Poppin my TJ cherry

So I’m headed down to pop my TJ cherry in a few months. I’m doing my dd and planning now. Fly into San Diego. Uber to border and walk over PedWest. I’m going to get a room at Cascadas for a night. Maybe 2. Depends on if I really want to be a degenerate and have a day to try out a couple clubs in the COI. Probably will save money just fucking a few more latinas at HK instead of feeding a few strippers, but wanted to peep out a club or 2.
Anyway, my question is, if there’s one(or a few) thing you wish you knew for your first solo trip to TJ, what would it be? I plan to use 5-6 pussies if I go for one day. Shooting for 10’loads if i go 2. Thanks for any insight in advance guys. Cheers 🍻
last commentSex tourism has its limitations.
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Satellite Image Reveals Ancient Lake in the Sahara
If only it could stay down:
Daylight Saving Time 2020: When To Spring Forward
Daylight saving time, often incorrectly called daylight savings time, is about to begin in U.S. states, except for Arizona and Hawaii.
Daylight saving time begins Sunday, March 8, when most Americans will set their clocks ahead one hour.
End of daylight saving time is Nov. 1 this year
The trolley will drop you off right at the border. Do not walk alone to Zona Norte or the tourist strip (Revolution Ave???) from the border crossing, there is an inexpensive bus to use instead of walking or put yourself in a group of other tourists. Street girls can be very economical if you don't mind wham bam thank you maam.
Recent TJ thread w/ some info:
An article for newbies w/ some good info:
Ya I wasn’t going to walk after I got over the border. I was going to take the Zona shuttle right to hk
Just have reasonable expectations, nothing is going to be exactly as you imagine, your experience is going to be unique.
Prepare for the worst and hope for the best.
Just relax and enjoy the experience, behave like a gentleman visiting a new neighbor and you will be treated as a gentleman.
If you don’t speak Spanish fluently, just ask for someone to help you and you will be fine.
You can have full service inside some of the COI Strip Clubs according to google. but it is going to cost you.
Remember you get what you pay for.
Anyhow enjoy your adventure and take good notes to let us know about what you learned so we can benefit from your experience.
Mis dos centavos:
After so many TJ tríps and great experiences the four things I wish i knew before I started are:
Avoid the busiest times (Thursday, Friday, and Saturday night) because though I do not mind the crowd and the craziness, the BGs are in ultra hustle mode, and it may take time (and a few drinks) to see if the BG would be fun arriba, I should have visited weekend afternoons instead of evenings.
Chemistry is much more important than hotness, picking someone who will give me a good to great experience is more important than picking the hottest BG, invest in a few fichas (rather than one and arriba).
Avoid the BGs who hang out in the middle of the bar (between the two main stage), they are usually the A team, they hustle the most, drink the least, and push for arriba the soonest.
When someone catches your eye approach her because you may not see her again and then you are left regretting and wondering what could have been, even if it is within the first few minutes after arriving, avoid the "I have to settle in for an hour or two" mentality.
An Uber is about $30+ from the airport to the border. The bus from the airport to the trolley to the border is $5. Round trip that's a savings of $50. Just saying......
I guess what I wish I knew on my first trip was that variety is great, but you open yourself up to more disappointments. I saw that once I stuck to some of the girls that I had a better time with, the experience got better each time afterwards since they know what you like and what to expect. And if you do make a connection like that, get her number so you can connect via WhatsApp.
There WILL be some duds. Meaning, you might pick a great looking woman but upstairs the time flat out sucks. It's ok, it happens. Don't let that dampen your hopes for the future.
Cristobal, what you have learned in TJ is good, and it is not just TJ, it is always like that when dealing with women, even in San Jose California. P4P is largely a ruse. Need to treat women in a civilian way.
Don't go. You will get addicted like the rest of us. You will want to go back again and again.
What my organization will be offering will be better, 365 day per year pussy saturation! Sex will never cost money. And with temples all across the US.
COI is fun too.
Synn probably has the most and varied talent and prices are about average.
Spearmint Rhino has a good collection of talent but might be the overall priciest of the COI clubs.
