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Avatar for JackKash
JackKashNew York City

I hadn’t realized I had not written a review (before today) since September 2018. I haven’t even been on the site until recently. I had over a year of VIP status that I just let waste away. My work travels ended and now I’m steady in NYC with little time for clubbing. So can anybody say what’s new around here?


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Avatar for crazyjoe

Other big news... Funny how I destroyed a airplane shitter yesterday!

Avatar for Muddy

Jackkash why don’t you try to go to Bharlems underground SC party you would be a good candidate


Avatar for Papi_Chulo

As incredible as it is - shadowcat - being in his 70s and having mongered for 50 years - decided to get a sex-change-operation.

Of course we supported his decision and wished him the best - he's still a great guy (gal now - sorry)

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

Some changes:

  1. reviews now need to get approval by TUSCL VIP members - a review needs to get 7 votes to be posted - 4 Approve-votes and it gets published, 4-Reject votes and it doesn't get published and no VIP for the review-writer (this was done by Founder due to complaints from TUSCL vets of people writing too-many shitty reviews just to get free-VIP) - there are still so-so reviews getting thru, but it's better than it used to be

  2. the Discussion Board is now split into several sections:

a) Front Room - anyone can post here

b) VIP Room - only those w/ TUSCL VIP can post

c) Verified Room - you gotta get verified (see instructions in the Verified Room) to post (verified members have a checkmark next to their name)

d) Dressing Room - only for dancers

e) TJ Mongers - since Tijuana clubs are so popular w/ some members, this section was created for TJ related topics

f) Political Discourse - created to avoid the main board being clulttered w/ political flame-wars

  1. each club's TUSCL page now has it's own Discussion section for that club

  2. Members can now add new clubs w/o waiting for Founder to add it

Avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)


  1. What about the articles?

  2. What about the listings and the maps?

  3. What about the pictures?

Avatar for CJKent (Banned)
CJKent (Banned)
  1. The Discussion title is now limited and the old tiles are cut off to that limit.

  2. The search box is gone.

Avatar for JackKash

Papi and CJ, thanks for the update. I'll have to check out some of the things I didn't know about. Happy to hear Shadowcat is still alive and kicking (even if in 6" heels- I kid, I'm a kidder). I noticed all of the VIP Only places and the other areas. Glad Tijuana has it's own place now. I'm glad there is more discerning of the reviews. I saw my recent review had adjudicators (thanks Papi for being one to approve it). Do VIPers really take it seriously? I could see it problematic for those members who might not get along with each other, rejecting each others reviews out of spite. I also noted that my review was rejected by Lido_Mgmt, representing a direct competitor here in NYC to Ricks. Even if it was for valid reasons in their point of view, I think it's still suspect because it's a conflict of interest. I'll look into getting verified. Don't know how often I'll get to visit but I'll try to check in from time to time.

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

The Lido_Mgmt account is proving to be problematic...

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

When a review is submitted to be voted on, the name of the submitter is not displayed (one does not know who wrote it)

Avatar for founder

Please pm me your concerns about lidomgmt

Avatar for founder

They have been warned

Avatar for Call.Me.Ishmael

Good. Thank you.

I still think that the review (not JackKash's) should be deleted. Perhaps give the listing owner the opportunity to "tell their story" some other way.

Obviously, not my call.

Avatar for Hank Moody
Hank Moody

Ha. They rejected a review that was approved by desertscrub. That’s all the proof you need.

Avatar for Cashman1234

The Front Room tends to be filled with SJG posting conversations with himself. We all ignore those discussions, and we also prefer to ignore SJG as well.

That’s not actually new I guess...

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

^ on that point - FYI there is a new "mute" button at the extreme right when viewing discussions in the "pre-view" view where the individual threads are listed - that will make a particular thread disappear from view and makes it easier to read the board.

Avatar for Cashman1234

Thanks Papi! I will use that feature, as the front room can be busy with extraneous SJG crap.

Avatar for Papi_Chulo

^ you're very welcome - but that post was for the OP


[maybe I should have omitted the '^' - I used it to signify my comment was based on the previous comment 🙂]

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