
Will it matter......

When you go bck to the club when it reopens for the first time and the smallest dancer in there is a size 16? Looking at my wife's FB yesterday with her and she pointed out how much weight people have packed on in such a short time. Each of her sisters has put on at least 10 pounds. I fear going back to Desires, and seeing old favorites 20 pounds heavier in the winter when these places open back up under social distancing rules. Throwing ones at obese women will be the new busienss model....


  • BitCoinHodler
    4 years ago
    I'll still show up because I somehow have four drink cards and want to spend them all.

    Some of the dancers Instagrams that I follow are still pretty skinny so hopefully that's just a couple of them.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    Someone’s been eating all those empty shelves in the Publix
  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    It will matter to me. When I was 18 my dick got hard if the wind blew but in my old age it takes a lot more to interest me and fat is a turn off.

    A lot of those girls stayed thin by using drugs that they can't afford to buy now.
  • Electronman
    4 years ago
    I suspect that many of us "customers" have also put on some weight.
    Of course, absent strip clubs our wallets may have also bulged a bit. And the extra cash may override any extra poundage on our bodies.
  • Eve
    4 years ago
    Funny thing is I've been losing weight since this whole thing started. Not eating out anymore to use money for stuff I have to cook myself and utilizing intermittent fasting again to knock the habit of eating everything in late hours of the evening.

    Weight wise I'll probably stand out cause I worked with a lot of girls with moderate to high drug habits.
  • crazyjoe
    4 years ago
    ^ exactly what I was thinking. People in general are probably eating more healthy now.

    All that food gone from stores is probably because a lot of people only buy what they they use that week and no more. I spoke with someone who always operated that way and they said they have about a month supply of food at home now.

  • RamPaige
    4 years ago
    I remember going to this club and all 4 girls there were plus plus size, and my crew walked right out. That's not going to change.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    With all this time on our hands we've lost weight. We live near a small park; a large park; a small ski area and within 10 miles of us we have about 50 miles of hiking trails. Add in kettlebells and the fact we pretty much only drink when we go ouit and its tough to maintain some level of fatness.
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    Atleast the customers will scale with them, I'm getting a gut now.
  • Longball300
    4 years ago
    Lost 6 pounds and dropping........
  • Eve
    4 years ago
    I've always been pretty small (not a string bean, but more like a lean bean.), but around January and Februrary I was actually getting slightly bigger because I was stress eating like nobody's business. I guess this virus was a reset button to my health habits.
    The stress may not be gone, but I didn't want to overload my body anymore because of it.
  • Eve
    4 years ago
    I'm just imagining how all the strippers are going to feel going back to work after not dancing for 2+ months. Every single time I took a week or a month off of work, I physically felt like a brand new dancer all over again whenever I went back. The soreness was killer.
  • Huntsman
    4 years ago
    My guess is there will be a lot of change in body comp for everyone. But it will vary with some much better off and others gaining fat.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Makes perfect sense Evce. Just like any other pjhysically demanding activity. Skiers are always very sore the first few weeks of the season, regardless of how much working out they do. Like dance, the only way to get in shape for it, is to do it.
  • gammanu95
    4 years ago
    Eve, have you looked into a home dance pole? Vertical fitness and pole dancing were.pretty hip a few years ago. You could probably get one off Amazon cheap as hell. I'm certain that men will linebup around the block install it for free.
  • FishHawk
    4 years ago
    I normally eat lunch out twice or so times a week with groups I am part of. Now they don’t meet so I eat at home with the wife. My overall calorie consumption is probably down. I do try to walk a good bit every day. Either around the block or on my treadmill. So I am not gaining, it would be nice to lose some.
    I suspect experienced dancers are keeping in shape. Some of the younger ones who got by on their youthful body and looks probably not as much.
  • Hank Moody
    4 years ago
    Depending on how long this goes the dancers’ loss of income will have them on a diet of ramen and cereal for a couple months prior to going back to work. Fat strippers won’t be a problem.
  • Dolfan
    4 years ago
    It'll matter to me too. I can see fat girls at Walmart or any old bar. I'm going to the strip club to see tight bodies.

