Very short hair on strippers
Even bald. The haircut on the head I'm referring to. I don't think I've seen this on a white girl in a club but I have seen some black/mixed girls really pull this off. If they have a rockin body it can really work in my opinion because it's so different. I have a buddy of mine who is fiercely against it though. Examples could be Charlize Theron in Mad Max Fury Road and that girl Amber Rose is pretty hot. I could definitely be into it on the right girl. What are your thoughts on that look?
e.g. Halle Berry used to pull off the short hair look and probably looked better with short vs long hair.
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Good thing they're lesbos. LOL
That's about my limit also. Very few women look good in pixie cuts to me, but I've seen some who have
There was a local dancer here who did the same for a while. She was gorgeous -- gorgeous face, gorgeous body -- and her wigs tended to look good (at least to a horny PL's eye, I'm sure not to other strippers). So I was tremendously attracted. Unfortunately the wigs started irritating her head or something, and so she started just going around in her buzz cut, which was a boner killer for me. For management also, I suppose, because they told her to put the wigs back on or vamoose. She vamoosed
But I dont mind short hair on women. But some can pull it off while others cant. Think of it this way... some girls can pull off the "rocker" vibe or "goth" look while others cant. It is the same with the hair. IMHO.