Instagram Models - Who Are They Really?
On the prowl in Tucson and Phoenix
OK, maybe I’m late to the game, but I’m fascinated by the proliferation of gorgeous models with instagram pages, sporting very comfortable lifestyles, and no apparent other means of support. Most of the photos on these pages look a lot like high end escort ads that used to be online before FOSTA chased them underground. I know at least one instagram model that is also a stripper at one of my favorite clubs. So am I missing something obvious? Are most of these models also high end hookers, or at least upscale strippers? Some are celebrities, like Abigail Ratchford, with millions of followers, but there are tons more that have maybe several thousand followers. Thoughts?
last commentI know some of them are sugaring, at least part-time. I've met two Instagram models (IMs) on SA. Neither one advertised as IMs and I found out later. Both lasted a little over one year. I've posted about both of them, but here's a quick summary that might give a feeling for what some of these girls are doing:
First was Asian, 24-yrs-old and from an affluent family. Her mother's a pediatrician and her father is in pharma sales. She's athletic and told me she was cheer captain in high school. Her Instagram page is focused on fitness and training and she has thousands of followers on Instagram. At the time she told me she's working toward an advanced degree in physical therapy. I thought she over-trained and was getting a little too muscular for my taste. But is was a good match and she would make a good vanilla GF if I were 30 yrs younger. Great experience.
Second IM ended in August and she was gorgeous blonde and 20-yrs-old when we met. Interested in cars and racing. She's about 5' 4" 110lbs with great curves and 10/10 ass. She gets swimwear modeling gigs from her Instagram page. She's truly gorgeous and would be out of my league at any age. She flies out to LA for modeling gigs, but don't know how much she makes. She told me that she had a dermatologist and wealthy business SD in her past. And apparently Brandon Wade (owner of SA) approached her on SA.
Just as an off-topic caution: I met the blonde above when she was 20 -- but she told me she started sugaring at age 17. There's a proliferation of high-quality fake IDs available online that scan just fine in restaurants in bars. I don't what the solution is, but maybe it's better to "date" someone in mid-20s.
The blonde told me that she gets hit on by random (no pun intended) guys all the time on Instagram and that she finds it creepy. I personally wouldn't be using Instagram like SA.
I would assume most of them make nothing to very-little from IG - I would assume many of them just wanna "live vicariously" thru IG, and I assume some of them are hoping to somehow "make it" via IG (it doesn't cost anything to make/maintain a profile and who know maybe they'll get something out of it) - I would assume most of them have "normal lives" and regular/vanilla-jobs and just do/play-with IG on-the-side - I would assume a small % make a living out of it.
I have enough followers to qualify ^^
For most every girl on IG besides actual celebrities like Kardashians or Hailey Beiber types, there is very little money to be claimed on IG.
These girls you are talking about—if you see these things:
MANY different designer handbags and shoes Going on private jets Posting from different countries or desirable travel destinations frequently Going to exclusive events frequently (Super Bowl, celeb awards show, high profile fight nights) Primarily alone in all pics
She prolly a ho.
An example would be Demi Rose Mawby.
They're influencers. Ya know: I will buy my girlfriend a Givenchy bag because the IG model I jack off to has one. Works like a charm.
The fake ID's are getting good, even with the holograms, etc. There is a kid on my block that is 17 or 18. She could pass for older or younger depending on how she dresses. Saw her leave a bar at happy hour with a guy that had to be 30-35. About 2 hours later he dropped her off near my house so she could walk home. She was wearing jeans and a T-Shirt. The slinky silver dress and high heels must have been in the big gym bag she was carrying.
She must have seen me at the bar because she later asked me not to tell her parents she had a fake ID.
Guess I need to check if she is on IG. Or SA.
What @PSD posted is exactly what I was wondering about. @Papi Chulo mentioned that he thinks most these girls are making little to no money from IG. If that's the case, then how exactly are they frequently in Cabo San Lucas, the Bahamas, Paris, Vegas, etc? Taking selfies wearing the most stylish shit in private jets, huge hotel villas, with a generic ass life advice quote?
