
Myrtle Beach club raided for prostitution.

Atlanta suburb
A Myrtle Beach strip club served as a “brothel” and facilitated prostitution, police say.

Myrtle Beach police descended on Derriere’s Gentlemen’s Club, 804 Seaboard St., around noon Friday with a search warrant as part of the investigation.

Initially, Cpl. Thomas Vest said he couldn’t release many details, but within minutes the department sent a news release. As police investigated a New Year’s Day shooting, they learned of additional criminal activity at the strip club, according to the release.

Officials said there have been more than 200 acts of apparent prostitution at the club. The acts involved employees who participated in, or facilitated, the activity, police said.

Police say they have arrest warrants for several people involved in the business, though their names have not been released. Additional charges are possible.

There are also arrest warrants related to the New Year’s Day shooting, where staff did not call the police and started to clean up the crime scene.


  • Longball300
    5 years ago
    The only BYOB, nude club in Myrtle. Used to be a fun place BITD as was Myrtle in general; not any more.
  • prevert
    5 years ago
    It’s a good thing there aren’t any murderers, rapists, thieves, and other violent types in Myrtle Beach.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    BYOB means a membership club. Those are good!

    Unlikely that it was a legit bust, meaning actual evidence and no entrapment.

  • Longball300
    5 years ago
    You did not have to buy a "membership" but cover was $20.... you made up for that within a few beers. It was a unique place. If you scroll back thru my reviews it used to be a blast...... and then it went to hell as did the club scene in MB in general.... Bible Thumpers.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Sometimes a place may consider itself to be a Membership Club, but without telling you so.

    Many understandably object to being added to a list, or of records showing that they were there. But this is what is done.

    If the place is a membership club, then it cannot sell alcohol, as it cannot have a license for that. So then it can be BYOB or No Alcohol.

    If retail, it is subject to public sex and lewdness laws.

    But if a membership club, then those to not apply. So you could be fucking a girl on the main stage. Or she could handcuff you to the pole and fuck you.

    But prostitution is prohibited in the penal code. So it still applies. But in practice, very hard to get the political mandate to enforce.

    BYOB would be illegal in a retail business or any other public place, in most all states. So if challenged by LE, they must be planning to claim it as a membership club.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Discussion with friend who says membership clubs are illegal in most states, about this issue:

    Well they seem to exist!

    BYOB would be illegal in any of:

    1. Retail place with no alcohol license.
    2. Retail place with alcohol license.
    3. Public place.

    So the only exception is if the people are your guests, private party.

    Membership club could go BYOB or No Alcohol. That famous place Sights in Newark NJ said it went No Alcohol, cause it meant less problems, and more "appreciation of nude dancing."

    The Membership Model is the one pioneered by Swinger's Clubs. And they use this cause it is the only way to get out from under the Public Sex and Lewdness prohibitions.

    That there might be women there who are taking in tips money is not unlawful until LE can gather evidence to say that it is. Merely taking tips, contributions, should not be illegal.

    If LE wants to say that it is prostitution, then they have to prove that it is so. Prostitution laws are notoriously hard to enforce. There is not likely to be any public mandate to expend the man hours to crack down on prostitution in a private place.

    You would not need to call it a "Strip Club". Being a private party, it should be exempt from zoning and local ordinances, and also it should be exempt from the new CA labor laws.

    Some of these places are after hours clubs, and I suspect that in those most girls would be perfectly happy to walk out the front door with a friendly guy.

    I have seen evidence to suggest that some local swingers clubs and adult resort places, using this membership model to cross over the line to become very much like strip clubs, women making money.

    Can you show me anything to support your view?

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Further reply to my friend:

    The hard core swinger's would be totally opposed to prostitution, they say it would destroy the "lifestyle". And I agree.

    But some swing clubs allow, "swing club escorts". These are paid by the guy who brings them, they get the guy in at the couples price, not the single male price. Or sometimes they are the only way he can get in.

    I suspect that such women do OTC P4P sessions too. That is what would make them interesting.

    Republican Wives I do not find interesting.

    I have read accounts of Swinger's Clubs having women who straight up want money for sex on site.

