People of color experiences at strip clubs

avatar for ah1974
Disclaimer: Not looking to start anything controversial or ignite any race fires.

What have your personal experiences been as a person of color (non-white) with various strippers both white and colored? Have you noticed certain strippers favoring certain patrons over other apparently because of race only?
How prevalent is this?

Keeping everything else the same I have found colored / immigrant strippers to be more friendlier to colored people than white strippers. At the end of the day its pure economics and context within the strip club, ethnicity distribution of dancers and patrons etc. but it would be interesting of see your experiences.

Let's hear it.


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avatar for boomer79
5 years ago
Honestly I don’t think all clubs or dancers are the same. Generally they’ll choose who they think they can make money off of although this may involve profiling customers in a variety of ways. It’s also a highly personal service and some may like some customers more than others. I have had a few who told me they had racial preferences with customers. Honestly though I’m a white guy who almost always goes for young white spinners and I tend to see the same girls repeatedly. I’ve never paid that much attention to what others are doing once I’ve picked who I’m interested in.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
There never is one variable - in the past it has been discussed how certain ads on Backpage would state "no black men" or "no young black men" and at times it was black providers stating this in their ads - long ago when I lived/SCed in Dallas, I'd go to a dive that was fairly mixed both dancers and custies wise (about 50% Latin; 25% white; 25% black) - I had a semi-fave AA dancer that I would get dances from every time I was in the club (mainly b/c she would always seek me out when she saw me and I'd oblige b/c I was into her look and her dancing) - anyway, she avoided giving dances to the AA guys - according to her a good # were disrespectful or did not wanna pay a the end of the dances (claim they did less dances or that they didn't know the price/dance ahead of time, etc) - one time I was there I see her walk past me fuming and she did not even say hello which was strange since she'd always make a beeline for me as soon as she saw me - a while later in the visit she comes to me and seems still upset - I ask her what's wrong and she said she gave a young AA guy some dances (full-nude in this club) and he kept trying to finger her - she had to tell him 3 times b/f she just walked off w/o getting paid and fingered against her will.

Another time it was down-here in Miami - I met an AA brickhouse ebony escort at a hotel - the hotel was in a part of town that's all Cuban (she had the room) - somehow the convo got to talking about custies and she said she avoided young black AA custies b/c she'd had bad experiences of them showing up w/o $$$ and expecting to still fuck her even if by force, or giving her the $$$ then stealing back from her once they were done.

It's not hard to extrapolate the issues of violence in the black hoods spilling into SCs that don't always have the best cast of characters - i.e. the same thugs causing issues in the black-hoods sometimes sex-workers have to deal with.

There isn't just one side to any story - i.e. sex-workers not wanting to deal with AA custies is not just b/c they're racists, it's often a business decision by both white and minority dancers, but not meant to say that there are some some sex workers that won't dance for any black guy no-matter what.

So yes - it's been posted in the past how AA guys, especially on the younger side, may not get the same attention/service and non-AA guys; and some clubs may be worse than others - that's the other side of the coin, that all AA guys, particularly younger ones, may be unfairly judged by the actions of a few, and yeah, it's not right, but this is a microcosm of how our society is still trying to achieve color-blindness but we are not all the way there - there is more than one variable to the issue of race and it's not just white-on-black racism, that *is* part of the conversation, but not the only side, but some will just wanna stick to one side of the coin no matter what and no matter what that side may be.
avatar for Muddy
5 years ago
I think it could be a feast or famine thing. I have had a few mostly Latina dancers whisper to me that honestly they are just scared of customers who are black men. I really don’t think it comes from a place of hate at all, it’s just most serious crime in New York City is committed by late teens/early twenties black men. It’s unfortunate but that’s just what it is. Check out any statistics on that it’s pretty staggering. So I think they are just worried is all, they just don’t want to get hurt.

