Glendale CO 2AMer.

avatar for shadowcat
GLENDALE, Colo. (KDVR) — A person was fatally shot after stabbing four people inside a Glendale strip club Friday night, police said.

The incident occurred at Shotgun Willie’s, which is located near South Colorado Boulevard and East Virginia Avenue.

According to Glendale Police Department spokesman Cpt. Mike Gross, the incident started about 9:45 p.m. near the entrance to the business.

The suspect stabbed a security guard and three others at the establishment.

The security guard then shot and killed the suspect.

All of the stabbing victims were taken to Denver Health Medical Center. The extent of their injuries is currently unknown, Gross said.

Denver police also responded to the scene.


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avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
As they say - "never bring a knife to a gun fight"

I believe @nicespice is in that area these days; IDK if she dances at that club
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Do you have a link to the article?
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
Wow. Surprising. That’s a nice area and a nice, upscale club.
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
Maybe it was desertscrub and his grudge towards all the Colorado clubs. 😝
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
"... The same bar was the scene of the death of a 48-year-old man in May 2019 following a fight, Denver’s KUSA-TV reported ..."…
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Maybe having "Shotgun" in the name attracts the wrong people
avatar for mike710
5 years ago
I'm with @doctor. I've been to this club dozens of times and it isn't in a bad area at all. Right on Colorado Boulevard in Denver, although it's in a tiny suburb call Glendale.

Usually go during happy hour before heading off to dinner when I'm working there. Great restaurant near there reviewed on Diner Drive-ins and Dives called Sam's #3. The last time I was there, Glendale police were stationed outside and I, occasionally, saw them in the club at night.

Guess it shows this stuff can happen anywhere and always be aware.
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
@Papi I’m about 8 pounds too heavy and 3-5 shades darker than that club’s standards. 😅

Bummer all that happened. Shotguns already came under fire maybe three weeks ago over mask wearing. That and stuff from another club affected all the metro area clubs for a short while. Wonder if there’s going to be more heavy scrutiny and inspections again.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ I was also thinking that's not the kind of attention a club would want in these particular times

I just hope it wasn't a whiteguy shooting a blackguy else they're really gonna get attention
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
I've been there dozens of times over the years. Their standards for the dancers are comparable to the two downtown clubs and it's one of the "cleanest" clubs in existence. Glendale's an okay area, about 2 miles from the upscale Cherry Creek Mall area.

Dancers have told me that there's a fair amount of crime in the immediate area outside the club. I remember another murder occurring outside the club several years ago, and an unruly customer died inside during a skirmish with a bouncer (or bartender?) in a chokehold incident about a year ago.

The violence is just another reason the sugaring scene is a better choice.
avatar for jackslash
5 years ago
I can't believe that Nicespice is too heavy for the club.
avatar for BabyDoc
5 years ago
@jackslash “I can't believe that Nicespice is too heavy for the club.”

Less pansit/rice, more sisig (or more boom-boom would also be an acceptable alternative).
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
"I can't believe that Nicespice is too heavy for the club."

There's a very specific look Shotgun Willie’s had for its dancers 1000 years ago when I visited. Went once or twice. It was boring but the girls were hot. I preferred the PT's clubs around Denver back on those days, because the girls were a lot more fun and also hot.

If it's a club where a hottie like Nicespice can't dance, I'll just go to the clubs with enough sense to have women with her kind of look dancing.
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
It sounds like a nice club in a good neighborhood, so it may exemplify how all of this pent up anxiety and rage can boil over.

Election years are always stressful, emotions run high as opinions fly and partisan sniping intensifies. Enough has been said Coronavirus stress, masks, supply shortages, price gouging, lockdowns, unemployment, etc. I don't think the BLM/ANTIFA rallies would have grown so out of control in size and scope if people had their normal outlets available to them, but here they are adding to all of the angst, hate, and fear. Finally, there all other concerns that come out of the 24/7 news cycle- Iranian aggression, Chinese expansionism, Russian propaganda, celeb divorces, more #metoo bullshit, and twitter hacking, and on and on.

Life is an inescapable pressure cooker in even the lightest news cycles. With the confluence of all these stressors in 2020, I think we can expect an ever-escalating increase in random violence and meltdowns that is not going to end any time before election day.
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
@jackslash Most places are just fine with keeping the stomach fat under control and a decent set of tits. Denver really loves *thin* however and is one of the most specific club areas around. Oh yeah, and they are sticklers for Colorado ID.
5 years ago
stay safe
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
Denver sounds like hell for Papi and heaven for me. When are we going ?
avatar for BabyDoc
5 years ago
It has been years since I’ve gone to Shotgun Willies like since before they put up their new building. They used to be a top notch club with exceptionally high hiring standards including no tattoos. I do remember distinctly at least one very dark skinned Hispanic so I never thought they had a strict racial/color screening but they were very strict when it came to fitness and beauty.

According to the girls at the time they also used to treat the dancers exceptionally well having off-site birthday parties for instance and escorting them to their cars at shift end and a club provided beautician/make up woman. And I seem to remember they sent staff for professional training in Orlando I believe it was all paid for by the club.

As I recall the last time I went societal changes had caught up and they had some dancers with gawd awful tattoos and the low class that went along with the new look. Never went back.
avatar for mike710
5 years ago
@BabyDoc. This club really is a shadow of it's former self. I'm not sure what the hiring standards are now but, almost every time I have been there in the last couple of years, I am approached by a 40ish milf-type Latina with very large breasts for drinks and dances. I usually just settle for the drink part and listen to her ramble on about her uncontrollable teenage kids.

This is still the only club where I saw 2 different dancers walk across the stage on her shoulders while her head was tucked forward and to the side. One time, I was with my boss and he just looked at the girl with his jaws wide open. I saw this and went up to her little stage and gave her enough to take care of my boss for a couple of dances. He came back about a half hour later wearing a big grin.
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
AOC says it's because of unemployment. The guy heard there was bread inside the club and decided to do a little shoplifting.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
^ stop being so narrow-minded - it's perfectly ok to stab somebody b/c you want some bread - stop being such a white supremacist - jeez
avatar for gammanu95
5 years ago
That's just his white bread privilege.

avatar for BabyDoc
5 years ago
Update: Kyle Swain, 40, was a frequent customer of the club and was recently told he was no longer welcome to return due to erratic behavior. He got out of his car with a large knife and started stabbing his way into the club. One security guard, two staff and one customer were stabbed before the injured security guard shot and killed Swain. One of the staff members has subsequently died from their wounds.…
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
When the chips were down those guys on staff did what they had to do. It's a shame that nutjob RIL was able to take somebody else with him.
avatar for mike710
5 years ago
I may have seen that dude at some point in my trips there. The one thing I always noticed at this club is that they had a lot of weird regulars that hung out at the back bar. I've always thought they had nice talent in the dancers but a lot of weird dancer groupies as customers.
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