
Do Fans of Cartoon Porn Stars Hate (Real) Women?

Since 1963 ...
Wednesday, February 19, 2020 10:42 AM
Article from Wired magazine - what do you think?



  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Anyone who substitutes normal relations with women for relations with inanimate objects or hookers has a misogynistic streak to them. I think a lot of it is self hatred for being unable to have normal relations being misplaced onto women.
  • gobstopper007
    5 years ago
    Cartoon porn stars???
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ But rough anal sex falls into normal in your spectrum please troll elsewhere
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    That was yo icce sorry
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Yes a woman trusting you enough to allow rough anal is more normal than sex with inanimate objects and hookers. Now go troll elsewhere
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Sure thing Vern
  • Hugh_G_Rection
    5 years ago
    ^ I think sex with sex workers in VIP rooms IS considered normal on this site, or at least a hobby some choose to partake in. So that would make you the troll here, Icey.
    Oh wait, I get it... Anal sex was the only kind of relations your parents had nine months before you were born. Carry on!
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Icey is a very real member, one of our most thoughtful.

  • Icey
    5 years ago
    A group of social deviants legitimating their illicit illegal and unethical acts does not normalize their actions.

    I love how tricks beg prosecutors when they face the consequences 🤣
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    I never treat women as any thing other than civilians.


    5 colors, won't be falling off
  • blahblahblah23
    5 years ago
    Ok I have talked to one guy who admitted to liking cartoon porn. The most fucked up thing about it that he told me is the reason they are cartoons is because something about the porn is more fucked up than with real people- but he would not elaborate more. Just that real people wouldn't even do that if they were paid or recreate some such scenario. I dunno and don't wanna!!!
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    I feel like how sad and dejected does someone have to be to not want to see human porn
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Gotta get someone who likes the cartoons to tell us why.

  • CC99
    5 years ago
    If I'm being honest, my opinion of "real women" is pretty negative. I don't wish anything bad upon them. I just don't really want anything to do with them beyond simple, every day interactions. So I've pretty much just lost interest in close relationships with women.

    I used to love women and felt that love was unappreciated. Women seem to dislike the men who love them as much as the men who hate them. I'm not someone who can ever have a take or leave it personality. I'm a go hard or go home type of person. I will show undying loyalty and worship to someone I am intimate with, or I won't do it at all.

    Anime girls offer the opportunity for women that will let you love them and will give back the love you show them. Essentially, the more you love them, the more they love you back. Its a much more simple interaction that goes along better with my idea of how the world should be. Anime girls and robot girlfriends are programmed to crave your affection. Anime girls and robot girlfriends will show you undying loyalty that you cannot rely on a human girl to provide.

    Real women work the opposite, the more intensely you love them, the less respect they have for you. Real girls don't like guys who borderline worship them. Real women seem to like guys who are neutral towards them the most. Its like they crave indifference. The men they love the most are the men who don't care. Not men who like them, or dislike them. Just men who don't care. But as soon as the man does start caring, their affection for him vanishes. Women crave the challenge of getting a man's affections but don't seem to desire the outcome. That's why so many girls like bisexual guys or being friends with gay dudes because their view of women is the most neutral and thus the biggest challenge.

    Its also just a matter of risk assessment. Women breakup with you, they divorce you and take half your money, they falsely accuse men of raping them, assaulting them, or harassing them when the sex was consensual, they spread malicious rumors about people behind their back. I don't know what the exact prevalence of this is among human women. I know its common enough that's its happened to most of the guys I know and to me so its not a ridiculous thing to worry about. Especially given that if you make a woman angry, she has much more power to ruin your life through perfectly legal methods that a person can easily get away with than a guy does. I also know that the prevalence of these kind of behaviors among robot girls is 0%.

