
I declare 16 the kool kidz number

16 is the number of individuals who have me, Papi, crazyjoe, and Muddy on ignore. 😁


  • JamesSD
    4 years ago
    Who the fuck ignores Papi?
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    No idea. That surprised me too.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    I demand a recount
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Must be those damn anarchists
  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    Well, if you add together all four of you, then double that number, you'll be right up there with IceyLoco.
  • MackTruck
    4 years ago
    I wish I could be a cool kid
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    There's bound to be people who don't see eye to eye when you have this many people with different experiences and backgrounds posting in the same forum.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    I have exactly none of you on ignore. Reading Papi brings me back to Cooper City High Circa 1973. 70's in Florida were a lot of fun.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    @IceyLoco is up to 119 - damn racists
  • ime
    4 years ago
    Damn I must be slipping, got do better.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    @Juice is at 51 and @dscrub is at 96
  • ime
    4 years ago
    What if you added up all the prior juice aliases, that would have to be over a thousand.
  • Uprightcitizen
    4 years ago
    Newbie question for the pro tippers. How does one determine this number?
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    ^ look at the bullhorn with the line thru it under a TUSCLer's name
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    I got me on ignore
  • misterorange
    4 years ago
    Out of curiosity, I did some scrolling back to around April. Believe it or not, SJG is (was) also a member of the "16 Club." Don't know how it's not higher.
  • whodey
    4 years ago
    Who in their right mind would ignore Papi's insights or nicespice's avatar? They are both things of beauty.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    ^ that's incredible insight on your part 👍
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    I’m surprised my number is so low! Lol!
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    And I agree - who ignores Papi?
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    Looks like someone logged in and changed up the numbers 🤣
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    I'm starting to think it's those damn China-Men trying to infiltrate TUSCL and sow discord amongst us
  • winex
    4 years ago
    @Papi. First it was COVID-19, and now this...
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Those communists will stop at nothing including the sanctity of a titty-site - it's a dang shame
  • winex
    4 years ago
    You forgot the word “Godless” before you mentioned communists...
  • mike710
    4 years ago
    I think things are fucked up now. I had muted content and it was a couple of posts Papi started. If I clicked to do this, I didn't know I was doing that. Too many new buttons I guess.
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    You know I never truly realized how despised I really am. But when you think about it, it does makes sense.
  • TFP
    4 years ago
    It's gotta be glitched out. The IceyLoco numbers sound right but if SJG's number is only 16 then I'm convinced that the shit isn't accurate.
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    I think it was glitched at the time. 🤔 Showing up as 133 for me right now.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    @ nicespice you know what's weird exactly the same number that have me on ignore 14 as are following me, funny how they always seem to pop up with an insult whenever you post 🤣🤣🤣
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    Only 7?! How the fuck do I have fewer ignores than Papi?
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Why does anyone truly give a fuck bout this?
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    We care because it's Friday! Go smoke a bowl, you grumpy old bastard.
  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    To complete this popularity contest we need a King & Queen designation.
  • yahtzee74
    4 years ago
    Really surprised nicespice has so many blocks. She has nice right in her name and she often has something witty to say.
  • gobstopper007
    4 years ago
    Guess I don’t post enough to have pissed anyone off yet. I blame Covid, and the steroids in chicken.
  • yahtzee74
    4 years ago
    Just checked one of Nicoles accounts and 72 have it on block.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    I have 22 blocks and having been an attorney for almost 38 years that just means I must be losing my touch and should retire, as 122 should be the number......
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    “To complete this popularity contest we need a King & Queen designation.”

    I da kang of trolls!!!!
  • nicespice
    4 years ago
    Oh shit...wrong account :(
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