
What personal improvement and lifestyle enrichments have you been pursuing?

My casual drinking is your alcohol poisoning.
Friday, April 10, 2020 10:38 AM
No beaches and no strip clubs make Gammanu a dull boy. Or, if you like the Simpson's version better: no beaches and no strip clubs make Gammanu go crazy. Both are equally true. So I'm trying gardening. I can kill anything. Even cacti and air plants have fallen prey to my carelessness and neglect. I once thought about getting a pet rock, but was afraid of killing it, too. So far, so good. I've been harvesting radishes, chives, and green onions. The shallots, fennel and arugula are looking promising. There were other seeds in the packet that have been sprouting into even more edibles and ornamentals. This has attracted planty of rabbits for my dogs to chase. It has been a slaughter. The easter bunny has been ruthlessly murdered several times over. My neighbors' daughters are scarred for life. I've resumed playing the piano. I learned in grade school and was actually pretty good. I had ready access through college and my early 20s. It's been maybe 20 years since I played, but I ordered an electric piano through amazon. It's a perishable skill, apparently, and will take some work to regain my proficiency. I've also resumed tossing darts. I bought an electronic dartboard with programs like Cricket, 301, countdowns, count-ups. Another game that I used to play regularly with my drinking buddies in Chicago, for which I lost the skill when I moved to New Orleans where no one played. I would gladly give it all up for a cold beer, a fat stack of singles, and a giggly, nubile, stranger writhing in my lap.


  • CJKent (Banned)
    4 years ago
    I am pursuing the physique of someone who spent hours in the prison yard every day. Like Game of Thrones’ Star Nikolaj Coster-Waldau that got a gang member muscular body for his roll in the movie ‘Shot Caller’ Or De Niro who needed to look believable as ex-convict Max Cady, in the movie Cape Fear.
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    I’ve been just working on saving. Discipline stuff.
  • Eve
    4 years ago
    Eating habits. For the past 2 months before they shut the clubs down, I was doing a lot of stress eating. I didn't realize how much it was effecting my energy, chronic anxiety, and motivation until I started home cooking again and restarting intermittent fasting. Lost most if not all of whatever weight I gained from said stress eating, I'm taking less naps and have more energy now, and my anxiety has been at an all time low even after discontinuing my medication (not by choice), and I'm slowly but surely gaining interest back in smaller hobbies I used to enjoy a lot. The only downside it seems is that takeout and fast food don't taste as good anymore. In some cases, it's even made me slightly sick, like my body has already gotten used to this habit in almost no time. I treat myself to junk/greasy food once a week and it's annoying that I'll be craving the hell out of a 5 piece from KFC only to not be satisfied by the taste and/or get a little queasy from it.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    Trying to learn more about photography and videography.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    I got nothing. No silver lining here. I’m venturing beyond regular porn. Not sure that’s an improvement?
  • JamesSD
    4 years ago
    Fitness and cooking and I've made some progress on the garage
  • Huntsman
    4 years ago
    Marksmanship. Also pushing my reps up on body weight exercises with no gym. In other words focusing on things I already think are important but are still available to do right now.
  • shadowcat
    4 years ago
    I'm not consorting with loose women!
  • san_jose_guy_
    4 years ago
    Ive been jerking off so much that my ejaculate is now powder. Sorry that I haven't posted in some time. Lets hope we can return to normalcy soon. SJG
  • sinclair
    4 years ago
    Dang, it seems like a lot of people on here have a ton of free time or are not working much. I've been working more hours than I did before the coronavirus. I'm an essential employee and already many of my coworkers have gotten sick with the virus, so the ones of us that are left need to pick up the extra work. The only difference is I am saving a lot more money now. With the removal of bars, restaurants, and strip clubs from my life, I am spending less money. I used to eat out once a day or at least once every other day. Now, I buy all my food from the grocery store and prep it myself. The stimulus check and any hazard pay will just be icing on the cake. I plan to dump a lot of cash into the stock market.
  • Winteriscumming
    4 years ago
    Hey no one said you couldn’t garden during the day and see strippers at night when everything goes back to normal! I’ve been gardening a shit ton as well. Depending on how hot your climate is, peppers thrive and are pretty hard to kill, that’s how I ended up with about 10 pepper plants on accident. Same for container varieties of cherry tomatoes. I’m also propagating a few of my houseplants because I have nothing better to do than stare at roots growing from scratch over the next few (?) months.
  • whodey
    4 years ago
    Working on paying down my debt. I had already started on a 5 year plan to pay off all of my debt (timed to end at the same time my mortgage will be paid off) as part of a New Years resolution. The elimination of recreational spending along with unlimited overtime being offered while working from home has allowed me to pay off more than 15% of my non-mortgage debt in the past month. At this rate if things don't change in the next few months I can have everything but the mortgage paid off this year and use the extra money that was budgeted for the other debts each month to pay off the mortgage a couple of years early. Of course with working 65-70 hours a week at home alone with no strip clubs, nice restaraunts, live sports or concerts to blow off steam my sanity may disappear even faster than my debt.
  • wallanon
    4 years ago
    "Of course with working 65-70 hours a week at home alone with no strip clubs, nice restaraunts, live sports or concerts to blow off steam my sanity may disappear even faster than my debt." Debt improvement, cool. If that alone isn't bringing the satisfaction, what else would that's within reach right now?
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