But on the other hand my black buddies I go out with end up being some of the best tippers (particularly at the stage) and most dedicated/popular customers. Btw also we got a lot of black members on this site, these guys spend money so if your a dancer I think it would behoove you to try to lock these guys down.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
As many know on here - I hit small black dives in Miami - and as I've often written in my reviews, many of the AA guys in these dives I hit never buy any dances thus spend very little if anything on the dancers; many AA custies seem to treat the dives I hit more as a local-bar to hang out, enjoy the music (sometimes dance to it themselves); or just drink-up and smoke-up - thus in these dives I hit, the few white guys that come-in usually get immediate attention since most of them are usually there to get dances vs hang-out - I don't mean to say it's universal, there are black-dancers that seem to avoid me even though I normally spend most of my visit getting dances - and it can vary by area - i.e. I don't see the same at play in Atlanta as I do in Miami - IME w/ ATL clubs, the AA guys there tend to spend and buy dances similar to a mixed-club, which is not the case in black-clubs in other cities I've hit (likely b/c ATL has a large middle and upper-middle black class) - it seems many sex-workers/dancers feel that black-guys, particularly young ones, are often unable, or unwilling, to spend (I've even heard young AA guys opine that paying for dances is somehow unmanly/being-thirsty) -the Miami black dives I hit are often pretty-popular during happy-hour thus often have good vibe and good # of dancers on dayshift that lasts till 8pm - the dayshift ebony dancers are often young and attractive, so I've asked a few why they don't work the nightshfit (since typically nightshifts are the better $$$ shifts in most clubs) - the dayshift ebony dancers say they can't deal with the young AA guys at night that don't wanna spend $$$ but still wanna get with them (asking them on dates, groping them in the main-room but then not wanting to get dances, etc) - again, not universal but what I've heard from some ebony dancers.
avatar for JamesSD
5 years ago
Strippers here often avoid Indian guys and Hispanic guys. Both are viewed as super grabby.

A lot of the black guys here are military or former military. So they probably aren't avoided as much
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Per my posts - it seems AA guys, particularly young ones, fairly or unfairly, may not have the best rep with many providers be it white or minority providers - and thus the good AA custies get unfairly lumped in.
avatar for JamesSD
5 years ago
I mean if a 25 year old guy comes in looking like a thug he'll be treated differently than a 55 year old black guy dressing in the old guy style
avatar for TheeOSU
5 years ago
Dressing in the old guy style?
You mean like this?…
avatar for GoVikings
5 years ago
I’m a young black guy and for the most part I don’t feel like I’ve been avoided by strippers.

There’s been a couple cases in which it was obvious a stripper didn’t want to dance for me, but overall I don’t feel like they’ve purposefully avoided me

IMO, if a stripper is avoiding a certain race it’s going to be hard to tell. Stuff like that is usually more subtle

avatar for TheeOSU
5 years ago
Getting serious, I'm a white guy, I've tipped white strippers that I was interested in at the stage and have been ignored by them when their set was over. I recall a few years ago that one I tipped went straight over to sit with a black guy that was playing a bar top video game and basically ignored her but she still sat there with him while white guys were sitting by themselves.
So the bottom line is it goes both ways and what a stripper chooses to do is not an exact science.
avatar for TheeOSU
5 years ago
To add to that, what a stripper does today or now may not be what she does tomorrow or 10 minutes from now.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Well - as the old saying goes - if you can't beat'm, join them:…
avatar for Eve
5 years ago
As a monger of color : I don't think I ever experienced anything of the sort, but I think that's because I don't really give girls I'm into a chance to ignore me because I've always been the one to approach who I want for a dance. Females by default don't get a lot of attention as custies (which is a whole other topic in itself) so I've always been pro-active in getting the girl I'd like rather than waiting and hoping she approaches. I don't think it has anything to do with my ethnicity. And as far as my judgment on how to score the attractiveness on the dancers, ethnicity has little if any impact on it - and if it does, it's usually a positive score.

As a dancer of color : Other dancers don't even try to hide their feelings from me on being picky about Hispanic/Indian/black custies, especially once they figured I'm not the "typical short-fuse black girl". Some girls have said things in a conversation that simply means that she has a particular preference for customers, things where it's obvious they've had poor experiences in the club and outside the club, and things where it went from 'having a preference' to 'okay now you're just being racist'. I've heard it all. ie:
"Was he really aggressive towards you? Because I usually don't dance for black guys..." (After dancing for custy and he requested I bring out this girl to dance for him as well.)

"I'll dance for black men, but I won't do extras for them. I promise I'm not racist. It's just a preference."

"I could make more money at the black clubs, but those customers and the girls can get real scary. I don't have the patience for that and I still have a whole life ahead of me, so I'm staying right here and hustling with the friendly white people." (sincerely, another AA dancer.)

"I have never danced for black guys, and I never will. I know you're saying he's nice and respectable, but I just can't. It just goes against what my family's taught and warned me about." ( . . . I'll leave this to your judgment. )

"I hate dancing for Indians, they all always reek of curry and try to touch as much as they can in the span of one dance."

