Biden to hit the campaign trail
Now this is interesting - Biden is coming out of his basement. The internal polls must not be looking good. The problem is that he is a human gaffe machine. Dating back to the Democrat primaries, he polls best when he is seen least.
Now this is interesting - Biden is coming out of his basement. The internal polls must not be looking good. The problem is that he is a human gaffe machine. Dating back to the Democrat primaries, he polls best when he is seen least.
But with a recently announced trip to Minnesota combined with this story (… ) about 6 Minnesota Democrat mayors endorsing Trump, I am guessing that the internal polls aren’t looking good.
Note: This poll is among registered voters, not likely voters. But still the same, the margin of error is 1.83%. Let’s say that it is on the minus side and that Trump’s support among blacks is just over 22% instead of the 24% the poll showed - that would be devastating. Anything above 10% hurts Democrat’s chances badly.……
A candidate for president needs to get out and show his face. He needs to connect with the people. He needs to get his policies out there so everyone can see how they will help.
I think he is in trouble. He’s not as sharp as Trump. Regardless of whether Trump is correct or honest - he’s got a quick answer. That makes him seem decisive.
Trump is not a great debater. He’s harsh and confrontational, and he’s not intellectual. That might be what folks want, because it’s entertaining, and it provides a winner (a pro wrestling type of winner).
I am interested to see debates. I hope Biden comes across as quick and smart. I can’t believe he’s as mentally slow as they might paint him.
If Biden is having to defend Minnesota, he is in trouble. The last time the Democrats lost Minnesota was to Richard Nixon in 1972.
I’m still amazed that in 4 years of impeachment and lots of other political wrangling - all the Dems could come up with is Oops-I-crapped-my-pants Biden!
Couldn’t they pay Denzel Washington $100 million to run?
Wasn’t Kamala supposed to lock in the Black vote ?
A Democrat needs 90% of the Black vote to win the Presidentcy.
Then the pandemic came along and created opportunity.
But they had no one positioned to take advantage of it.
That having beensaid, I can't think of a single person on that side who would be attractive in 2024.…
"... A bill before the California Senate and also needing a signature from Democratic governor Gavin Newsom would force all school districts to offer their high school students a semester-long ethnic studies class starting in 2025, likely with a model curriculum that currently states the course should “build new possibilities for post-imperial life that promotes collective narratives of transformative resistance” as well as teach the students the “four I’s of oppression.” ..."…
"... Kenosha police say a number of individuals were arrested for things like burglary, possession of illegal drugs, and possession of a concealed weapon ... Police also seized “more than 20 firearms.” ..."…
More evidence that this is an organized and funded anarchist movement vs "a spontaneous emotional reaction of the people"
"... Paul also dismissed the notion that these were just angry residents of D.C. The horrifying scene he endured in the short walk he tried to take back to his hotel was clearly organized, he said. Paul said the rioters wore fresh clothes, were well-equipped, and he believed many of them to be from out of town ..."
"... This seemed like coordinated work, he said, with significant financial backing. The benefactor of the violence and threats, he said, needed to be investigated ... "This also isn't normal, there's something going on here. . . the FBI needs to be involved," Paul said. "My feeling is that there's interstate criminal traffic being paid for across state lines, but you won't know unless you arrest them... I promise you that at least some of the members and the people who attacked us were not from D.C....they were paid to be here." ..."
"... But, Paul said, no one will discover who is controlling the rioters until they are arrested for their criminal acts, which simply isn't happening ... Paul said simple questions of the criminal rioters would lead to answers that could help the FBI determine who is really in charge. Questions like, who pays for their airfare, their fancy hotels, and their equipment would lead investigators to answers quickly, Paul said ... "Somethings going on here and it's much bigger than people think." ..."…
More reason for Trump to be elected IMO so we can get to the bottom of this anti-America anarchist-movement and squash it.