    I'm not sure what'll be there. It probably depends on age somewhat. In the late twenties/early thirties I'm sure they'll be some girls who've traded cocaine for Doritos and put on the pounds. They'll probably be some who'll have got back on their diet & exorcise routines and toned up. I'm guessing they'll also be plenty of young girls whose career path hit a pothole and end up stripping, they'll probably be eating like shit but still looking hot. They'll also probably be some chunky new girls in the game too.
  • JamesSD
    4 years ago
    I wonder if this will be a regional thing. Here in socal although all the gyms are closed, I see people running outside all the time. It's one of the few reasons you are allowed to be outside (along with walking the dog 6 times a day)

    Some girls are gonna binge Netflix 13 hours a day and some willl be doing 2x workouts a day.
  • JamesSD
    4 years ago
    Jimmy may have a point. The stripper FWB I had was not great with her money and had school expenses and when the rent was due she cut back on food until she had more money in the bank.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    I’ve ordered healthy foods using whole foods ordering. So I’ve been eating lots of fruits and vegetables. I’ve found it difficult to get some of the staple carbs - so I gave up on adding them to my cart.

    I’ve been walking longer daily walks, and lifting weights at home. I’m not checking the scale, but I feel better.

    Hopefully this healthy eating won’t kill me!!!
  • gSteph
    4 years ago
    Ski, you can be a trifle negative at times.

    Size 16? Eh. Maybe some will gain some weight but those eager to make some $ will work to lose it when clubs near reopening.
    I don't see it being much of a problem. Course my club has been mostly slim twenty somethings.
  • whodey
    4 years ago
    Hopefully it will all balance out with some losing weight and some gaining. Some of the girls that were just one step above meth head weight could look good with an extra 10-15 lbs added, that would put them more into the fit/athletic size.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    I call it realism Steph and its different in person than words on a screen. My favorite club was sadly changing from fit and trim dancers to thick i.e. obese, this won't help. Its also why I was spending more time in a non-extras club where the dancers were young and thin. The weirdest thing about all of this has been alcohol. I always told people I drank socially and it was a huge part of why I go out a lot. I followed it up by hammering home the point that I/we seldom drank at home. Last 3 weeks I have had about 9 drinks total. Five years ago that was the Friday after work warm up before going out Friday night. Drinking alcohol in bars is fun; drinking at home is a non-starter, unless its red wine with food.
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ I tend to agree with that skibum drinking at home is boring af slamming shots with a cute hot babe is a lot of fun, it’s not the alcohol so much as it is the socializing.
  • Roadworrier
    4 years ago
    I have a treadmill at home but it’s not quite the same as going to the gym. Flip side is I’m eating at home and on my normally-restrictive weekday diet instead of being on the road half the time, or eating out 3 times a week when I’m not on the road. Bottom line is I’m losing weight, not a lot but probably less carbs and fat going through me than before. Drinking has probably leveled off - I drink at home but it’s not like 3-4 beers or 2-3 mixed drinks like I’d consume if I were out. My hand seems to be busier though.
  • Hank Moody
    4 years ago
    I eat pretty well anyway and have maintained my weight. I worked out at home before this and am continuing to do so. I am drinking more nights of the week now. So... some things are different but no adverse effects yet. I do very much miss BS’ing and flirting in bars. And tits. I really miss looking at tits.
  • Eve
    4 years ago
    @gammanu: I have fantasized here and there about getting a pole to install at home. The cheap ones are the ones you see in pole dance fail compilation videos where they always break, so I don't trust them as far as I can throw myself off of them. Heh.

    I don't mind investing in a good one. I don't want to feel like 82 year old woman in a 27 year old's body after the first night back at the club.
  • Jascoi
    4 years ago
    jimmy said it well.
    “I am drinking more nights of the week now. So... some things are different but no adverse effects yet. I do very much miss BS’ing and flirting in bars. And tits. I really miss looking at tits.”

    as to weight i seem to be slightly ahead. my scale at home says 5 pounds less. I hope it’s right.
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    I would think a stripper pole would have to be installed by a professional to make sure it was really anchored. Never thought of it before but Rhode Island Dolls in Woonsocket, RI probably had the highest percentage of truly athgletic pole dancers I've ever seen in the same club.
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