"For some reason, Indians absolutely love getting dances from me. I don't mind them at all!"

"I thought about going to Walmart after work, but I'll just go tomorrow when I wake up. Too many black guys hang out there at this hour."

And in my own experience with dancing for custies, I feel like I prioritize presentation more than race. (As James kinda noted.) There have been plenty of white men that have dressed thuggish or sloppily that I've chosen to avoid/not approach until I've done a round with the rest of the room, and I've had post-dance money issues with guys of all races with none in particular overlapping another. Maybe it's because I have a good enough radar for who's approachable and who isn't as far as their character goes. And even if I do talk with a thug or whoever, it'll usually only take me half a minute into the conversation for me to tell if it's worth trying to sell him a dance or not.
avatar for TFP
5 years ago
As a middle age black man myself, from personal experience I can say that a lot of dancers will look past you and go for white or Asian customers first. It didn't matter what nationality the dancer was, they all did the same thing. I would usually only get approached by the less desirable dancers. I don't blame them, I know it's all about money and those two demographics usually have more of it. As long as you know the game it shouldn't bother you much as time goes on.

If you become a regular at a club and you spend well enough then you'll start seeing more dancers come your way right off the bat on later visits. I've experienced this in a few places and once again I knew the game. The dancers talk amongst themselves and they're more observant than you may think.
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
"... As a middle age black man myself, from personal experience I can say that a lot of dancers will look past you and go for white or Asian customers first ...."

This reminded me of when I first started clubbing semi-regularly at the age of 30 - I've posted in the past that in those days it was more common for dancers to walk right past me as if I was invisible and head right for the silver-fox a table or two away from me (particularly in the upscale-ish clubs) - and back then I would dress how I would dress for work which was business casual since back then I was working for a big multinational corp which at the time around 80K employees worldwide; i.e. back then I dressed better at the clubs than I do now but these days I don't notice getting bypassed w/ some exceptions from time to time but it was more obvious back then.
avatar for WavvyCain
5 years ago
Well since I’m black and young and I usually put my flashy stuff on when I go they always think I’m a drug dealer and won’t come up to me thinking I won’t spend money. Like I just wanna come in there to sell weed and coke. Smh
avatar for joeblow44
5 years ago
TFP hit the nail on the head. I'm a middle aged black man and have been clubbing off and on for over 30 years. I've had dancers ask every white guy around me for a dance but not me. That experience is few and far between (maybe 3 or 4 times over a 30 year period). If you go to a club often enough and ladies see that you tip and spend for dances, they will remember you and many of the dancers will come to you without hesitation for dances.

As a matter of fact, I've had attractive white dancers leave the white customer they were with and come to me to talk and get dances. The majority of the time, dancers don't have a problem with black guys, they have a problem with nonsense. Some dancers have had bad experiences with black customers and don't want to deal with it, so they don't bother with black men at all. May not be fair, but it is what it is. Find another dancer and move on.
avatar for pistola
5 years ago
Strippers definitely prefer one color above all.

avatar for TheElmerFudd
5 years ago
I’m not white, but I’m a relatively free spender, and I’ve not noticed a difference personally.
avatar for TheElmerFudd
5 years ago
One of my local clubs often has visiting Russian dancers. Those girls do seem to have an aversion towards AA customers, and some of them have admitted to me as much. They were fairly matter of course about it...
avatar for SanchoRG
5 years ago
I'm white as fuck, but saw firsthand how it can suck for black guys in El Paso. There was a 50ish black guy sitting next to me. Looked like a normal guy. Smiling, trying to get any dancers' attention, all around pleasant guy. No dancer there would even look him in the eye. After a half hour or so of women passing him by, he turns to me and says "This sucks man none of the girls will talk to me because I'm black." I could only awkwardly agree, but there was real pain in this guys eyes when he said it.
avatar for GoVikings
5 years ago
^ 😟
avatar for yahtzee74
5 years ago
>One of my local clubs often has visiting Russian dancers.

A lot of eastern europeans are openly racist.
avatar for wallanon
5 years ago
Strippers are people. Let's just start and end there. What's been cool to read in this thread is mentioning the difference between the experiences of regulars and the unknowns.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
At one of my clubs all the younger dancers seem to gravitate towards men of color for socializing at the table and hanging out, and towards older white guys for business. Looking at it that way is seems more of an economic expectation issue that a race issue as older people have more disposable income. At work I see one color: Green.
avatar for Nidan111
5 years ago
I am a pale ass white guy that prefers the AA Dancer because ALL OF THEM per my current experience have serviced my needs with a smile. I have asked them why they will not dance for their AA male customers. All of them have told me it is because “the black man is a cheap ass fuck!” Or something very close to those words. Basically, they don’t pay out. Thus, the dancers do not prefer them.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Its a part of their hustle. They size customers up quickly so its a numbers game. Racial stereotypes are one way they size men up.

