I've always kept all my guns unloaded and locked in a safe, except for one shotgun next to my bed. I live in a fairly small city in NJ, about 40,000 population, that is very racially mixed. It's a pretty nice middle-class area and in the 14 years I've been here everyone seems to get along nicely. Lately we've had a lot of things happening: vulgar graffiti, cars broken into, broken storefront windows. Nothing like the riots you see on TV, but stuff we've never seen here before.
So with all the shit going on, I've placed loaded handguns in several spots around my home. Behind the couch cushions, in the bathroom vanity and in the cupboard next to the kitchen sink. I really don't think anything violent is going to happen here, but you never know. I hope I never face a situation where I have to defend myself with physical force, but I'm getting ready just in case.
I live in a condo complex on the first floor, so I've also started leaving my balcony sliding door unlocked and open an inch or so - just in case I need to make a quick exit. It would be tough to climb up to my balcony but you could jump down without serious injury.
"... I live in a condo complex on the first floor, so I've also started leaving my balcony sliding door unlocked and open an inch or so - just in case I need to make a quick exit ..."
Obviously IDK the configuration of your condo - but I think the chances of someone getting into your house that way are greater than you having to use it as an emergency exit -it seems often times criminals make entry due to an unlocked window or something similar
@Papi I have one of the few condos in my complex where the sliding door to the balcony is from the bedroom rather than the living room. There's a bar that prevents it from opening more than 8" or so, but it's easily and quickly released from the inside, as long as the lock and deadbolt aren't engaged. If somebody tried to get through from the outside there would be enough time for me to wake up, grab my .40 cal, and stop them from coming in. If I'm asleep and they bust down my front door, I'd be trapped in my bedroom.
I wrote in a previous thread that I've never thought about owning a gun but will get one soon. I live on a dead-end street that is very isolated but the stuff going on is making me plan for the worse.
I live in California so I have to pass a test before I can even buy a gun. I took some practice tests and passed 9 out of 10 of them without reading the book of knowing a lot about guns. it's not rocket science to pass the test. Been researching and asking opinions of friends that are gun owners. Will move out of the exploritory phase soon and make the jump.
@mike710 Congratulations on your decision. My advice: Spend a hundred bucks or so and take an NRA basic pistol class. You can't learn proper gun safety and handling procedures from a bureaucratic government book. Get some hands-on shooting experience before you decide what you want to buy as your first gun and take on the responsibility that goes with it. Then practice, practice, practice. Good luck.
Thanks for the advice. I was going to look into a real class as well as a local gun range to practice in. I was thinking the local gun shop can steer me in the right direction. If not, I can look on my own.
Yes, I was told that too. I think, in the home a shotgun is less likely to penetrate walls over a distance so I don't shoot a neighbor by accident. I think I can only buy one gun every 30 days so I can get one of each eventually.
My buddy use to have a .45 Magnum, it was fun at the range. But unless you need to shoot the home invader behind your neighbors refrigerator, i didn't see it as a useful gun.
Mike, it’s not just penetration of walls you need to consider.
Hitting you intended target in a tense situation is a legitimate concern. With buckshot, you don’t have to be as precise in your aim as you do with a bullet. If you are concerned about neighbors because you live in a condo or apartment, you can make the first round or two that you load birdshot.
^^^You would shoot your neighbor after the round passed through the villains chest.
Shotguns are very practical for home defence, high power at short range, wide spread, knockdown power, low velocity, not going to cause collateral damage.
It's funny, in the past few weeks when I have discussed things with friends and family, a lot of people, maybe 10 or so now, that never felt a need to own a gun have recently purchased one or plan too. I never talked guns with any of them before so it was interesting to hear their thoughts too.
@winex - I agree somewhat. The birdshot and/or buckshot won't penetrate walls as much as a 9mm or 357 Magnum. But in the close proximity of a condo/apartment, there won't be that much spread on the shotgun. You still need to be fairly accurate.
