If Buttigieg were to win the presidency...

avatar for shadowcat
What would be the title of his husband? First Husband?


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First Lady still works for me. Lol
It would be first Husband.
I wouldn’t worry about it he’s not going to win the presidency so this is an empty exercise
^ RickiBoi is not a straight man neither is icee
^Lmao - we can laugh about this april 27 or 28.
^ Yes we can that is hilarious I’ve come to the conclusion that dick Dugan and icee peepee are the same person two fucking losers neither one would show up for a meet
I show lol.
Buttigieg is fading to flash-in-the-pan obscurity.
avatar for bdirect
5 years ago
the white house will be the bath house
^^^ It's impressive how you maintain a 4th-grade sense of humor across multiple threads.
avatar for bdirect
5 years ago
chap stick in the oval office
Using reactionary cultural themes to support an oppressive and destructive economic system is as old as Hegel, the Prussian Monarchy, and the 1815 Vienna Conference.

But guess what, people are staring to wise up. It isn't going to work like it did before.

First Gentleman would be the most likely title since that is what the media was saying Bill Clinton would be when they were so sure Hillary was going to be in office right now.
Not sure what they would call his husband, but we'd all be calling Trump his bitch.
I'm actually kind of glad to see him out. I think it better if we have people who have been a state Governor or U.S. Senator. And then Sanders was also Mayor of Burlington.

Buttigeig and Julian Castro can run for other things and then for POTUS again later.

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crosby stills nash young almost cut my hair CSNY 1974
I would opt for First Spouse.

Though I guess for Trump it would be Third Spouse........
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