
At this time of the year it's Passover, now with Easter coming Sunday

Living well and enjoying my retirement
I wish everyone health and peace, I don't think it would hurt if we all were a bit easier on one another. This pandemic is not the fault of anyone here, nor does anyone here, have the ability to change the circumstances we find ourselves in, Trying a little kindness might make everyone a bit less tense.


  • Warrior15
    4 years ago
    Can I put some goat blood on my door and the virus will leave me alone. ?
  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ It's the blood of the Pascal lamb not a goat, but it's worth a try . 🙂
  • gSteph
    4 years ago
    I agree with OP.
  • CJKent (Banned)
    4 years ago
    However many holy words you read, however many you speak, what good will they do you if you do not act on upon them.

    A generous heart, kind speech, and a life of service and compassion are the things which renew humanity.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    In the interest of inclusivity, I even found this nice description of a blended view of this holiday season. Seems somehow fitting.

  • twentyfive
    4 years ago
    ^ Still trolling RickiBoi, is it necessary to be a dick everyplace.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago

    There's no satisfying some people. 25, I try to post something nice, despite your incessant trolling in thread after thread, and even that sets you off. I guess no good deed goes unpunished.
  • jackslash
    4 years ago
    Happy Passover and Easter!
  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Posting the Jews for Jesus bullshit was uncalled for. Absolute childish trolling. I wish good health for one and all.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    I'm sorry ski, but I don't understand. I thought that Jews for Jesus was just another branch of the Reform Movement, which from my understanding is a rather open form of the belief system. I found this in looking for a common ground view of the holidays. I am sorry if the source of this triggered something - my bad. I am a Gentile so I'm obviously missing something here.
  • rickdugan
    4 years ago
    25, it's certainly your prerogative to mute my posts in your thread. But you might instead consider doing the grownup thing and helping me - and anyone else who reads these - understand what the offense was. If my good intentions were misguided, I would like to know.

    And with that, peace be with you and all during this holiday season.
  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    Have a Happy Easter and a Happy Passover to those who celebrate those important days.

    I appreciate Easter, Lent, and Pentecost much more as I’ve gotten older. This seems to be a much more important season than Advent and Christmas. I appreciate that this season is less commercialized as well.
  • Muddy
    4 years ago
    Cheers to that 25. Absolutely it’s pretty vicious here lately more so than usual and it’s starting to chase some posters away. We’re all just trying to just get through it and hope everyone does.
  • EndlessSummer
    4 years ago
    Yes, 25! Good on you, sir!
    Aren't we all hate
  • EndlessSummer
    4 years ago
  • EndlessSummer
    4 years ago
    Let's try that again...😋

    Aren't we all here because we either: a. LOVE boobs (and/or the accoutrement that accompany them)
    B. HAVE boobs (and/or the accoutrement that accompany them)
    C. BOTH?
    Based on that common ground alone... can't we all just get along???

    Anyway, at least during this most trying of times, we oughtta be the kindest, most gentlest version of ourselves....because ya never know what the other guy (or gal) is goin through.

    Wishing you all peace and health during this season in the wilderness...

  • skibum609
    4 years ago
    Jews for Jesus plays the same role to reform Jews as Mussolini did..

  • Cashman1234
    4 years ago
    Jews for Jesus is a cult. There’s nothing good about that group. They recruit from college campuses.
  • ATACdawg
    4 years ago
    Happy Passover and Easter to you all!
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