Opening car-doors and pulling-out chairs ?

Miami, FL (or the nearest big-booty club)
Sitting in a Starbucks - notice a young couple come in - from observing the body-language it may be a first-meet - they come in and he pulls out a chair for her.
I'm all for politeness, but I wonder if this kinda stuff (opening the car-door, pulling out the chair) is out-of-style today - it often feels/looks forced as if the dude is trying extra-hard to impress her and "not fuck up" per se.
What say you - and what do the ladies on TUSCL say (do you expect guys to open the car-door for you and pull out the chair at a restaurant and if he doesn't you think less of him?).
last commentI'm old-fashioned, so I like doing this kind of stuff ... to an extent.
When I'm at a club and sitting at a table, if a dancer comes up and asks if I want company, and I want her to join me, yeah, I'll stand and pull out her chair. It's just kind of a nice thing to do.
The car door thing I think is by the wayside. It's rare a woman will wait for you to open the door for her. Usually, she just gets out.
When entering or leaving a building or room, though, I hold the door open for anyone else coming through -- man, woman, whoever. It's just a nice thing to do for other people.
We need to be nicer to each other in general. These are little things that we can do.
Depends on the context and the other person. So, sometimes I open doors or hold doors open for others [both men and women]; sometimes they do it for me.
I once asked an older women walking with a cane if she wanted me to hold her shopping bags while she negotiated some steep steps. "No thank you, but thanks for asking," she replied.
It more important to show respect for others than to automatically and mindlessly perform some supposed courtesy. Pay attention to social cues.
The wise Papi_Chulo advises not to overthink things. ☺☺
I always open the doors of buildings/rooms for all ladies who are heading through when I am. It’s a curious. Car doors, sometimes, but generally not. However, if it is an older couple who have been together for 40 plus years, then it is probably their routine at this time.
When it comes to pulling up chairs for a dancer to sit by me, I definitely pull up her chair and situate it to my left as close as possible since I am a lefty hanger. I like her hands to be able to grab my cock easily. It is the courteous thing to do.
"... I definitely pull up her chair and situate it to my left as close as possible since I am a lefty hanger ..."
I tilt to the right - like my politics
^ Damn Papi have you no descretion TMI
“The motto of chivalry is also the motto of wisdom; to serve all, but love only one.”
Honore de Balzac
I had an OTC, around 2003, with a beautiful blonde stripper, when I when to pick her up at her apartment near the beach, I opened the car door to my convertible and then asked her if she wanted the top up or down, she responded “down of course, it is a convertible and we are in California”
She later said that she grew with thise touches of chivalry and was very happy to see that I walked on the street side “to protect her from the traffic” when we walked to the fancy restaurant.
Needles to say it was a very good GirlFriend Experience...
“People greet you according to the way you dress and say goodbay according to the way you behave"
I might pull out a chair, maybe. Getting out and going around and opening a car door. Fuck out of here. But come on how useless are you as a human? If your that much of a bitch to expect it, Ill do it but I’m not letting you back in. Unless your a street walker I just picked up then disregard everything above.
Unless a woman is carrying a baby or in a wheelchair or at least struggling with crutches, I am unlikely to open and hold a door for her.
However, being a gentleman, I will also occasionally make exceptions for a woman who has a nice rack and looks like she might be a desploogination service professional.
Lmao Papi. I hold open a door for human beings, regardless. I open doors and pull out chairs for my wife. She enjoys it. I treat women whom I know with old fashioned courtesy and women I don't like everyone else. I do open the car door for my wife.
I'm with Ski on this one. I live in a high rise in a major city - constantly going through doors with people coming/going/carrying packages. It's just some common courtesy imo.
The question was opening the CAR-DOOR for a woman you are with, not opening every door in the world for every Tom Dick and Harry
I open car doors for women and building doors too. I don't think it's forced. I think it's polite. All women, including strippers, seem to like it.
Something I do all the time.... my mother taught me well.
If these actions seem natural for a guy I'm with, I go with it, of course. But, if not, I'm fine with that too. And, I don't make any judgments about him either way. 🔆
I try but I don't go out of my way if it feels un-natural. Some women like the treatment and some are independent and can get offended by it.
Depends on the girl. If she has a nice butt, then I want to watch her from behind. :-)
Open car doors for sure when I can. I don't think i've done the whole chair thing at a restaurant though; not in a while.
Also always let women order first. It's just stuff that I'm used to and enjoy doing.
I'm Old, way old. But Manners define who you are, not the girl. If I'm out with my wife, or before that on a date, I always will open the car door, Open the building door, Pull out the chair if there is not a waiter, etc. to do so. Not forced and I don't get bothered if the woman does it for herself. If I'm at a building and open the door, I'll hold it for anyone, Male or Female that happens to be behind me. It's just being a nice human. I have to say, I have never had a woman get mad at me for opening a door. My wife sometimes gets annoyed when I insist on walking on the side where traffic is as we're walking...
I believe the joke is -
When will a guy open the car door for his wife?
When the car is new - or the wife is.
^ the one I like best is my old Harley Davidson T-shirt it says if you can read this the bitch fell off.
If a woman is offended by old-fashioned chivalry I always accommodate them and treat them poorly.
When you get to be my age you let them open the doors for you. :)
If it is an intimate relationship then I always pull out chairs and open car doors.
^^^ STFU!
I hold doors for everyone. I'll pull out a chair and open a car door a woman. I don't think there is anything wrong with being polite. Ive never had any woman be upset that I've done it.
Pulling out a chair for a woman is very different from pushing her stool in...
^^^^^ Ha Ha Ha!