Pandemic Life

avatar for skibum609
Put a numeric value on the quality of your life during the pandemic, with 10 being the best period ever and 1 being the worst period ever. I say 8, my wife says 8/9. What do you and your better half, if you have one say?


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avatar for Tetradon
5 years ago
7. Work hasn't changed, but I can't date or SC like I used to.
avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
3. When you're 78 with stage3 COPD it puts a real crimp in your social life.
avatar for rockie
5 years ago
I'd put it at 7.5 for me and I'm guessing that my better half would come in at 6.5. The number value difference (imho) would be due to my wife living with me (almost 24/7) and her not being to hold our 1 year old (1st) grand child for 3 months. I prefer the "static" that comes at/or beyond the age of 2 with all children to te infant stage. Note: I really have had perhaps a little too much conversation for the last 96 days to reach out and query my better half at the moment.
avatar for Longball300
5 years ago
For me overall I'd give it a 7. Some things better, exercise, home renovations, savings account; Some things worse, travel, clubbing, casinos.
avatar for rockie
5 years ago
My wallet has added pandemic weight to it (mad money) and my audio/video hobby has seen some upgrades
avatar for Warrior15
5 years ago
I say 7. It's hurt my business a lot. And kept me from doing a lot of the things I like to do. Club, sporting events, movies, restaurants.
avatar for JamesSD
5 years ago
5 because I have small children in school which is a huge issue. As long as the beaches stay open for me personally it's about a 7.
avatar for RandomMember
5 years ago
Big plus: We're both working from home and going into the office occasionally as needed. Everything else is worse. No swimming and the highlight of our days is getting take-out food. Since we're both healthy (knock on wood) I'll rate our lifestyle at 7.

Investing strategy right now is a nagging worry -- but that's another topic.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Bank accounts of less than 100k and gold.
avatar for BabyDoc
5 years ago
The inability to travel has taken it from a 9 down to a 4. It sucks watching day after day being wasted. I blame the fucking Chinese, the fucking progressives and, and, well that’s about it – the Chinese and progressives. Fuck them.
avatar for booji boy
booji boy
5 years ago
I blame everybody but me because my helicoptering parents told me I was special.

"Life sucks, get a helmet."
--Dennis Leary
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
Can’t be higher than a 6 because I need my gym back
avatar for crosscheck
5 years ago
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
8 not much has changed really
avatar for Bavarian
5 years ago
The only thing that has changed is that I have to wear a mask now.
avatar for whodey
5 years ago
I'd put it at a 4 because there have been pros and cons.

Pros - I now work from home full time going forward, paid off a lot of debt, gotten some home improvement projects done that I had been putting off.

Cons - couldn't have a celebration for my grandparents 75th wedding anniversary that we had been planning for over a year, no concerts or baseball games to attend, now that my job sees that meetings can be done through zoom they aren't planning to let us do any business travel in the future which is when I would enjoy my best clubbing.
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
It dropped, maybe to like a 4, and is now back up. 7-9 most days. It sucked having a massive lifestyle (and income) change that I didn’t decide but there are some silver linings that have provided positive trade-offs as well.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
8-9 I can't complain, making money, business is good, plenty of golf at a private club nearby, swimming daily, lots of great take out meals, barbcue every weekend, caught up on a few books, and my life is good, family is well and I'm having no problems.
avatar for elmer
5 years ago
For me gotta be 2. I’ll reserve 1 for death.
2 because SO home the last 3 months I can’t get away to see my OTC or even call an escort. Fu*k no privacy to even scratch my balls
avatar for Uprightcitizen
5 years ago
Some things down (travel, clubs, casinos, bars, being in crowds, etc) but some things up (Working from home/ place up north, much more balanced work/life, handling my elderly parents matters, etc.

I would say it actually net went up to say an 8 or 9 giving me time to handle some coincident family life responsibilities that were coincident. I consider 10 like a stripper 10, almost unattainable.

My SB is coming to visit for a 3 day road trip so I still have found time to still have some naughty fun without clubbing.

But I want this to be over ASAP as it is a big negative hit on on soo many lives.
avatar for Eve
5 years ago
I'll give it a 6. Physically well, financially well, but I feel like I've done absolutely nothing eventful with my life since the shutdown. I wanted to get some traveling done and work as I pass along (not dancing), but now it's even more unclear what cities would be good to pay a visit to tour around in. I've just been waiting things out.
avatar for DenimChicken
5 years ago
Overall 8.

Pros - living better/more healthy, starting to get routine exercise, making more money than ever and in recent times have been enjoying my favorite club some

Cons - while work is great, doing it from home is not preferred. I wanted to visit some friends and family but not in a rush to go to an airport and then travel to a state where things are surging, bars/clubs are closed.
avatar for TheElmerFudd
5 years ago
3, mostly due to personal issues unrelated to covid. Probably wouldn’t be higher than a 4-5 anyways even without the pandemic.
avatar for Jammaster
5 years ago
I give it a 3 because I miss my ATF and going to strip clubs.

The positive is I’ve saved up some money. So when the clubs open, I’ll be able to go more.
avatar for Player11
5 years ago
5 - survival mode avoiding covid. Retired from acctg / financial plus active in numismatic business (my own boss / enjoy) shows (cancelled due to covid) and online (doing well). Don’t miss Finc career they got more chickenshit / more complex erp systems as time went on. Do something where you have 100 pct control vs working dip shits that every time they make change your shafted further.

Sb x stripper all in (Seen 11 yr but covid thrown wrench in it). Covid no joke is killer, maimer. Fond Memories of SC, otc girls, plus extensive photo archive. Hope c my girl again.
avatar for docsavage
5 years ago
Teleworking from home turned out to be a plus. I am in a low level supervisor position and when I work from home I don't have to do things like go over and wake up people who are sleeping at their desk. I can do the parts of the job I enjoy like answering questions via skype or email and working at my computer. I have also saved money from not going to clubs and cooking more at home.

Negatives mostly involve lack of social interaction. I don't have a wife (divorced) or children at home. I miss talking to people at work. Getting together with friends has ended because they are all old and fearful of going out. I miss the girls in the clubs. Beside doing lap dances with them I often talked to them too. I relied more on my cat for company recently. The hardest of all to take was when he became very sick and I had to have him put to sleep when the vet found he had cancer. I had him for 13 years and he was the only pet I ever had so it was the first time in my life I had to deal with the death of a pet.
avatar for mike710
5 years ago
@doc. Sorry for the loss of your cat. I was home alone for 2 months as well. I just missed doing what I do very well and being useful. I still got paid but I spent a lot more time sleeping than I normally do because of a lack of stimulation and motivation.
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