OT: People are to uptight!

avatar for Nidan111
On my travels last week, I decided not to SC. So, I just found me some local Bar n Grills to hang out in and people watch. People are way too serious. Life is too short for that shit. I’m gonna probably go back to SCing where I can laugh loud, talk about shit that is considered inappropriate by most serious people and sit next to naked female hotties while doing such.


last comment
avatar for gawker
6 years ago
OH MY GAWD! My ATF & her BF are having their first spat and they aren’t speaking so they call or text me:
“Tell him I’m not fuckin the dude I’m stayin with” Tell her I love her and always will...
After an hour of that seriousness I told them that they’re both lying drug addicts and I’m not playing their drama game any more good bye.
You are so right. Life is too short to waste time being rational with irrational people or logical with illogical people or reasonable with unreasonable folk.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
@heaving. Just observing. Usually when I engage, I keep things light and fun. I don’t particularly care what they do for a living, but rather what they enjoy doing for fun. Don’t care about their ex drama so I will change subject to new prospects, etc. just amazes me how many are caught up in drama.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
@heaving. You may have a good point there. Plus, I guess people need places to “decompress”. I probably did that at one time as well, but as I get older, I realize that most shit people worry about is exactly that.... SHIT. I like laughter. I like nonsensical banter. I like making people feel good about themselves. Most people are in fact good people and deserve not to have to worry so much.
avatar for Cristobal
6 years ago
It is OK to decompress for a few minutes but when the conversation never gets past the complaining phase, it is time to move on.

Life is to short to spend too much time on the negative.
avatar for Nidan111
6 years ago
^^^ yes
avatar for mark94
6 years ago
I know people who complain that other people are too uptight and sensitive. All these complainers share one characteristic. They are rude to others, then get pissed off when that generates a negative reaction.

Sure, I called your wife a whore, but it was just a joke. Why are you so uptight ?

Anyway, that’s my experience.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ excellent point
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
@Mark not to fight with you but it’s interesting that you’ve made that point considering your relentless defense of Trumps behavior.
avatar for mark94
6 years ago
Trump is a counter puncher. Very seldom does he go after someone unless they’ve first gone after him, or at least entered the political arena, making them fair game.

Once he is challenged, he is ruthless and rude. No doubt about that. But, his targets are seldom the defenseless and innocent.

I much prefer his rude and nasty defense of his position against political enemies to Mitt Romney’s spineless and ineffective behavior. I wish Trump could defend himself without being an asshole but that’s not his nature.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
I disagree completely Trump picks fights with those he perceives to be vulnerable, is crude and rude and judges everyone on appearances, funny but the man has no sense of himself last week he called a supporter fat thinking he was a protester, don’t tell me fake news I saw it, please man face the truth, maybe you like him but be realistic, stop wearing that MAGA hat I think maybe it’s too tight.
avatar for mark94
6 years ago
Here’s an interesting article that’s not entirely on point, but it fits. It will make more sense to those familiar with the classic economic work of Thorsten Veblens in “ Theory of the Leisure Class”

Historically, people have displayed wealth to establish their status in society. Veblens called it conspicuous consumption.

Well, this article argues that the modern way to establish your status is by espousing a belief system which is consistent with the upper class ( that is, the elite ). I’d argue that Trump hatred is at the core of that belief system.

avatar for mark94
6 years ago
His fat comment was made against a protester who interrupted him and insulted him. That makes my point that Trump is a counter puncher. Can you come up with a better example, because this one doesn’t support your argument ?
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
The problem with your hypothesis is the hypocrisy displayed by a guy born into tremendous wealth and feeling so insecure that his whole being is based on lying not just to us but also to himself. At the core of all of this is the fact that he is and always has been a bully
As a result of his tactics, he has caused a tremendous amount of rudeness in our shared country, disguised as political correctness.
avatar for mark94
6 years ago
So many assumptions in your statement. I’ll accept one of them. Trump is rude. I won’t accept that he is insecure, his being is based on lying, he is a bully, or that he is the sole cause our nation’s rude tone.

These are all name calling, like those who call him racist, sexist, fascist, and nazi. They are lazy, baseless labels that are repeated so often in the media that they have become accepted by the left as needing no justification.

Feel free to throw these labels around. They are the Leisure Beliefs described in the article that support your elite status. Just don’t expect them to carry any weight outside your social circle unless you can provide examples.
avatar for rickthevulture
6 years ago
Tell me about it. You apes are so uptight it is just sad. If I go into a bar I expect some people to be eating food that hasn’t been rotting in the sun at all. Many species like to eat fresh food, including some of the best ricks like the lion, the shark, and the dugan.

But they don’t judge me for liking food the way I like it. I went into a bar and ordered a jack and coke with a five-day old road-killed armadillo. The proprietor asked me to leave. Can you believe a businessman would ask a paying customer who just wanted a dinner and drink to leave? And a rick no less! Squawk!

The lion, the bear, and I tracked him down and went wildebeest on his ass. Five days later he was yummy yummy yummy in my tummy tummy tummy! Squawk!
avatar for Papi_Chulo
6 years ago
Strip clubs are not the real world - in strip clubs one is often made to feel "special" bc one is a customer and spending $$$: it's kinda the business model and one can often get a false sense of "reality"
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
@Mark whether you accept it or not it’s immaterial it’s not name calling if it’s true, and it is true. It’s far from baseless criticism, he has actually done the things that have earned him the labels that he has received, like I said not interested in arguing but the facts are out there.
avatar for mark94
6 years ago
No, the facts aren’t out there. The memes are out there. Like the Charlottesville meme that Trump said the neo nazis were fine people. He never said that. That doesn’t stop Democrat candidates, and their supporters in the mainstream press, from repeating it daily.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
^ so you are denying that he said that there were fine people on all sides, SMH this is getting sad even for you Mark.
I’m very disappointed in your response
There is no moral equivalency and that’s not open for discussion that is a fact.
avatar for mark94
6 years ago
Here are the facts.

Trump didn’t say the neo-nazis were fine people. In fact, he didn’t even hint at it. Just the opposite: he condemned the neo-Nazis in no uncertain terms. So then, who were the “fine people” he mentioned?

The answer: He was referring to another group of Charlottesville demonstrators who came out that weekend—protestors who wanted the Robert E. Lee statue removed and protestors who wanted to keep the statue and restore the park’s original name.

This is what President Trump said about those peaceful protestors: “You also had some very fine people on both sides. . . . You had people in that group that were there to protest the taking down of—to them—a very, very important statue and the renaming of a park from Robert E. Lee to another name.”

A few moments later, in case there would be any misunderstanding, he makes his meaning even more explicit. “…I’m not talking about the neo-Nazis and the white nationalists. They should be condemned totally.”

The media lied about all this, and continues to.
avatar for twentyfive
6 years ago
Incredible I’m done
avatar for crazyjoe
6 years ago
Going back to the original post... you can have fun anywhere. People can be jerks anywhere. Jist smile and move on
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