Oh damn, that's some serious velocity. I intentionally didn't buy the one with the muzzle break because I like the recoil. Your's must be fuckin ridiculous. Lol
Haha that's awesome. I don't know if I'd buy one but I'd like to shoot one just for fun.
I'm not much of a rifle guy, I mostly shoot pistols, but I've got a Ruger Gunsite Scout 308 Win. I'm amazed at the accuracy of that gun at 300 yards with a 16" barrel and a pretty cheap Burris scope. I load my own ammo. Otherwise I'd never be able to shoot it. Lol
@MisterOrange - if you ever changed your mind, you can buy barrels for something like $400. If you wanted a less expensive way to use your gun, you could pick up a 10” barrel for a 44 mag and a few magazines, then use it as a 44 mag or as a 50 AE.
That’s what I do, except that I have the 6” barrel for 44 mag and the 10” for 50 AE.
Living in the boondocks doesn’t guarantee anything but it helps. In the words of Hank Williams, Jr., “I’ve got a shotgun, a rifle and a four wheel drive. A country boy can survive”
Also, while this is debatable, I also think a shotgun is a better home defense gun. But I’d note that shotgun pellets can still penetrate drywall and be lethal beyond. 00 buckshot throws 9 pellets nominally at .333 cal each.
If one decides to defend ones home with firearms, it’s imperative that one takes a class from a certified instructor, practices and carefully thinks things through. Even in a self defense situation, the shooter is responsible for what happens once the projectile leaves the gun.
Different versions of this have been around for a while, but its pretty funny and fits the thread.
Musket for home defense
Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended. Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?" As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle. Home surround sound system is primed to play "The Royal Hussars". Hit play. Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot. Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smooth-bore and nails the neighbors dog. I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms. "Afix Bayonets Gentlemen". Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion. Jam my bayonet through his anus as he tries to climb out a window. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up. Call the Police. Have tea ready for them. Just as the founding fathers intended.
Lol at all this. The problem is in liberal land YOU are the murderer if your trying to defend yourself/family from a crook. It won’t even matter. You’ll be arrested, jailed for life and then sued for everything your worth.
Nothing to change. Big dogs, lots of guns, home alarm, and automatic outdoor lights. Although finding ammo is becoming harder. I've had to buy my last few boxes from pawn shops.
Just some thoughts and comments on gun ownership. If you recall seeing the long lines of people trying to get into stores to buy a gun after the government shut down most of the country, you should realize a couple of things.
First none of those people were the “right wing nutters” that the left wants you to believe they were. Those “right wing nutters” already have their guns. The people in line were the great middle of the country who never bothered about getting around to arming themselves before.
That is the second thing to realize. Waiting to the last minute is a really bad strategy. If you’re going to do it then do it yesterday. Law changes, natural disasters, pandemics, etc happen. Dealing with a waiting period when the rioters/terrorists, I mean protesters, are breaking down your doors doesn’t sound like the best of plans. If you’ve made the decision then waiting to get around to obtaining a gun, ammunition or CCW is shortsighted IMO.
For home defense I’ll suggest what I usually recommend to females. I’m not calling anyone here a little girl but most people are novices and if in a life threatening situation one should not be trying to remember if the gun is loaded, how the safety works, etc. I recommend a .38 revolver (consider a hammerless model if you prefer). It can sit fully loaded and ready to go for years without any tension on a spring. It is a point and shoot weapon. The caliber has plenty of punch/stopping power while also not being so much gun that a 90 pound girl can’t handle it. If you end up in a fire fight needing more than 5 or 6 rounds then you are in a world of hurt but if you think you need them then get some speed loaders and practice, practice and practice. For those concerned about rounds penetrating a wall, consider using wad cutters.
My last comment is timeless advice: “But you’ll put your eye out”.
Not changed my plans much. Just added a few items to my collection and I have quadrupled my ammunition supply. Also, increased my supplies of food, water, and generator fuel.
I consider gun ownership as both a privilege and a responsibility. All the responsible gun owners I have spoken to here, and in person emphasize safety first. If they didn't, I wouldn't take their advice. I've never owned a gun in the past because I didn't feel the need was greater than the responsibility until now.