"... A Catholic student at Florida State University who was serving as student senate president at Florida State University is suing the university and student senate officials at the school because he was forced out of his position after stating in a private group chat that “, Reclaim the Block, and the ACLU all advocate for things that are explicitly anti-Catholic.” ..."…
"... Lightfoot added that “all options are on the table,” though she refused to get into specifics. In the past, the city has proposed a computer lease tax, a streaming services tax, and a higher restaurant and entertainment tax as stopgap measures for budget shortfalls. This shortfall, though, is so unprecedented, the city is likely to consider more extreme measures, like a property tax hike ..."
"... Lightfoot is also pressing for a federal bailout for Chicago and, on a larger scale, Illinois, as part of the fourth coronavirus relief package being discussed now in Congress. Democrats passed bailouts for cities and states impacted by COVID-19-related shutdowns and did not specify that the economic damage being addressed had to be the direct result of the pandemic. Republicans, however, have said there will be no bailout for cities and states — especially those like Chicago and Illinois, whose budget woes long predate coronavirus ... Chicago did get an estimated $470 million in federal funding from the third, bipartisan coronavirus relief bill, the CARES Act, passed back in early May ..."…
I don't even mind them saying it as much as stupid people actually believing and repeating it. The truth is they presided over "the slowest economic recovery" in history.
It's like if an Olympic runner came in dead last and then started bragging about running "the longest race" in history.
So I take it you are disputing my statement that it was "long" because it was "slow?" Obviously you were responding to my comment (you added the little ^ mark) but you said absolutely nothing with regard to my post.
he thinks you're all stupid, I'm voting to prove him wrong, you obviously are going to try to prove that he's right.
Come on out of your basement, Joe, and face the music.
The definition of the word "fungible" for example.
Or the difference between "inferred" and "implied".
Or who was President of the United States in 1968.
But that having been said, Mensa really isn't a big deal. Intelligence follows a normal distribution. If you selected 50 people at random, you could expect to find one person that is qualified to join.
That is one advantage that you have over not just me, but over most people. You can easily be impressed by even unimpressive things.
You're still a twat
"Famed Attorney For Rittenhouse, Sandmann, Has Twitter Account Locked"
"... Wood, furious, told Fox News that he intended to sue Twitter and its CEO Jack Dorsey, asserting, “I’m going to take Jack Dorsey’s ass down. He has been abusing the First Amendment of this country for his own agenda.” ..."
"... Wood stated that his account was locked for “glorifying violence.” He continued, “I knew they were going to censor me because I’m sending a message of hope. I’m sending a message of truth. And I’m sending a message that Kyle Rittenhouse is innocent.” ..."
"... “Wood said he’s been accumulating ‘a mountain of evidence’ to support a lawsuit against Twitter for discriminating against users based on political speech,” Fox News noted ..."…
The riots/protests were a huge political mistake. Trump has pounced. The TV ads are devastating.
The announcement of a vaccine in mid October will be a huge boost to Trump’s election prospects
So, things are going to get weird and desperate. The elite and deep staters know their way of life is at risk. Anything could happen in the next 5 months.
yes I voted for him last time.
with all the shit he’s been doing I may not vote at all for a president .
I wish tricky Dicky (nixon) was still in the running.
I didn’t like him but at least he had some sensible ideas.
<a href="">Tesco Payslipview</a>
your president is obviously not playing with a full deck. Did this man consent to this thinking he could con Bob Woodward, like he's conned most of you. I mean really doesn't this make any of you Trumpublicans have a second thought, or are y'all so invested in this crap you can't see the damage he's doing.
Biden was an idiot long before dementia set in.
Sometimes decisions are that easy.
However It is known and irrefutable, that Trump is crazy and a real thief, and a serial prevaricator, that man won't tell you the truth about the simplest thing, and he is such a narcissist just look at the way he treats our military, every high ranking officer that worked in his administration doesn't trust him that is well known and irrefutable.
