banned from this anything-goes forum due to an inordinate abundance of name calling and harassment. As this is an uncensored, free-speech forum, banning only occurs in the most extreme of cases and has only occured to less than 1% of members. It takes a ‘special’ kind of stupid to get banned from an anything-goes site. He (or she) appears mentally unstable and posts mainly political diatribe with a twinge of homosexuality; these posts are not rational, coherent viewpoints, but merely inflammatory posts attempting to trigger others for his own self-amusement. This person is also notorious for upvoting his own posts through his aliases. TB3345 suggests not responding to this individual and using the IGNORE feature. This individual may be currently using the dems_rule alias. Fun fact: Yabba’s favorite thing in life is 15 minutes alone with a young billy goat and non-scented, oil-based lube (he claims water-based lube washes away the smell too easily.) Unfortunately, while TUSCL is all out of goats, what we do have is an IGNORE button. For those unaware of this IGNORE feature, to IGNORE all one has to do is click (a) the little circle with the slash through it and/or (b) the volume icon with the slash. The former IGNORES the post, the latter IGNORES and mutes the ALL nonsensical ramblings of the entire user. Feed the trolls at your own risk. An IGNORE a day keeps the douchebags away. Thank you in advance for using TUSCL. #END SYSTEM WARNING# TB3345 Out
  • winex
    4 years ago
    @TwentyFive - I see that I got a down vote before Yabba Dabba Do arrived. I’m guessing that it was from you. So even thought it was short, it was at least somewhat effective. :)
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    I don't down vote anyone only up votes if something strikes me as funny I think the anonymous down votes are particularly cowardly pussies
  • winex
    4 years ago
    ok I tend not to care about getting up votes or down votes. I do give out a lot of up votes. I reserve down votes for a select few.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ I don't pay the votes no nevermind,, before founder did away with the prop system I had a large amount of props, more than most, nowhere near as many as Papi
  • winex
    4 years ago
    The prop system predates me. How was it different from thumbs up and down?
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    You'd get a prop from another member with a short statement why, and it was recorded on your home page If memory serves me Papi had over 250 props I don't remember how many I had but I did have more than most
  • winex
    4 years ago
    That sounds kind of cool. Much more meaningful than a thumbs up.
  • TrollBot-3345
    4 years ago
    Hello, TUSCL people. TB3345 here with automated forum messaging to identify general douchebaggery to those (and especially newcomers or lurkers) that may be reading these forums. #SYSTEM WARNING# Yabba-Jabba Yabba-Jabba is a troll that has had numerous accounts over the years including Trucidos & VH_Kicks, both of which were removed and banned from this anything-goes forum due to an inordinate abundance of name calling and harassment. As this is an uncensored, free-speech forum, banning only occurs in the most extreme of cases and has only occured to less than 1% of members. It takes a ‘special’ kind of stupid to get banned from an anything-goes site. He (or she) appears mentally unstable and posts mainly political diatribe with a twinge of homosexuality; these posts are not rational, coherent viewpoints, but merely inflammatory posts attempting to trigger others for his own self-amusement. This person is also notorious for upvoting his own posts through his aliases. TB3345 suggests not responding to this individual and using the IGNORE feature. This individual may be currently using the dems_rule alias. Fun fact: Yabba’s favorite thing in life is 15 minutes alone with a young billy goat and non-scented, oil-based lube (he claims water-based lube washes away the smell too easily.) Unfortunately, while TUSCL is all out of goats, what we do have is an IGNORE button. For those unaware of this IGNORE feature, to IGNORE all one has to do is click (a) the little circle with the slash through it and/or (b) the volume icon with the slash. The former IGNORES the post, the latter IGNORES and mutes the ALL nonsensical ramblings of the entire user. Feed the trolls at your own risk. An IGNORE a day keeps the douchebags away. Thank you in advance for using TUSCL. #END SYSTEM WARNING# TB3345 Out
  • Tetradon
    4 years ago
    Go away, Trucidos.
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