
Well played Mr. President

avatar for Salty.Nutz
Deez Nutz


Libs will now start questioning if they want the vaccine.


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avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 yrs ago

So... Trump is mobilizing the military now to distribute a vaccine that doesn’t exist? Sounds about right.

avatar for misterorange
4 yrs ago


JimmyMcNulty I guess you're disappointed because you were hoping to see a vaccine developed in record time and then be able to say Trump doesn't have a plan to inoculate people.

avatar for Electronman
4 yrs ago

If a vaccine is developed and proves to be effective and safe, I'll be in line.

If anyone sees anything praiseworthy in Trump's management of the COVID pandemic, please point it out. I've watched his daily briefings: mostly falsehoods, deflecting responsibility and self-adulation.

COVID infections in the White House?? No problem getting a COVID test and protective equipment for the White House staff, but good luck to the rest of the country.

avatar for jackslash
4 yrs ago

Trump's failure of leadership has caused the coronavirus to get out of control and the resulting economic meltdown.

avatar for Salty.Nutz
4 yrs ago

Trump is pushing to open the ecomonmy, blue states want to keep the lockdown.

avatar for Tetradon
4 yrs ago

I develop drugs for a living. We are at least two years away from a safe and effective vaccine. Biology operates on its own timeframe, and most drugs fail in testing, if we rush this process we might have an ineffective or dangerous vaccine.

(I'm a Republican, so don't say this is politically motivated)

avatar for Salty.Nutz
4 yrs ago

@tetradon thats how i feel about vaccines and im not a doctor. i wonder if Fauci is going require the same double blind placebo study for a vaccine.

avatar for Salty.Nutz
4 yrs ago

And if these scientist and specialist believe youre not immune if you have antibodies whats the point of getting a vaccine

avatar for Tetradon
4 yrs ago

@salty, 6 months ago this virus was barely in humans. It's all speculation.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 yrs ago

@misterorange “ I guess you're disappointed because you were hoping to see a vaccine developed in record time and then be able to say Trump doesn't have a plan to inoculate people.”

Did you even read the linked article? It says Trump is mobilizing the military to distribute a vaccine. I’m not being critical that a vaccine hasn’t been developed. It’s not like I expected Trump to develop it. I’m questioning why he’s mobilizing the military when there is nothing to distribute. Even if you go with Trump’s completely fake not based on anything but his gut timeline that we’ll have a vaccine in the fall, why is mobilizing the military something he needs to do now? He should go back to sitting on the shitter and tweeting. That is more productive than distributing a vaccine that doesn’t exist yet.

avatar for JamesSD
4 yrs ago

Lib here. I like the idea especially on the logistics side.

avatar for TheeOSU
4 yrs ago

"So... Trump is mobilizing the military now to distribute a vaccine that doesn’t exist?"

"Did you even read the linked article? It says Trump is mobilizing the military to distribute a vaccine."

Jimmy did you read the article? Sounds like you just read the title.

The first sentence is..

"President Donald Trump is mobilizing the U.S. military to distribute a novel coronavirus vaccine when one becomes available and will focus first on older Americans. "

The key word there is "when". When one becomes available.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 yrs ago

Yes. I read it. My point is what are we applauding here? I am a republican and have been republican my entire life. I want a vaccine because I am a person. What is “well played” by Trump for saying he’s going to mobilize the military whenever a vaccine is available? This is pretty much a participation trophy.

avatar for Salty.Nutz
4 yrs ago

JimmyMcNulty....wait you will see. The media is going to go on an anti-vaccine campaign. The media critiques everything trump does. watch the news conferences he does, the reporters ask him double ended questions that theres no right answer to.

avatar for TheeOSU
4 yrs ago

"Yes. I read it. My point is what are we applauding here? "

Myself, I'm not applauding anything, It's just that to me your questions that were quoted by me were basically answered by reading the article. At least for now.

Personally I don't see any of it as well played and I doubt a working vaccine will be developed. BTW I hope I'm wrong regarding that but time will tell how it plays out.

avatar for Uprightcitizen
4 yrs ago

Lol I was in the army and I know it's not like there are unlimited medical resources available. Many are deployed overseas anyways. And no fucking re-purposed grunt is going to stick a needle in my arm.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 yrs ago

@theeOSU “Myself, I'm not applauding anything, It's just that to me your questions that were quoted by me were basically answered by reading the article. At least for now.“

That’s fair. I used the word “now” improperly. He isn’t mobilizing now. What’s happening “now” is his plan to use the military to distribute the virus. Is this noteworthy? A matter of opinion I suppose. I tend to measure performance against par. This pandemic was going to be a disaster no matter what. If par is “disaster” how did Trump perform? I’d say double or triple bogey but it’s an opinion.