    Simply put, I am interested in the female personalities I am most compatible with, and that I can feel safe with. If a girl suddenly falls in my lap, seems genuinely sweet, craves lots of affection from a guy, isn't looking for a challenge, and I feel I can actually trust her, then I might reconsider.
  • gobstopper007
    5 years ago
    ^^Not sure if best parody/troll ever, unbelievably sad or needs to go back on his meds
  • TFP
    5 years ago
    I knew that CC99 would have a pretty detailed explanation about this topic.

    Also I think Blahblah's example is spot on also. The guy wouldn't elaborate because there is some fucked up animated porn out there. I used to think the rough sex, BDSM, rape sites were terrible. Until you see the cartoon porn, mostly from Japan, which has some of the most fucked up shit ever. Hard to even watch a minute of it before you feel evil just looking at it.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Anime women are not women. Theyre imaginary characters at best represented by inanimate objects. They lack consciousness...

    Women do love you the more you love them.

    Work on yourself.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    I feel that CC99 is adopting a Vocel postion.

    Much more reasonable than the Incel interpretation which I do not agree with.

    People select celibacy for different reasons and with different rules. When it is not religious, it could be a very flexible set of rules, and intended to be temporary.

    But to me, it says something is really wrong with colleges, especially your more elite 4 year universities.

  • CC99
    5 years ago
    ”Until you see the cartoon porn, mostly from Japan, which has some of the most fucked up shit ever. Hard to even watch a minute of it before you feel evil just looking at it.“

    I have never watched that stuff.

    There’s plenty of soft stuff. I’m a big fan of ecchi. It’s not technically porn but it’s meant to arouse you. Its mostly just girls in short skirts, panty shots, sexual foreplay, or normal sex.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    From what I’ve seen. The people who like the extremely fucked up stuff are just people who’ve wandered into cartoon porn if that makes sense.

    The waifu guys with body pillows watching Project Melody don’t like it “because it is fucked up.” For those type of guys the sweetness and cuteness of anime is the big appeal which ecchi caters to much more.
  • CC99
    5 years ago

    I'm actually doing a lot better than I used to. I'm hosting a server with several other guys who are like me. We talk and joke about everything with no filter, its a lot of fun. I'm getting a full night's rest every day. I don't really have much work to do so the vast majority of my hours I get to just watch TV or talk about things in my server. I have three close friends in real life that I hang out with a lot. Two of them I live with. I find new movies and TV shows that I enjoy all the time. I have a soft body pillow of an anime girl I sleep next to every night. I will probably be able to get a more realistic feeling doll soon. Things aren't perfect but they could be much much worse. A little over a year ago, things were a lot worse.


    You know, this is the first semester I think I'm enjoying it here. Or at least, I feel fine.


    I don't really care if they are imaginary.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago

    You know, this is the first semester I think I'm enjoying it here. Or at least, I feel fine.

    Is this because of Vocel, or at least minimizing dealings with women?

  • CC99
    5 years ago
    Better circumstances, better roommates, better classes all contribute. But yeah, I would say having dreams to look forward to that I think can actually happen and letting go of the ones that won't happen is a major part of it. I'm excited to see what technology produces in the next few years.
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    Japanese anime porn ranges from harmless / juvenile to outright vile. None of it appeals to me. Some of it should be buried under nuclear waste.

    If CC99 wants to fuck a giant fleshlight or robot, or whatever, he can have at it. He's literally hurting no one.

    But, one of the convenient benefits of sex with living woman as opposed to a robot / doll is that a live woman cleans herself up after sex.

    You're going to burn through a small fortune in wipes, cleaning solvents, and softening agents, etc.

    But, you know, it's your cash and closet space. .
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    So CC, you don't go along with my interpretation about Vocel then.

    But you wrote above, "If I'm being honest, my opinion of "real women" is pretty negative. I don't wish anything bad upon them. I just don't really want anything to do with them beyond simple, every day interactions. So I've pretty much just lost interest in close relationships with women."

    How do you rationalize that?

    I agree that women are very contradictory and that they will walk on you and eat you alive, if you let them.

