Meet Victoria Secret’s First Transgender Model Valentina Sampaio
Love Canal
Check this thing out:
If she was working at the club and you had absolutely no idea she had a couple extra parts hiding in her panties, would you agree to do a lap dance if propositioned?
last comment^I should have put "she" in parentheses! LOL
need to do what Mr Dundee did.
...or Austin Powers!
Fucking political correctness and SJWs ruin everything. This makes me want to vote for trump in 2020.
Seeing a couple heavily edited pictures, or short framed video, is different than confronting a big-handed, muscular, big-boned, whiskered, deep-voiced “female” with an Adam’s Apple. Ewww.
Incidentally, between the me-too movement and the VS connection to Epstein, their business model is toast. Do they think SJW will suddenly embrace them because they have a TS model ? Not going to happen.
I'm old and set in my ways, the only Y chromosomes I want in my strippers are the ones I put in her
Vic's "Secret" is out!
blue is the new pink
If I had no idea that he/she/it found his/her/its femininity at the sharp end of a surgeon’s scalpel, I suppose I wouldn’t mind.
What I don’t know can’t offend me.
But no matter how good he/she/it looks, if I am aware of his/her/its gender history and it’s anything other than 100% female, I will be creeped out and won’t want to go near him/her/it.
Ran into a trans MtF stripper the other day. She had had very extensive and well done surgical work. Definitely top and bottom surgery, butt implants, along with adams apple reduction, and FFS (facial feminization surgery). I have a few trans friends so I am pretty familiar with what to look for and what can be done with a good surgeon.
This girl seemed to be successfully selling dances. She was not openly disclosing her gender identity/history. When I saw her on stage I definitely couldn't tell she was trans but my dick was totally unresponsive. When she came and sat down with me it was pretty obvious face to face. But again I have a pretty good idea what to look for.
I did not buy a dance from her. I guess that makes me transphobic? But I did tip her well for an interesting conversation. I am REALLY curious as to whether the club management knows.
Different strokes... The world isn't going to stop just because you don't like or disagree, or are "offended". That goes for the Left and the Right. The world is 7 billion people and growing. Not all of them are going to fit into everyone's concept of how things are "supposed" to be. No matter where you live, what you believe, or what your name is. The world is rolling. Roll with it or get rolled over by it.
There's a local dancer who has fully transitioned, and if you didn't know it, you probably wouldn't be able to tell. Her voice is lower than many, but not as low as many female smokers, her Adam's apple falls well into the normal range, and she's very feminine in shape and appearance (from her pre-trans pictures, she wasn't particular feminine looking before her transition). And frankly, if I hadn't found about about her original gender before she showed me her reconstructed pussy, I probably wouldn't have noticed.