What’s New?
New York City
I hadn’t realized I had not written a review (before today) since September 2018. I haven’t even been on the site until recently. I had over a year of VIP status that I just let waste away. My work travels ended and now I’m steady in NYC with little time for clubbing. So can anybody say what’s new around here?
Of course we supported his decision and wished him the best - he's still a great guy (gal now - sorry)
1) reviews now need to get approval by TUSCL VIP members - a review needs to get 7 votes to be posted - 4 Approve-votes and it gets published, 4-Reject votes and it doesn't get published and no VIP for the review-writer (this was done by Founder due to complaints from TUSCL vets of people writing too-many shitty reviews just to get free-VIP) - there are still so-so reviews getting thru, but it's better than it used to be
2) the Discussion Board is now split into several sections:
a) Front Room - anyone can post here
b) VIP Room - only those w/ TUSCL VIP can post
c) Verified Room - you gotta get verified (see instructions in the Verified Room) to post (verified members have a checkmark next to their name)
d) Dressing Room - only for dancers
e) TJ Mongers - since Tijuana clubs are so popular w/ some members, this section was created for TJ related topics
f) Political Discourse - created to avoid the main board being clulttered w/ political flame-wars
3) each club's TUSCL page now has it's own Discussion section for that club
4) Members can now add new clubs w/o waiting for Founder to add it
1) What about the articles?
2) What about the listings and the maps?
3) What about the pictures?
5) The search box is gone.
I still think that the review (not JackKash's) should be deleted. Perhaps give the listing owner the opportunity to "tell their story" some other way.
Obviously, not my call.
That’s not actually new I guess...
[maybe I should have omitted the '^' - I used it to signify my comment was based on the previous comment 🙂]