I just watched a documentary about the over 100 year history war between Pepsi and Coke. It brought back a few memories like the New Coke bad idea. Now they are both fighting the healthier drink craze.
In my younger years I was an outside salesman for office supplies. I inherited an account, from a guy who retired, which was a big company called IFF (International Flavors and Fragrances) in NJ. I was selling them pens and paper clips, but I had to go through something like a CIA security clearance just to set foot on the property.
The president of my company had to be with me on my first couple visits. After I got to know the (low level) management players at this company, they showed me "the vault." (Locked up, not the inside of the vault.) It looked like a Federal Reserve bank.
That's where they kept 1/8th of the formula for Coca-Cola. If their information ever became compromised it wouldn't be a big deal, because they didn't even know what they were making or how it fit into the main formula for Coke. They just followed a formula and provided product. For all they knew, it might have been a fake substance that was a decoy for the real Coke formula, but they got paid a shit-ton of money for it. Anyway, they treated it like they were holding the nuclear football.
I'm one of the few that like them both. One of my friends is a die-hard Pepsi addict. He starts off every morning with a cigarette and a Pepsi. My other friend and his brother are Coke-heads and even went through a Cherry Coke phase. We were in a bar once and a waiter set down a pitcher of brown carbonated liquid. My friend's brother called the waiter over and reminded him he ordered Coke, not Pepsi. The Waiter apologized and switched out the pitcher. I was amazed that this guy could tell just from seeing it from a distance in a pitcher. He assured me the distinction was that pronounced and couldn't understand why I couldn't see the difference. Yes, the taste different but do they really look that different? Guess so.
I live in Atlanta and grew up on Coke. When I started drinking my coffee black in college, Coke began to taste too sweet. I switched to Tab, then Diet Coke and have been a loyal Diet Coke customer. I currently drink about 5 a day which my doctor says is too many. I am addicted and probably will not change. I don’t smoke and rarely consume alcohol, so Diet Coke is my drug of choice.
Coke is too sweet. Pepsi tastes even sweeter. Diet Coke or Zero are occasionally acceptable. I like them as mixers for whiskey or rum sometimes. Otherwise I just say no. My carbonation of choice is La Croix or Bubly.
Definitely Coke. The availability of Coke v Pepsi seems to be a regional thing. Coke is more prevalent in the South, but up North Pepsi often has a lock on the airport concessions. If all they have is Pepsi, I'll just get a bottle of water, which is better anyway.
I sometimes have a Diet Coke regular coke and Pepsi is just way too sweet If y’all want to try a really good soda Doctor Browns Diet Black Cherry is great
We went skin diving in 1972 off Key West in 6-8 foot seas. Only time in my life that I was seasick and so was my brother. Met the Vice President of Coke; he gave us Pepsi and said "I'm on vacation". Never forgot that.
Born and raised in the Atlanta area so Coke between those two, but I agree with nicespice I'd rather have Dr Pepper. I'll also throw in that the Mexican glass bottle Coke taste better than American to me.
I am sadly addicted to Diet Coke. Also love flavored Coke Zeros too, ever have Vanilla Coke Zero? or Cherry Vanilla Coke Zero?
Growing up in the Mid Atlantic region I saw Coke and Pepsi kinda even for the most part, then I moved to the Mid-West as a teenager. I was into my new school and there's only Pepsi vending machines. I was like "wtf" and everyone explained to me nobody drinks Coke. Yuck.
I can drink Diet Pepsi but much prefer Diet Coke.
Ever go to a restaurant that served both Pepsi and Coke?
i find dr pepper + diet dr pepper super addictive. for a stretch of about 5 years when i was younger, i was drinking a 12 pack of diet dr pepper a day. haven't had one in >5 years though.
last commentThe president of my company had to be with me on my first couple visits. After I got to know the (low level) management players at this company, they showed me "the vault." (Locked up, not the inside of the vault.) It looked like a Federal Reserve bank.
That's where they kept 1/8th of the formula for Coca-Cola. If their information ever became compromised it wouldn't be a big deal, because they didn't even know what they were making or how it fit into the main formula for Coke. They just followed a formula and provided product. For all they knew, it might have been a fake substance that was a decoy for the real Coke formula, but they got paid a shit-ton of money for it. Anyway, they treated it like they were holding the nuclear football.
My carbonation of choice is La Croix or Bubly.
If y’all want to try a really good soda Doctor Browns Diet Black Cherry is great
i prefer diet coke over coke over diet pepsi over pepsi. i've tried almost all the variants and i don't really like any of them.
Coke's the winner by far and is also my choice between the two.
But, I try to stay away from soft drinks/soda pop, at most I might have a couple a month. Sometimes I go several months without drinking one.
Stuff is not good for you. (I do/have done a number of things not necessarily good for me, but not this one).
Growing up in the Mid Atlantic region I saw Coke and Pepsi kinda even for the most part, then I moved to the Mid-West as a teenager. I was into my new school and there's only Pepsi vending machines. I was like "wtf" and everyone explained to me nobody drinks Coke. Yuck.
I can drink Diet Pepsi but much prefer Diet Coke.
Ever go to a restaurant that served both Pepsi and Coke?
Tried it years back can't say I would recommend it