President orders Pakistani Invasion
slip a dollar in her g-string for me
The president of the United States sent a team of Navy Seals into Pakistan where they murdered a suspected terrorist. There was no trial. They just shot him dead in his own house. Also killed were 4 members of the suspected terrorist's family.
Ok--I see your point now, and I agree. But there is a significant difference. Soleimani was a member of the official government of Iraq. Killing him was the equivalent of Iran killing our SecDef. What would we do? I shed no tears for Soleimani, but have concerns about the consequences.
I'm taking our president on his word that this guy needed killing, even if he bloviates.
This is not meant as a a troll: why would you have any trust in someone who lies and bullshits constantly. Maybe 15,000 times according to Wash Post. And DrEvil made key argument that Soleimani was widely revered all over the gulf. Killing him does not make us safer.
Trump says all sorts of shit.
He also keeps his fucking word.
Don't fuck with the US.
Every fucking thing Trump does is WRONG!
Stop it. Just stop.
Organize. Get a candidate that can beat him, and vote him out of office.
Ok, motherfucker, where were you in 2008 when we had a half dozen or more troops a day dying in Iraq, most by Explosively Formed Penetrator EIDs supplied by the asshhole that Trump just killed. He got what he had coming to him. I just worry about what the future consequences may be.
I will not vote for him.
Not bothered at all about killing Soleimani.
And yes, I will mute comments that use MagaTard and commie Trump. You say these things as if the left were capitalists. News flash, Trump is fighting socialism and its not too distant cousin of communism because those idealogies have failed every single place they've been tried.
And dare I say, Biden knows what the Democrats used to be. This socialist bent that the party is on probably makes him sick to his stomach.
I see the left defending Iran.
Tell me one good thing about Iran and what they've done to help the plight of women and gays? Just one. Tell me you'd rather live there then the USA.
So my question was, where were you, mothefucker?
If you want me to stop muting you, speak civilly.
It should be. This guy needed to go. The simple fact is that if anyone other than Trump had ordered this guy killed most of the people bitching about it would be fine with it.
As much as I don't like Trump this strike needed to happen.
His strategy isn't typical of politicians. But we're fighting a lot less wars than our previous presidents led us into.
Well, two other presidents considered taking Soleimani out and decided it was too risky. I don't know how this will play ou and either do you.
I only read for my news. I don't watch or read fox news at all.
I read CNN because I like picking apart their blatent biases.
"After a meeting Sunday in Mar-a-Lago where President Trump was briefed by senior members of his national security team on options regarding Iran, some officials emerged surprised the President chose to target Soleimani, according to a source familiar with the briefing."
A source familiar with the briefing is all you get to know. What does that even mean?
Trump says he has information from his advisors, who we know, and CNN has a source familiar with the meeting. Was this source in the meeting? We don't know. Was this source maralago? We don't know.
I just read CNN.
I don't consider myself MAGA. I simply like having a president that recognizes how great a country we have.
He makes no apologies for being successful. No apologies for being a place where millions of LEGAL immigrants wanted to build a better life.
Remember, this is long before Trump.…
This video changed my whole way of watching the news.
And remember, this was 4 years BEFORE Trump ever uttered the term "fake news"
I told you this video has NOTHING to do with Trump
Stop posting here.
That's the only fact I need to know
I'm possibly more cynical than you. I'm not sure that the MSM's top priority is swaying votes so much as swaying viewers. There's a lot of advertising dollars to be made in fear mongering and partisan outrage. Personally, I think that there are swaths of staff at Fox News who would click their heels and pop champagne if Bernie Sanders won in 2020. It would mean 4 years of amazing ratings and ad sales.
Similarly, I've read interesting articles about how gun manufacturers benefited more from having Obama in office. Because, every time he made a noise about gun control, the gun manufacturers experienced a Black-Friday-style gun buying frenzy. Now, with Trump in office and no one afraid that their guns will be taken away, there's a "Trump Slump" in gun sales.…
That said, I agree that bias exists in the mainstream media in general and even more so with individual media personalities (I struggle to refer to either Andrea Mitchell or Sean Hannity as "journalists"...). Unfortunately, this major market media bias has created a market for hyper-biased "news" outlets that are essentially propaganda farms. Very profitable propaganda farms, but propaganda farms nonetheless.
