College fund /Scholarship for strippers?

avatar for aleccorbett
Curious has anyone ever thought about doing this? It seems like many of them are trying to work their way through school anyway. Also its a way of giving money to strippers that has tax benefits!

I had the thought since I am saving up some money to give away and honestly I so would pay a strippers tuition if I could. as a charitable organization.


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To qualify for this program does she have to fuck you first ?
They’ll just spend it on weed and Botox
^ As long as she fucks you good do you really care 😁
We need that fund, cause lots of guys are going to strippers when what they really need is a Marriage Councilor or a Divorce Lawyer.

Omg no one needs to fuck anyone. ;_; I just want to support talented women in higher ed.

I think the requirements would be that they write an essay. Like about future desires to make the world a better place.

And if it is a scholarship money goes directly to the schools.
ALSO , hear me out, you could solicit donations from the clubs themselves. They could use them as tax writeoffs and provide further incentive for girls to work there. Like a benefits package.

This means more strippers want to work. Less stigma attached to the profession. Also think of how much better strippers would treat you if they knew you supported their profession!
Unless we can get them educated and licensed as either Marriage Councilors or Divorce Lawyers, they are unable to help the pathetic guys who come to them.

So I fully support your benefits package idea.

By fucking us they make the world a better place and make us all happy at the same time 😁😁
I like that idea soliciting donations from the clubs if you get any tell us about it 🤣🤣🤣🤣
But guys go to them when what they really need is a marriage councilor or a divorce lawyer. We should be making sure that these needs get met.

Not just for college but any sort of continuing education. And yeah I paid a strippers schooling before but her being a stripper had nothing to do with it
Welp the key is that it isn't for them being beautiful or anything. Just their profession. The purpose wouldn't be to get hot girls into college. It would be to support strippers by improving their livelihood. If you wanted to be serious, you could even give submissions reviewed and approved anonymously with confirmation by a third party. By helping them get education, we get more strippers that are well-versed, well spoken, and capable. Imagine if a congress woman was a former stripper, or a business owner, or a TV personality. I think by showing the profession in a positive light, it would really help everyone!.

On a side note. This wouldn't need to be eclusively female, as their are male strippers. So we can support them too!

I also think the purpose wouldn't be to get them out of the profession. I actually think it would be cool to have a bonus be for strippers that want to stay strippers for a time. Strippers that are educated and have degrees are awesome! They have interesting ideas to talk about when they engage with cusomters, are smarter at math (So they can help you calculate tips, and nightly budgets), and could mentor other strippers. Later on they could help train and advise newer strippers in things like business, branding, and personal finance!

I've been calling for this kind of a fund since I first joined this forum.

Otherwise they can't help the guys who come to them. All they can do is clip money off of them.

@aleccorbett Universities have independant boards that determine who receives a scholarship. The donor does not get to pick who specifically gets it. Yes you can establish the criterion for eligibility but I seriously doubt a university is going to accept "stripper student" as a requirement. The donor does not get to pick who gets receives it specifically. This is a tax write off contribution so there are rules in play. I have one set up at my alma mater and trust me I already ran that thought out. Basically they don't want donors to game the system by make tax deductible contributions to manipulate the tax code.

Now of course you can do this yourself with your girl. This is called being a "Sugar Daddy" and the IRS does not recognize this status so you are on your own.
We need to set up a fund, contributed to by PL's and by Club Owners, to graduate Marriage Councilors and Divorce Lawyers.

I knew one, at Sunnyvale Hip Hugger, tall bit tits big hair Latina Bombshell. Going to SJSU to become a Marriage Councilor.

Why pay a bitch to go to school for 8 yrs to become a nurse? Just get your freak on & enjoy. These girls usually don't figure out where this headed until pretty late. Just like us😎
In my organization our stripper grade sex pots will also have lots of brains, and we do want to educate them.

^^^ The Jurassic Period took less time than the creation your crazy-pants organization.
Lmfao!!! ^^^^

All the glacier ice will have melt by the time his organization doubles from its current status to 2. The organization hasn’t recovered from losing half its membership when he got divorced!
^^^ a small handful of people now. But my ex-wife would never have gone along with this. Today she would not be welcomed.

^^^She was tired of pegging your ass with a strap on!
Not enough into sex, too much into neuroticism and idolatry of money.

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