@BabyDoc - All true. Only one thing I would add regarding the 38. A female friend of mine took me with her to buy her first gun. I suggested the Ruger SP101 .357 and she could shoot 38s, but she said it felt a little heavy for her. She decided on a S&W Airweight .38 which weighs next to nothing. Problem is that she doesn't really like the recoil (it's not much but she's a tiny girl). She's gotten used to it, but she really likes shooting my S&W 686 (special edition with 5" barrel and 7-shot cylinder), which has virtually zero recoil with 38s in it. However that one is much too heavy of a gun for her to maneuver easily in a tense situation. The Ruger 357 would have been the perfect combo of overall weight vs. recoil, and still have the option of shooting 357 if she ever wanted too. Been a couple years and now she's thinking about getting the Ruger.
I haven't changed my home defense. I live in a safe suburb of Detroit, and I've never heard of a break-in or an armed robbery near here. However, I keep my S&W 38 revolver in the bag I carry when I go biking every day and I keep my Sig Sauer 9mm pistol in the drawer of the end table by my sofa. My Remington 12 gauge pump shotgun is in the closet of my bedroom. My other firearms like my AR-15 are locked in a gun safe.
My HOA installed a line of defenses modeled after the Maginot Line there are walls and bunkers around the perimeter of the community what do y'all think sound safe and secure.
Of course there is a no one size fits all and many people will argue to the death about their favorite. The .357 magnum is my favorite round and I really like .357 revolvers in part for the versatility. I can shoot not only .357 rounds but also .38 and .38 Super with no modifications.
But most females are intimidated by the .357 round and most .357 revolvers have a larger, beefed up frame to handle the round which often times is difficult for females to handle if they have a smaller hand.
I personally carry either my S&W Model 66 or a semi auto Sig most of the time. I really like the Sigs with the much improved 9mm rounds but I don’t think I have ever recommended a semi automatic to a novice. Too many moving parts. Is there one in the chamber? Was that the safety or magazine release button they just depressed? You get the idea.
There was one girl for whom the .38 was too much. Though it isn’t something I would recommend except when there isn’t a good alternative, I set her up with a .22 cal revolver and got her hollow point high velocity ammunition. Not a good choice for a whole bunch of reasons but she NEEDED to be able to defend herself and I felt that in her case it was the best option. Everyone’s situation is unique.
BabyDoc, good for you setting that gal up with a .22 revolver. The .22 is a better option for some folks. Yes, it doesn’t have the ideal firepower. But a gun that is a good match for someone is a gun that they will practice with and be able to use, unlike something that would be too much gun and just sit in a gun case somewhere. . Plus the accuracy and light recoil of a .22 makes for better follow up shots, which are often necessary in home defense situations, regardless of what kind of gun it is.
^^ Doc Yup. By the way I fuckin love Sigs. I've got a P226 Elite (.40) and a new P229 Legion (9mm). Their service is great too. A while back the hammer drop lever on my 226 stopped working for some reason. Nothing dangerous, it just wouldn't release the hammer when pressed. Sent it in to Sig for service. When it came back it wasn't only fixed but had a brand new shiny set of rosewood grips (old ones were a little beat up). No charge. They just replaced them for me.
Why not ask the couple in St. Louis about your thoughts? "My HOA installed a line of defenses modeled after the Maginot Line there are walls and bunkers around the perimeter of the community what do y'all think sound safe and secure."
I am sitting on the front porch of my house right now looking at at 150 acres of corn across the street, the field to the right is nothing but 100 acres of soy beans, to the left is about a couple square miles of woods and behind me is about a mile to the nearest house. So "civil unrest" isn't something I really think about at home but as a "god fearing, gun toting, flag waiving American" I do always have a few loaded guns around.
Downstairs Sig Sauer P365 9mm for concealed carry is left in a drawer in the living room when I am home.