For the ones that have millions of followers, sure they're probably making good money solely of IG endorsements. But for the gals with 50K followers? I know damn well those photos were being taken right after Klay Thompson/insert random rich dude just pumped a load in her SJG style.
I don't understand the vitriol aimed at IG models. Just another application of e-commerce where a cute 20-yr-old can put on swimwear and gradually build a following at little cost. May be easier than grinding on random dicks all night in some slimy dive.
Male with money pays for trip with hooker to go to cabo; the bahamas; paris; vegas; they take selfies.
"I don't understand the vitriol aimed at IG models."
There are several instances where these hoes are using photoshop or another photo editing software to alter their IG pics.
The same fortitude and levels of astuteness that are used to alter their pics should also be be used in doing something worthwhile and having utility besides your orfices.
Most models (unless you have followers of upwards 500K or 1M) are making as much money as they claim on IG. It's all a facade and machination.
Being an Instagram model is no different from the old "fake it till you make it" it's a hustle as old as time
Also, there are those who will go on an excursion and take a ton of pictures, but upload them strategically. It gives their followers the impression that they're always traveling when in fact, they're posting old photos taken from the same trip, but spaced weeks/months apart.
Nudity and bare nipples are frowned upon by IG, but some of these gals push the envelope to the edge. Here are some of my current faves.
^^^ Let me guess: you like busty women.
No, no, no, no and no.
Damn it, what gave it away??? Yes, in the immortal words of Joe Walsh - I Like Big Tits!
@azdd good stuff! I see you and I have the same taste. I'm gonna need a bigger list from you soon lol.
I follow a bunch of Vietnamese and Thai models on IG. One of them posted an ad for her photographer’s OnlyFans and said you could buy nudes from him there.
I got in touch with the guy and he wanted $200 for one pic set. I think that’s insane, but maybe there’s enough rich guys on the internet that will pay it. This guy had like 30 different models on his feed and they were all hot.
That makes me think a lot of the “random hot chicks with 20K followers” on IG really do make money just modeling.
I know a few stories of IG models being broke, living with their moms and presenting a facade. Personally I love IG for sexy chicks. It's suddenly a great idea to post your tits and ass to millions, essentially for free. One of my best sources of free entertainmnent
I love the "influencers" where all they post is just about nude selfies and then wonder why they get crude comments. "why won't people take me seriously?"
They soon give links the the site where you can subscribe to their nudes for $20 or $30 a month. Get $100 takers and that buys a lot of Starbucks.
I found one that would post fully nude pics at 9 PM every day and take them down by 9:05. Her account was gone a few days after I found her. She complained that do-gooders kept reporting her.
If I had to guess, I'd say that the vast bulk of them are simply attention whores and only a tiny fraction of them make any money doing it.
none the less I like the eye candy.
I have two legit IRL riends who are IG models, one has a 180K followers and the other has 350k followers and both claim they make very little money from IG.
One claim to occasionally sells a posters, calendars, etc and the other other occasionally books a modeling job or two.
Both work regular Jobs to pay the bills.
I have a few thoughts.
First, I don't think this is an Instagram-only phenomenon. There are fake-model sites on all the social-networking places, not just limited to IG, though IG seems to be where the critical mass of them congregate. Facebook and YouTube and Twitter and so on and so on have some similar girls, and even the back-page ads and other classifieds-style listings are full of similar girls. I think IG's platform makes for easier monetizing for most.
Second, I think a lot of it has to do with photography styles. The image manipulation opportunities are just so ultra over-the-top now, with "selfie" pictures, that less attractive women who learn to choose the best camera angles and sepia-tone filters can start to look like super-models without even having to learn the Photoshop program. They don't need to subtly work the mouse to plump up their tits, lengthen their legs, enlarge their eyes, like the fashion-photography photoshoppers had to master back in the 1990s or before. They just don't show their fat ass or post-partum baby belly flap of skin, and we stupid men, we assume the hotness is genuine. A little smoothing over of the complexion (auto-filtered via the IG app, often!) and voila! cookie-cutter hottie number umpteen!