I'm not black but not white...

Im almost always avoided by white dancers. Russians seem to hate me.

One time an Asian dancer was admittedly scared of me but that kinda turned me on.

Young Latinas love me though and I'm happy with that.

That said. If you become a regular or actually spend money they'll come around.

Also. Its not that they think middle aged or older white guys are rich. They think theyre easy marks
avatar for skinnywhiteboy
5 years ago
I'm a white guy but I've made observations from my trips to the clubs.
As a early 40's white guy with more of a casual style I tend to get attention from Asian and younger more natural looking white dancers. Zero issues here as they tend to be my type anyway.
Older white guys and blue collar Hispanics I've noticed seem to get a lot of attention from the older worn out dancers.
Younger/ more stylish Hispanics seem to attract the younger Latinas
Blue collar black men seem to attract the big booty black and white dancers as well as the older worn out dancers
Younger/ more stylish black men seem to draw the attention of the younger dancers of all races.
Middle Eastern men seem to have a really hard time trying to get any attention at all.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
The older worn out ones assume these guys don't get laid and will fuck anything 🤣🤣
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Skinny white boy those are good observations though
avatar for TFP
5 years ago
Sucks to be grouped in with folks that act nothing like me. I've heard I'm a great tipper, respectful, etc. But since I'm black dancers just assume the shit the Nidan just posted the dancers told him. Damn shame.
avatar for Oldyeller
5 years ago
Middle aged black man. Light skinned, clean cut. "Dad" style clothing. Stereotypically "safe." If I go to any club that caters to white customers I'm blatantly ignored. In the hood/dive bars, I'm the first guy they holler at once they realize I'm not a cop.
avatar for IHearVoices
5 years ago
In my experience, the bias has been real.

Black women have been the most likely to approach me in mixed clubs, especially if the clubs weren't really all that mixed. White and Latina women approach me far less. There have been times - particularly at Tootsies - when I would stand in fairly close proximity to several other guys and a dancer would approach everyone except me. I used to get annoyed by it, but then I realized they were doing me a favor. I would say I've been approached more by black dancers at Inner Room than dancers of any other color - and I only went during the day. Same with clubs in the northeast: Playhouse, Savannah's, the place I went to in Pittsburgh. A dancer I spoke to at the Pittsburgh club literally told another girl who I'd expressed interest in to talk to me, and she shook her head no. There was one other guy at the bar - who already turned her down - and a bunch of guys hanging out a table who didn't buy any dances all night. I was her only option for money and she refused. Have to admit, that one got to me a bit.

