avatar for rattdog
I was looking through the amazon listings for belts. I've been wearing leather belts for years but they see to always wind up getting destroyed from my lapdance exploits like this:
-buckle snapping right off on 2-3 different incidents
-pin ripping up the belt hole
one stripper once gave me a safety pin to keep my pants together temporarily until i got home
anyone here ever tried those braided belts? these belts don't have the holes the way leather belts do. the braided ones seem to be really durable.


last comment
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
I posted the following about belts not too long ago:…

The only drawback to the Galco belts is that they are very stiff. If you are used to just unbuckling for certain activities, that may not work. You may have to completely remove the belt. Not a big issue for me.
avatar for shadowcat
5 years ago
I'm retired and haven't worn a belt in 11 years. Shorts or if it's too cold sweat pants with elastic waist bands.
avatar for SaltyNuts
5 years ago
Leave the belt in the car, it just interferes with a LD
avatar for jackslash
5 years ago
I prefer braided belts. The real leather ones are durable, but I don't know how well they would stand up to aggressive lap dances.
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
Nerd confession time! I wear a money belt to the strip club like this one:… (there's a zillion of them like it on Amazon, I don't have that one specifically).

I stick $100 in the compartment as emergency cash, although I've never had to dip into it. I know you classy guys want leather, but hey, it's the strip club, it's dark so no one sees your belt anyone, plus most of us wear our shirts out I imagine. These belts do not care about lap dances, there's no holes to rip or metal shackle to be destroyed. The first one of these belts I got, I probably wore to 10 years of strip clubbing before upgrading to a belt that was a little wider -- it was otherwise still in perfect condition
avatar for Papi_Chulo
5 years ago
Very early-on as a very-green SCer a dancer told me I should not wear belts nor jeans to the club - it actually gets in the way of the PL's and dancer's comfort - the clothes I wear to the club I usually only wear to the club and usually involve roomy stretchy shorts/pants with an elastic waistband - for me wearing a belt to the club is akin to wearing a belt to play tennis.
avatar for gobstopper007
5 years ago
No belt and shirt untucked
avatar for doctorevil
5 years ago
I almost always wear the same thing: polo shirt tucked in, jeans, with leather belt. I have had a couple of dancers suggest that I wear shorts. Hey—someone ought to start a discussion on the best clothes to wear while clubbing.
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
-->"Very early-on as a very-green SCer a dancer told me I should not wear belts nor jeans to the club - it actually gets in the way of the PL's and dancer's comfort"

I used to do that when I liked more "traditional" lapdances. I can definitely see LDKers and guys who just enjoy regular dances where she's grinding, to go the more "soft pants no belt" route, it makes sense. The only time I do a standard-regulation $20 lapdance these days is if I'm traveling, I only do VIP rooms locally. And there, I am happy to encourage her not to sit on stiffie and wiggle around, I'd rather her face, neck, tits, pussy, or ass be in my face, not necessarily in that order, and her hands be somewhere they shouldn't be. So jeans and belts it is; if that discourages her from sitting there and grinding, I'm ok with that!
avatar for Cashman1234
5 years ago
It depends on where I plan to club, as to whether I will wear a belt. If I’m meeting a dancer ITC to go to directly to VIP, then I won’t think about removing my belt.

If I am heading out to sniff around and see what’s available, then I will avoid a belt and jeans. Thin pants and no belt - are a good choice.

I’m not sure I understand how your belts are getting torn. If a dancer is grinding, her grind will be significantly below your belt line, so I’m a bit confused how things are wearing out.
avatar for MackTruck
5 years ago
I wear my trusty old suspenders
avatar for TFP
5 years ago
Someone above mentioned that LDKers probably wouldn't like belts. Which is true, it gets in the way of a dance. Unfortunately for me I like wearing baggy shorts, which means I need that belt or my shorts fall off. Usually I just take the belt off once I get back into the lapdance room. But since I also like standing dances I've been trying to find a belt that's non intrusive in sitting lap dances so I can keep it on. Otherwise my shorts immediately drop to the ground if I try to switch to standing dances.
avatar for Nidan111
5 years ago
I MOSTLY get lap dances in VIP and I always remove my belt.
avatar for Longball300
5 years ago
Yep, most dancers appreciate when you remove your belt. Try the rachet belts... trust me, you will never buy a belt with holes again. Best thing is that they come off and on very easily. The elastic waist slacks are great and depending how you are shaped can eliminate the need for a belt. See below:………

avatar for rattdog
5 years ago
the dancers never had a problem with me whenever i wear the belts. it's the destruction from several dances over time that would wreck my belts. some belts would last 6 weeks. some about 3-4 months. the one i have now is some vinyl kinda belt i bought from a women's department store lasted about 2 years but now is on it's last legs. i went back to that store and they no longer have those belts in stock. they stopped carrying a long time ago.
avatar for Longball300
5 years ago
Silicone nowadays: good if you sweat alot although they are kinda stiff they are indestructible:…
avatar for rattdog
5 years ago
after getting dances from 5-6 pawgs that silicone belt will be annihilated. if it was half the price i would take a shot with it.
avatar for Subraman
5 years ago
Longball: "Try the rachet belts... trust me, you will never buy a belt with holes again."

When I'm not SCing or otherwise making use of that moneybelt (e.g., it doesn't set off the metal detector at TSA), I have moved 100% to ratchetbelts. Easy to put on, easy to take off, easy to adjust throughout the day. Love them! Still like the moneybelt better for the SC: it's cheaper, I've got the extra emergency cash, and it's indestructible
avatar for 48-Cowboy
5 years ago
Q What did the number 0 say to number 8?

A Nice belt
avatar for Longball300
5 years ago
@ratt - The silicone belt is sturdy man; I would be surprised if even Super PAWG could break it.
avatar for 48-Cowboy
5 years ago
I am not worried about belts. I won't need one at home with my Waifu when I find her again.
avatar for codemonkey
5 years ago
Seriously, who wears a belt during a LD?
avatar for gSteph
5 years ago
^ Seriously, I figured this out- all by myself, even before I found tuscl - after about 3 or 4 lap dances.
avatar for MadMaXXXNYC
5 years ago
I also use that rather, or where I learned of them, Boy Scout uniform belts, web belts, etc. I usually just unclip the buckle and leave it in the car, tuck the ends in, shirt untucked, good to go. ProTip. This style also works at most airports, ditch the buckle and then it's an easy snap-it-back-on once you're thru the scanner, rather than having to fish a belt back through all the loops while looking for your shoes, putting your laptop back in the briefcase and trying not to look like Don Knotts doing it.
avatar for san_jose_guy
5 years ago
Buying dances is a chump's game, and it doesn't matter what kind of a belt you are wearing.

Front Room Makeout Session, back room Full Service, then take her home with you to continue.

avatar for Estafador
5 years ago
If you happen to be en rout near valley stream, Walmart actually sells pretty durable belts. Had the same one for 6 months now exclusively. Still as good as the day I got them. And inexpensive too. Yes its "100%" leather, but the construction seems to be damn good and they have nice buckles to boot.

There's this other belt you can buy online exclusively for $70 and that one is far superior and it has MULTIPLE links to keep it nice and snug. Also comes with 3 interchangeable buckles to boot. I can give you more info on the name when it comes back to me.
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