The Media Resource Center, which created the video you posted, is a blatantly conservative think tank that only reports on bias from the left, but ignores the same behavior on the right. Fortunately, there's LiberalViewer on YouTube, who provides the same service for the left:
Turns out that there's also good money to be made in confirmation bias.…
“The nature of American created wars is that huge corporations and the 1% of the world benefit and the people suffer in America and the world...”
Ps these democratic shitwipes with their impeachment bullshit not sending the articles over can suck all us independent dicks. We know what you’re doing, ain’t gonna work. Get your paid by the taxpayer asses back to fucking work and do the job to which you were assigned which is running this country.
And comments are like radio stations, don’t like it ok don’t listen - your choice. Doesn’t bother me none.
Many things are in poor taste, and show lack of sense, or good judgement, but are not criminal, Potus demonstrates that every day.
But if you want to keep lumping people into specific baskets, suit yourself.
It is non partisan.
And to say I shouldn't post my views here is just asenine. You sound like a facist.
If I put my 2 cents in every post, I could see your point.
I simply started a discussion to see why Trump taking out a terrorist is bad, but Obama doing it wasn't.
It is non partisan."
Nonsense. "Media Research Center" is blatant right-wing propaganda. Did you read @Ishmael's post?
Most of the discussions on TUSCL are not political -- just a struggle to nail down the facts.
The video is an example of selective editing aimed at a specific candidate to make him look foolish. If I were Romney I would have sued them for defamation.
peace. (please.)
Again, not sure what you're talking about.
You assuming that they know is a big push for a group that denies science and operates without any real transparency.
I said you sound like a facist, that's far from the names you call anyone who has a different opinion than you.
Trucidos, you just have no tolerance at all. You really should delete Twitter and FB. Live is fun.
Nope. His sandbox. I have no issue with founder posting his views.
Bezos and Gates... they're also free to post their politics on the platforms they control. They don't for reasons having more to do with profit than anything else, most likely.
I assume that if founder's politics crimp the hose on all the sweet, sweet stripper club website money he's raking in, he'll stop.
Or not.
His castle; his rules.
I'm not a fan of everything Trump does, I just think he's keeping his promises, which is refreshing to see.
And I’m ok with this comment being muted. 😂😂😂
It's the three words appearing at the start of the YouTube video link you posted, and the advocacy group that published the video. They're blatantly right wing, hyper-partisan organization that collects its paycheck via conservative outrage.
In fairness, there are equivalent groups who do the same thing from a hyper-left perspective. And, the Andrea Mitchell edit of that Romney video was a travesty.
But, that doesn't convince me to entirely distrust the media so much as sample a broader range of media across the political spectrum, and also consume political content from sources that most would consider 'dull' or painfully granular.
Personal opinion... news that functions as entertainment fails on both fronts (at least for me).
Confirmation bias is a horrible drug...
Trump is keeping his main promise, and that's to make America great again. I genuinely think most people are doing better economically. Therefore they are happier.
Trump will win a second term easily.
And yes, I agree that it happens on both sides. I just see all this hate for everything Trump does. If Trump woke up tomorrow and said we should give 4 billion dollars to Iran, the press would call him out.
Holy shit! No one told me that I'd joined the Illuminati. Should I have gotten a robe and/or beefy signet ring?
I can't strongly disagree. Personally, I think it has less to do with Trump being a stellar politician, so much as the Democratic Party's four-year tradition of putting up lackluster candidates combined with eating its own face.
"Air strike may lead to end of America Iraqi relations"
It's the word "may" that bothers me. It immediately becomes an opinion piece.
And that's what this whole thread is about. The failure of our news media to bring forth facts without bias.
They have us believing this assassination is the start of WW III
It's simply out of hand.
Also, there were several cheers for Trump. That's not newsworthy, I suppose. My point being is that neither is newsworthy.
This is America. We expect to have choices
Currently, Iran's greatest adversary is the Iranian people. They had the most violent and widespread popular revolts in 40 years this past November. They quashed it by way of killing over 1,500 of their own people and imprisoning more than that. Their economy is in a shambles via sanctions, but also because of massive unemployment (partly resulting from sanctions, but also due to the Khomeini era's pro-natalism policy, which is why Iran has an unusually large, young, and jobless population).
