Stripper and House Mom Talk Strip Club Changes Once They Open

avatar for jacej
Some interesting discussion about changes that will be happening at a strip club in the Chicago area once they open the club back up. Masks required, distancing requirement, limit on the number of PLs allowed. A lot of the answers seem to be along the lines of - management is still figuring this out. No contact dances though? Air dances? What good is that?


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avatar for Lone_Wolf
5 years ago
House mom said probably no contact until a vaccines
avatar for Uprightcitizen
5 years ago
Doesn't sound like much changed in Chicago from pre-covid.
avatar for jacej
5 years ago
Best case scenario - or perhaps wishful thinking - indicates that a vaccine won't be available until the end of the year at the very earliest. I read an article that reported NIH as saying that large-scale testing of a vaccine could begin in July, with a vaccine potentially available by January. That same article said that the more likely timeline is summer or fall of 2021. That's going to make for a very sad state of affairs for strip clubs if air dances are going to be the norm until a vaccine is available.
avatar for jacej
5 years ago
@Upright - that's pretty funny. I don't know anything about Chicago clubs, but if they're no or low-contact, then you're right. It'll be pretty much business as usual!
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
The idea a vaccine will make a difference is pablum for the weak. The bullshit ends when enough people remember they are adults living in a risky world and move forward.
avatar for docsavage
5 years ago
The idea of six foot away air dances is not going to be very appealing to most customers in most parts of the country. It would be nice to talk to a pretty girl and look at her but I personally can't see paying pre-shutdown prices for that experience on a regular basis. Some of the clubs are going out of business and there are going to be unemployed former strippers when they do.
avatar for Liwet
5 years ago
"The idea of six foot away air dances is not going to be very appealing to most customers in most parts of the country."

Most customers won't even be aware that anything has changed; they'll assume it's always been like that.
avatar for misterorange
5 years ago
The mega-clubs and chains will probably be just as they describe in that video because they're big targets for law enforcement. But the seedy little dive bars where back room extras are 50% or more of their business - you can bet they'll be back to normal in no time. They've basically been running a whorehouse under the radar for decades and nobody screws with them. I really doubt they'll be living in fear of the "mask police."
avatar for Member6532
5 years ago
Full contact dances are back in KC already accordingto some dancers, going next week to check it out. I will never pay for an air dance saw what a dance was like in VA turned around and walked out
avatar for aleccorbett
5 years ago
FWIW, I don't mind waiting two years for full contact dances. I'll just sink some money into Moderna Stock for a bit.

I am curious if prices will be lower due to decreased demand.
avatar for Player11
5 years ago
Use covid era break SC addiction. Reconcile w wife, find one, find non p4play gf. I would say SC hobby (Sex) addiction if your spending over 5-10 pct income. Of course for wealthy it’s a moot issue. Remember 700 k Americans dead from HIV. Covid has killed more Americans than Vietnam. Neither a lottery you want win.
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
Zero fear of HIV or Covid. I protect against them like I do the common cold. Being afraid is called existing, not living.
avatar for Bavarian
5 years ago
I don’t mind wearing a mask.
Healthcare workers wear them for 12 hours straight.

Open the clubs. Check temperature and mandatory masks for everyone. Sanitize your hands and don’t rub your eyes.

Full contact lap dances and keep talking to a minimum during the dance.
avatar for carlo6
5 years ago
12:38 "You know, some guests, uh, you know, their hygiene, you know, patterns are not always up to par"

She was thinking hard about how to phrase it, lol
avatar for mark94
5 years ago
Quote of the day from stripperweb:

“Hopefully the industry goes back to easy money with guys just wanting to look at naked women instead of trying to grab ass.“
avatar for Lone_Wolf
5 years ago
^ lol. Yea, that's going happen
avatar for Member6532
5 years ago
So 1 of our local clubs reopened. Girls were giving full contact dances, no 6 foot rule, no masks. It was nice to see the virus has ruined strip clubs. Club was busier then I expected
avatar for skibum609
5 years ago
^ the club was....?
avatar for Meursault
5 years ago
Sorry but I’m not interested in air dances, or even full contact dances. Only way a strip club is worth the overpriced beer is if it there’s at least a bj that night. I won’t be back in the clubs until Detroit or Miami are back to there former glory.
avatar for Meursault
5 years ago
avatar for nicespice
5 years ago
Speaking of stripperweb, it’s interesting that a thread about this exact same YouTube video is getting replies on this site and it’s mostly quiet over there.

Idk if it’s not wanting to spend 18 minutes watching a video or just being jaded that what a club staff member is going to say publicly is baloney. (Admittedly, that jadedness is based in fact for most clubs LOL)
avatar for Player11
5 years ago
To OP - Air dances no good - count me out.

I think until vaccine /cure SC Hobby DOA like a nuked city. Get over it and move on. These days a drink in the shade of my backyard and a burger just glad be still alive.
avatar for whodey
5 years ago
Player11 for someone who is supposedly over strip clubs and moved on because of covid and hiv you seem to spend a lot of time posting on here.
avatar for Musterd21
5 years ago
Anyone have a six foot pole?
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