HM Defense AvengerM308 in the den right by the backdoor. Usually this is kept locked up but it is out right now because I have been having a problem with coyotes lately.
Upstairs Smith & Wesson M&P .40 in the nightstand by the bed.
Benelli M4 12 gauge in the bedroom closet.
The only 2 times these guns get locked away are if my nephews are over or I have some buddies over for some drinks and then they go in the gun safe in the basement.
To the original question, yes, I’ve spread out distribution of home defense weapons . Shotguns primary, pistols secondary. I’m certainly not going to wait on the local sheriff deputy to get to me in time to protect life or property.
I got a larger storage tank for da shit at home and installed some sprayers on my outside walls like da ones on my neighbor's shit tractor. Dey not gettin far
The news is full of articles on the high increase of people buying guns. Especially first time owners. I'll admit that things overall appear less safe and the kooks are trying to defund the police. So I gave it some thought. Home protection was not a concern for me. In the last 20 years there has only been one incident in my sub division of senior citizens and that was a burglary. My doors all have dead bolts and the windows are all double pained and screened. I was more concerned with being out in public and my thoughts were about a concealed hand gun. With so man loonies running around that would seems to be a better use for a hand gun. But then I worried that since I am 78 years old, it might be fairly easy for a person/s to overwhelm me and take the weapon before I git a chance to get it out.
So I'm staying with my original plan of locking my doors, clubbing only in the day time and staying out of potential trouble areas.
I am more concerned with COVID-19 than getting shot.
I have guns and ammo but have wondered if it was a crowd of protester trash trying break in burn my home what needed. A Molotov cocktail would be what they need.
Well reasoned and that’s the way it should be. Decisions should be made in the calm light of day rather than out of fear. Your decision sounds to be the appropriate one for you. Stay safe.
I am somewhat remote area. Friends with several deputies who said their response time could be up to 7 minutes. I have a couple of dogs well trained outside and keep weapons loaded.
I live in the suburbs a few minutes outside of the city. If wasn't for tv and the internet I wouldn't have any idea that there's any unrest in the country.
Navy veteran recounts being beaten by DHS in Portland: ‘If they’re going to gas moms, they’re going to gas vets’ David, a Naval Acadamy graduate, was filmed being beaten by Portland Tribune reporter Zane Sparling.
He was interviewed on Monday evening by MSNBC’s Ali Velshi about how he showed up trying to talk to the suspected Department of Homeland Security agents. “That’s exactly what I wanted to do, was just talk to them and the thing that was so upsetting was that there didn’t seem to be any recognition that as a veteran I was even going to be listened to or treated any differently than anybody else
"there didn’t seem to be any recognition that as a veteran I was even going to be listened to or treated any differently than anybody else" So? What makes him think he was entitled to special treatment?
Bradley "Chelsea" Manning is a vet too. So is Bowe Bergdahl. So was Lee Harvey Oswald.
But coming from MSNBC, there's some doubt whether this guy even is a real vet. Just because he wears a Navy sweatshirt and talks a bunch of shit in the middle of a riot, they're supposed to drop everything and have a conversation with this asshole?
I’ve never owned a gun, and I’m still not planning to own one. I fully support citizens right to own firearms - and to protect their homes from intruders.
I’m in northeast NJ, and there has been significant unrest in the nearby cities. I don’t feel uneasy or concerned in my home - or my neighborhood - or my town.
I understand folks might be feeling concerned, and everyone has their own method to protect their home and family. It’s all good.
The truth is - nothing confuses an intruder more than getting a face full of feces. Guns can escalate a situation quickly - with collateral damage. A naked guy - slinging feces - will confuse an intruder and nobody will run towards me either.
I will check to see if I can find that study of guns vs nude feces throwing civilians - as I’m sure it’s out there somewhere!
This may be somewhat off topic, but I just received a solicitation for what looked like a beautiful gun, it is a Diablo 12 Gauge Pistol with rosewood grips made by American Gun Craft is any one familiar with this weapon and have you fired this gun ? I'm interested but it appears to be a mail order item, I would like some feed back before I order this weapon.