Paradise might have the best prices but the talent is a nitch below Synn and SRCOI.
Bliss is open later than the other clubs but is truly for the adventetous Monger.
Satin is a topless club which is a good place to warm up.
I would avoid Deja Vu COI, a bikini club with so many lame rules, a true disgrace to the COI.
Are the street girls good ? In appearance and in bed ?
i like a couple. there are many choices. and YMMV.
I wouldn't be surprised if the Racists Trumpy shuts down all boarders because of the Coronavirus .
I have not taken any SGs upstairs. But some are very tempting. Go out the back of Cascadas or Hong Kong, into the alley. They will be in that little street and on the two side streets on each end. There must be some heirarchy in where certain girls stand. Because the closer you get to the entrance to Hong Kong, the more attractive the street girl is. You get away from that entrance toward the side streets, they get kinda scary.
A few suggestions. The arriba hotels typically offer condoms and lube to the girl. If you have condom preferences (personally, I like Skyn condoms), then you might bring your own supply.
The area around Hong Kong is quite safe but I still recommend that you drink in moderation and treat people respectfully. I also tend to order bottle beer rather than draft beer or mixed drinks. in an effort to reduce any opportunities for someone to spike my beverage. I've adopted this strategy for all clubs, not just those in Tijuana.
Finally, verify that your cell service is operational in TJ. Unless your Spanish is good, you may need to rely on Google translate for your negotiations with the ladies. I suspect that someone has provided some Spanish-English translations of key phrases for mongers, but I'm not sure where to find that resource. I recently heard of a web site devoted to TJ and Mexico; it is called chicabow.com. Might be worth checking it out.
Have fun and write a review of your adventures.
"There must be some heirarchy in where certain girls stand. Because the closer you get to the entrance to Hong Kong, the more attractive the street girl is."
^^^^ I had hypothesized this, just from watching the videos, quite a while back.
Daniel Castro - I'll Play The Blues For You
To answer are the SGs good in appeatance?
From my many visits to TJ, I would rate about 20% of the SGs are HK quality (B team).
@countryman5434 knew a SG who I thought would be on the HK A team, very, very attractive.
Whether anyone is good in bed depends on the person, the mood, the chemistry, etc.
Plenty of TUSCL PLs have written about good and bad experiences with DS, BGs, SGs, etc.
Unlike other clubs, you really have to chase after the girls you want. The pretty ones get taken quickly.
Buy her a drink and feel her up. If she's not having it, upstairs isn't going to be that great of an experience with her. It's only $10 too.
Buy the VIP card if you value the benefits it gives you. Be sure to buy it first before going to hotel desk and getting your room.
Print out your reservation email or have it saved on your phone. I got screwed on my last visit to Hong Kong because of this.
I probably wouldn't stay in any room above the fifth floor due to water pressure/temperature issues.
Don't drink the water, stick to bottled and sealed drinks only.
Set the mode and the vibes, then DFKing begins. And it can be like that in US clubs too. Sometimes it is now.
Everything for Everyone: The Radical Tradition That Is Shaping the Next Economy
by Nathan Schneider, a leader in the Occupy Movement
Green New Deal full text, 14 pages
Daniel Castro - I'll Play The Blues For You
Slow Blues/ Blues Ballads 1 - A two hour long compilation
TJ Street
Old thread, valuable info, closed:
OT: Programmable Logic Devices
Thank you everyone for you’re comments. I can’t fucking wait to try a few of these girls out for a ride
Google earth shows me that hk is super close to Adelitas and Chicago club. Thinking of saying fuck COI and making sure I try these 2 instead. And just staying extra day at Cascadas. They seem walking distance close to hk. Am I wrong?
Yes, I use google earth all the time, and those and others are very close together, like also the Hotel Rizo and Bar Tropical, and also the infamous Playboy Bar, and most of the Street Girl, and more.
Not only within walking distance, within stripper shoe distance.
Yes, they are all within a half block walk of each other.
You should have no problem visiting all three.
The only reason to go to COI would be if you want some variety, there are no Asians, AA, or White girls (or very, very few) in TJ.
