The Washington Football Team

avatar for rl27
How many people are psyched to watch "The Football Team" play?

I for one can't wait until "Americas Team" plays "The Football Team"


last comment
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Players opting out of the season. BLM stickers on helmets. Games cancelled for CoVid infections. NFL sanctioned kneeling during the anthem. Tributes to politically correct causes during games. Players’ careers at risk if they show support for the flag or police.

I may not watch the NFL, assuming there is actually a season.
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
Lifelong Yankees fan. Watched the opening ceremonies for Yanks vs. Nats. After that disgusting BLM display I knew I would never watch baseball again, but I watched the first inning. I saw Cole pitch for the Yankees. Now I'm done... forever.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
"... I may not watch the NFL, assuming there is actually a season ..."

I'm doubtful I'll watch - only way I'd watch if it's non-activist, or maybe if freedom-of-speech is allowed in what players can express vs it just being one-sided - but even then likely I won't watch b/c I rather not mix sports entertainment with politics -being forced to be w/o sports these last couple of months has gotten me out of the habit - a couple of days ago I was flipping thru the channels and saw and NBA warm-up game getting ready for the season restart and it didn't do anything for me and just kept flipping thru the channels. I can find other things to do/watch.
avatar for 623
5 years ago
We’ll see. The post COVID world will likely be very different in many ways.
But sheeple being what they are, and most of them appearing to have almost no memory, I think sports will one day be relevant again.
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
I'm a college sports fan.
avatar for chessmaster
5 years ago
Some people dont understand why did that but it makes perfect sense to me. Nobody can possibly be offended by "football team". Im just waiting for "patriots", "indians", or "vikings" to be offensive. Surely they're next.
avatar for chessmaster
5 years ago
There's a football and a baseball team named after giants. Im offended as there's no team representing midgets or little people.
avatar for winex
5 years ago
I find the "Washington" part of the team name far more offensive than the "Redskins" part.
avatar for jackslash
5 years ago
They should change the name to Washington Bureaucrats.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
If we go by quality of play we could name them the Washington Turnstyles.
avatar for crosscheck
5 years ago
They'll be a joke for as long as Dan Snyder is the owner since it's clear by this point that he will never have the good sense to let the football people make the football decisions.

Must be something in the water down there as Peter Angelos destroyed the Baltimore Orioles the same way.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
How is the name change offensive? Would you prefer watching the injuns play the wetbacks or the niggers and the chinks?
avatar for TheeOSU
5 years ago
avatar for chessmaster
5 years ago
Is redskins really the equivalent of wetbacks, niggers and chinks?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
"... I'm a college sports fan ..."

"NCAA to allow student-athletes to wear patch supporting social justice initiatives on uniforms"…
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ not surprised - seems all of sports is now a SJW fuck-fest
avatar for chessmaster
5 years ago
Its not just sports. It has infected Hollywood, TV, video games and corporate America. Pretty much everywhere you go.
avatar for winex
5 years ago
Those of us who live in Arizona had an early exposure to this. In 2010, SB 1070 was passed - the law basically said that we were going to enforce existing immigration law.

The Phoenix Suns spoke out against the bill and even wore jerseys that said "Los Suns" for a game.

At that point in time i decided that since they wanted to move from being an entity that provided entertainment (bad basketball) to a political entity, I would treat them as a political entity.

I haven't watched a Suns game since.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Yes redskin is a racial slur.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
I have no issue with sports catering to the black community at all. I will spend as much time and money on them that I do now on rap videos and concerts.
avatar for Studme53
5 years ago
Someone else wrote their father told him he should be playing sports instead of watching someone else do it. Great advice I’ll try to follow. I’ll broadly interpret “sportS” to mean walking, going to the beach, riding a bike, etc - anything other than sitting in front of a TV watching dummies play some made up game.
avatar for winex
5 years ago
@IceyLoco - is Oklahoma a racial slur?
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
In the West. Okie is a slur.
avatar for winex
5 years ago
@IceyLoco, not “Okie”, but Oklahoma. Is the name of the state racist? Or is Oklahoma State or University of Oklahoma offensive?
avatar for Meursault
5 years ago
Fighting to keep the obviously objectionable name for so long seems like a strange hill to die on. The NFL is not as tied to an individual team brand as companies are, so they don't have to worry about losing to much money with a name change. The name change doesn't bother me at all, but I never liked the team from Washington anyway.