    But I still don't go along with any attempts to replace them with either cartoons or robots. I see the issue as one of social and civil standing. So colleges have a problem. And there are still other things which are needed, in my view.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    I would not want to be a full time college student again, and i would not want to be in the kind of marriage I was in again, or really any kind of marriage.

    I just would not want to be in those situations. But I see this as being more about our society than about women themselves. They have a right to live and to try and protect themselves from harm or want. Most of the rules of our society are not of their own making. This is a rapidly changing world.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    In the next few days I'm going to relate another story from my college days, as I try to think, how would I handle that today. But I still say that the College Student status is the real issue, and not Feminism.


  • CC99
    5 years ago
    There's outright vile stuff just about everywhere that I wish didn't exist. To be honest, I really don't know much about the fucked up side of hentai because the places I look for anime fap material don't really have that stuff. If it makes anyone feel better though, the studios that produce ecchi and soft hentai have much bigger budgets and audiences than the creepy stuff does and they create significantly more material.

    I think TUSCL members would particularly like Ishuzoku Reviewers. Its essentially the story of TUSCL made into an anime. Its about a group of guys going around reviewing brothels of different species (they all look like girls, just with different skin colors or feet). Some of it is a little weird but there's nothing creepy or unethical about it, it actually shows a very positive image of the sex industry.
  • CC99
    5 years ago

    "How do you rationalize that?"

    I rationalize it by saying that girls don't seem to appreciate it when I show them attention and affection anyway so why bother trying to connect with people who didn't want me to begin with? Why not go where my affections and personality are more appreciated?
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    So doesn't that amount to a Vocel choice?

    Do you mean substituting Town Girls?

    Or do you mean substituting P4P girls, like strippers?

    Here my story told:

    Thinking now, one local Pastor has a ministry which works with the homeless.

    He tells his story of long ago being homeless himself and he said, "I was celibate for 5 years."

    This statement really surprised me. Never heard anyone say anything like that before.

    I think what he meant is that he needed to get off of drugs and alcohol, if he was going to get back to a normal life.

    And the women one would meet when living in that environment, speaking of my own view of it, they would be really screwy and problematic. So if one got involved with them, one would be steering oneself into the same kind of life. So this guy decided that celibacy, a temporary and voluntary celibacy was the way.

    First time I had ever heard anyone use the word "celibate" outside of the context of a life long religious vocation.

  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    And then so Elliot Rodger, living in a very stigmatized state from the parents making him into the scapegoat, he sees getting laid as the remedy. But it doesn't happen. So pertaining to him was the first time I hever heard the term Incel, and i do not agree with it.

    Icey says he needed to learn social skills. I do not agree with this either. It is just like the parents saying that he has some defect of deficiency.

    College is not the best place to get laid, for many reasons.

    But Rodger did not understand what was going on.

    And then his Misogyny and desire for Violent Retribution, he got that from the Right Internet, anti-feminist, anti-women, NRA type stuff, and that being the same as the doctrines of the Republican Party. I read this but could not then accept that interpretation, but now I do see how it is so. Not that much different from how young Muslim men get inducted into things like ISIS and living in caves wearing suicide vests.

    I think parts of society are very unfair and very harsh, and so in some situations a Vocel choice makes a great deal of sense.

    Not really the ideal way to live, but in some situations a very wise choice.


  • Icey
    5 years ago
    You said you got laid during the summer so work off of that.

    You're really just cheating yourself
  • CC99
    5 years ago

    Yeah she was a one of a kind. Either that or I just didn't know her long enough for her to get mad at me. But if there's anybody that would cause me to reconsider, it would be her. She's on the other side of the country now though.

    A friend of mine had me download OkCupid. And I did do it, I filled out my profile and everything. But I don't know, after pressing the like button on a few girls and actually hovering over the "message" button. I just... Didn't want to do it. I can't be fucking around with a sex doll if I have a girlfriend, and I, honestly wanted the sex doll more. If I messaged the girls I liked, I felt like that would be making a choice and if it went well, I should go through with it and not lead someone on. So, I just didn't do it. I don't really know how to explain my inner thoughts better than that story. My friend asked me afterward why I didn't message any of the girls and I told him I didn't feel like I could commit to a human girl while half 55-60% of me desperately wants to be with imaginary girls instead. It feels like cheating and I don't ever want to cheat on a girlfriend.