Among the things that are objective is the long string of gaffes that Joe Biden has committed throughout his career.
Take the plagiarism scandal that caused him to drop out of the Presidential race in 1987. Intelligent people don't plagiarize. They have the ability to formulate intelligent thoughts on their own.
And it wasn't a one time thing. One characteristic of intelligent people is that they learn from their mistakes. When looking at search engine behavior for that thread I started on Google bias in predictive search results, I found that there were a couple of incidents in this campaign cycle of Joe Biden plagiarizing speechs from others.
So on to your question - why did Trump grant Bob Woodward an interview?
The honest answer is "I don't know".
Similarly, I don't know why Joe Biden, while looking directly at a guy in a wheel chair told him to stand up.…
I have stated on this board before that I think that Trump could have accomplished a lot more if he had a different personality. But one area that he can't be faulted in is his selection of judges. (Both at the Supreme Court level (where at least 2 seats will be opening up over the next 4 years) and in the Federal Courts)
Getting strict constructionist judges in place is key to starting to reverse a lot of the damages that liberals have caused to this country over the last 75 years.
I think Trump has caused more damage in the short time he's been in office than anyone in my lifetime, this rise of extreme liberalism is a direct response to his personality, this country is not extreme left or extreme right, but his needing the extreme right wing to win, has caused the opposing reaction and the rise of the extreme left, that you see manifesting itself on your nightly news. If he hadn't so openly supported the ultra right wing groups, the moderates would have had a chance, but his support of the bullshit like in Charlotesville, and his egging on of the athletes and promoting Confederate memorials, turning Colin Kapernick, Lebron James and many bothers into martyrs which is where this stupidity begins and ends, The man is weak that is why he is always punching down, we have never looked so feckless as we have in the last few years, I mean really engaging with his opponents after winning the presidency in stupid fight over crowd size, really set the tone
and here we are 3 years and 8 months later still having tempests in teapots, from sharpie altered hurricane cones of destruction to wearing a mask, I mean fuck all man wearing a mask isn't supposed to be a political statement, and with any other man in the White House, it probably would be an irrelevancy at best, but your guy has made his time in power into total chaos, I long for a time when we have a president that does his job and focus is on the American People,
We have not had the luxury of calm since this man was elected, instead he has the entire country wondering what is going to happen next. I will not be sad to see him gone, I'll settle for four years of a calm idiot just to get rid of this guy.
You saw that in Trump during the 2016 campaign. The experts said that approach was laughable. Then, sumnabitch, he’s President
Why’d he give Woodward a second interview ? Because conflict is where he thrives. Always battle ready.
It was reflected in the left's refusal to accept the results of the election. (How many times have you heard the phrase "Not my President"?)
A lot of people think that the left was wasting time because they didn't support Trump from the start with the B.S. Russia-gate investigations. While it is true that the left caused enormous harm to the administration by investigating something that their own campaign organizations made up, that wasn't the start of the of the deep state interfering with the business of the nation. The actual start of the coup attempt against Trump was the investigation into fund raising for the inauguration.
He was under investigation before he even took office. While there is nothing wrong with investigating someone who actually breaks the rules, these were ridiculous fictitious charges from the start. And the people conducting the investigation knew it from the start.
So while you are clearly wrong about the origin of the divisiveness n this country, so is Skibum.
We didn't turn against each other during the Obama administration. The catalyst for the politics that we have today date to the (George W.) Bush administration when Democrats turned against the President and our country through a series of treasonous actions in an attempt to gain from difficulties in Iraq.
If you, or others, want to talk Iraq, I am more than happy to discuss that subject in a separate thread. It is a subject that I am very well versed on.
Woodward is the guy who wants to take him down
Is that clearer ?
Not really. For references, here is the sentence with the "this guy" reference. It's kind of run on.