Iran *needs* a way out from under sanctions to survive, and everyone (including the Iranians) knows that. A firm but nuanced national security policy towards Iran would have a greater chance of producing a barely palatable (for them) olive-branch agreement that would include arms monitoring and restrictions far more comprehensive than the JCPOA. And no one wants Iran to actually become a failed state, least of all Saudi Arabia or even Israel. Because failed states, like Afghanistan and Libya, or more problematic and capable of worse horrors than functional adversary states.
But nuanced national security doesn't grab the headlines like a good old fashioned missile strike. Trump likes to blow shit up. Fun in a video game; not so great or even wise in a broader natsec setting.
By killing Qasem Soleimani, the Trump administration has guaranteed that the regime will hire someone else to take over from where Soleimani left off. Soleimani was a bad guy, but his death doesn't mean they've run out of bad guys. And, the new bad guy will likely be more empowered to doe worse things as compared to Soleimani. That's not great.
Also, now that the Iranian hardliners have a new rallying cry, it makes it impossible for the moderates in the Iranian government (yes, they exist) to move the needle in the other direction. Instead, we've put the Iranians in a position where they only way they can hope to get their backs off the wall is to move closer to Russia and China. That's also not great.
So, from my perspective, Iran has two likely options now that any agreement with the West is nearly impossible: become a failed state or become a vassal state to China and/or Russia. This calls to mind an old saying about frying pans and fires...
So, yeah, I think the assassination of Soleimani was crazy-pants stupid.
Eventually, you'll want me to go back to giving SJG shit for being creepy as fuck.
Problem is if we actually went to a single payer system thousands would be thrown out of work, and insurers would have to go back to selling insurance in order to show profits, they wouldn’t have huge subsidies available like they do with the ACA
And trucidos, wouldn't what you describe be fair? Or should everyone get first rate everything for free?
It's not going to cause WWIII. But, comparing Soleimani to bin Laden is not apples-to-apples in terms of follow-on complications.
I don't think Trump likes playing long games, but the Iranians have not choice but to play a long game. My suspicion is that Iran won't do anything terribly newsworthy until after the November elections here, and only if Trump wins. They might figure they have nothing to lose at that point.
But again, I wouldn't be a lot of money on that prediction.
Joe Buck has diarrhea of the mouth
If I want to protest cops, I'd wear socks with pigs on them.
What team is Kapernick playing for now?
Not true. Like an entitled moron, Kap used his standing to protest in a personal belief against the wishes of the person and company writing his checks. People didn’t want to explain to their kids why this guy was kneeling. If he wasn’t another dumb snowflake attn seeking libtard he could’ve had a bigger impact by keeping his mouth shut, earning tons of money, and doing work for his black lives matter cause off season. Dumb ass. And he’ll ya Trump told him to stfu and stand out of respect for all the troops that gave their lives for his freedom. Piece of shit, glad he’s out of football.
Ps that was a push off Saints got fucked 2 years in a row.
I agree. Unlike Ben R who rapes bitches and then lays them hush money and is cheered by hypocritical Pittsburgh douchebags.
I agree with this
And yet, the left just keeps giving him more ammo, and more news coverage.
Pro tip: stop covering every thing he does to the nth degree and the left can win in 2020
My son said exactly the same thing
I've basically said the same thing for the last 3 years but the left doesn't listen to me any more than the right does LOL
Go read the lyrics. Bottom line is his employer told him to stand, nobody wants to explain to their 11 yr old what this idiot is doing. VH you really do have shit for brains, you think you’re smart. You’re not. You make tremendously hypocritical statements, probably got banned on FB and Twitter didn’t quit lol. I do think you should keep talking though because it is highly entertaining to watch a train wreck.
Now go get a bj at follies and cuddle your wife and then tell us how trump has shit values. Lol
As for Courtney Friel, I'd beg for kisses too. Men are pigs. Why else would I have created this site?…
Lmao what exactly did you do to get involved? Talk some shit on the interwebz? 🤣🤣🤣🤣. That you use the word colored shows how backwards and anti progressive you are.
The smart play on Irans’s part would be to return to the negotiating table and cease supporting terror. I doubt they are that rational but wouldn’t it be something if they did.
Kaepernick was a tangent to the thread but this is FAKE NEWS. This is exactly the OPPOSITE of what the NFL said he could do. They explicitly allowed him to kneel. After the kneeling got national intention, the NFL made a rule that players had to stand for the anthem... and then decided to not make it a rule. #alternativefacts
I also love the fact that popular opinion proved him wrong.
