
Waiting for EndlessSummer

Exacerbating my sexual frustration on local dancers
Wednesday, October 30, 2019 11:43 PM
I've been having weekly OTC Club dates with EndlessSummer, Thursday mornings at 3 am I prepay her with the Cash App for the dates but she's always a no show As I wait for her tonight I'm thinking of all the things our past dates have provided: Rent, clothes, school supplies, car payments, probably at least a few pairs of pleasers I think she is disappointed that only have a short board for her to ride...she's the kind of girl that likes to hang ten on a longboard :) :) Hope to see you later tonight Endless Summer [view link] Jams for the wait [view link] WCG


  • WinningdaChumpsGame
    5 years ago
    She wouldn't take my first offer of McDonalds gift cards :( MILF's got kids to feed WCG
  • WinningdaChumpsGame
    5 years ago
    I'm thinking she might be a no show...again After getting high all night, this song kinda has me paranoid about handling myself [view link] It also makes me think that pistola would be good at the CIA that dude loves dick WCG
  • Fun_Loving_Fella
    5 years ago
    Keep your chin up. She’ll show. This is what I listen to when I’m waiting for ES [view link]
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    Just keep sending that money and things will turn out all good. 😊
  • EndlessSummer
    5 years ago
    I see the problem here WCG...I must've given you erroneous CashApp info! I don't know who the lucky recipient was of all the previous funds, but please make sure to repeat all those transactions, and send all future payments to $umher ... At the very least, I see you've been thoroughly entertained while waiting, so I don't feel quite so bad! 🌞 I don't have any video suggestions, but perhaps you'd like a bit of light reading to set the mood while you wait for me to verify the funds this time... [view link]
  • EndlessSummer
    5 years ago
    Oh, and btw... everyone knows, it's not the size of the board, it's the motion of the ocean! 🌊🌞🌊
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    I know how you feel. I had to wait 5 minutes for nicespice before she showed up. Twice! It just about drove me nuts. 🦄🤯
  • crazyjoe
    5 years ago
    Funny how I destroyed an airplane shitter yesteday!
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    ^ EndlessShitter
  • WinningdaChumpsGame
    5 years ago
    $umher yup that's what i have you saved as I'll resend the money since you seem to not be receiving the funds Next week?????😇😇😇😇 WCG
  • WinningdaChumpsGame
    5 years ago
    FLF there must have been something about watching that video before going to bed on the night before Halloween I kept dreaming of my new CF giving me dances in that cow costume I was squeezing her udders til she screamed MOOO When i woke up, there was a wet stain on the front of shorts Kinda spooky that she can make me LDK in my sleep... definitely a PL win though WCG
  • WinningdaChumpsGame
    5 years ago
    Btw can we trade the 🦄 horn for a 🐮 costume I need some spicy milkshakes in my life WCG
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    Does that make her a unicow? That's so wrong. 🤭
  • EndlessSummer
    5 years ago
    WCG... if you've got the money honey, I've got the time!! 😉 💰💰💰 Ok... I think I have a real problem... I might need to find a 12-step program for my new tuscl addiction. I actually watched all of those videos in their entirety and know exactly what you guys are talking about right now... I think I should be afraid, very afraid! Btw, I truly enjoyed my namesake movie... I think twentyfive had recommended it previously and I had it on my list to watch, but the link bumped that up a lot quicker for me. So, thanks!
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ Glad you enjoyed that movie it was a docudrama but I did quite a bit of surfing in my younger days, now I’m more into stand up paddle boarding it’s a lot gentler on my old joints but still an excellent workout
  • EndlessSummer
    5 years ago
    ^ I had no idea what to expect... In fact, in the beginning I was afraid it was going to be brokeback beachfront or something the way they showed the silhouettes of those two guys against the sunset! 😏 But, in the end, what's not to like about beautiful scenery and that sneaky, dry humor of the narrator? There's no way you'd ever catch me on a surfboard, but I've wondered about the paddleboarding thing... Supposed to be really good for the core... Maybe I'll give it a try someday when I retire to a little hut on the beach...🏖
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    @ES a shitty day on the water beats the hell out of everything else, you could try stand up Paddle boarding any place, in your neck of the woods there’s plenty of beautiful freshwater lakes , why wait till you retire, take your kids and rent a board it’ll be one of those memories you’ll never regret.
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ Why don’t you go suck on the barrel of a 12 gauge and pull the trigger I bet it would improve your life you sad degenerate wreck of a life, dougie
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    It's kinda ironic. EndlessSummer's avatar is a Bitmoji of her jumping off a diving board and she can't swim. 😂🤣 Maybe it's a metaphor for her TUSCL naivete. 😁
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    You’re the one dancing sicko you keep posting after me and chasing me around BTW stop sending me your sick PMs
  • EndlessSummer
    5 years ago
    Gotta ❤ that ignore button!! 🌞
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    ^ I’m with you babes but that sick disgusting loser interferes in every thread at some point he needs to be called on his cowardly bullshit, you know it would never happen IRL
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    Bye dogie hope your suicide happens soon
  • TFP
    5 years ago
    The first two videos posted in this thread, I've never seen. Thank you WCG and FLF for keeping me in the know. That second one had 58 million views, I guess I really am living under a rock. The government knows video was cool as fuck and the lyrics were actually pretty good.
