When America needed a Commander in Chief, America got a traitor.

avatar for joker44
In the wind

From: Don Winslow-an American author most recognized for his crime and mystery novels. Many of his books are set in California. Five of his novels feature private investigator Neal Carey. He has also co-written screenplays for Savages, Satori, and other adaptations of his novels.

'Breaking News': https://www.rawstory.com/2020/06/several…

"The Russian bounties resulted in the deaths of several U.S. service members in Afghanistan, the Washington Post reported Sunday. These deaths were from 2018 and 2019, according to the report so it’s unclear what the number of soldiers could be. There were 10 deaths in Afghanistan in 2018 and 16 in 2019, so reporters are trying to gather the exact number of those deaths that resulted in bounty cash from Russia.

The Post cited “intelligence gleaned from U.S. military interrogations of captured militants in recent months.”

“Several people familiar with the matter said it was unclear exactly how many Americans or coalition troops from other countries may have been killed or targeted under the program,” said the Post. “U.S. forces in Afghanistan suffered a total of 10 deaths from hostile gunfire or improvised bombs in 2018, and 16 in 2019. Two have been killed this year. In each of those years, several service members were also killed by what are known as “green on blue” hostile incidents by members of Afghan security forces, which are sometimes believed to have been infiltrated by the Taliban.”

The intelligence was reportedly given to the U.S. Special Operations forces in Afghanistan and then handed revealed in a high-level meeting at the White House in late March. President Donald Trump has denied he and the VP knew anything about it.

“The meeting led to broader discussions about possible responses to the Russian action, ranging from diplomatic expressions of disapproval and warnings to sanctions, according to two of the people,” said the Post. “These people and others who discussed the matter spoke on the condition of anonymity because of its sensitivity.”

Both Republicans and Democrats have called for an investigation into why this wasn’t known by the president and if it was in the Presidential Daily Briefing, which Trump is known to ignore. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), who is not only a speaker but also is. on the House Intelligence Committee, said that she wasn’t briefed on the situation. Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) also said that the Senate Intelligence Committee wasn’t briefed either."


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avatar for OrangeClown
5 years ago
But, but ... Benghazi.

avatar for Richard_Head
5 years ago
Trump just tweeted out:

“Intel just reported to me that they did not find this info credible, and therefore did not report it to me or @VP. Possibly another fabricated Russia Hoax, maybe by the Fake News @nytimesbooks, wanting to make Republicans look bad!!!“

There you have it, Trump wouldn’t lie about something like that would he?
avatar for Mr_O
5 years ago
Doubt it, but the left DAMN SURE WOULD!
avatar for TommyMoney
5 years ago
Trump emphatically tweeted that his pud DOESN'T look like a mushroom (like Stormy said), but rather... it looks like the biggest, bestest, most fierce fire-breathing dragon-head of a pussy-slaying monster phallus this side of Pete's Dragon (and then linked to a Pete's Dragon movie torrent for reference). He finished his 280 character treatise o' tweet by epically reminding everyone that similar to his phone calls, his pud is "perfect".

So, ah, YEAH... I believe what he's saying here regarding this matter. No... I really mean it... I do. Yes siree, bob... I really do. Only a fool wouldn't believe Trump. Please... for the love of all that's Holy... DON'T BE THAT FOOL.
avatar for OrangeClown
5 years ago
Mr. President, thank you for clarifying and exposing yet another leftist smear campaign. We Americans are so fortunate to have you as our commander in chief, our messiah and our chosen one. Thank you, for just being you!
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Only traitors in the United States are called Democrats.
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
Looks like the DNC media arm aka the NYT is attempting to perpetuate another Russia hoax. The new McCarthyism.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
For four years, the NYT has had front page blockbusters relying entirely on anonymous sources. Most of those involved Russian collusion, which we now know was entirely false.
I’ll take a NYT article seriously if they ever have a named source. Until then, yawn.
avatar for RamPaige
5 years ago
As the Taliban and the Afgan government are just about to start their peace talk, this sounds like a sabotage by our media to keep our arm forces in Afghanistan, which of course will cost not only more lives of our servicemen but continue to pour in our tax dollars into that country unnecessarily.
avatar for joker44
5 years ago

Well-rounded BBC analysis of the Russian bounty on NATO troops story. Introduces the possibility that this is a Putin-Russian attempt to plant disinfo and sow discord and conflict leading up to the Nov election.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Only liberals are stupid enough to get their information from social media.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
Yes, like you I thought I had lost my capacity to be shocked by Trump. Trump himself has witnessed a dignified transfer. He has seen the flag-draped coffins unloaded, heard the muffled sobs of the heartbroken, seen the bottomless grief in the eyes of a child who's lost a parent. How can it be that, after reportedly being briefed about Putin targeting American troops for death Trump has offered Putin rewards, like an invitation to rejoin the leading democracies of the G-7 and come to the US for a meeting of the leaders of the free world. An American president who truly loved the troops might perhaps invite Putin to join bin Laden at the gates of hell.