The NFL, on the other hand, has lost me forever. I don't take politics from my coffee shop and I'm sure not gonna take it from my sports team. I speak to customers in meeting rooms across the country of all types, and I would never wear a political slogan pinned to my suit when meeting with them. It's too bad that so many people are so addicted to football that they are willing to submit to a political lecture from a group of fools whose sole area of expertise is beating on each other for money.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
An ethnonym is different from a slur and you know that but you just want to defend bigotry
avatar for winex
5 years ago
@IceyLoco - no, I'm just trying to get you to answer a simple question.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
I answered. But you think youre so clever acting like a Choctaw ethnonym is the same as a pejorative slur
avatar for winex
5 years ago
I see very little difference between Redskins and Red People - the Choctaw translation of Oklahoma.

If you do see a difference, then I believe you belong to the growing class of people that are always trying to play the role of victim.
avatar for Meursault
5 years ago
Man it truly pains me to even partially side with IceyLoco, but "Redskins" just seems obviously objectionable. If I was the president of "Redskins Feminine Hygiene Products" and my company had been in business for 60 years and had a loyal following, I *might* object to a name change on the grounds that it would irrevocably hurt my earned brand, but the Washington Football team will suffer very little impact due to the nature of their business. I really can't understand why this took so long.
avatar for winex
5 years ago
So do you think Red People is fine, but Redskins is not?
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Winex ....the redskins weren't named in honor of the Choctaw. They were named as a fierce warlike caricature of native Americans. I take it you believe aunt jemima was a tribute to black women.

avatar for winex
5 years ago
@IceyLoco - the subject is the Redskins, not pancake syrup. Try to pay attention.

And the mascot for the Redskins wasn't a caricature. The logo was designed by Walter Wetzel - a former Blackfeet tribal chairman and past president of the National Congress of American Indians.

If the subject was the Cleveland Indians, then - yes, their mascot is a caricature.

But the subject was the Redskins, the name of the state Oklahoma, and how "Redskins" vs. "Red People" is a distinction without a difference.

Try to pay attention.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
A state named in honor of a people vs a fetishized mascot is a difference.

You pretending there isn't and acting like it makes you clever makes you a fucking idiot. The controversy over the name has been going on since the 1960s. So don't come at me with shit you Google thinking it legitimates your bigotry.
avatar for winex
5 years ago
Just like I said - you are a professional victim.

Walter Wetzel wasn't into self loathing. Don't try to use the mascot as a psychological test. It was made in honor of Indian heritage - not to deride it.

If you think the name "Redskins" is offensive, then you should be equally offended by the name "Oklahoma".

Tell me, does playing victim help you feel better about your failures in life?
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Native Americans have been trying to change the name. Since thr 1960s
avatar for winex
5 years ago
Again - try to keep focus - how is "Redskins" any more or any less offensive than "Red People"?
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Youre not being clever. On the contrary. Saying that the name of a state meams red people therefore the redskins can't be a racist term despite 60 years of native americans fighting for a name change. Makes you look like a moron
avatar for winex
5 years ago
You aren’t even demonstrating basic reading comprehension. I have not made any statements about whether or not “Redskins” is a racist name.

I have said that it is on a par with Oklahoma.

Similarly, I haven’t stated whether I think the name Steelers is demeaning to blue collar workers, or the name Giants is demeaning to unusually tall people.

Try to pay attention.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Youre trying to play with semantics and are doing a poor job at it. Your prmise is that since the name Oklahoma isn't racist therefore calling a football team the redskins isn't. Tje ethnonym Red people and the slur redskin are not the same. Hence why native Americans have tried to change the teams name for the past 60 years.

avatar for winex
5 years ago
Where exactly did I say that Oklahoma wasn't racist?

I asked you if you felt it was racist. Personally, I am surprised that you didn't jump on it. Part of the victim game you play involves calling everyone a bigot.

You may want to take a look in the mirror.
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
Do you want to rename every last team, school, park, building, etc. just because its "name" is offensive to some people and/or associated with racism? Does historical significance count for anything?
avatar for winex
5 years ago
@MisterOrange - I think that we all know the answer to your question is "Yes".
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Only a bigot defends a bigoted legacy
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
It's a yes or no question Icey. Rename them all?
avatar for ime
5 years ago
The Washington Post released a new poll that finds 9 in 10 Native Americans are not offended by the name. The poll surveyed opinions on the team name from more than 500 Native Americans across the country.…

