
Black Supremacy coming to a country near you

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Thursday, July 30, 2020 2:54 PM
VP candidates Kamala Harris and Karen Bass both support getting rid of anti-discrimination laws. You might say "hey what about the minorities" - oh contraire my friend - their vision for getting rid of anti-discrimination laws is so they can give preferential treatment to black-people and it not be against the law - basically a legalized cast-system where white people are made 2nd-class citizens and black people get first-dibs on everything (in the name of "equality" of course) - basically "reparations" on steroids (if not fentanyl). The vid below talks about it starting at the 5:00 minute-mark: [view link]


  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    Youre basically saying that if white privilege is diamantled non whites will be free to treat whites the way whites treated them
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    If you look at Zimbabwe you will see America in ten years. White privilege is nothing more than getting an education; getting up on time; going to work every day and saving money. Pretty simple to normal people and yet .............
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    @Icey You must've had quite a rough and dysfunctional upbringing to be so damaged.,
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    Dismantling privilege doesn't create second class citizens. Upholding it does
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    You're a failure because of you Icey. As ye sow, so shall ye reap and clubbing and sleeping to noon means $15 an hour. Enjoy the jealous moron community wherein you reside.
  • chessmaster
    4 years ago
    Didnt watch the video but somehow this will benefit black women more than anyone else. I think this is just more of the far left trying to start their race war. Everybody knows this wouldnt go anywhere in legislation.
  • chessmaster
    4 years ago
    White privilege is just the benefit of whites being in power and the latest group to conquer this land. When you're in power you have to oppress everyone else(to varying degrees) to stay in power. This is basic tribalism.
  • weatherlol
    4 years ago
    The best way to fight racism is to show everyone that you can deliver the product/services your peers or superiors or client expect you to deliver. I have seen a black judge earned respect from all legal community, but I also work with lazy slacker, think he can do whatever the fuck he wants staff because the color of his skin. This comment will apply to all race. Yes. The world is unfair and the leadership maybe dominate by certain race, but this is not due to the the color of their skin but hard work, good ethnic and smart decisions.
  • casino
    4 years ago
    I’m going to guess PC is very ignorant when it comes to the racial history of the US being that he’s Cuban.
  • casino
    4 years ago
    Equality feels like oppression to oppressors.
  • Studme53
    4 years ago
    I wonder why Asian people don’t really complain about oppression and discrimination in America? They seem to thrive.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Asians and Jews have a similar culture when it comes to education, hard work, family and community. As a result they can thrive as minorities, because their skill set screams success.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    This is wokeness. This is an America which feels it is okay to protest the national anthem by sitting and kneeling. This is a society which vilifies honest cops and decent law enforcement to the point where attacking them is celebrated (but no one wants to be martyred). This is the culture which wants "equality", but to make sure that only those who think correctly are equal. This is Obama's America.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    What is particularly despicable about the protesters is hearing foreign accents screaming out how racist America is when these assholes weren't even asked to come here. let alone cheat and sneak in.
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    Skibum. Asians and jews are not monolithic entities. Compare Cambodian americans to recent wealthy Chinese emigres. Compare bukharian jews to falashim.
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    This thread just says whites are afraid minorities will treat them how they treat minorities
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Beyonce just came with a film streaming on Disney+ called "Black is King" - I wonder how open Disney+ would be a to a "White is King" film - jeez all this "systemic racism" where black people get to say what they want how they want it w/ no consequences yet white people can lose their jobs for merely disagreeing
  • IceyLoco
    4 years ago
    Portraying blacks as being worthy human beings is not akin to white supremacy. The real question is why someone would feel intimidated by blacks
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Being pissed off at their constant excuses doesn't equate to fear. Tired of helping people who refuse to help themselves. It's cultural, not racial.
  • daddyfatsack
    4 years ago
    The fear of having things come back to you is real 🤣
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    Oprah Winfrey shames white people "... ” Oprah proceeded to praise her white guests for accusing themselves of being “racist.” ..." "... “There are white people who are not as powerful as the system of white people — the caste system that’s been put in place — but they still, no matter where they are on the rung, or the ladder of success, they still have their whiteness,” ..." [view link] Sure - let any prominent white person make a negative statement about black people and see the reaction - what a fucking double-standard
  • daddyfatsack
    4 years ago
    Keep it going! Your tears are like PEDs to me!
  • Tetradon
    4 years ago
    So revenge is an appropriate policy aim?
  • casino
    4 years ago
    Asians and Jews didn't have their communties burned and land stolen in America. Asians and jews didn't get redlined out of good neighborhoods, or denied the GI bill or assistance(welfare) for their farms as blacks did. I could go on and on, but ignorance knows no bounds in the USA. Also Papi, you're the best example of a double standard I can think of. Millions of people wait for years to get to America while people from Cuba are instantly granted citizenship due to what?
  • casino
    4 years ago
    Also, Papi chulo, I only addressed you because many american whites are proud of their historical ignorance regarding the way the country shit on blacks.
  • casino
    4 years ago
    Japanese got reparations in 2019. native Americans received their own land where they rule in the continental US. What did black Americans get for Jim Crow, and the blatant theft and terrorizing of their neighborhoods after slavery was legally declared over? Why the difference?
