50-59 7,782 158 60-69 5,691 295 COMMON SENSE -QUARANTINE OVER 60 OR 70 AND OPEN UP SOCIETY 70-79 3429 480 80+ 3080 742 REALLY QUARANTINE OVER 80 BY THE WAY THERE ARE OVER 500,000 PEOPLE OVER 80 IN ILLINOIS DEATHS ARE .14 PERCENT .0014 Will someone with common sense look at these numbers, let people wear masks and go back to a normal day i AM NOT TRYING TO MAKE ANY POLITICAL STATEMENT, BUT i WAS BLOWN AWAY AT THE NUMBERS.
Traveler, they've known this whole time. This has been as much political as medically based. They've shut down the economy for everyone to save the lives of an unknown number of the elderly and other high risk groups. Now that they have committed to this course, they are more or less stuck as few of them have the political coverage to deal with a fear mongers who will loudly try to tie every new death around their necks.
The question all along has been whether they could have protected the elderly nearly as effectively by letting it benignly wash through most of the population while taking more targeted steps to quarantine high risk people. Instead of throwing trillions around to every group imaginable, resources could have been more effectively used to support and protect those who were at highest risk.
But now here we are. The worst part of this is that all we have accomplished is to temporarily slow this thing down at an astronomical cost.
Over 53 thousand deaths in a 3 month period, that is more deaths than any other 3 month period in American history you guys must be ingesting disinfectant or bleach.
The expression "overexaggerated" is redundant and incorrecto "exaggerated" conveys the proper meaning.
Whether the statistics are exaggerated or not are irrelevant as even the most pesamistic death tolls are still but a fraction of the normal death rate and will not move the death rate total even a percent age point.
The reason for the precautions was so the healthcare system didn't get overrun. Get the healthcare workers to agree to open things up and I might agree with you.
Yeah let’s ask the healthcare workers. You know - the ones that have had steady essential jobs and no break in collecting a paycheck.
Open this shit up. And you have the right to self quarantine yourself for the rest of your life. May you order delivery and do Netflix and chill for the rest of your long, unfruitful and extremely boring existence.
pistola - as a 78 yo veteran I resent your remark. I've done my share for family and country and I'm isolating myself right now so as to not create more work for the health care workers, etc.
===> "Get the healthcare workers to agree to open things up and I might agree with you."
We've let the healthcare establishment dictate our activities, based largely upon worst case speculations and absent any ongoing sanity checks, for too long already.
It's time for the opinions of the healthcare establishment go revert back to being one voice of several heard by policy makers rather than the only voice.
Hey shadowcat. I appreciate all of your contributions to this website and service as a veteran. I don’t think you should be offended by the comments as the intent was that that low risk people should get back to work. The pantywaist types that are low risk but still want to shelter in place were the objects of derision. Not folks like you.
You have talked about your annual hospitalizations for pneumonia. At 78, those bills were paid for by Medicare or veterans benefits. You have earned those benefits, but without people earning a paycheck and paying into the system who is going to fund the system?
There was Wall Street journal editorial talking about a restaurant owner who could not reopen for takeout because his cooks on unemployment were getting the equivalent of over $20/hour to not work vs $15/hr to work. Sure some taxes and ss and Medicare are being withheld from unemployment checks, but withholding money from a government check is not the same as withholding from a business paycheck.
It takes a rich nation to take care of its vulnerable people well. It takes a flourishing economy to stay rich. It won’t take long for our economy to become the USSR of the 1980s if it continues to be shut down and government debt to soar. All my opinion and none of this facts.
pistola - as a 78 yo veteran I resent your remark — Good for you, sit at home and quarantine yourself for the rest of your days for all I care. The world doesn’t revolve around you. Lol playing the veteran card, gtfo.
Social distancing is a useful tool. But I feel like we've taken our car to a mechanic whose only tool is a hammer. The government seems to have it's thumb up it's ass churning out the PPE (which should have been stockpiled in the first place), expediting a vaccine, providing more hospital and ICU beds, testing, expediting treatments that reduce the severity of the symptoms, etc. Seems like at least half the deaths are in assisted living/nursing homes, cause the staff can't get the PPE to not spread the shit from one person to the next.
"pistola - as a 78 yo veteran I resent your remark — Good for you, sit at home and quarantine yourself for the rest of your days for all I care. The world doesn’t revolve around you. Lol playing the veteran card, gtfo."
Wow! You are a class A prick! There is no need to speak to someone who fought for the freedoms you enjoy.
Anyone who thinks that because they threw away their freedom by staying in and helping destroy this country that they are somehow morally superior really don't understand freedom.
@CrazyJoe I love the vets and military, and I'm glad that Trump has reinvested in them unlike Osam... I mean Obama. but using the vet card to try to prove a point regarding health care and economic issues is bs. But feel free to suck on my grade A sausage. :)
If this is a political issue then it is a WORLD political issue. Every country on earth is in some sort of quarantine ...Socialist communist monarchy Authoritarian they figure even north korea's leader is hiding out in fear
"@CrazyJoe I love the vets and military, and I'm glad that Trump has reinvested in them unlike Osam... I mean Obama. but using the vet card to try to prove a point regarding health care and economic issues is bs. But feel free to suck on my grade A sausage. :)"
Hi Pistola, i didnt know you played for the same team as me ams some of the boys on here. Cum join your bros for some homo erotic fun! I could always use another good customer!
last commentreviewed by traveler2019 September 29, 2013
The question all along has been whether they could have protected the elderly nearly as effectively by letting it benignly wash through most of the population while taking more targeted steps to quarantine high risk people. Instead of throwing trillions around to every group imaginable, resources could have been more effectively used to support and protect those who were at highest risk.
But now here we are. The worst part of this is that all we have accomplished is to temporarily slow this thing down at an astronomical cost.
Whether the statistics are exaggerated or not are irrelevant as even the most pesamistic death tolls are still but a fraction of the normal death rate and will not move the death rate total even a percent age point.
Open this shit up. And you have the right to self quarantine yourself for the rest of your life. May you order delivery and do Netflix and chill for the rest of your long, unfruitful and extremely boring existence.
We've let the healthcare establishment dictate our activities, based largely upon worst case speculations and absent any ongoing sanity checks, for too long already.
You have talked about your annual hospitalizations for pneumonia. At 78, those bills were paid for by Medicare or veterans benefits. You have earned those benefits, but without people earning a paycheck and paying into the system who is going to fund the system?
There was Wall Street journal editorial talking about a restaurant owner who could not reopen for takeout because his cooks on unemployment were getting the equivalent of over $20/hour to not work vs $15/hr to work. Sure some taxes and ss and Medicare are being withheld from unemployment checks, but withholding money from a government check is not the same as withholding from a business paycheck.
It takes a rich nation to take care of its vulnerable people well. It takes a flourishing economy to stay rich. It won’t take long for our economy to become the USSR of the 1980s if it continues to be shut down and government debt to soar.
All my opinion and none of this facts.
Good for you, sit at home and quarantine yourself for the rest of your days for all I care. The world doesn’t revolve around you. Lol playing the veteran card, gtfo.
Good for you, sit at home and quarantine yourself for the rest of your days for all I care. The world doesn’t revolve around you. Lol playing the veteran card, gtfo."
Wow! You are a class A prick! There is no need to speak to someone who fought for the freedoms you enjoy.
"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Thomas Jefferson
And fire fighters fight fires
What the hell are freedom fighters doing?
WTF...? What is wrong with you?