this is from an article written by Paul Begala and I know that he is a liberal spin meister, still this is an appropriate statement to make after hearing reports of Russian payments to the Taliban for our patriots deaths, It would behoove Mr Trump to respond seriously to this very serious charge.
avatar for Dave_Anderson
5 years ago
Let's see you guys and openly supporting China our one actual geo strategic and economic enemy as well as encouraging a violent physical uprising in the streets attempting to wipe away American history as well as shut downs devestating the American economy and you actually have the gall to call someone else a "traitor" for once calling for improved relations with a more or less free market democracy ggsg would make a good strategic partner against China and other threats. Anc you keep doing it.

There's no question the US has put bounties on Russian troops. I guess they are simply supposed to take it and not respond?
avatar for Dave_Anderson
5 years ago
Are many of you on here mentally ill? This irrational hatred of anyone is simply not normal. Just saying you probably have deeper seated issues than your bizarre irrational hatred for President Trump. This anger is simply not normal.
avatar for joker44
5 years ago
⬆ Poor @Dave_Anderson. He really belongs in the early 20th century.

Would have made a fervent, unquestioning, even slavish member of The Hitler Youth ---------- "Blood and Honour"

With a lot of effort to improve his slapdash, rambling prose and questionable transitions he might have earned a Paul Joseph Goebbels propaganda merit badge. He already shows the ability to present twisted, strained logic and gutsy statements of unadorned, outright lies.

[The Hitler Youth was the youth organization of the Nazi Party in Germany. Its origins dated back to 1922 [...] From 1933 until 1945, it was the sole official boy's youth organization in Germany and was partially a paramilitary organization; it was composed of the Hitler Youth proper for male youths aged 14 to 18, and the German Youngsters in the Hitler Youth for younger boys aged 10 to 14] Wikipedia
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
@Dave_Anderson While on the subject of traitors to the United States what other word could be used to describe those people that served willingly the Confederate side in the Civil War, I and most other rational people would never describe people that served as adversaries, against the United States of America. Any other nation would have hanged these people at once for taking arms against the government, but misguided idiots such as your self put up monuments to theses traitors.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
^ Hit post too soon
But your president instead of protecting the right of people to peacefully protest, instead creates, and enacts an executive order to protect the statues, (I can't bring myself to call these statues monuments) So lest we get caught up in the back and forth of doublespeak, that you are engaged in, who exactly is a traitor and who exactly is a patriot .
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Progressive folks and Nazis have the same hatred of Jews, just ask the CBC.
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
"Progressive folks and Nazis have the same hatred of Jews, just ask the CBC."

The liberals always want to paint Republicans or anyone right of center as Nazis, but they forget the Nazis originated as a leftist party. The name comes from the German contraction of their official name, the National Socialist German Workers Party, or Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei in German. National Socialists. Nazi for short.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
5 years ago
Yeah, that was 75 years ago. Which party is most connected these days with those very fine people (on both sides) in the nazi party? Could it be the retweeter of the White Power golf cart gang in The Villages?
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
From the wiki history of the Nazi party: "Initially, Nazi political strategy focused on anti-big business, anti-bourgeois, and anti-capitalist rhetoric, although this was later downplayed to gain the support of business leaders, and in the 1930s the party's main focus shifted to antisemitic and anti-Marxist themes."