So your characterization of the conflicts that this guy has, is ridiculous fictitious charges, that's disingenuous at best, BTW I never said that Trump caused the divisiveness but this I will say he's the only president in recent times, to exploit this to the extreme and he has, and attempt to drive a wedge in to the heart of the divisions. and I stand by my statement he's stupid, and it shows, sitting for an interview with a guy who wants to take you down.
So if "this guy" = Trump, I believe that anyone who has paid attention to the string of ridiculous charges brought up against him over the past 4 years, and then retracted shortly after would realize that we are witnessing serial slander.
The latest example is the story from the Atlantic that said that the President was showing extreme disrespect to the honorable men and women who are risking their lives to protect our freedom.
Like the boy that cried wolf, when you hear the something over and over and over again, and it always ends up being a lie, eventually you stop paying attention to it. (On a similar note, the left is making the same mistake calling everyone that doesn't bow to their will a racist. The word has lost its meaning)
If "this guy" = Bob Woodward, then my answer is different. I've been too busy today to dig into details of the latest bombshell. But I have glanced at the headlines on Drudge.
I do believe that it is reasonable to believe that the administration didn't reveal everything it knew about COVID-19 in the early days of the pandemic. (If there is more to this story, then I am unaware of it)
The reason I find this story credible is because I remember early advise from the CDC stating that masks were not needed. The truth is that masks were in short supply and the administration didn't want them to be as scarce as toilet paper was last spring. If medical workers didn't have access to PPE, the results would be disastrous.
Also, on a more personal level, your speculation that I am a meatpacker who was laid off is incorrect. I have the kind of job that takes multiple paragraphs to describe - a simple title won't do. But the closest I can come to a simple title is "data scientist". Anyway, in the data science community, research was going on in the early days, and I was aware of the value of masks well before the revised guidance went out. (Note: I wasn't leading these studies, but I know people who took the initiative to do so outside of their normal work) As a result of some numbers I have seen, I ended up sourcing some KN95 masks from China. And despite the stereotype of conservatives not wearing masks, I think not wearing masks around people during the middle of a pandemic is insane.
Just for the record I'm not making the stereotype of conservatives not wearing masks, that was all Trump and it's mostly bullshit but you have folks buying into the hype assaulting store employees over the issue, I believe there was even a shooting because some idiot didn't want to wear a mask, and Trump fed that,
But back to Trump.
In the 2016 primaries, the initial candidate I supported was Scott Walker. I believe he would have made an excellent president. He had several Calvin Coolege like qualities. Very quiet, and very competent.
After Walker dropped out, I switched to Ted Cruz. I think that he also would have been excellent. He is definitely a conviction conservative.
But I was left with a choice of Trump or Clinton.
Like I said in a much shorter reply, some times the choice is that simple.
That having been said, I have been pleasantly surprised by Trump's performance in office. He has picked good judges. He has embraced deregulation. And tax cuts are always nice.
But I am also aware of his personal flaws. I believe that if his personality was more like that of Scott Walker, he could have achieved a lot more.
Do I wish that Trump would have dropped out and that Mike Pence would have taken his place?
Sure. But that didn't happen.
So my choices are to vote for an imperfect president who has largely followed a sound plan in office. Or I could vote for someone who wasn't the sharpest tool in the shed before his mental decline set in.
Sometimes a choice is just that easy.
I think the Dems have "been playing not to lose" all along - seems they figure they'll let Trump make all the mistakes while they just stand on the sidelines and win - playing-not-to-lose often times bites you in the ass at the end.
One more obvious way the left is willing to do *anything* if they believe it will affect Trump - they have decided they will not open schools prior to the election no-matter-what b/c they think it will help Trump - they are so obsessed they are willing to let anarchists and rioters wreak havoc and let bodies to pile up due to police-defunding and tying police's hands; all b/c they wanna beat Trump.