  • EndlessSummer
    5 years ago
    @25 You're SO right! The only difference is that we'll have to wait til warmer weather comes back next year... not a problem though, I'll be all over it when it does. 🌞 @Sir I absolutely did NOT catch the irony of my avatar! Lol I love the analogy though...definitely jumped in with both feet, having no idea how deep it was gonna be...😋
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    ^ LOL she said "deep". Yeah baby! 🍆💦💦💦
  • WinningdaChumpsGame
    5 years ago
    WTF EndlessSummer You made Sirlap 🍆💦💦💦 but you won't even show up for me 😢😢 Make it up to me next week, i got 💰💰 on it's way WCG
  • EndlessSummer
    5 years ago
    ^ What can I say? He was easy... all I had to do was say "deep"! Hmmm... guess there's no back charging him now...🤔 Well, no matter... of course I'll make it up to you! Your patience, and what I can only assume will be unsurpassed, generosity will be handsomely rewarded...🌞
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    @EndlessSummer if we ever meet in real life at your club, at the very least I'll throw you a bone and give you an awesome backrub. So good it will make you slap your masseuse. And when I give them, I go...wait for it... ... ... ...DEEP! 🤗
  • EndlessSummer
    5 years ago
    ^Ummm.... which comes first? The backrub... or the bone? 🍖 (My apologies!! I know exactly how terrible that was, but I couldn't make my fingers stop typing... ) 🤪
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    LOL it's usually the backrub but also very quickly followed by the bone. Especially if she's a hottie. Also by the time you feel that bone you won't care because the backrub will be so good. 🤗💃🍖 (No need to apologize! I love word play and innuendo. Besides, the best posts come from those immediate first thoughts...) 😝
  • WinningdaChumpsGame
    5 years ago
    Careful with that 🍖 SirLap has been known to FRLDK 🍆💦💦💦 WCG
  • crazyjoe
    5 years ago
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    For the record, I have just two FRLDKs out of hundreds of wonderful massages. One with my ATF DS and the other with the sluttiest fave ever. Both were simply bucket list / YOLO endeavors. Not something I regularly do or want. Regardless, FRLDK is chump game winning on another level. 👍🤪👍
  • EndlessSummer
    5 years ago
    ^^^ So glad I don't have to censor myself!! I swear I sometimes think I was given the mind of a 15 year old boy to go with all these feminine wiles! Lol And, I think I could be dangerous if I had the kind of power to make men FRLDK! I'm afraid I would possibly be tempted to use those powers for evil instead of good...😈
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    —>“ I sometimes think I was given the mind of a 15 year old boy to go with all these feminine wiles! Lol” This may come as a shock to everyone on the board, but I’m the same way 😁
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    ^ damn skippy
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    Censoring oneself on a strip club website is like watching a porno and averting your eyes whenever you see genitals.
  • nicespice
    5 years ago
    ^ I censor myself on stripperweb all the time. Feeling the need to do so is why I participate here way more than there tho. 😅
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    ^ to my point, stripperweb is a PG-13 strip club website. 😝 So glad you post here. I need my daily nicespice troll. 🦄🥰
  • MackTruck
    5 years ago
    Dam skippy
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    @EndlessSummer don't ever underestimate your natural FRLDK power. With the right PL I'd bet you could "pull" it "off". In fact, you should try it on WCG and since he's prepay you have nothing to lose! 🤭
  • WinningdaChumpsGame
    5 years ago
    I'd have to stick with the 🐮 costume with my CF for the FRLDK With EndlessSummer, i think this dancer costume that my lovely CF DS😍💕💕 shared recently would work best [view link] Two swings of that tail and I'd 🍆💦💦💦 WCG
  • EndlessSummer
    5 years ago
    @WCG Did you just call me OLD???!!! 😱🤯😫 (Tee hee 🤭)
  • EndlessSummer
    5 years ago
    @SirLap I guess I have something to "shoot" for now...😋 @nice I don't know about you, but I wouldn't trade this "boy brain" for anything...🌞
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    @EndlessSummer Let's hope your success doesn't put a "stain" on your reputation. 😉
  • EndlessSummer
    5 years ago
    ^ Yeah... didn't work out so good for that Lewinsky chick...😏
  • Fun_Loving_Fella
    5 years ago
    Yeah, her reputation got trashed and she didn’t even get to have sexual relations with that woman
  • Fun_Loving_Fella
    5 years ago
    *man Shit, now I’m gonna have VD_kicks all over me for accidentally calling Bill Clinton a woman
  • WinningdaChumpsGame
    5 years ago
    EndlessSummer- when i saw that clip i thought about you and got a 🍖 instantly That being said, I'm gonna hodl my shitcoin until you reach GILF status Need to have enough funds to secure you as my sugar nana WCG
  • EndlessSummer
    5 years ago
    It's so comforting to know I'm gonna be wildly desired when I'm dinosaur old and morbidly obese! 🌞
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    Summer never ends on many levels. 😂
  • EndlessSummer
    5 years ago
    ^ That's so.... wait for it.... ...... DEEP! 🌞💋🌞💋
  • SirLapdancealot
    5 years ago
    ^ Yeah baby! 🍆💦💦💦
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