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Jews were redlined and subjected to quotas. One example of ignorance. America turned back ships of Jewish refugees who were later exterminated in concentration camps. Second example of ignorance. The reparations to the Japanese were pretty minimal and went to those interned (citizens) or their direct relatives and not every person of Japanese descent which is what reparations means here. Third example of ignorance. You're right about your ignorance knowing no bounds. Black Americans are vicious Jew haters and to think, Jews died for your civil rights, when the internet wasn't around and being anti-racist wasn't some simpering limousine liberal term.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    "... Japanese got reparations in 2019 ..." Per Wikipedia: "... The legislation admitted that government actions were based on "race prejudice, war hysteria, and a failure of political leadership." The U.S. government eventually disbursed more than $1.6 billion (equivalent to $3,460,000,000 in 2019) in reparations to 82,219 Japanese Americans who had been interned ..." [view link]. That is a small % of total Japanese-Americans, vs 40-million African Americans - not to mention it was given to those that were actually affected vs every Jap-American.
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    "... native Americans received their own land where they rule in the continental US ..." IDK much w.r.t. the reasoning for Native Americans getting their own land - I assume part of it is that they had been here from the beginning? I also "think" that they don't technically own the land, I "think" the U.S. government actually owns most Native American Lands but allows the tribes a lot of autonomy.
  • daddyfatsack
    4 years ago
    Casino you gotta understand these guys 1) know what happened 2) have a vested interest in those things continuing 3) expect you to know that as well. So what's fair is giving them back the same as they give you. Please know that they will get in their feelings and claim not to understand why you feel the way you do but that's because they like to disguise their hate with so called facts and statistics instead of just coming out and saying it.
  • Tetradon
    4 years ago
    ^ Why are you so opposed to facts and statistics? Realz over feelz, man.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    You should take disguising lesson Daddysackof shit. You're just a failed whiny bitch, filled with hatred. Just another fucktard lying and getting mad when you're called on your lies. Now be a good progressive; do a drive by shooting; miss your target and kill a nine year old boy, which seems increasingly common in some "communities".
  • daddyfatsack
    4 years ago
    Not opposed to them at all. Matter of fact we need to do something about this white on white crime epidemic. FBI stats show it to be 87%. Also whats up with all these white men committing mass murders? I think its a cultural problem. They glorify gangster/criminal lifestyle in top rated shows like the sopranos and breaking bad!
  • daddyfatsack
    4 years ago
    Almost there ski. You're about 2 steps from saying how you really feel. This is your safe space so go ahead. Say it. I double dare you not to be a bitch. Say it!
  • Tetradon
    4 years ago
    I guess white people need reparations. According to AOC, crime occurs because they can't feed their families.
  • daddyfatsack
    4 years ago
    White people don't typically ask for reperations. They ask for or just get various programs funded by the federal government with rules in place to ice others from it. Now that's history it happened oh so long ago, like 20 yrs and apparently I should take your word they don't do that now. They also blame corporations and if I pay attention to the political ads this season those working class folks will be told the reasson they're hurting is because big government failed them. I call bs. They need to pick themselves up by the bootstraps!
  • Tetradon
    4 years ago
    Wow, what a lack of empathy. Perhaps they are too proud to ask for reparations, surely it's the system holding them down. I don't know where you get off on thinking you are the savior of a whole race.
  • daddyfatsack
    4 years ago
    Oooooh found another one: 57% sex crimes is white men. Whats up with your culture fellas? It makes sense given the news we see about guys in power abusing it then getting caught up. Hell even on here I've seen multiple post about guys worried how they going to work around women. I've never had that problem. Serious cultural problem going on with white guys
  • daddyfatsack
    4 years ago
    Savior of a whole race? Ok I see stupid has shown up
  • Tetradon
    4 years ago
    ^ And its name is daddyfatsack, savior of all peoples via removal of personal responsibility
  • daddyfatsack
    4 years ago
    Yep can't do 2 things at once as usual. Said this before and will again because some of you are slow: personal responsibility is an absolute must and requirement of this great society. For the life of me I can't understand why yall full stop right there. Wait, that's a lie I do know why. Any of you want to say it? I will if you want
  • Tetradon
    4 years ago
    Super, then no one needs preferences and anti-discrimination, not discrimination in favor of one side, is the worthy goal. I knew you'd see things my way.
  • daddyfatsack
    4 years ago
    You are seriously in one breath going to be about facts and stats and in the next do the full stop I mentioned previously. Can't make this shit up. Coming in here every so often just reinforces what I already know about yall
  • Papi_Chulo
    4 years ago
    "... among those with a bachelor's or higher degree, Asian full-time, year-round workers ages 25–34 had higher median annual earnings ($69,100) than their White peers ($54,700), and median earnings for both racial/ethnic groups were higher than those of their Black ($49,400) and Hispanic ($49,300) peers ..." [view link] This systemic-racism needs to stop - we gotta do away with this Asian-privilege keeping the white-man down.
  • Tetradon
    4 years ago
    Look at Nigerian-Americans. They hustle to a fault. They bust their asses. They prioritize education. Same genetic stock as the rest of the West African diaspora, so the genetic explanation is out. [view link]
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