    Now yes, that would seem to be illegal, but LE would have to prove it. And what mandate would they have, and how would their own complicity look in court and in the newspapers?

    I have known of swinger's clubs which have had a pole and what have dancers who are getting paid at least to dance.

    Edgewater West, Oakland, "Adult Resort", had strippers and "lapdancing". To me it sounded like it was probably straight up P4P sex.

    At least one woman on TUSCL wrote of going to swinger's clubs. Looking at her pictures and reading between the lines of her text it sounded like she was going to a swinger's club where it is the norm for women to be dressed and painted up like strippers, and to be taking in money.

    Sounds a lot more fun than Republican Wives.

    There is nothing illegal about it until LE can prove it.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    More discussion with my friend:

    Yes, Swinger's Clubs are often targets for LE, often being pressed by neighborhood groups, and this is without any evidence to suggest that prostitution is going on.

    But no, laws about public sex and lewdness do not apply and LE does not try to apply them.

    Swinger's clubs can collect membership dues and per party fees. Le does not do anything about this.

    I think the idea is a good one. These places do exist. Often they do end up getting closed. But they are good while they last, and they cost less money to set up.

    No way for such membership clubs to make money off of alcohol.

    If they do go for BYOB, then it is hard to control. People have posted about what to bring to get girls drunk and that seems to be their main interest.

    In a retail bar, still difficult to totally control, but usually it will stay within some bounds.

    So I think the best Membership Clubs will be the ones which say No Alcohol, as Sights in Newark had.

    I will though note that they did get busted, and then closed outright.

    So it is dicey.

    Fayetteville NC and Gary Indiana seem to have more stuff like this, hostess dancing behind a porno store and hostess porno movie watching. I think it is just hard for LE to get a public mandate to do anything. And also it is not easy. Cops don't like to do stuff where they will be made fun of in the newspapers. And many cops really will not care personally.

    In such a venue, no laws against sex on stage, or against double ended dildo shows like:

    Not everyone looks at strip clubs from the perspective of return for investors.

    Some of us look at it as sexual liberation.

    As John Hubner writes, "People see MBOT as the Gettysburg of the Sexual Revolution."


  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    More discussion of this with a friend:

    You are correct, except that Jim and Artie did take those risks with their money and their business. Hubner writes about a Man on Woman Sex Show they put on for a private audience. That was 100% unlawful in a licensed retail business place. No allegation of prostitution would have to have been made. The brothers did it just because they like thumbing their nose at LE. This is also why when Dianne Feinstein was after them, they posted her home telephone number on their theater marquee. In her office she had a map on the wall of every place there had been a rape, and then of everywhere there was a "sex oriented business". Different color stick pins for each. She believed there was a causal relationship.

    She kept changing her phone number, and the new one would go up on the marquee within a couple of hours.

    Lots of swingers clubs are listed:


    Most of them will not have anything like P4P going on, but there are exceptions which I have read of on Swinger's Boards.

    And then while many prohibit "Swing Club Escorts", about the same number do not prohibit them. I feel that once they allow that, then onsite P4P will be likely, as will OTC P4P.

    The most conservative of Swinger's Clubs use private homes. And then the club operator can get really tough with LE.

    But others do use commercial buildings, more and more now. But they are not licensed as retail, "Membership Social Club".

    Some have talked about such places that do have a "paid woman", who makes sure that every guy goes home with a smile.

    Hard for LE to enforce in such a venue, hard to claim a public mandate, don't want to do anything which is going to make them look foolish in the news papers.

    As Hubner writes, mocking the cops in the newspapers was a factor in every case Jim and Artie had. And from other sources, mocking cops was a factor in all the key legal challenges about gay liberation. That also has made it hard for LE to enforce on Massage Parlors in San Francisco. South Bay remains more conservative and more pro LE.

    Swingers get into trouble at their big events in resort hotels. Anything where anyone could see it is Lewd Conduct. So they have to be careful. But not at a private home event or at a members event in a private commercial building.


    The people who set this stuff up are not primarily motivated by money and I am sure there are not investors or incorporation.

  • wiffle shwaffle
    5 years ago
    "Officials said there have been more than 200 acts of apparent prostitution at the club."