If you only have two days probably better to just partying in TJ.
And remember to skip that motel in San Ysidro.
They are absolutely walking distance. Adelitas and Hong Kong is only separated by a church (lol). And for Chicago club you just half to walk a block and cross through an intersection but also very close.
I did the TJ/COI combo back in 2018. It's not necessary. I assume you like Latina women, otherwise TJ is pretty much useless for you. I mean it's nice to be able to communicate with the girls in COI who will mostly speak English. But other than that, the better value is TJ by far. Wouldn't you rather be in a bedroom than some club VIP space? And you have a ton of women to choose from.
My advice is just stay in TJ.
Yes. I’m going to just do TJ. I want my money to stretch as far and get in as much pussy as possible. And yes I like latinas. But more so just love women and pussy in general. My one true crutch in life. Ahhh, but is it ? ...
I’ll just do my best to try out as much as TJ has to offer this time around. Cover as many faces as possible...
I agree with you 100% TJ is the better value and if you are already there, why leave especially if you only have 2 days?
Two not so great reasons.
The variety at COi, you can enjoy all types of SoCal honeys not just Latinas.
The challenge of finding a stripper willing to do what you want at the price you want can be exciting and sometimes the chase is more fun than catching the prize, in TJ you never really experience the chase because 99. 9% of the BGs go arriba (I think @tahoecruz or @countryman5434 reported about CC BGs who only dance).
monday i will personally research this topic to gain info and experience.
^^^^ What shall we assume if you never return?
that I’ve died and gone to heaven.
All the others are dead on with their advice. 10 is a lot to run through in 2 days and it really depends on your goals. You could certainly blow through 10 different girls but I find half of the fun is walking around the club and grabbing a couple for $1, taking time picking one out, buying a Ficha to test the waters and see if she’s gonna be good or a cold fish as you can quickly tell if there’s some connection or just hustle.
Really depends on your goals and be open to change. A couple trips ago hanging out with a buddy I spotted a gorgeous girl dancing on the bar. Went and tipped her and got a half smile but nothing exceptional. Went back to hanging out and then had a mesero grab her for me as I hadn’t seen anyone nearly as hot. Turns out she speaks perfect English and we hung out the entire night and ended up going up 3 times during her shift. I wouldn’t have traded that for cycling through other girls and now we text regularly and have been going OTC after her shifts when we hang out. It’s still business for her but the connection makes the sex way better for me.
Some would prefer bang as many 9s as possible as I would argue there are few 10s. It is what you make of it but be ready for change and don’t lock yourself into a number. Cristobal is also right. Most of the time the B team which isn’t bad, think 7s and low 8s, are friendlier and less hustle. CFBG is the first 9 I’ve found who can hold a conversation, is good in bed, and treats me well.
Both. The bar girls think in dollars. The street girls think in pesos. In HK I ran out of dollars and asked the mesero how much in pesos. He had to use a calculator to figure it out.
I always bring USD as well as $200 in pesos. I use the pesos when dealing with street girls as well as with most purchases outside of the clubs (e.g. OXXO & Restaurant Azul). The rule of thumb for me is if the initial bill is calculated in pesos, I use pesos and if the initial bill is quoted in dollars, use USD. You will always come out on the short end when a bill is converted either direction.
While I do agree with @mf92802 regarding bring pesos; however, for a 1st time visit for only two days I do not think it is worth the effort, all the places in Zona Norte accept dollars and you can use you phone and Google to convert.
In two days you will probably lose $4 or $5 in conversion if you stay in the Zona Norte, if you decide to eat or shop outside the Zona you will lose a little bit more in conversion.
Think of it this way, most PLs understand the value of a dollar but will have a more difficult time understanding 18.15 pesos.
Finally, if you forget to convert your left over pesos to dollars then you are left with a bunch of valueless coins, probably negating the same savings of converting the money on the first place.
Ya. I’ll just work with dollars
This question may be for the more seasoned monger...