Third, there have been hot attractive young girls with no prospects, who were cursed (or blessed) with a personality type that didn't want to have to work for just rewards and therefore ended up dropping out of school a bit too early, in every society since the pre-human primate finally evolved into Homo sapiens, and probably before. They used to work in strip clubs; now they work on IG. If we could do the math, my suspicion is, we would find out that the total percentage of do-able hot-ness-factor in the females aged roughly 15 to roughly 30 human species has not changed much at all since about 30,000 BC. And that would be including information in our factoring such as (but not limited to) the notion that beauty ideals change through the eras, that nutrition and body-size and exercise levels change similarly, that cultures prefer dark or light or long or short in various combinations at various different times. The trick isn't that there are more of them, or more of a certain type, or that preferences are modifying to accommodate the appearance of more and more young women. The trick is simply, where do you find them?
Where do you find them now? The answer is, THE INTERNET! The internet concentrates the viewable hotties so they can all be accessed from a single seat (that you are right now sitting in). Before the internet, the viewers would only be able to see a limited set of viewable hotties, that set being, those who are within driving distance. You only ran into those who were close enough to you to be in running range. Example: In 1980, if you lived in a major North American (or, generally, Western) city, you could run this experiment. You could drive across town in the early evening, during which trip you might pass four or six or fifteen or three hundred (depending on the size of the crowds) hot young women walking from school or work or the bus stop back to their homes, and then you could look into a strip club and, given more averaging, see about fifteen or twenty or a hundred more hot young women dancing in that club. Then the internet came into existence and the concentrated locations of young women changed, from strip clubs to sites like IG. So now, in (almost) 2020, you can run the same experiment. At first you will find that as you drive across town you pass the same four or six or fifteen or three hundred (depending on the same). But then you would have to look into an internet-connected computer to see the same fifteen or twenty or a hundred more hot young women from your same city. And you would also see umpteen more in addition, all the hotties from all the other cities on the planet. Because the internet brought every OTHER city's former strip-club dancers into YOUR computer in YOUR city. It's accessibility that has changed, not levels of hotness.
Or, so I theorize. Sadly, this means, in part, that strip clubs are no longer half as exciting as they were before the existence of the internet. Partly because there's no longer a limited concentration of viewable hotties outside of the strip club -- there's PLENTY! All the TIME! On the internet. But also, partly, because there's a location towards which girls are going, again, the internet; which means, there is a location away from which girls are going, and that, sadly, is strip clubs.
Natalee.007 is an IG model I’ve been following. She is Russian as is her photographer, Mavrin. She has 2.6 million followers. Mavrin has over 3 million and there’s links to other impossibly gorgeous women. They post photos from all over the world and frankly, it’s a different world from what I know. I used to question whether these were real women in that they’re unreal to look at. Natalee frequently has see through clothing or none at all. SMH
Like others have said, IG can be a great marketing tool. It seems there can be money to be made but only if you have an insane number of followers (>1M). I know a few girls on there. They all try to be influencers/ambassadors. As has already been said, the vast majority of girls make very little or nothing. Sometimes the girls will get free items, products or clothing. But that’s really it. I know one who stopped doing it because it wasn’t really worth her time.
But, since IG is a great marketing tool, many girls use it to market themselves, to raise their profile, get a following etc. Sometimes, they have their own products, lined, companies, etc., that they want you to use/spend $ on. Sometimes, they use IG to get paid to make public appearances. Sometimes, they use it to make private ;) appearances. I know at least one of azdd’s current favorites escorts. The criteria from PSDoll are spot on.
My current sugar babe is an IG model. She doesn't make anything from IG. But she does get discovered sometimes for photo shoots from her postings where she does get paid some for the photo shoots. She also has a full time job. So the modeling doesn't pay that much. The photos are mostly advertising shots where they want a pretty girl in the photo with the place of business.