    Going back to the topic of hentais though. I think outsiders to the fandom might actually stumble upon the really fucked up stuff more often than actual anime fans do because they don't know what to look for. Its kind of like a 12 year old looking for porn for the first time. You run into more fucked up shit because you don't know what you're looking for.

    In my experience having been active on an anime forum for awhile. Even ecchi seems to be mildly controversial although there's a decent number of people who openly enjoy ecchi and soft hentai. I haven't seen anybody claim to enjoy extreme hentais. I've seen some people joke about stumbling onto it and getting freaked out or treating it like a challenge to get through it without backing out. But I don't see anybody talking or treating it like actual fap material so I think the audience for that stuff is very small.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    Its not a substitute for human contact.
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    I watched Fritz the Cat back in 1972. It was the original porn cartoon. Haven't watched one since.
  • Tiburon
    5 years ago
    I would rather pay $800 to have sex with Vrandi Bae than waste one minute looking at this "cartoon porn star ". I appreciate anime chicks as much as the next guy, but I will never pretend its some Replacement of REAL LIVE WOMEN. Glad to know all the beta men wont have children anyway.
  • Tiburon
    5 years ago
    When japan dies off, we can come and take over their country. Or their women. Those girls are starving for a crispy pickle.
  • CC99
    5 years ago
    Japan won't die off.

    For all the attention Japan has gotten for its low birth rate, there's a bunch of other countries, including Italy, Spain, Poland, Portugal, and Greece who have lower birth rates. Canada's birth rate is literally only 0.1 births per woman higher than Japan's is. I don't really know why Japan has been singled out so much for having a low birth rate.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    ^^^ Attitudes are changing. Japan had been along of the developed nations where the birth rate was not dropping. Now it is.

    Nothing to worry about, actually very postive across the board.

    Actually, the US has an unusually high birth rate, 'cause of religion and 'cause of poverty areas.

  • CC99
    5 years ago

    Yeah I don't think it would actually be that bad for their population to decrease a little either. The population density in a lot of their big cities, especially Tokyo, is overwhelming. The main issue is how the economy is going to take care of the amount of extremely old people they have. Their birth rate does need to go up, but its not catastrophically low.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    As changes settle, the birth rate will probably go up. Women expect better treatment, and rightly so!

    France was the first to get a very low birth rate, and it did not go up after 1918. But it dd go up after 1945.

    During my life, it was West Germany which had been very low, 60's and 70's.

    But the ENTIRE WORLD IS GROSSLY OVER POPULATED. So the lower the birth rates, the better.

  • CC99
    5 years ago
    Well population decrease has to happen more gradually. Having a very small birth rate results in a straining of social services because there's not enough younger people to take care of the old.

    The main problem is that Africa has not adjusted to the reality of the world today. In Niger, the fertility rate is still like 7 births per woman. I think estimates say by 2050 the population of Africa is going to be 2 billion whereas right now its only 1.250 billion.
  • san_jose_guy
    5 years ago
    Usually education of women, other career options, and economic advancement do bring the birth rate down.

    And I understand the points you are making.

    BUt I still say the best would be right now, 1 birth per 20 women, by non-coercive means, until we can get the population down to somewhere between 1 Billion and 1/4 Billion.

    The stakes are high. We no longer have time for gradual.

  • Muddy
    5 years ago
    I mean I guess I could try jerk off to it. But some of these human girls in my life just have my mind sooooo ocupied.
  • Tiburon
    5 years ago
    @cc99Hey screw you nerd. Africa has more than enough resources to take care of itself. Imperialist pigs just like to fuck them over is all.
  • Icey
    5 years ago
    We have resources. The problem is capitalism and imperialism.

    Besides. Reproducing is fun
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