I want to say the only club where dancers of all colors have treated me the same is Follies, which is weird because I dress down (T shirt, basketball shorts) when I go there rather than wearing my usual (dress shirt/slacks) outfit.
avatar for chessmaster
5 years ago
Old white guys are king in the strip club. I was salty about it for a while but I get why that is. I will say though that I get better customer service from white and Latina strippers than black. What nidan and others are talking about with regards to black men, thats bullshit. Even if that wasnt true(we all broke and aint shit), and its not, black strippers would still comply and cooperate with the white man(their slave master) and treat the black man with less respect. And thats because black women aint shit(all women aint shit really but specific ally black women). They are the only group of women to do that.
avatar for Roadworrier
5 years ago
One would think green talks the loudest. But I’ve seen plenty of higher-quality girls hanging with regulars when they could do better circulating to other guys who might offer them that lap or room opportunity. I think South Florida tends to be the main exception, where green rules over all else. Elsewhere, a couple ATFs admitted to me they will always go for the “silverbacks” - aka the old white guys, even if they might be on the crotchety side. More money, feel safer.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Many times, in many clubs, I have been totally ignored by many dancers. It can't be because I am white, right? It can't be because I am old, right? It can't be because I am black, since I am not. It can't be because I am well dressed, because I am not. Hey, it just dawned on me: They weren't interested; didn't feel well' didn't feel like working; I was acting unapproachable; they were in a bad mood; they assumed because I dress casually, that I am poor and on and on and on. In real life I sometime don't take cases when I just don't think I feel like working with people and I assume dancers are the same.
avatar for Meursault
5 years ago
I'm white (actually mostly Korean but you can't tell by looking at me). I never pay attention to other customers in the club so can't honestly say if they are being ignored. In the last several years I have gone mostly to Detroit and I have a particular fondness for big butts, so I have been with and interacted with many AA strippers. I have noticed over the years that with these girls I have to commit almost right away to VIP, because if they leave my table because I wanna finish my beer, they almost never come back. Unless they are the only girl in the club I want, I just move on rather than bother with flagging them down later. I've sometimes wondered if they assumed I was uninterested because they are black, which is very much not the case (I only discriminate against tattoos and small butts).
avatar for oscarlomax
5 years ago
I think it depends on the club and the culture of the club. I'm a black man and I've gone to many different types of clubs. At one particular high-end club where the majority of dancers were Latinas and white girls, there was a black girl who kept giving me and my friend the evil eye. I approached her and asked her how she was doing and if she would like a drink. She was shocked but accepted the drink and we talked. She said most black men that frequented the club preferred the other dancers over her so she didn't even try. I don't think she was aware of her sour look. I didn't end up getting a dance from her because I felt no joy in her but I understood better her attitude. My buddy danced with her. Conversely the Latinas and thicker white girls were all over me. The "spinners" tended to avoid me. I guess that stereotype of black men liking the phat ass girls plays into this. I must confess, I do like voluptuous women (not fat) and athletic ladies with a cushion. My buddy, who is also black, likes the rail-thin girls that coud be carried off by a strong wind. In some of the 'hood clubs I've been to, I notice that white, older gentlemen seem to get a lot of attention. I'm not hatin.' It's a money game. I'm not ignored in these spots and usually after a comfortable conversation, the more down to earth ladies relax their "hustle" game and get more real with me which encourages me to be more generous. With a lot of the older white guys, it always seems like their playing this role (not all the ladies but quite a few in this particular club) and the guard is never really down. As a rule, most dancers I would be interested in, have personality and curves. I don't think a woman with an overt racial issue would ever approach me and if I got a sense that a dancer had this problem I would move on. I'm there to have a good time and escape from the everyday "blues."
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
"... Its a part of their hustle. They size customers up quickly .... Its not that they think middle aged or older white guys are rich. They think theyre easy marks ..."

Yeah - this is part of it too a times - it's not the norm, but not unheard of for white-guys in minority-clubs to be overcharged I assume b/c some dancers think they're easy marks.

The above quote reminded me when I was at a small black dive 2 counties over from where I live that I did not visit that often - the talent was a bit of slim-pickings on this visit - I see a curvy dancer giving some good dances to a middle-aged AA guy a couple of bar-stools over from me at the bar - I was checking out her dancing and thinking to myself "I would not mind getting some of that" - I guess she saw me eyeing her and after she was done w/ the middle-aged AA-guy she comes to me and asks if I want dances - given that I didn't know her, and it was nightshift (higher ROB level); I ask her how much the dances are - I knew how much they were b/c I'd been going there for about 7 years just not that often - anyway floor-dances are $10, but when she comes over to me and ask for dances and I ask the price, she tells me $20 - I say no thanks (didn't even try to argue nor would I have gotten dances even if she went down to the actual $10 price) - she moves-on and heads for the dressing-room - just to double-check that maybe things hadn't changed, I asked the AA-guy if dances were still $10 - he said yeah - I told him she wanted to charge me $20 - to which he replied "noooooo - they 're $10" (as if trying to tell me not to get ripped-off) .

I've had similar issues in my PL-career in black clubs b/f but it's def not the norm.
avatar for maskedhero04
5 years ago
I'm Black and in my 30s. I'll add this point. I wear a suit every day of the week for work. The last thing I want to do is be dressed to impress in a strip club. I'm in my sweats, tee, whatever. I think what matters is the money in my pocket. I've seen dancers walk by black men in the club. Going as far as pretending they don't hear them calling after. I've had dancers thinking I'm part of the "make it rain" culture and quote me crazy high prices for extras. I've had dancers walk past me many times thinking I'm a no tipper lol. It doesn't matter though, I personally love being incognito, and I prefer to not be approached and chatted up all the time. I like to drink and settle in. But I'm always there to spend.

I've learned to accept that strip club going is different for us brothers at least. I always am keen to notice that the dancers demeanor immediately changes when I go up to them and ask if I can tip them for their dance. Or go up and ask for dances. Its like they light up. Waiting for a girl to just come and just whisk me away to the back has never worked. I understand that it is racial, and in almost any other setting my hackles would be up. But in the strip club I forget everything, including racial dynamics. I simply just don't care.

