Where getting a HJ from a tranny is not altogether a bad thing.

avatar for Musterd21

This is what I saw when I signed into this sight this morning. While this may not be for me it did get me to thinking about what someone told me. They said they saw a guy with B or C cup size boobs. Wile I do like boobs I am not sure I would be comfortable with boobs like that. Besides it might hurt my back.


avatar for rickthelion
5 yrs ago

You have to clarify Mustard loving ape - was this simply a fat guy or a transexual?

Also, you should explain your name - incorrect spelling, love of Middle English, statement about the joy you feel while slathering mustard on turds, or some other significance?

avatar for Musterd21
5 yrs ago

Look on a cruse ship you have your Muster Station.

Plants and factories also have Muster station.

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