Change everything for the woke white people.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
A random survey of 500 people doesn't change a 60 year struggle to get the name changed
avatar for ime
5 years ago
Struggle to get a name changed? What place are you in, in the oppression Olympics we see you are trying your best for gold on a strip club website. Holy shit you are a pussy. See you are a great example of what happens to kids raised without fathers, you overly dramatic sissy.
avatar for ime
5 years ago
Struggle your worthless ass to get a job, that should be a real struggle for you.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Fortunately most people aren't bigots
avatar for ime
5 years ago
Wah wah wah everything I don't like is racist and anyone who isn't offended by everything is a bigot. Imagine the world where not everyone was a crybaby worthless pussy offended by everything....wait you can't because that is your whole life, finding things to be offended by and being the biggest victim you can be.
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
Icey you are such a good little liberal prick, dancing around every issue with generalities - never saying anything at all.
avatar for rl27
5 years ago
Iceyloco, Aunt Jemima was the only good store bought syrup I could find. Most of the good stuff I bought came from the local Maple farm.

On a side note, I happened to stumble on Chitty Chitty Bang Bang on the local PBS station, and the little girls name in the show was named Jemima Potts. I was even more surprised that it was based off of a book by Ian Flemming. The same Ian Flemming who created James Bond.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
So bigotry doesn't offend you but opposing it does
avatar for Tiburon
5 years ago
Some of you people are ignorant or just hate to keep up reality and its various reasons. Plenty of sports players are refusing to take a knee, and are happily expressing their freedom of speech on both sides.

On the other side, would you have really cared or noticed if BLM was protesting on a Tuesday on the side of a building while you were too busy at work to pay attention. Activism doesn't work if nobody can hear you. Get over yourselves folks.
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
You see, Icey, you moron. While I disagree with Tiburon, he made an intelligent statement that got me to think and consider what he's saying. You should try it sometime.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Why doesn't bigotry offend you but opposing it does?
avatar for Tiburon
5 years ago
2 things: 1) @mister orange what do you disagree with?

2) shouldn't this be in the Political Group discussion?
avatar for rl27
5 years ago
Tuburon, It kind of devolved into that.

I just thought it was a freaking hilarious name for a team, and that Washington owners had no imagination
avatar for winex
5 years ago
from what I have read, they settled on the generic name because trademark squatters have been registering potential names for years. And obviously there was no plan to make any changes until anime, Amazon and FedEx applied pressure.
avatar for Mr_O
5 years ago
I look at it this way. I like football. Never much cared which teams are playing and even less about the players.
So why should I deprive myself of something I enjoy simply because someone wishes to be an ASS? I watched many belichick coached games!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
"... The Redskins name originated in Boston in 1933. The football team was called the Boston Braves, but the owner decided to rename the team the Boston Redskins in honor of the team's head coach, William "Lone Star" Dietz, who was a native American ..."….

Still politically incorrect but it was meant as a tribute vs a putdown.

avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
"@mister orange what do you disagree with?"

Sure there are some players who still have respect for the country that gave them the opportunity to play ball for big $$. Hats off to them for not giving in to the mob. And I agree that activism, if it's to be noticed, needs to have some kind of shock value. But disrespecting the flag and the anthem is going too far and can't possibly be justified in my mind. It's not just simply "freedom of speech." It's an insult to America. They could get plenty of attention if they walked around on the sidelines with their cocks hanging out - doesn't mean they should do it. It would be against the basic principles of human decency. Kneeling during the anthem is just as disgusting. Also, besides pro sports, there are no other big corporations that allow employees to express personal political views while representing the company. I can't hang a pro-second amendment banner in my office where I meet with customers. I'd be forced to take it down or I'd be fired. Why does the NFL allow their customers to be subjected to this crap?
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ Why don’t you buy your own team then you can set whatever standard you’d like !
Untill then boycott them, it’s your money spend it your way.
avatar for dirtyburt
5 years ago
How about we just name them the “Washington Redskin Potatoes”?????
Icey.....Would that still be racist?
avatar for pistola
5 years ago
So if a Mexican (sorry Hispanic American) couple has a child and names him Jose, is that propagating stereotypes and thus contributing to racism? When are Anglo ladies going to name their daughters Shoniqua to reverse the trend!!
avatar for TheeOSU
5 years ago
Tread lightly pistola, they might be coming after your name next. :D
avatar for rl27
5 years ago
Interesting winex. Never though of that. And yes trademark squatters have been a problem over the years, but really seemed take off over the last few years. Didn't hear much about them in the press, but did hear mention of various places I worked over the years having to spends a significant amount of their legal budget litigating on this.
avatar for winex
5 years ago
@rl27 here is one article on the subject -…

You can find a lot more articles on the subject with a simple search

With the number of lawyers in the DC area, registering trademarks for the Redskins has been a popular activity for years.
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