    Over 200? That's all? *Thinks of the Detroit suburbs and Miami* 😂
  • Nidan111
    5 years ago
    And just how the fuck would the costumed crusaders know how many acts of prostitution there were? Perhaps They installed illegal spy cameras in the LD area so that they could watch the show at the precinct while flonging their dongs due to the fact that they are to fucking lazy or to fucking chicken shit to go after real crime?!
  • Jascoi
    5 years ago
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    Prostitution seems like it should be legal when it takes place in Horry County.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    You don't see "acts of prostitution". Sex is not an act of prostitution. As they law defines the crime it is in the making of the deal. And that is a conversation which occurs between two people.

    Now if one of those two is a cop, then you most always will have a case of entrapment.

  • goldmongerATL
    5 years ago
    "And just how the fuck would the costumed crusaders know how many acts of prostitution there were?"

    They counted the condoms in the trash.
  • whodey
    5 years ago
    200 acts of prostitution over what time period? A day? A week? A year? Since the club opened years ago?

    What I really want to know is how stupid you have to be to not only not call the cops when someone is murder at your business but to try to clean it up. Haven't they ever watched any of those CSI shows to know you can't clean that stuff up.

    It is their own fault that the police are taking a hard look for ways to shut them down. I can't blame the cops this time. They were willing to look the other way when it was just prostitution in the past but the fact that the club started trying to hide more serious crimes including murder took it too far.

    Shut down the current ownership by arresting the owners and let some new owners buy the place and run a respectable strip club/brothel in peace
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Evidence? Seeing sex does not mean seeing "acts of prostitution".

  • blahblahblah23
    5 years ago
    I am having a hard time believing there is zero prostitution anywhere else in myrtle- granted I've never gone cuz it seems overhyped to me.
  • blahblahblah23
    5 years ago
    It seems like some of these clubs have the lawmakers/enforcers on their side and some don't. just my dumbass assumption :)
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^^ that makes sense!

  • Longball300
    5 years ago
    Understand there has been a massive crackdown in MB in general over the past 6-8 years. Used to be 10-15 clubs where all kinds of fun could be had. They hired some lawyer who specialty is shutting down clubs, wrote an restrictive ordinance and now there are only 4-5 clubs surviving. An area that was once in my top five for clubbing is no longer.
  • gobstopper007
    5 years ago
    I used to love Crazy Horse back in the day
  • Longball300
    5 years ago
    @gob - The old Crazy Horse club on 17 in North Myrtle is now Thee Dollhouse which is pretty fun and about the best club left. Not cheap but......

  • gobstopper007
    5 years ago
    @long - in my younger days (late 80’s/early 90’s) there were 2 main clubs we visited. Crazy Horse was on 17 and Thee Dollhouse in North Myrtle. Dollhouse had better looking dancers but Crazy Horse let you get away with a lot more ITC
  • Longball300
    5 years ago
    Yep, the old Dollhouse building is now abandoned I think, or torn down and they moved into the Crazy Horse location. More fun was to be had in all the clubs back then... oh well.
  • Longball300
    5 years ago
  • gobstopper007
    5 years ago
    ^^That is depressing longball. I’ll never forget a trip to Myrtle after law school graduation. A classmates mom was dating guy who was owner of one the big golf shops and he let us use his condo. There was a note that he had a surprise for us. A limo picked us up and took us to dollhouse. He had arranged full VIP for us including dances and tips. We closed the place down and when we got back to condo discovered that the condo beside us was owned by dollhouse for their visiting dancers. We continued the party until the sun came up
  • ATACdawg
    5 years ago
    It's been my impression that Derrieres is owned and operated by a biker gang. If that is the case, it's no wonder they have run afoul of the law.
  • Longball300
    5 years ago
    ATAC: You are correct about the bikers. I always felt even back in the day the cops would target that place and did not like the whole idea of a BYOB in the city limits. Did have some fun nights back then tho.....
  • georgmicrodong
    5 years ago
    Obviously, they didn't keep up their "donations" to the police benevolent fund...
  • Longball300
    5 years ago
    gob: I hear you man, so many fun memories of the old MB; vacation when I was a younger dude hunting ladies in the bars and buddy golf trips later on staying out til the wee hours at the strip clubs.
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