
HK next week

Wish I could have made it out there to hang with ya'll this past weekend - looks like I'll be there Mon and part of Tue next week. Ready for some fun with my new CF BG.


  • TFP
    5 years ago
    One person's sex holiday ends, and another's begins.

    Have a great time, Phandy! Would have been nice to meet up but let's be real: meeting a TUSCLer doesn't hold a candle to meeting a sexy chica or seven! Lol.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    I will be in TJ later today and tomorrow to see CFBG (and maybe one or two new BGs).

    I have not seen CFBG for six weeks, this should be fun.

    But I probably will not do a live update, though I may if I am just hanging out at HK.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago

    Are you going to do a live update ala @TFP style?

    Any plans with CF, are you meeting at HK or OTC?

  • Phandy
    5 years ago
    @cristobal I plan to see CF though still working out HK vs OTC. Have another BG I’d like to partake with as well so have to figure that all out. Will see if I can work out some live updates if folks are interested. @TFP maybe next time and yeah, BG > monger but it’s always fun to have someone other than a BG to hang with a bit too.
  • mf92802
    5 years ago
    I will be there tomorrow and Friday nights and will attempt to pay it forward with reviews. If any of you are there and see a guy who looks like he got lost on the way to a luau ( shorts sandals and aloha shirt ) that would be me. Stop me and say “hey MF” and we can get a drink.
  • TFP
    5 years ago
    @Phandy you're absolutely right about it being nice to have other mongers to chill with. Chilling with a BG is great but it also slowly drains your money.

    Another reviewer gave me the idea to wear sports team t-shirts because sports is an easy conversation starter. All the dudes who said what's up to me in the club did so because they recognized the SF Giants logo and said they were also from the Bay area. Worked like a charm, had 3 different groups invite me to their table, buying beer and shots for me, talking about random shit. It was good times!

    Funny story, I was doing a lap through HK last Monday morning checking out the chicas when I see a white looking girl eyeing me. So I start checking her out like she's a BG and although conservatively dressed, I could see a nice shape on her. She does a little head nod and smiles at me and I immediately go to hug her and start chatting. Then she says in perfect English, "I'm a Giants fan, also from the Bay". Once I heard that, I looked down at her wrist and sure enough there it was, the wristband that lets you know a girl is a civvie. I felt so embarrased, started apologizing and everything and she was like it's cool I understand. Then she goes down and sits at a table with a bunch of other dudes. If one of those dudes was her boyfriend he must not have seen what just happened because I'm sure he would got up and confronted me.

    That was a lesson learned, if I see what I think is a conservatively dressed BG, check for a wristband first lol.
  • Phandy
    5 years ago
    @tfp good idea on the sports though I might get my ass kicked wearing a cowboys shirt near San Diego. Only other sports stuff would be F1 which could work depending on the folks there.

    Hilarious on the “BG” civvie.
  • Phandy
    5 years ago
    Game on. Checked in and walked around a bit. CFBG is sick so it was time to find another. 8 in red outfit caught my eye. She sat down and perfect English. Bonus! Spent 30 min warming each other up and headed upstairs. 2 hours later we emerged after much craziness including jacuzzi time. Think she just took the rank of CFBG until she goes back home in Dec.

    Now, taco time.
  • Greanbeans
    5 years ago
    Have fun! Be safe
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago
    How easily your first CFBG was replaced... Lol

    The best thing to me about HK is the appointment redevous but the second best thing is if the ABG cancels or no shows, there are plenty of BGs to take her place.
  • TFP
    5 years ago
    Excellent! Now I know why you guys like the live updates. I can imagine all this stuff going down.

    Perfect English is rare. Do you remember her name?
  • Phandy
    5 years ago
    Had all intentions of more updates but ended up having now CFBG grab me and ask if I wanted to get out of there so off we went. Against better judgement went to her place where she cooked us dinner and then we went out to some dance club. Considered staying at her place but with a flight the next day (at 2 pm so plenty of time), I bailed. This was about 1 am. Decided to just grab a seat in HK and watch the fun and 2 guys from London sat down. We partied with a lot of diff girls at the table til 4 (flight was gonna hurt...) and finally all decided on girls to depart with. Again found one with good English skills. She was fun but nothing to write home about. Crashed at 5 and pedwest at 9:30 with a short line. Glad it’s a cross country flight with business class!

  • Phandy
    5 years ago
    Apparently I have English speaking BG radar.
  • TFP
    5 years ago
    Wow, sounds awesome! Especially dinner at her place. It's nice to see these chicas out of the club sometime. I regret not doing anything like that my time down there. Had one ask me to go somewhere to eat (it was gonna be my treat of course) and I told her I was busy. Next time I'm definitely taking one of them up on an OTC meetup.
  • TJ Lee
    5 years ago
    Aww it's sad yall have left. Me and MrWonderful are still here partying week after week.

    Saw something new tonite, a black dancer on stage. She's chubby, looks like Dominican or Cuban.

    Also saw something new, a superhot light skin slim chica with beautiful large breasts walking around topless, MrWonderful invited her for a ficha but she didn't give a fuk about fichas and turned him down 😟.
  • Greanbeans
    5 years ago
    Dominicana? Im in!

    Hopefully she's there oct 7-8.
  • Phandy
    5 years ago
    Ha, it’s funny how different all our tastes are. Love it. I go for the small athletic build with A cups so guessing what I call a 9 is different than what y’all would. The beautiful thing about HK is there is something for everyone vs the US you may have to switch clubs to find your diamond. Unless you just don’t like Latinas. If not then don’t go to HK as you might find the rare black dancer or Asian but ethnic variety is slim.
  • TFP
    5 years ago
    @Anislee I saw that black dancer. As a matter of fact I saw it with the black dude I made friends with there and we both looked at each other like 'now there's something you don't see everyday'. I even commented that there were 119 Latinas in there and one random black girl. Anyway like you said, she's a bit on the chubby side, not really my taste. It's cool to be thick but your tits and ass better be huge to boot. Like Imperio lol.

    Like I said, Cristobal, Misterwonderful, and Anislee are living the life! Which reminds me, Anislee where were you the weekend I was there? I got to meet all the regulars except you.
  • TJ Lee
    5 years ago
    With my streetgals of course. Imperio is white and has the biggest knockers, think Anna Nicole Smith size.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago

    Don't feel bad, I have not yet met @anislee either... Lol
  • TFP
    5 years ago
    @Cristobal that's kind of surprising. Aren't you guys both there in TJ all the time?

    @Anislee Imperio is white? Her skin is white but she sure sounded Mexican to me. And yes, her tits are huge and so is her ass, and that's why I love her.
  • Cristobal
    5 years ago

    I know right.

    I should look for the guy entertaining four or five BGs at a time.
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