I’ve been doing research for std prevention and what not. Obviously condoms are a given. But I was reading this mongers blog that will occasionally bareback hookers if they allow it. And he says to prevent any hiv he takes truvada for PrEP for his monger trips. What day you about this as an extra line of prevention? Tia
From the little I've read about it Truvada seems very effective against HIV but of course doesn't protect against other STDs - it's also pretty-expensive and can have some potential side-effects such as liver-damage - seems effective but a bit impractical - plus IDK how many chicas one would find willing to go bareback especially if they don't know you.
Honestly, not going to bareback anyway. Just looking at things trying to plan as safely as possible. Just curious if anyone here uses it as well as condoms.
I don’t plan to create an addiction out of fucking hookers. As it is now, I only let these strippers suck on my cock. I don’t do fs. Tijuana once or twice. Hope to hit up a fkk club if the opportunity presents itself. So it would be more of a spot treatment prevention thing only when I plan to go hard in the mongering scene for a minute. Haha thanks chulo
My policy:
Wear over today to Monger another say.
Always cover up.
If she offers bareback, pass and move on.
IDK how Truvada works - IDK if one just has to take it a day or 2 b/f planned-barebacking or if one has to take it for a certain amount of time b/f and after hardbacking - I would assume there are some message boards out there where this is discussed.
A curious realm.
County Site being advertised:
One other first timer thing is don’t dress to ritzy or wear jewelry, expensive watches etc. I have never had any issue and I walk everywhere even some at night. Just stay away from dark alleys and deserted areas and use the common sense God gave you. Last weekend, I stayed at a Hyatt near the airport as my sleeping hotel. Forty five min walk to clear the head or a 3.00 Uber ride, I traveled both ways a couple times each.
my sleeping Hotel is conveniently located one minute away.
Oh so the trick is to get 2 separate hotels? Cascadas and another? Was going to just ride it out in Cascadas the few days I was there. Shouldnt do that?
Depends on how well you sleep amid the noise. Usually I am either worn out or with a girl TLN, so I just have a room at Cascadas. It also depends on how much you want to sleep (;-). If I am alone and wake up at 3:00 am, I wander down to one of the clubs and find some company. Can't do that in a hotel outside the zone...well at MOST hotels outside the zone.
Ok ok. Cool. Ya the noise won’t be a problem. Especially with the amount I’m going to nut. I’ll sleep like a baby. I’m thinking I’m going to just take naps here and there to have plenty of time to cram my cock in as much pussy as possible
^^^^^ Heavenly Paradise Here on Earth!
But I believe that there are ways we could make it that way here in the US too!
clarification... my sleeping hotel is cascada or rizo. one minute away from paradise.
^^^^^ Must be lots better than the motel in San Ysidro!
My sleeping hotel is also usually Cascadas though have used Ticaun when only hanging with an ABG. That said looks like I have a new crash pad after last nights shenanigans. Hung out with a few buddies, was supposed to meet now exCF for an OTC date but the girl I met during the day changed my mind. I’m fickle and the exCF was despised by my buddies so was time to change anyhow.
Needless to say, 2 arribas later, we left the club together and went out for a couple glasses of wine at Caesar’s. She told me to go check out of my room and come stay at her place....a brand new construction house with memory foam mattress and beautiful BG trumped Cascadas for sure.
Sounds exciting. But I’m not trying to have my toothbrush on some hookers bathroom vanity 😉
You have a gift for ending up at a BGs appartment.
You have my nomination for the TUSCL Mount Rushmore (TJ Branch).
Thanks @cristobal. Have gotten a hang for what makes the girls feel comfortable. Don’t get me wrong, still have a lot of fun but also enjoy some of the game of it all. To me, making some level of connection whether short or a bit longer makes it that much better. It can cause challenges when you want something new but getting a hang of that part as well.
It takes much more than "a hang of what makes girls confortable" for a BG to invite you to her home, much more.
For them to allow them into their lives out of the bar requires them to be free and ppen with you a connection usually beyond the arribas and money.
Trust me, you are a HOF TJ TUSCLer.
I am not saying it does not happen, it does, I had an invitation once, it just it is very rare.
Keep up the great Mongering.