
A lawyer got disbarred for using clients' funds for strip club

avatar for jackslash
Detroit strip clubs

A crooked lawyer used clients' money to finance his strip club.



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avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody
5 yrs ago

Was that wrong? Is it frowned upon?

avatar for Uprightcitizen
5 yrs ago

Being a crooked lawyer and a club owner sounds like a

avatar for Uprightcitizen
5 yrs ago

....perfect combo

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

Had he not misrepreaented his clients he wouldn't have been disbarred.

avatar for warhawks
5 yrs ago

Saying “a crooked lawyer” is really just pointing out what we already know about lawyers, lol.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

He betrayed his clients some of you betray your wives and families

avatar for gammanu95
5 yrs ago

Crooked lawyer is an oxymoron

avatar for gammanu95
5 yrs ago

No ... wait...

avatar for skibum609
5 yrs ago

In 37+ years of practice I have noticed one correlation that proves true: The more a client says that they hate lawyers; the worse they are as a human being and by that I mean fucking awful people. Thanks for the admission guys.

avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
5 yrs ago


Pics or didn’t happen

avatar for skibum609
5 yrs ago

How about ignore CJ bitch.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

I actually I agree with Skibum on that. A lot of people hate lawyers for not doing shady shit for them.

avatar for RandomMember
5 yrs ago

There are some good lawyers. Honestly what I've observed over the years is that, outside of the top 20 or so law schools, just about anyone with a pulse can get in.

avatar for skibum609
5 yrs ago

Except for people like you random. Then again I hear your degree from fryolater U is worth a lot of pennies.

avatar for DeclineToState
5 yrs ago

-->@Random: "outside of the top 20 or so law schools, just about anyone with a pulse can get in."

I think it's more dependent on the difficulty of the particular state's bar exam than the law school's ranking. Some states it's easy to pass the bar exam, and even in states with more difficult bar exam there's a lot of incompetent lawyers. But there's higher per capita quantity of incompetent ones in the easy bar exam states. To your point on law school ranking, there is higher competency coming out of the top law schools. There's also top notch lawyers deriving from lower ranked schools, just fewer on average than the top schools.

avatar for Icey
5 yrs ago

Where you graduate from doesn't really matter as long as you pass the bar youre an attorney

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