My point being is that things have a way of working themselves out.
“Just because our enemies act without conscience, is the reason we must not”
This is the thing... There is a nationalist idealogy. The MSM and Dems added "white"
I know that was meant to be a zinger but it falls flat when the people waving around nazi flags and swastikas 75 years after Hitler’s death all proudly voted republican. Pretty sure it was 100% without even needing to take a survey.
Larsa Pippen……
ELP | Emerson, Lake & Palmer - 40th Anniversary Reunion - Full Concert ᴴᴰ 2010…
Senators Speak Amid Trump Impeachment and Iran Tensions…
Bolton Willing To Testify In Trump Impeachment Trial If Subpoenaed…
Larsa Pippen……
ELP | Emerson, Lake & Palmer - 40th Anniversary Reunion - Full Concert ᴴᴰ 2010……
I hope things are de-escalating. And if Esper and Milley handle things instead of Donald Trump, it should work out okay.
Your new screen name is 26IQ.
Relatively unheard of outside of intelligence circles, deceased Iranian General Qassem Soleimani has surged into 4th place in the national Democratic primary poll among likely Democratic voters.
Just days after President Trump ordered Soleimani’s killing in Iraq for orchestrating an attack on the Iraqi US embassy and decades of bombings in the region, many Democrats think he has the stuff to beat Trump in the 2020 presidential election.…
America has real enemies and they are not your political opponents
You changed the subject: I said that @Mark94 is a goofy fool for plagiarizing on a regular basis.
-Trump: No innocents harmed
- Soleimani Funeral Planners: 50+ Innocents killed
- Iranian anti-aircraft battery: 150+ innocents killed
May I ask you to cite an actual / verifiable instance of that happening?
During Obama’s presidency, approximately 1,700 US soldiers died in Afghanistan. During Trump’s presidency, 45 have died.
Well, he was exactly that.
"...suggesting that Trump only targeted him to distract the press."
He does potentially have that motive, but I have no idea how much or little that swayed his decision making. When candidates run against each other, it's common to publicly question the actions and motives of your opponents. But even with all that, it's not valid to say that she is supporting the Iranians when she (or anyone else) speculates about Trump's motives.
"That seems like an example of a Democrat supporting the Iranians over the US President."
Nope. That's a political candidate campaigning against an opposing candidate.
Fair warning... there's probably going to be more of that. From both sides of the election.
B-52's are designed to fly at 60,000 ft. So they have those 8 turbo jet engines.
Today though they are not used at such altitudes. You could get far greater range by replacing the 8 engines with 4 modern high bipass turbo jets.
B-52's have a lot of similarity to 707's.
And our educational system has been under attack by privatizers for some time now. This is the result.
Shot down an Iranian Airbus A-300
Lumping everyone into one basket certainly puts you squarely in the bigots corner.
No, that does not accomplish anything, and it is not true either. Lots of people do working class type jobs, but they are not stupid. And generally these are jobs which need doing, more so than those where people get higher pay.
Our country is a democracy and there is only one class of citizenship. Maintaining this is of the highest importance. We have to accept that we have one national policy and one set of laws.
In large measure people have been influenced by Right Wing Nonsense News, which went into overdrive when Obama was elected, and to just the stupid squandering of the cold war peace dividend, making it so that American workers now exist only to fatten the financializer class.……
This is also a good book about why people voted for Trump in 2016:…
And also, when Hillary Clinton spoke about a "basket of deplorables", she was not referring to all Trump supporters, only to the Wall Street Financializer types to supported Trump.…
TFP2020, I heard it when she originally made the statement, it was about Wall Street Financializer types.
And people live in small towns and take what employment is available. That is exactly what this book is about, St. Charles, in the South West of Louisiana.…
No, we cannot try to advance policies which only resonate with an elite. This has never worked. But there is something else going on.
It was not that far back that Texas was represented in the Senate by Lyndon Johnson and Ralph Yarborough.
But since that time the Republican Party has been following Richard Nixon's Southern Strategy, designed to peel Southerners away from the Democrats by making clandestine appeals to racism, taking advantage of the fact the Lyndon Johnson was able to get the the 1964 Civil Rights Act passed, ending legal racial discrimination.