“Personally I don't see any of it as well played and I doubt a working vaccine will be developed. BTW I hope I'm wrong regarding that but time will tell how it plays out.”

I agree 100%.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 yrs ago

One correction to the above, I think we will get a vaccine. I’m optimistic.

avatar for prevert
4 yrs ago

“Mobilizing” is a Trump-ism for “I need to be seen doing something.” In this case he’s probably ordered the military to start planning and training. Waiting until a vaccine is actually available to start “mobilizing” would be a clusterfuck.

avatar for shadowcat
4 yrs ago

When I went through USAF basic training way back in 1963 they gave us immunizations using some type of pressure gun instead of needles. Are they still in use? If so a large number of people could be immunized very quickly.

avatar for misterorange
4 yrs ago

@shadowcat - Haha yeah I remember that from Army basic training. 100 guys in line and you step up one at a time. Two nurses hit you on both arms at the same time and you walk away with blood dripping down. There was no needle, just a pressurized jet of fluid, so there was no need to change needles. Just shoot one guy after the other. Very efficient. This was in 1987 and since I'd never seen anything like that I assumed it was new technology. I guess not. Lol.

avatar for etsutwigg222
4 yrs ago

So for those that believe the government is acting too soon to prepare for distributing a vaccine, please supply a date when the government should prepare to administer life saving assistance.

avatar for mark94
4 yrs ago

Are you familiar with the Insurrection Act ? Well, if you are the Governor of a state that is still in lockdown, you might want to read up on it.

A president can invoke the Act when a pandemic “so hinders the execution of the laws of a State or possession, as applicable, and of the United States within that State or possession, that any part or class of its people is deprived of a right, privilege, immunity, or protection named in the Constitution and secured by law, and the constituted authorities of that State or possession are unable, fail, or refuse to protect that right, privilege, or immunity, or to give that protection.”

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 yrs ago

“ So for those that believe the government is acting too soon to prepare for distributing a vaccine, please supply a date when the government should prepare to administer life saving assistance.”


We were playing catch up on establishing a pandemic response team.

We were playing catch up on having enough PPE.

We were playing catch up on testing.

We were playing catch up on telling people to wear masks.

We were playing catch up on nearly every phase of our pandemic response. Trump keeps telling me he was ahead of the game by not allowing Chinese citizens to travel here, while the virus came in through US citizens and US residents returning home from China, plus all the people traveling from Europe through NY. Now I’m supposed to give him an ‘atta boy’ because he’s making plans to distribute a non-existent vaccine? Ok.

avatar for etsutwigg222
4 yrs ago

No not an atta boy. Just wondering what plan others may have.

avatar for Dave_Anderson
4 yrs ago

Best and most competent President since George Washington, but unless any vaccine is voluntary I will be the first one off the Trump train. I will go to prison before I allow some rushed Big Pharma vaccine into my body.

avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
4 yrs ago

Reviving this thread because I posted some strong opinions criticizing operation warp speed. I didn’t see e big deal in prepping for distribution of a non-existent vaccine. I was wrong. Now that I know that the Pfizer vaccine needs to be stored at 70 degrees below zero or whatever it is, I understand it’s a logistical issue. 60 Minutes did a piece a couple of weeks ago with the military leaders implementing warp speed and explaining the complexities of it. It was pretty good. I’ll give credit for Trump being at the helm when this was envisioned.

avatar for skibum609
4 yrs ago

Yeah Libs like people like California Democraps who lock the people down; kill their business; while the Governor goes to a restaurant with 14 people and pays $325 per person for a meal and the Democratic legislature takes a paid bribery trip to Hawaii. Trump may suck but compared to Democrats he's Christ like. By the way Phizer is applying for emergency approval and beginning manufacturing. Moderna is next and even Fauci said vaccines will be available by the end of the year. Now is the time to begin a distribution plan, not when its manufactured. How stupid are the people crowing about Europe's response when they are fucking locked down again. The only thing I will miss is Covid in Blue Cities.

avatar for Salty.Nutz
4 yrs ago
avatar for joker44
4 yrs ago
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