Does this do anything for you guys? I've seen something similar to this in person a few times, and its not really that exciting for me. Questionable choice of music on top of that.
That would be a fantastic show if she would shoot flames out her ass. But to do that she would have to produce flatulence on demand. That may take away the sexy factor.
Once saw a girl put an unlit bulb in her pussy and then it lit up. I was amazed. I asked her how she did it and she said, "I can also make things disappear in there too. Come with me to the back and I'll show you."
This brought up an old memory. Back in the early 80's, it was not uncommon for a dancer to split and lick paper matches, stick them to their nipples, and light them up. I saw this dozens of times at multiple clubs. I haven't seen this done in a couple of decades now. I don't know why this was popular once upon a time; never did anything for me.
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