Also, Nixon used divisive wedge issues to try and peel away Democratic support. Roman Catholics have always been a swing vote. Nixon found ways to use the abortion issue as such a wedge.
It is not blue collar workers who are the problem, they are our citizens and our voters.
The problem is the Republican Party and its Think Tanks.
And the heights of this today are that Cambridge Analytica, using social media to massage the Lizard Brain.
I came of age during the Civil Rights Movement, and Anti-War Movement, and the Anti-Poverty Movement. And so much was accomplished.
But not everyone was on board. And when Reagan was elected, the cultural mood swung back. So since, we have been dealing with reactionary political agendas, and ones deliberately engineered to resonate in a post Civil Rights Era.
The Born Again Movement is a repackaging of the South's pro-slavery religion. But today it is racially integrated.
Even some Republicans recognize this:
Nevertheless we have corporate funded think tanks who continue to feed people an always repackaged reactionary message. Getting your or I to write off the white working class is what would most please them.
No, this is not what she meant, and she is far too smart and responsible to ever say anything like that.
Eh. Near as I can tell, people who are partisan tend to see their own side as being cool, calm, and collected, and the other side as being shrill, loud, and abusive. We could spend weeks continuously showing examples of liberals and conservatives acting like arm-waving lunatics. Neither side has a monopoly on calm intellectualism.
"I would not be surprised at all if many of the well educated men and women you meet are conservative."
Or, in equal parts, liberal. Also, neither side has a monopoly on gaining good educations by a number of means.
Obama may not have been a trust fund baby, but he was an affirmative action baby who probably never would have gotten into those "rigorous" universities but for the color of his skin, which why the supposedly "smartest" president would never release his college transcripts. They would have revealed what a dumb ass he really is. And the only thing "rigorous" about those universities is how they rigorously enforce liberal orthodoxy.…
People have conceded that Clinton should not have said that.
But those whom she sees in positive light are from all places, including the rural South.
But she was speaking about those who have been driven nuts by Right Wing Media and think tanks.
With this I do agree.
I have always said that if you preach liberal values, not much is being accomplished because people's lives are not actually changed.
But if you can give people liberated lifestyles, then they will from then on fight to defend them.
I have no idea to what extent affirmative action played a role in his college admissions. And really, neither does anyone else here. But he seemed to do pretty good once he got there.
Then again, who cares? He's not president anymore.
We have huge dividends from the end of the Cold War and from the advancing of information, industrial, and agricultural technology. But we don't see it. Our workforce now just serves the needs of the financializers. These have emerged as a new layer of exploiter.
And people go along with it because they have not been shown the big picture.
It is like Buckminster Fuller explained, we now have the ability to take care of every single person in the world, better than even how royalty had lived in past centuries. The only reason we do not see this is that we still demand that everyone prove that they can earn a living.……
But people vote for the Republicans over reactionary identity issues.
House Debates War Powers Resolution…
Trump lives in the world of Right Wing Nonsense News, as do most of his supporters. Can't take anything they say seriously, just have to learn how to fight them down.
True, but at least he got elected.
Of welfare reform he had said at the convention that he would end welfare, "AS WE KNOW IT". And it was all in those last 4 words.
As it worked out, he under the influence of Dick Morris, and with Rush Limbaugh having gotten Newt Gingrich in as House Speaker, Clinton signed a disaster.…
Clinton got his ass kicked real bad. But the key event was that first mid-term when Newt and the Republicans, largely aided by Rush Limbaugh, got control of both houses of congress. Bill Clinton would be on defense from then on.
We need to learn how to put out a Liberal cultural message. And we cannot depend upon those running for office to do this. They have to keep more to the center if they want to win. We have to do it for them.
The US House of Representatives passed a resolution preventing Mr. Trump from waging war on Iran…
Pelosi says she will send impeachment articles soon as House votes on war powers resolution…
We must find ways to counter this Right Identity message.…
Especially women who ran presidential campaigns
Don’t forget regurgitating Obama’s name every ten seconds to try to capture the, as our hyper-racist left-leaning provocateur would say, ‘colored’ vote.
Again, I don't watch fox news, so your argument of me parroting Fox is invalid.
I will start a new thread for our bet parameters.
Fivethirtyeight provided a lot of facts in 2016. I thought Trump would win.
He is worse than Nixon.