"... “The police arrested Kristina Narayan, who is legislative director for the top Democrat in Oregon’s House of Representatives, along with 58 others during a riot that began Saturday night and continued into Sunday morning, according to a Portland Police Bureau report,” the Free Beacon notes. “Narayan has worked for House Speaker Tina Kotek since 2016.” ..."…
The New Afrikan segment starts at approx the 3:45 mark but the whole segment is pretty-interesting commentary me thinks:…
"Military helicopters rescue more than 200 people trapped by wildfire in California"
The fire department had told them to jump in a nearby lake b/c it was too-dangerous for the fire dept to get to them - the army heard of these folks' predicament and volunteered to go in and put themselves in harms-way - yeah, we need to bring down America b/c it's "irredeemable":
"... “We started getting information about how many people were out there, how many people to expect, and that number kept growing. So we knew that it was a dire situation,” Rosamond said ... Rosamond called the conditions “extreme” and said it was one of the most difficult flying missions in his 25 years as a military pilot ..."…
Yes our country is terrific and has many exceptional people not so much our current President.
Of course not.
I believe that if he had served in the military at any point in his life, he wouldn't have the character flaws that are obvious to anyone that is objective.
Now lets do a little comparison and contrast?
There is a candidate running for President who graduated from college in 1968. In high school, he was a football player. Though he didn't play football in college, he was active in sports throughout college. He worked as a life guard at a community pool during summer.
When he became eligible to be drafted after graduating college in 1968, he received a medical wavier.
But it wasn't for bone spurs, it was for asthma.
Any guesses who I am talking about?
You got it - Joe Biden.
Sorry you really aren't going to change my vote at this point, I doubt I'll change yours.
The number of bogus stories about Trump over the past 4 years have been astounding. (Actually more than 4 years because they date to the fake intelligence report that was supposedly from a UK intelligence official about golden showers and similar things)
Steve Job's widow Laurene Powell Jobs.
She is also the largest benefactor of the Biden campaign.
@ime you are the fucking idiot, not because you're rong which you are, but as person making an attack on my freedom to speak my mind, is just a baseless defamation of my character.……
What he should be talking about is Universal Health Care, that will reduce mortality and increase life expectancy more than the covid precautions and the vaccine.
Deep House, Ibiza…
I also suspect that Alex Brenenson has been forced off the air.…
[[Chefs kiss]]
But, he just wants to reverse Reaganomics. This is 40 years latter. If we want things to start to work again, we need to go further than that.
The difficulty is making people understand this and support Social Democracy, instead of supporting more people like Donald Trump and Ayn Rander Paul Ryan.
This is why he keeps fanning the flames of COVID hysteria. So it is killing people, but our death rate is not increasing. And when are they going to use vaccines to eradicate the flu?
If people were a little bit rational, they would demand Universal Health Care, and retroactively to dismiss their medical debts.
But Biden came into office having listed Adlai Stevenson, George McGovern, and Michael Dukakis, saying, "They were all very liberal, AND THEY ALL LOST."
And then in his Cincinnati Town Hall he said that 30 years ago his own party was going too far, meaning too far to the left.
Well, many of those who voted for him would have preferred someone like Bernie Sanders. Biden wants to dismantle Reaganomics, and this is necessary. But we also need to go further, because there continue to be productivity increases in Agriculture, Manufacturing, and the Service Sector. So more and more people are being forced into Uber and Walmart. Or they become fraudsters themselves and go into the Ponzi Scheme Finance Sector.
Up through the mid 60's, the US was basically in sync with Western Europe, moving slowly to the left, towards Social Democracy. Canada's first national health care system was patterned after our Medicare system.
But then Richard Nixon unveiled his Southern Strategy, breaking up the New Deal Coalition by using the '64 Civil Rights act and the '65 Voting Rights act to use coded racism to draw the votes of White Southerners. Since them our politics has been moving further and further to the right, until it has reached a breaking point.
What Biden and Sanders want to do is necessary, but we also at this point need more.