Well, that's my black experience.
avatar for aleccorbett
5 years ago
It is hard to know? I haven't been put off by strippers. It feels like I get ignored sometimes, even when I walk in with 2k. Moresoe in the clubs with higher paying customers. That being said who is to know if it is because of my skin color. I don't worry that much about these things. If I want a stripper, I summon them and I haven't had any issues with them coming. Also I sometimes dress down and that is on me.

I have had some strippers tell me I am good looking. We look goo together. And comment thta my dick is huge. Also some strippers are super progressive and are happy to see a kind black man.

My skin color has never been a hindrance to my experience . If it was, I Am not aware.
avatar for mike710
5 years ago
You seem to see the world like I do. I'm not black nor am I anglo. However, I never look at the world in terms of race.

If I don't get attention at a strip club it's because I show that I don't want it in my actions. A club I go to several times a year, Shotgun Willies in Denver, is one where I usually go to have a couple of beers in the presence of half naked girls. That is all I want. I usually walk there from my hotel to kill an hour or so before dinner. I rarely get approached there because of the attitude I walk in with. I'm good with that.
avatar for BigMac34
5 years ago
I learn that you have to tipped to not be avoided. I am Hispanic, when I go to the strip club with my buddy, nobody's walks up to our table. When I send in my buddy to tip $1 to a pretry girl that is dancing well. They come off stage and they come and sit with my buddy. For $1 they lighten up and come chat. They avoid me like a plague even though I'm the one with the idea and the money being spent from.

I am trying really hard to start going by myself but it's like a very hard task for me to do. I only been to a strip club by myself 1 time, it was a good experience but a girl asked me for otc but she invited me to go eat dinner, I was like why not shes inviting me and like a fool, I agree, she sets me up at a gas station to meet, all of a sudden I see a bunch of cops, my heart stops and it scares me to death and I leave and never meet her. This experience has traumatize me and for now on, if I go to a strip club it just for dances and I don't care I will say no to all of them. What I mean say no is that there's this one strip club I go to and the girls are always asking for my number etc... they ask if I have a girlfriend etc... moving forward if I ever going again I will not being accepting invites and being nice. I think I went off topic but that was a bad experience. Some of my buddies told me I got lucky the cops were there because the girl was probably setting me up for a beat down to rob me but this experience gave me a good lesson, don't accept invites from girls from bars or strip clubs they can set you up even though there the ones asking you out. Just throwing this experience out there, might help one of you from being set up, I learn my lesson.
avatar for BigMac34
5 years ago
Sorry I went off topic but that has been my experience as a hispanic male.
avatar for aleccorbett
5 years ago
I could see things in terms of race. Maybe there are some issues. How am I to know? furthermore, why should it matter? I am always going to be black. Can't do anything about it. Can't also let it effect how I enjoy things. It is already a massive priveledge to earn the income I do and go to strip clubs. Why let thoughts of race ruin that.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
This is a great thread. I like reading your experiences.

I'm a younger late 20s Latino guy. I work out have a few tattoos, shaved head. Light skinned. Id describe my style as urban.

I tend to be a magnet for young Latinas and light skinned black girls. Young white girls and dark skinned girls tend to avoid me. Cubans are actually really nice to me...joke with me a lot. They don't pull that cuban game with me.

My interactions with customers are interesting. Ive had men get upset and refuse girls after they were with me. Customers asking me for drugs or for a girl who does extras.

Ive had dancers ask me not to come coz I scare off the white guys lol even black guys have been hesitant when I apend time with my girls.

Race and stereotypes in general definitely come into play. It makes for interesting people watching

This has been in California and Nevada clubs.
avatar for aleccorbett
5 years ago
Damn . What clubs are you going to. I have never had issues with scaring off white guys. I actually find it is easiest to talk with them when I am there.
avatar for PredragDr
5 years ago
I don't think I have ever been blatantly discriminated against in a strip club. The worst I have seen is a group of black women be denied admission because the club decided they did not want them in there without a male chaperone. They put up quite a fit and even asked me to act as their "chaperone", but the club security was not having any of this. I took a few steps towards the parking lot and told them the club doesn't generally like hiring women of color and management tended to be a bit more right wing. I recommended them a club that was more open to their demographic.
avatar for Icey
5 years ago
Aleccorbett. Those experiences were mostly in vegas locals clubs
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