Porn Hate Crime

Police are investigating a complaint of an alleged ‘hate incident’ in which a transgender model was denied a job as a female porn star after the photographer discovered the model still had a penis.

Ria Cooper, who became the UK’s youngest transgender person aged 15 before later transitioning back to male age 18, and then to female again later, has accused the photographer of ‘transphobic behaviour’. Cooper said the incident could prevent a future career in the modelling industry.


  • NinaBambina
    5 years ago
    Well you didn't post a link and although the porn actor is apparently UK based, I have no idea about the actual production or the laws in the UK, although I am sure there is not much of a difference in this regard.

    This particular incident could have been a homophic or hate-filled encounter, who knows? There are very few details.

    Anyway, the porn industry is allowed to discriminate. How do you think they are able to fetishize so many races? ("BBC" porn, submissive Asian shit, whatever).

    Title VII of the Civil Rights Act actually allows for discrimination in the workplace for issues such as these. Employers actually can discriminate, even on the basis of sex or gender and etc, when it is necessary for the purpose of authenticity or genuineness of the occupation. It is particularly important in the entertainment industry, which porn falls under.

    This is how Hooters and breastaurants with similar models operate. Of course they were sued, they took care of it, opened up some positions for men like cooks and bus boys, and maintained their image of having hot girls flaunting their boobs. I had to look into this when I was 18 and got hired there, because all my immature 18-20something guy friends were giving me shit for getting hired at a place that was so ridiculously misogynistic and corny that I had to explain to them why they could get away with being discriminatory. I wasn't a very Hooterific chick back then either, jumping up and down in Sketchers and yelling Token Bimbo phrases wasn't my thing so I couldn't take myself seriously working there.

    It is called the Bona fide Occupational Qualifications (bfoq) defense. It's why Disneyworld can deny a black guy a job to portray Snow White. He has virtually none of Snow White's characteristics. However, if the same black man was there applying to be, say, a janitor, they could not deny him a job on that basis because the job of a janitor does not meet the level of a bona fide occupational qualification.

    Had the trans individual been applying to be the photographer's assistant and gotten the same treatment, it could maybe be discriminate. But the trans individual was not qualified for the job.
  • Electronman
    5 years ago
    BFOQ-- learned something new. thanks! Now if you'd work on legalizing prostitution??
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Scotus hasn't yet decided if Title VII covers trannies, so at present it neither allows, nor makes an exception for this.
  • mark94
    5 years ago
    Here’s a link to a different article covering this situation…
  • Cashman1234
    5 years ago
    This is a legit issue? It’s porn - and if a dude identifies as a girl - but this dude still has a dick - he’s still a dude.

    Here’s a simple guide:

    F=Pussy and Tits.

    Porn is still kinda old fashioned...
  • twentyfive
    5 years ago
    batshit alert this is what pro Trump supporters have on their mind…
  • Call.Me.Ishmael
    5 years ago
    This seems like manufactured drama just to make headlines.

    There's a niche in porn for pretty much anything. If Cooper wanted to work in porn, she could.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    The mentally ill person is the perfect Democrat; but lives too far away.
  • shadowcat
    5 years ago
    Back in the 50's, when I was in middle school, the older brother of one of my closest friends was a member of a motor cycle gang called "The Rebels".

    He was drinking with his buddies in a bar and met this chick. He bought her drinks and they moved to a booth. They were both a little drunk and they started kissing and he was feeling her up. then he reached under her skirt and grabbed a dick.

    He beat the shit out of the guy. I think that would be called a hate crime.
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    In the real world it would be called assault and battery. Why its worse to beat the shit out of certain people than others is mind boggling.
  • rickthelion
    5 years ago
    Simple skifredo. Half-boiled crabs that pretend to be third rate divorce attorneys on the internet are less important than, say, ricks. Hell, they’re less important than just about anybody.

    So beating the shit out of you should earn the assailant a medal. Beating the shit out of somebody that matters is a crime. Now do you understand? ROAR!!!
  • rickthelion
    5 years ago
    But seriously, this seems like the kind of story that’s probably made up to get the goats of uptight male apes that actually want to suck dick. A secure male knows whether or not they want to suck dick and they politely say “yes” or “no”. I don’t like sucking dick but I’m not all bent out of shape by males that do. Unlike certain posters who actually crave the skin flute deep down.

    We ricks are accepting. Unless its a LBGTQ zebra. Zebras are assholes. Even worse than fredo! Zebras are pieces of shit regardless of their sexual or gender identity. They all deserve the wildebeest treatment....roar...ROAR...ROAR!!!!

    Cough...back on topic. If those guys were bonobos you know what would happen? Simple, the photographer would be all “relax babe, I’m not supposed to photograph a ladyboy today but we can still hang out, enjoy some apples and honey, maybe some monkey jerky, and play X-box”. Bonobos wouldn’t be all rigid in their gender roles.

    On the other hand, bonobos are almost too accepting. They’d probably even be ok with fredo. My favorite apes are orangutans and hairless apes. Both orangs and hairless apes are kind of assholes but they show some spirit. Anyhoo...I’m planning to hand with my vulture bud for lunch then fuck a hairless ape hottie up the ass today so who cares about trans apes? Relax!
  • skibum609
    5 years ago
    Another on line pussy making impotent threats. Such a cunt are you little ricky.
  • rickthelion
    5 years ago
    Fredo, you need to work on your reading comprehension. I wasn’t saying I’d kick your ass. You’re not worth the energy. I was saying that if you were assaulted you aren’t important enough to justify the DA’s time prosecuting the assailant.

    I’m curious how you expect us to believe your attorney given poor reading comprehension, the fact that you spend all of your time posting to TUSCL, and your inability to write in proper English. Is your backstory just that you’re the worst attorney in the world?

    C’mon Fredo. You need to make a new troll account with a plausible biography! ROAR!!!
  • NinaBambina
    5 years ago
    "In the real world it would be called assault and battery. Why its worse to beat the shit out of certain people than others is mind boggling."

    Well you're a lawyer so you should know that intent matters. Particularly in law. Is beating the shit out of a guy because he raped your friend the same as beating the shit out of a stranger because you don't like black guys and he happened to be one? Because to me, one is worse than the other. Intent is a reason why things like hate crimes exist (or crimes for discrimination in general, actually).
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