Does the "anti-big business, anti-bourgeois, and anti-capitalist rhetoric" sound familiar? It's the same pandering to the masses, but just wait and see what happens if the current socialist/communist mob called the Democratic party gets in full power by taking the White House and both houses of Congress.
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
5 years ago
I don’t understand how that helps support your point. Dems initially are pandering to the masses and then your fear is the Dems will ally with business leaders? Or turn racist? That space is already occupied.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
yeah the scum in the streets, looting, rioting, not working and leeching off others are wonderful people. The Soviets were just as bad as the nazis and except for nomenclature, no different: They are the progressives of today. Woke = fucking douche bag with no mind or spine.
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
"I don’t understand how that helps support your point." The point is, just like the Nazis, the current crop of Demcratics/socialists/communists will say or do anything to pander to the masses and get into power, but getting total power over the population is the only real goal. The Russia conspiracy hoax, which they, and apparently you, still cling to, is straight of the the Joseph Goebbels "Big Lie" playbook
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
@Doc Trump could dispel all of the Russia hoax by releasing his tax returns but he refuses to
Contrast that with hot claims tha Obama wasn’t born here an Obama released his birth certificate and IDGAF how many of you birthed out there claim it’s a fake trump hasn’t released shit about any of his records be they Tax Returns, Medical History School Transcripts nada so drop it already and let Mr Trump do as he promised and show us his returns
avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
5 years ago
... making them no different than any party seeking power. If you believe it. I choose to not don my tinfoil hat at this time.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Ahh so the theory is that both Trump and Obama are lying scumbags? Cool. I agree 100%.
avatar for JamesSD
5 years ago
Sounds like Trump knew about the bounties at least in 2019 and still is in love with Putin
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
25: I agree the birther thing was a bunch of BS, and I get it why a lot of people don't like Trump. There were at least half a dozen Republican candidates I would have preferred over him. But when it came down to Trump v. Hillary, that was the easiest decision I ever had to make. And it'll be the same with Trump v. senile Biden and whatever progressive/socialist/communist black woman VP he chooses to finish out his term for him if he gets elected. But I don't give a rat's ass about Trump's tax returns. There's only two qualifications to be President of the US: at least 35 years old and natural born citizen. Disclosing tax returns is not a requirement. He should not have said he would disclose them when the "audit" was over. He should have just said no. But he won't be the last politician to go back on his word on something (Biden is a proven inveterate liar and plagarist), If you think a candidate should disclose tax returns and doesn't, then don't vote for him. But this constant Russian conspiracy hoax, now reincarnated in the form of Trump doesn't care about Russian bounties on US soldiers, is unhealthy and does real harm to our system of government. It's un-American. It's no different from McCarthy in the 1950s looking for Communists in the State Department and Hollywood.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
@Doc I was no fan of Hillary but this guy is just terrible, he is the living embodiment of the Joe McCarthy era, so much that he had as a mentor McCarthy's right hand man Roy Cohn, and Roger Stone who was Nixon's dirty trickster as part of his entourage., you forget but I grew up in NYC in the construction trades and Trump is as dirty as any person who ever lived, complete with ties to old teamster bosses (think Jimmy Hoffa, Frank Fitsimmons) and has never had any relationship with the truth, we not only need to get rid of Trump but also he has so completely corrupted the Republican party, that used to include many honorable people that would never be caught dead with the likes of the crowd Trump has filled the swamp with, don't take my word for it every member of his administration that is ex-military upper echelon, has left with nary a good word for this bastard, or the cabal that he has tried to co-opt our government with, they are all disgusted with this man, his complete lack of ethics, and his selfish greed.
avatar for TheeOSU
5 years ago
Damn! I saw the topic title and figured it was about Slick Willy or nobama but no it's more sour grapes form the mob that still can't get over that their candidate lost in 2016 and will say and do whatever they can think of in their constant spiteful hissy fit attempts to turn back time .
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
25: I don't really care what Trump did or didn't do in NY. Whatever he did (and as far as I know he was never convicted of anything), it was open for examination and debate during the 2016 campaign and yet he was elected, fair and square. Hillary, so cocksure she would win, said during one of the debates that it was "horrifying" that Trump said he would wait to see the results of the election before he would say he would accept them. Now that Trump won, Hillary and the Dems have spent the last 3+ years trying to deny the results of the election. They have the right to oppose him and his policies, of course, but this Russia nonsense is a completely dishonest fabrication, created by none other than Hillary. And again, it's un-American. I as much as I disliked Obama and his policies I never accused him of being a traitor to his country, although I think there is more basis to accuse him than Trump. Trump never sent a cargo plane load of foreign cash to Iran to intentionally circumvent US law banning trade with Iran in order to pay an illegal hostage ransom. Trump didn't illegally trade 5 top level Taliban prisoners for a deserter, who should have stayed in a cage in Afghanistan as far as I'm concerned. Whatever his faults, and there are many, Trump deserved a fair shot at being president. He didn't deserve to have the outgoing administration initiate a secret FBI campaign to sabotage his presidency. This constant "Russia, Russia, Russia" from the Dems makes me want to puke. It's disgusting.
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
You know who else was an ego maniac ? George Patton. Douglas MacArthur too. Hell, half our legendary military leaders and two thirds of our Presidents.

So, Trump is a rude, crude, egotistical meanie. I don’t care.
avatar for twentyfive
5 years ago
@doc I know I'm not going to change your's or anybody else's mind on this subject but I disagree vehemently, and that is my right, the thing that offends me is not the fact that many disagree, and not claiming that everyone does this but many of the folks here refuse to recognize that my disagreement is principled, and too many idiots here think that I shouldn't dare disagree with them, fuck those with that attitude, the rest of it all comes out in the wash.
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