@25 - I looked it up and it does look pretty sweet, especially with the rosewood. I've never fired anything like that but if I had to take a guess: I'd say it would definitely be fun to shoot at the range. As far as practicality for defense, looks like it would have a shit-ton of recoil, especially with high-brass buck shot. Only two rounds and probably difficult to aim well. One thing for sure, you'll look and feel like a total bad-ass walking around with that thing. https://americanguncraft.com/p…
That wouldn't be a choice for self defense, my regular CC is a S & W .380 Bodyguard with built in laser sight, it's more of a fun type gun It might be a fun skeet gun, I don't thing I can fire it at the indoor range I go to, it's definitely an outdoor type gun it is a muzzle loader and I think it uses black powder cartridges.
I watched one of the videos. You have to load each round with powder, shot, tamp it down, etc and then add a primer. Kind of like a black powder pistol. Looks fun though.
"... I'm not sure how we can best protect ourselves from being illegally detained by unmarked federal agents ..."
Yeah - the example below is def preferable to federal-agents:
"... A Brooklyn woman who followed Borough President Eric Adams’ advice for New Yorkers to settle disputes neighbor-to-neighbor rather than calling 911 wound up shot dead after she confronted some punks setting off illegal fireworks, the victim’s grieving mom said.
Shatavia Walls, 33, was blasted eight times in an East New York public housing complex on July 7, simply for asking the fiends to take their dangerous display away from a group of playing kids — exactly how Adams had urged constituents to act in the face of the pyrotechnic plague ..."
It's really sad that this brave woman lost her life but, unfortunately, it's going to take a lot more incidents like this before idiots in this country start to come to their senses - and some of them never will.
Nope, my home defense plan has always been the same. I live in a leafy suburb with no statues or historical monuments, so the likelihood of a protest in my area is pretty much non-existent. But anyone who breaks into my home stands a good chance of leaving in a body bag. God Bless Florida, with its very enlightened Castle Doctrine.
last commentYeah - I'm moving to Wyoming
Obviously IDK the configuration of your condo - but I think the chances of someone getting into your house that way are greater than you having to use it as an emergency exit -it seems often times criminals make entry due to an unlocked window or something similar
I have one of the few condos in my complex where the sliding door to the balcony is from the bedroom rather than the living room. There's a bar that prevents it from opening more than 8" or so, but it's easily and quickly released from the inside, as long as the lock and deadbolt aren't engaged. If somebody tried to get through from the outside there would be enough time for me to wake up, grab my .40 cal, and stop them from coming in. If I'm asleep and they bust down my front door, I'd be trapped in my bedroom.
I live in California so I have to pass a test before I can even buy a gun. I took some practice tests and passed 9 out of 10 of them without reading the book of knowing a lot about guns. it's not rocket science to pass the test. Been researching and asking opinions of friends that are gun owners. Will move out of the exploritory phase soon and make the jump.
Congratulations on your decision. My advice: Spend a hundred bucks or so and take an NRA basic pistol class. You can't learn proper gun safety and handling procedures from a bureaucratic government book. Get some hands-on shooting experience before you decide what you want to buy as your first gun and take on the responsibility that goes with it. Then practice, practice, practice. Good luck.
Agreed. I have both.
Hitting you intended target in a tense situation is a legitimate concern. With buckshot, you don’t have to be as precise in your aim as you do with a bullet. If you are concerned about neighbors because you live in a condo or apartment, you can make the first round or two that you load birdshot.
Shotguns are very practical for home defence, high power at short range, wide spread, knockdown power, low velocity, not going to cause collateral damage.
BTW, I have a Desert Eagle 50 too. I also have the barrel and magazines to shoot it as a 44 mag.
Is your the Israeli version? Or the US version?
As 50 AE, it has the long barrel.
Talk about drawing attention.
I have the standard barrel for when I use it as a 44 mag.
I need to get one of those.
I'm not much of a rifle guy, I mostly shoot pistols, but I've got a Ruger Gunsite Scout 308 Win. I'm amazed at the accuracy of that gun at 300 yards with a 16" barrel and a pretty cheap Burris scope. I load my own ammo. Otherwise I'd never be able to shoot it. Lol
That’s what I do, except that I have the 6” barrel for 44 mag and the 10” for 50 AE.
Also, while this is debatable, I also think a shotgun is a better home defense gun. But I’d note that shotgun pellets can still penetrate drywall and be lethal beyond. 00 buckshot throws 9 pellets nominally at .333 cal each.
If one decides to defend ones home with firearms, it’s imperative that one takes a class from a certified instructor, practices and carefully thinks things through. Even in a self defense situation, the shooter is responsible for what happens once the projectile leaves the gun.
Musket for home defense
Own a musket for home defense, since that's what the founding fathers intended.
Four ruffians break into my house. "What the devil?"
As I grab my powdered wig and Kentucky rifle.
Home surround sound system is primed to play "The Royal Hussars".
Hit play.
Blow a golf ball sized hole through the first man, he's dead on the spot.
Draw my pistol on the second man, miss him entirely because it's smooth-bore and nails the neighbors dog.
I have to resort to the cannon mounted at the top of the stairs loaded with grape shot, "Tally ho lads" the grape shot shreds two men in the blast, the sound and extra shrapnel set off car alarms.
"Afix Bayonets Gentlemen".
Fix bayonet and charge the last terrified rapscallion.
Jam my bayonet through his anus as he tries to climb out a window.
He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since triangular bayonet wounds are impossible to stitch up.
Call the Police.
Have tea ready for them.
Just as the founding fathers intended.
First none of those people were the “right wing nutters” that the left wants you to believe they were. Those “right wing nutters” already have their guns. The people in line were the great middle of the country who never bothered about getting around to arming themselves before.
That is the second thing to realize. Waiting to the last minute is a really bad strategy. If you’re going to do it then do it yesterday. Law changes, natural disasters, pandemics, etc happen. Dealing with a waiting period when the rioters/terrorists, I mean protesters, are breaking down your doors doesn’t sound like the best of plans. If you’ve made the decision then waiting to get around to obtaining a gun, ammunition or CCW is shortsighted IMO.
For home defense I’ll suggest what I usually recommend to females. I’m not calling anyone here a little girl but most people are novices and if in a life threatening situation one should not be trying to remember if the gun is loaded, how the safety works, etc. I recommend a .38 revolver (consider a hammerless model if you prefer). It can sit fully loaded and ready to go for years without any tension on a spring. It is a point and shoot weapon. The caliber has plenty of punch/stopping power while also not being so much gun that a 90 pound girl can’t handle it. If you end up in a fire fight needing more than 5 or 6 rounds then you are in a world of hurt but if you think you need them then get some speed loaders and practice, practice and practice. For those concerned about rounds penetrating a wall, consider using wad cutters.
My last comment is timeless advice: “But you’ll put your eye out”.
Stay calm and fix bayonets.
Of course there is a no one size fits all and many people will argue to the death about their favorite. The .357 magnum is my favorite round and I really like .357 revolvers in part for the versatility. I can shoot not only .357 rounds but also .38 and .38 Super with no modifications.
But most females are intimidated by the .357 round and most .357 revolvers have a larger, beefed up frame to handle the round which often times is difficult for females to handle if they have a smaller hand.
I personally carry either my S&W Model 66 or a semi auto Sig most of the time. I really like the Sigs with the much improved 9mm rounds but I don’t think I have ever recommended a semi automatic to a novice. Too many moving parts. Is there one in the chamber? Was that the safety or magazine release button they just depressed? You get the idea.
There was one girl for whom the .38 was too much. Though it isn’t something I would recommend except when there isn’t a good alternative, I set her up with a .22 cal revolver and got her hollow point high velocity ammunition. Not a good choice for a whole bunch of reasons but she NEEDED to be able to defend herself and I felt that in her case it was the best option. Everyone’s situation is unique.
Yup. By the way I fuckin love Sigs. I've got a P226 Elite (.40) and a new P229 Legion (9mm). Their service is great too. A while back the hammer drop lever on my 226 stopped working for some reason. Nothing dangerous, it just wouldn't release the hammer when pressed. Sent it in to Sig for service. When it came back it wasn't only fixed but had a brand new shiny set of rosewood grips (old ones were a little beat up). No charge. They just replaced them for me.
Why not ask the couple in St. Louis about your thoughts?
"My HOA installed a line of defenses modeled after the Maginot Line there are walls and bunkers around the perimeter of the community what do y'all think sound safe and secure."
Sig Sauer P365 9mm for concealed carry is left in a drawer in the living room when I am home.
HM Defense AvengerM308 in the den right by the backdoor. Usually this is kept locked up but it is out right now because I have been having a problem with coyotes lately.
Smith & Wesson M&P .40 in the nightstand by the bed.
Benelli M4 12 gauge in the bedroom closet.
The only 2 times these guns get locked away are if my nephews are over or I have some buddies over for some drinks and then they go in the gun safe in the basement.
I don’t advertise what I have but I’m well protected
Why don’t you concentrate on improving yourself You need the work obviously
I got a larger storage tank for da shit at home and installed some sprayers on my outside walls like da ones on my neighbor's shit tractor. Dey not gettin far
and i got a NRA sticker for my bad ass prius.
"Why don’t you concentrate on improving yourself You need the work obviously"
Simple, if you think that you obviously think I need to approach you. I'd have to remove 99% of my brain to approach your level!
So I'm staying with my original plan of locking my doors, clubbing only in the day time and staying out of potential trouble areas.
I am more concerned with COVID-19 than getting shot.
Well reasoned and that’s the way it should be. Decisions should be made in the calm light of day rather than out of fear. Your decision sounds to be the appropriate one for you. Stay safe.
"^ I own you and I’ve been trying to give you away, maybe I’ll just drop you off at the shelter looks like you give me no choice"
in the words of biden, Comon mna!
That the best you got?
Damn fat finger!!!
We know that much, the question is would you still be wearing your skirt or would you change to your yoga pants?
David, a Naval Acadamy graduate, was filmed being beaten by Portland Tribune reporter Zane Sparling.
He was interviewed on Monday evening by MSNBC’s Ali Velshi about how he showed up trying to talk to the suspected Department of Homeland Security agents. “That’s exactly what I wanted to do, was just talk to them and the thing that was so upsetting was that there didn’t seem to be any recognition that as a veteran I was even going to be listened to or treated any differently than anybody else
But coming from MSNBC, there's some doubt whether this guy even is a real vet. Just because he wears a Navy sweatshirt and talks a bunch of shit in the middle of a riot, they're supposed to drop everything and have a conversation with this asshole?
Maybe you're right - perhaps the alternative is better:
I’m in northeast NJ, and there has been significant unrest in the nearby cities. I don’t feel uneasy or concerned in my home - or my neighborhood - or my town.
I understand folks might be feeling concerned, and everyone has their own method to protect their home and family. It’s all good.
The truth is - nothing confuses an intruder more than getting a face full of feces. Guns can escalate a situation quickly - with collateral damage. A naked guy - slinging feces - will confuse an intruder and nobody will run towards me either.
I will check to see if I can find that study of guns vs nude feces throwing civilians - as I’m sure it’s out there somewhere!
Yeah - the example below is def preferable to federal-agents:
"... A Brooklyn woman who followed Borough President Eric Adams’ advice for New Yorkers to settle disputes neighbor-to-neighbor rather than calling 911 wound up shot dead after she confronted some punks setting off illegal fireworks, the victim’s grieving mom said.
Shatavia Walls, 33, was blasted eight times in an East New York public housing complex on July 7, simply for asking the fiends to take their dangerous display away from a group of playing kids — exactly how Adams had urged constituents to act in the face of the pyrotechnic plague ..."